Now Li Yichen is unsystematic. Not only can he not bring out other weapons, he can't even refill the shotgun in his hand. Therefore, after all the bullets are used up, he can only use the shotgun as a fire stick. .

The monsters outside were like a tidal wave. If they all came in, not to mention forty rounds, even four hundred and four thousand rounds would not be enough. But Li Yichen had no other choice now. He could only hope that these guardrails were strong enough!

Soon, there was a knocking sound on the heavy metal door. The monsters found the place after following the smell. However, the door was quite thick, and even the knocking sound was quite dull. Li Yichen didn't need to worry, he was concentrating. , all placed on the window side.

"Bang bang bang... bang!"

The monsters that climbed up from the outer wall of the building also arrived. Although the guardrail could block it, it also became the focus of those monsters. They grabbed the guardrail with one hand and kept banging on the window with the other hand. In a few blows, the glass on the window was shattered.

Li Yichen was shocked. He had not originally expected the glass to be able to block the monsters, but the fact that it was destroyed so quickly proved that the monsters were not only agile in movement, but also powerful enough!

This is not good news. If his strength is still there, of course these guys are nothing. No matter how many they are, it is useless. It's not like Li Yichen has never seen zombie waves and insect waves, but the problem is that now he is just an ordinary person. He has no life level and only has less than forty rounds of bullets. Let alone killing these guys, if those railings can't hold up, he won't even be able to survive for an hour!

After the glass shattered, the monsters began to desperately try to squeeze into the room, but it was obvious that the gaps in the guardrails were not enough for them to enter. This made Li Yichen relax a little. Moreover, the intelligence of these monsters did not seem to be very good. I knew I was trying my best to squeeze in, but I had no intention of tearing down the guardrail.

Looking around him, he found that there was nothing that could be used as a weapon. He then picked up the shotgun in his hand. The barrel of this gun was made of metal, but Li Yichen did not dare to use it. If the barrel of the gun was bent, this gun would be damaged. The gun is useless.

So, Li Yichen set his sights on the guardrail that had lost its glass. The guardrail was now full of green-faced and fanged monsters, trying desperately to squeeze into the room one by one. They kept roaring in their throats, making the room look... Very noisy!

After carefully looking at the guardrail, Li Yichen finally picked up his gun and fired at the guardrail!


At this distance, the shotgun can exert its maximum power. With one shot, four or five monsters were beaten to pieces and fell down. Li Yichen immediately rushed forward and stretched out his hand to grab a horizontal connection to the guardrail. Flat metal sheet.

This metal piece was used to connect two guardrails. One end of it had been broken by Li Yichen's shot just now. However, under Li Yichen's force, he still could not pull the metal piece off and could only barely bend it.

The gap just created was immediately filled by new monsters, and they reached out to grab Li Yichen. Li Yichen had no choice but to let go and retreat. Then he raised the gun again and fired another shot at the other end of the metal piece.

"Bang! Dang, clang, clang~~"

The metal piece flew away in response. After hitting the wall, it fell to the ground with a crisp sound. Li Yichen did not pick up the metal piece immediately. Instead, he looked at the gap left after the metal piece fell and found that it was indeed the metal piece. It wasn't enough for those monsters to squeeze in, so he breathed a sigh of relief and went over to pick up the metal piece.

Li Yichen was lucky. One side of the interrupted metal piece was beveled, forming a natural blade shape. However, due to the high temperature, the cut surface was smoother, so Li Yichen started polishing the metal piece on the ground while looking at the monsters. !

Because it already had a shape, it only took Li Yichen about ten minutes to grind out the tip of the metal piece. He held it in his hand and looked at it. It looked a bit like a dagger, but only the tip was sharp. , as for the blade, it is still about three to four millimeters thick.

However, this is enough for Li Yichen. He has no intention of actually getting a dagger. In fact, in this situation, a real military stab may be more useful than a shotgun. If If he could meet the person who designed this puzzle, Li Yichen would already tell him his suggestions.

He stood up and came to the window, took off the belt of the shotgun, and tied the metal piece he had just polished to the barrel tightly. After testing the strength, Li Yichen finally aimed at a monster and stabbed it hard. past.


The monster's head was pierced at once, and after waving its arms a few times, it stopped, and then its body fell downwards.


