Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 992 Love zombie movie?

Seeing Li Yichen's expression, Caroline looked at Li Yichen seriously and said:

"When we were in that form, we did still retain human wisdom, just like me now, but our body structure had undergone some changes at that time. We could not speak and could only make some roars, so there was no relationship between us. We can only have some simple exchanges, not like now!"

"in addition……"

Caroline's eyes suddenly became a little complicated. She looked at the plate in front of her and said softly:

"At that time, I couldn't eat these processed foods, nor could I eat fruits and vegetables. Even smelling these things would make me feel sick - just like you feel when you see us!"

"We are only interested in bloody food, and once we see a living animal, our body will lose control. Even if I don't want to eat the bloody food, my body will pounce on it uncontrollably, desperately The bite!"

Looking up, Caroline showed a wry smile:

"do you know?

I am most afraid of rats. I used to scream whenever I saw a rat. I would even faint from fear if a rat crawled next to me! But in the past three years, I have personally caught countless mutated mice, without doing any processing, just stuffing them alive into my mouth and biting them! "

"I didn't want to eat mice, but my body just did it! In front of the smell of blood, we can't control ourselves! Or... we don't want to control ourselves! This is already the case, what else are we supposed to do?

My body at that time was probably not much cleaner than a mouse! "

"But... if you forcefully control your body, you should be able to do it, right?"

Li Yichen looked at Caroline and asked, because in the movie, when the zombie leader came to retrieve Caroline, he did not directly tear Robert into pieces, and even stopped other zombies from moving, allowing Robert to give the injection Caroline was injected and returned to zombie form!

"It can be done in a short time! And this requires a very strong will! Maybe Otis can do it!"

Caroline sighed.


Is it your boyfriend? "

Hearing this unfamiliar name, Robert remembered Li Yichen's words before and asked.

"Well! My boyfriend was before we turned into monsters like that. We originally planned to get married in two months! Who knew..."

Caroline replied:

"At that time, I had the reaction first and my eyes were red. I asked him to leave, but he refused. My family and his family all left, and he was the only one who stayed with me. Later... I mutated. I bit him, and I tried desperately to stop myself from doing it, but he rushed up and hugged me, and I just... Then he became like me. After that, he still protected me! And in order to help He would often fight with other monsters by snatching food from me and preventing me from being harmed by other monsters, and in the end he became the leader of all the monsters in the city!"

"He does love you!"

Robert nodded.

"Can you help him too?

Let him become what we are now! "

Caroline looked at Robert and said.

"Are you...sure he wants to change back too?"

Before Robert could say anything, Li Yichen asked first.


Caroline paused and shook her head slightly:

"I don't know. When I was basking in the sun just now, I was thinking that I wanted Otis to change back, but he seemed to like that monster form, so I never asked you. I thought... When night comes, I’ll go find him and talk to him!”

"Can he understand you?"

Robert said with a frown.

"Of course! You have lived with them for three years, don't you know this?"

Before Caroline could answer, Li Yichen smiled and said, it was obvious from the plot in the movie that those monsters could understand Robert's words.

"I just live in the same city as them, but not with them!"

Robert shrugged:

"It's like there are many old people in this city...uh!"

Just as he was about to say mouse, Robert suddenly realized something, quickly turned to look at Caroline, and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I just..."

"It doesn't matter! We do look like mice!"

Caroline shook her head and said:

"You are great. Even if you have reached this point, you have not left this city and are still thinking of ways to save us. This requires a lot of courage!"

"Actually... Robert is the only one who has been doing research here! Li and I just came here!"

Kathy suddenly said that in her heart, she was the cause of this virus. She couldn't say it now, which already made her feel a little uncomfortable, so she didn't want to take credit from Robert. She pointed at Robert and said:

"A few days ago, there was only Robert in this city. He lived alone in this city for three years, just to study the reversal potion that can turn you back! And, in fact, we all call you zombies, Only he insists that you are still human beings, but you are just patients, patients who need treatment!"

"Thank you! Robert!"

Caroline turned to Robert and thanked him again.

