“Try this, the leaves of this vegetable are amazing!”

As if he felt himself falling into memories, Robert shook his head, pointed at a green leafy vegetable on Li Yichen's plate and said:

"You have to know that eating more vegetables is good for your health!"

Hearing Robert's words, the corner of Li Yichen's mouth twitched. He had watched the movie many times just now, but now he knew that Robert had been persuading Sam to eat vegetables, but Sam never ate them. Was he treating himself like a dog?

However, it seemed that Robert's current wish was to avoid this disaster, and it seemed impossible for him to change it. Therefore, Li Yichen felt that he should find a way to fulfill Robert's wish.

Although I don’t know if fulfilling the protagonist’s wish is the key to solving the puzzle, for now, it seems that Li Yichen has only one way, so he can only try it first.

"Go back to the past...sabotage that aunt's research on the virus..."

As Li Yichen put a fork into his mouth with the vegetables on the plate, he pondered in his mind. The time period when the woman was studying viruses was not within the time range of the movie, so it seemed that Li Yichen could not go back to that time.


Li Yichen frowned. According to this, it was impossible for him to fulfill Robert's wish, because when the film started, the virus had already started to rage, and the city was already empty. So, if what he guessed was indeed As for the puzzle-solving method, that is completely untenable.

The Speaker said that every puzzle can be solved in many ways, and it will definitely not be unsolvable. But according to Li Yichen's own ideas, then this puzzle is unsolvable because he can't go back. That's when the virus was developed.

so! Either Li Yichen thought wrong, or... there must be a way here!

Li Yichen was thinking when Robert suddenly took the remote control and turned on the TV. Now the video player was playing I Am Legend. Because Li Yichen ignored it after finishing it before, so under normal circumstances, if Robert turned on the TV, it should play It's the movie I Am Legend, and according to convention, he should disappear after the movie starts playing.

However, when Robert turned on the TV, what appeared was the weather forecast, with a blond woman explaining the weather. Robert didn't feel anything unusual, and he still watched with interest.

"Robert! It's been three years since the disaster!"

Li Yichen looked at the TV, then looked at Robert and asked:

“Why are water, electricity and gas still supplied?

Logically speaking, these should have stopped long ago, right? "

"I don't know why you still have these, but... why are you so serious?"

Robert continued to watch TV and said calmly:

"This is a good thing, so I don't plan to pursue it. When you watch the movie, you will also investigate whether the plots in the movie are reasonable."


Li Yichen was stunned and looked at Robert seriously. This guy... wouldn't know that he was in a movie, would he?

However, after watching for a long time, Li Yichen didn't find anything unusual about Robert. This guy was eating food with a spoon, and he would take a sip of beer from time to time.

Turning to look at the TV, Li Yichen's eyes suddenly lit up, TV?

In the movie, Robert saw the woman who researched the virus on TV. So... can he control the TV here?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen suddenly became energetic, but...it seemed like he couldn't do this in front of Robert!

"Robert, this weather forecast... wasn't broadcast by a TV station, was it?"

[Biquge5200 www.bqg5200.biz] Looking at Robert, Li Yichen asked softly.

"I would like them to continue broadcasting the weather forecast, but..."

Robert looked at Li Yichen, shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and said:

"Obviously they have already got off work. Maybe one of them is asking me how to cook delicious food!"

"Is this a video?"

Li Yichen asked, pointing to the TV.


Robert looked back at the TV, put down his spoon, looked at Li Yichen and said:

"I just want...well! I just want my life to be like before. Although if I go back, I won't be able to live in such a good house, but...I still want to go back!"

Speaking of this, Robert's eyes dimmed a little.

"Go back to the past, right?"

Li Yichen took a deep breath, murmured, and then watched TV:

"Maybe... I have a way!"

"Haha! Before I met you, I really didn't know beer could be so powerful!"

Looking at Li Yichen, Robert smiled and said, obviously he didn't think Li Yichen was serious, and Li Yichen didn't explain and started eating the food on his plate.

Soon, the two of them swept away the food, most of which was eaten by Robert. In his words, it is absolutely shameful to waste food at this time.

