Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 983 Time is still life

After taking a fancy to the newspaper in his hand, Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had indeed reached the timeline where the woman was. Of course, in fact, this timeline was not very good for Li Yichen because the period when he appeared now was The time period when that woman was interviewed meant that the virus had actually been developed!

However, in the movie, the earliest timeline that appears is at this time. Li Yichen has no way to go back to an earlier time. Now he can only find a way to stop the woman from using the virus and prevent the spread of the virus.

But... why is there no one?

Li Yichen looked around him. The virus had not broken out yet at this time, so shouldn't the city he was in be an empty city?

Why... Li Yichen can't see anyone now?

Looking around him, Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned. This city shouldn't be an empty city. Only after a large-scale outbreak of the virus, Robert himself was the only one left in this city, and now... the virus shouldn't have been invested yet. use.

Although Li Yichen pressed the pause button and time in this world should have stopped, at least he should be able to see talented people on the street. I don't know why he can't see anyone now.

However, Li Yichen didn't want to pay attention to this now. He would find the woman first. In this world, the woman was being interviewed, so of course Li Yichen had to go to the TV station.

When he came to an off-road vehicle, Li Yichen looked inside and found that the keys were in the car, so he opened the door and got in.

"This...stopping time shouldn't have any effect on me, right?"

Li Yichen murmured as he grabbed the key, then unscrewed the key, and the off-road vehicle immediately roared!

"Phew! Not bad!"

Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief and then turned on the car's navigation. The woman was being interviewed, so he had to go to the TV station to find her!

There were not many cars on the street, and they were all parked, so Li Yichen drove to the TV station without any effort. Looking at the tall TV station building, Li Yichen sighed in his heart. He didn't know where the woman was being interviewed. So... I have to look for them one by one.

Anyway, time in this world stands still, so Li Yichen was not in a hurry. After walking into the TV station building, he searched from room to room. When the woman on TV was being interviewed, there was no background that could be seen behind, so there was nothing. Reference value, but... Li Yichen felt that as long as he found a room with people, it should be enough.

Yes, this is a very strange phenomenon. Until now, Li Yichen still hasn't seen anyone. Normally this is a TV station, so there should be a lot of people no matter what, but now within Li Yichen's sight, he saw No sign of any humans.

Li Yichen didn't study this. Anyway, he just wanted to find the virus developed by the woman and him. As long as he found this, his mission should be completed. Of course, this was actually just Li Yichen's guess, and he couldn't say whether he could solve it. It doesn’t mean that you have solved the puzzle, but you have finally entered this world, so let’s give it a try first. If it doesn’t work, then think of other ways.

Moreover, although he has not seen anyone so far, Li Yichen is not in a hurry. He feels that the woman must be in this building. She is a key figure and it is impossible to find her.

Because he had to go through each room room by room, and the TV station building was very large, Li Yichen's process of finding someone was relatively long, but it didn't matter since time in this world stood still.

He didn't know how long it took, but when he found the 12th floor, Li Yichen finally kicked open a door and saw someone inside, and it was the woman he was looking for!

This is a video studio with many lighting and other equipment needed for photography. The woman is sitting on a chair with her arms raised and her mouth open. The image is exactly the same as when Li Yichen pressed pause before.

"Got you!"

Li Yichen stepped in front of the woman. Opposite the woman was a camera. There was also a reporter in front of her. Of course, the reporter was also in a state of time pause, looking at the woman, and the microphone in his hand was still speaking. Holding the woman's mouth.

"What should... be done?"

Looking at the woman, Li Yichen fell into deep thought. Time in this world has stopped now. If he would not cancel the pause, the world might continue like this. But for some reason, it seems that in this world, there are only The people related to this time are still there, but the others... I don’t know where they have gone.

In fact, the simplest way to stop the spread of the virus is to kill this woman. Without this woman, of course the virus she developed will not be able to spread. This is the most direct way.

Li Yichen was not very resistant to killing a stranger. Not to mention that he killed the woman to prevent the spread of the virus, which meant he saved many people. Even if he killed the woman just for himself, Li Yichen would not do it. How could someone who has been hesitating for so long and come into the apocalypse be so holy?

However, in front of the woman, Li Yichen hesitated, because he suddenly thought that when the woman was being interviewed, her research results had already come out. Li Yichen now knew that the thing she developed was actually a virus, but For this woman and those who know her research results, it is a very effective medicine!

Therefore, even if he kills this woman, her research will probably not be abandoned by others. Maybe the virus will still appear!

"Well...why can't I go back to before she developed that virus?"

Li Yichen looked at the woman and thought that it would be difficult to realize this idea, because there was only so much footage of this woman, and Li Yichen could only pause here and come to this world.

"Time...it's still time!"

Li Yichen hugged his arms, looked at the woman and muttered:

"Time...how can we go back to a time that does not appear in the film?

Time rules…”

Watching the woman meditate, Li Yichen unconsciously followed his habit and began to mobilize his life energy.

He is just an ordinary person now, and there are no lightning elements, space rules, time rules and other rules of heaven and earth in his body. But at least he still remembers the way to mobilize those rules of heaven and earth.

At the beginning, Li Yichen once tried it. Not only did there no rules of heaven and earth in his body, he couldn't even mobilize the life energy in his body. Now he wants to mobilize the life energy, which is just his habitual movement.

However, after his thoughts moved, he suddenly discovered that the life energy in his body actually moved with his thoughts. Although the life energy in his body was quite small now, he could clearly feel that the life energy moved according to his thoughts. The thoughts flow in the body!

However, these life energies are too weak and cannot communicate with any rules of heaven and earth. In other words, although Li Yichen can now slightly mobilize the life energy in his body, it is impossible to control them to communicate with the rules of heaven and earth!

"Time...if time in this world stands still, then...are there any time rules here?"

Li Yichen thought in his mind, if time stands still and there is no passage of time, does it mean that there are no rules of time here?

But if there are no time rules, how can we stop time?

For Li Yichen, he thinks this is a paradox. Time has not passed, that is, there is no time. But if there are no time rules, how can he stop time?

Li Yichen suddenly thought of the state in which he used the time rules. When he used the time rules, he was also within the time rules, but how could he control the time rules in time?

This is different from the rules of space. According to the rules of space, if Li Yichen solidifies a space, he can still be outside this space, but what about time?

The time of the entire world flows at the same speed. For example, if Li Yichen makes the time of the world stand still, then the time of the entire world will stand still. Time will not stand still in one area, and time in other places will flow as usual.

In terms of space, it can be cut, just like a house, which can have many rooms. Each room is a piece of space that is cut out, but in terms of time... how to cut it?

"This is a trial of the rules of time. Therefore, if you want to complete the task, it must be related to the rules of time. If I just kill you, it is unlikely to solve the puzzle, because killing a life seems to be the rule of life, and It’s not a time rule, so… we still have to think of a way from the time perspective!”

Li Yichen murmured, and he suddenly remembered that if he killed this woman directly, not to mention whether the virus she developed would be released by others, and the world would still be in a catastrophe. Even if not, he could kill it himself. What does losing someone have to do with time?

If this is a test of the rules of life, then it might be reliable!

But if we only focus on time, how can we eliminate the virus she developed?


Looking at the woman, Li Yichen's eyes suddenly lit up. He seemed to feel that he had vaguely found a way to solve this problem using the rules of time.

Li Yichen looked at the woman, who was being interviewed. Her eyes were full of excitement. Even when time stood still, it could be seen that she was quite happy.

"If your happiness is that your medicine can save many people from the threat of death, then you should give my method a try!"

Li Yichen said softly, and then came to the woman...

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