"Ah...well...it's nothing, I'm a soldier, this is what I should do!"

Robert said a little helplessly.

"No! This is what I should do. It has nothing to do with being a soldier!"

Casey shook his head! ’

"Hi! Maybe what we want to discuss now...is how to convert other...patients back, and then we can discuss who is the biggest contributor?"

Li Yichen finally couldn't help but said, and then he looked at Casey:

"Do you think...Otis will attack you immediately after seeing you now?"


Caroline shook her head without any hesitation:

"He won't hurt me, so I'll go find him tonight!"

"I think...it's better to let him come to you!"

Li Yichen said, then looked at Robert and Casey:

"Is there any reversal potion left?

Finished product! "

"Yes! There are about twenty more. Because we were not sure before, we..."

Robert nodded and then seemed to know that the quantity was insufficient, so he explained.

Li Yichen didn't wait for him to finish his explanation before interrupting him:

"Then continue manufacturing, the more the better. After dinner, you will go to the laboratory. Remember to lock the door. I will accompany Casey to see Otis!"

"Are you going too?"

Robert was taken aback and shook his head quickly:

"No, no, no, no! Lee! Odis may not hurt Caroline, but you are different. You are definitely not on his list of relatives. He will probably kill you first before talking to Caroline, and... ...Don’t you think it’s inappropriate for you to go to see her boyfriend with a girl so late at night?”


Li Yichen said:

“Didn’t we say that we would cure all the patients in the entire city?

Now Caroline and I are responsible for convincing them to accept our potions, and you are responsible for the sufficient quantity of potions! Get ready to get started! "

With that said, Li Yichen said to Caroline:

"It's getting dark. I'll take you to a place to wait for Otis. If you wait for him here, if the negotiation breaks down later, we won't have a plan B!"


Caroline hesitated for a moment, then maybe she felt that she could stop Odis from hurting Li Yichen, so she stopped trying to dissuade him, nodded and stood up.

Robert and Casey looked at each other and shook their heads. Then Robert opened the cabinet, took out a gun and handed it to Li Yichen:

"Take it with you!"

"Need not!"

Li Yichen shook his head, then reached out and took out a high-explosive grenade from the cabinet, motioned to Robert and said:

"I'm going to persuade Otis. You don't need a gun. It's enough to bring this with you!"

Then, Li Yichen turned to look at Caroline and said:

"Like Robert said, Otis won't hurt you, but he definitely doesn't know me, so if I bring this, I can make him have some scruples, at least he won't come up and tear me apart! Only then will we have a chance to persuade him. Him! Right?"

Caroline looked at the grenade and nodded slightly.

"I haven't seen the sea in a long time!"

Li Yichen took Caroline out. After eliminating the smell in front of the door, he drove to the port where Robert used to play golf. The two sat on the warship and looked at the sea below. Caroline said softly.

"Tell me about Otis! And how he became the zombie leader?

There should be tens of millions of zombies in the whole city, right?

Do they all listen to him? "

Li Yichen asked, looking at the setting sun.

"I don't know how he did it. In short, all the mutants in this city obey him, even other mutant creatures...such as mutant dogs!"

Caroline replied, it seems that they call themselves mutants, but if you think about it, mutants seem to sound better than zombies, at least they are still humans, while zombies are just corpses!

(Zombie: You’ve never been beaten by a zombie, right?

Who told you we were corpses?

You said it was a zombie, the same type as the two of us, that guy can only jump! )

"No wonder you are worried that he is unwilling to change back! Now he is the ruler, with tens of millions of subordinates under his command!"

Li Yichen suddenly understood why Caroline was not sure about convincing Otis, but Li Yichen didn't think he needed to think too much about this issue. This was his movie and he was the director. Isn't it easy to convince an actor?

Moreover, Li Yichen feels that he can consider innovation and change his movie. Apocalyptic zombie movies have always been based on bloody horror. It seems that he can make a romance movie, and it is also about the love between zombies. , such a movie...eh! At least it's more innovative and not so cliche. As for whether it looks good or whether it can pass the review... Li Yichen doesn't care about the box office, right?

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