"Actually... you may not be able to wait until the food goes bad..."

Watching Robert put away the tableware, Li Yichen thought to himself, and then looked at the TV.

"Turn it off! It's getting dark soon, and I don't want to make any noise to let those guys know I live here!"

At this time, Robert, who had finished clearing the dishes, came over and turned off the TV:

"I know that our nightlife may be a bit boring, but in order to survive, this is what we must do. If you want to sing or watch TV, let's talk about it tomorrow. This city only belongs to us during the day. At night... This is the world of those devils!"


Li Yichen nodded without saying anything. He turned and went upstairs and threw himself on the bed. Robert ran into the bathtub and huddled up with his gun in his arms. In the past, Sam was with him, but Now, he apparently has to sleep alone!

Because before going to bed, Robert blocked all the windows in the room, so it was quite dark inside, but Li Yichen didn't care. He had night vision anyway. However, he did not sleep well that night because there were constant sounds outside. The roar of the monster.

Li Yichen forced himself to be patient, so he didn't open the window to see those monsters. He just lay on the bed, secretly guessing that if he could control time in another movie world, then... could he also control this world? time?

Of course, Li Yichen is just an ordinary person now and cannot use any powers. He lay on the bed, clenched his fist hard, and then shook his head. He still has not adapted to his current body!

It's fine that he can't fly in the air, but he can't even break a wine bottle, which makes Li Yichen very frustrated. Of course, he also knows that as long as he goes back, he can get his original power, but now it is obvious that he has no way go back!

In fact, Li Yichen knew that he could regain his original power after committing suicide. However, Li Yichen didn't want to do this. This was his first time solving a puzzle. Li Yichen felt that he could try to clear the level in one go and not accept death.

"Ho~~! Ouch~~~~! Ah~~~~!"

Outside, the roars of the zombies kept coming. Li Yichen put his hands behind his head and looked at the ceiling with an indifferent expression. Li Yichen didn't feel any discomfort with this kind of noise. He didn't get any systematic treatment at the trial site. At that time, he also came here like this. At that time, the city was also full of zombies, but their roars were not as loud.

Just looking at the ceiling all night, Li Yichen didn't fall asleep all night, but the windows were all closed, so he didn't know when it would be dawn.

Robert knew that his watch had a timer, and the alarm clock woke Robert up. He got up and washed himself, then opened all the windows, and called Li Yichen loudly:

"Hi! Lee! Do you like fishing?

I know a place where we can go fishing! "

"Forget it! I'm not very interested in the fish in the swimming pool!"

Li Yichen said as he walked down the stairs.

"Uh! How did you know it was a swimming pool?"

Robert asked awkwardly.

"Robert! I definitely know more things than you think, but now, what I have to do is... to fulfill your wish!"

Li Yichen came to Robert, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"You go fishing! Remember to make me a fish head with chopped peppers. If you don't know how to make it, go check it out on the Internet. Since the water and electricity are connected, the Internet should also work, right?"

"Chop pepper...fish head?"

Watching Li Yichen's leaving figure, Robert was stunned.

"It should be fine here!"

Arriving at a nearby house, Li Yichen found the player and took out a disc from his pocket. This was found from Robert. The image inside was of the woman who was studying viruses when she was being interviewed. Video!

This is a method that Li Yichen suddenly thought of. Since he can use the remote control to control the time in the world on the TV, then... can he control the time of this movie?

Putting the DVD into the machine, Li Yichen picked up the remote control and pressed the play button. Then, when the woman's face appeared on the screen, he pressed pause.

"Now, it's time to verify whether my judgment is true!"

Looking at the TV screen, Li Yichen took a deep breath, murmured, and then walked out the door...

"Robert! Are you still at home?"

Back at Robert's house, Li Yichen shouted loudly, but he didn't get any response. After pushing the door open and entering, Li Yichen searched all the rooms and didn't see Robert!

"Well! It really works. In other words... I am in that woman's world now?"

Li Yichen returned to the door, looked up at the sky and said, then he raised his hand and looked at a newspaper in his hand. The column of this newspaper was a photo of that woman...

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