Li Yichen nodded secretly. It seemed that apart from moving faster than zombies, these guys seemed to be the same. They had no intelligence and only relied on instinct. They would also die after their brains were destroyed. However, it was unknown whether they were bitten by them. Will he become like them after being injured?

Of course, Li Yichen didn't intend to experiment on himself. He didn't know if his body that would not be infected was still there. The Speaker said that after death, he would automatically exit the puzzle, but What if I was just infected by them and didn't die?

Will it stay here in this state forever?

Li Yichen didn't catch a cold like this.

He did not hesitate to waste time and energy, and even took the risk of destroying the fence, to get this spiked metal piece. In addition to using it to kill a few of these monsters while they were stuck in the fence, he was actually preparing for it. At the last moment, he used this thing to commit suicide.

The metal piece has only a point and no edge. It will definitely not be comfortable to commit suicide with it, but it is better than losing your mind and turning into a zombie-like monster and staying here forever. And having said that, even if it is a sharp dagger, it is better to commit suicide. It doesn't necessarily feel better.

Standing in front of the window, he carefully avoided the claws of the monsters to prevent himself from being caught. He kept firing with the shotgun in his hand. Soon, Li Yichen killed about twenty monsters.

However, more than twenty monsters are completely insignificant compared to the total number of monsters that seem to occupy the entire city. However, Li Yichen has no intention of killing them all now. When he was at the peak of his strength, such a thing would be impossible. It's not that easy, after all, there are too many.


And at this moment, a special roar came from outside the door. Li Yichen couldn't help but frown, took two steps back and looked towards the door. That roar was completely different from the roars of other monsters. Could it be... Are there other types of monsters?

Li Yichen couldn't help but have an ominous premonition in his heart. These monsters already made him think that he might not survive until dawn, and now there is another one...

Just from the roar, Li Yichen felt that the monster should be stronger than other monsters, and his guess was immediately proved!


The heavy metal door suddenly vibrated violently. The middle of the door was obviously protruding. There were also some cracks in the surrounding walls, and dust and sand continued to fall!

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

Following the first shock, loud noises continued, and the bulges on the door and the surrounding cracks became larger and larger.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Li Yichen's heart sank. According to this situation, this door should not be able to hold on for long, only half an hour at most! Calculated according to a normal night, it will take at least six or seven hours before dawn arrives!

Li Yichen immediately rushed into the room inside, took a quick glance inside, and found that there was nothing inside except some huge iron cabinets.

These iron cabinets also look quite thick, even thicker than the door, and the same goes for other parts of the iron cabinets. If you hide inside, you may be able to last longer than the door, but... it still seems like Can't wait for dawn.

In a flash of thought, Li Yichen came to the outside room again, slung the shotgun behind his back, dragged the two iron cabinets outside into it, and then closed and locked the door inside!

Then, Li Yichen dragged an iron cabinet to the door, held it against the door, then took off the shotgun and pricked his palm with the metal piece, and blood suddenly spurted out like a spring.

Put your hand into the iron cabinet and let the blood sprinkle inside the iron cabinet. These iron cabinets were supposed to contain some valuables, but when the disaster happened, those valuables were taken away. Fortunately, this was the case. The door They were all open. Obviously those people left in a hurry and did not think about closing the iron cabinet doors. It was precisely because of this that Li Yichen was able to arrange the iron cabinets calmly. Otherwise, just opening these iron cabinets would have wasted a lot of his time. time.

After sprinkling some blood, Li Yichen closed the iron cabinet door, locked it, and then brought another iron cabinet over, still doing the same thing!

Including the two iron cabinets dragged in from outside, there were a total of eight iron cabinets in this room. Li Yichen stuffed the four iron cabinets side by side between the door and the opposite wall. Although some gaps were left, he had no choice but to leave the remaining ones. The space below can no longer fit some iron cabinets.

Li Yichen poured blood into the remaining four iron cabinets, then closed and locked them, leaving only one iron cabinet. This was what he prepared for himself. When the monsters were about to hit the door, he would hide. Enter this iron cabinet and see if you can hold on until dawn.

This is also the reason why he dripped blood into other iron cabinets. Those monsters obviously found him by following the smell. Now that all the iron cabinets have his blood, the monsters shouldn't be able to tell the difference, right?

It took Li Yichen nearly an hour to make these iron cabinets, because these iron cabinets were quite heavy, and he was just an ordinary person. Therefore, not long after finishing, Li Yichen heard a loud noise from outside - the door outside Finally got knocked away...

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