Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 993 Meet the zombie leader again


Caroline didn't refute Li Yichen's words at all, and nodded directly to admit:

"Actually, I know that if I ask him, he will definitely agree, but I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for him!"

"There's nothing certain about it!"

Li Yichen turned to look at Caroline:

"This movie has no real ending. You have also seen it. At least there is no ending...what happened to the mutants in the end! But we can imagine that if Otis comes back unchanged and continues to be his mutant Leader, humans continue to develop far away from Niu Yue. Do you think that in the end, humans will live with mutants in this world?"

Caroline turned to look at Li Yichen and shook her head slightly:

"It's impossible. Humanity will eventually find a way to eliminate all mutants. It's impossible to let this biggest threat to mankind continue to exist!"

"That's right!"

Li Yichen stood up, stamped his feet, looked at the warship at his feet and said:

"Mutants are fast and difficult to die, but for humans, as long as they are given time to rebuild their homes, such large war weapons will appear sooner or later. By then, it will be the end of mutants. Humans can They would rather rebuild this city than let mutants occupy it!"

"Also, let's take a step back and say, even if the final war between humans and mutants ends with the victory of mutants, and all humans in the world are extinct, leaving only mutants, then...will the world be fine?"

"You can't see the sun, you can't give birth, you can only hide underground every day and live by catching mice. To be honest, even stray cats don't want to live such a life, because at least they can still bask in the sun!"

"So! For the sake of Otis, and for the sake of the entire human race, I think... you should persuade him to use the reversal potion. As long as you all recover and promote all the reversal potions, everyone will be able to return to their previous lives. This is not good. What?"

After looking at the city in the distance, Li Yichen sighed and said:

"I also know that there will still be a lot of dissatisfaction when we return to our original life, just like our previous life, but so what?

Although there are pressures, such as mortgage and car loans, but at least - humans do not have to fear for life all day long, and mutants do not have to hide like mice every day, not seeing the light of day all year round! "

"I know, I'll try to convince him!"

Caroline thought about it carefully and finally nodded.

soon! The sky darkened, and just after the sun sank below the horizon, Li Yichen soon heard the noise of a large group of zombies. He looked back and saw a large group of zombies swarming in the distance at a very fast speed.

"It seems...your boyfriend is very anxious to see you!"

Li Yichen looked at Caroline and smiled. They had already lit up the lights on the warship, making the deck they were on brightly lit. Don't ask why the lights on the warship were still on after so long. After three years, the city was still bright. If there was no power outage, what would happen if the batteries on the warship lasted longer?

(Zombie: Have you ever seen a warship?

Does your warship use batteries?

Made by Tesla?


"Aren't you afraid?"

Looking at Li Yichen's relaxed smile, Caroline asked strangely, she dared to stay here because she was sure that Otis would not hurt her, and other mutants had basically seen her, as long as it was not Otis If you give the order personally, no one will dare to harm you.

But why is Li Yichen so calm?

Odis doesn't know him, so isn't he afraid that the mutants who arrive first will kill him first without any hesitation?


Li Yichen smiled happily:

"But I don't want to lose face! So I can only pretend to smile. Is it okay to pretend?

Would it be too fake? "


Before Caroline could answer, a roar came. Caroline's face suddenly became surprised and she shouted:

"Otis! Is that you?"


A tall figure landed heavily on the deck of the warship, and then rushed towards Caroline, hugging her tightly. Li Yichen on the side couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth... Damn, with this kind of scene, at least for him It is impossible for that country to pass the censorship, and the film cannot be released.


Before Li Yichen could finish his thoughts, he heard a roar very close by. When he turned around, he saw several zombies rushing towards him. The nearest one was less than five meters away and they would pounce on him in the next moment. On him.

As an ordinary person, Li Yichen had no ability to resist these guys. He just sighed in his heart, and then pulled the ring of the grenade in his pocket. As soon as the zombie's hand touched him, he would immediately pull the ring off.

It's not to make a few bucks before he dies, but because Li Yichen is afraid that he won't be able to go back after turning into a zombie and will stay here in that form. Especially how zombies commit suicide and whether they can commit suicide is not clear to him, so he might as well blow himself up. It's safe to break!

"Otis, tell them to stop and don't hurt Li!"

Caroline was hugging Otis. She happened to see this scene and exclaimed loudly. Otis was very obedient and immediately let out a roar. Then he turned around, hugged Caroline and came to Li Yichen's side. The zombie next to Li Yichen kicked him away.

"Thank you! It seems that after becoming a mutant, you will become very powerful!"

Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief and said as he looked at the zombie that Odis kicked off the warship and fell into the sea.


Otis roared at Li Yichen. Although he couldn't understand it, judging from his ferocious expression, he probably didn't mean to be rude...

"Caroline...can you still communicate with him normally now?"

Li Yichen shrugged at Otis, saying that he didn't understand, then looked at Caroline and asked.

"I can!"

Caroline nodded. Zombies originally used movements and roars to communicate simply. She could do it then, and of course it's no problem now. It's almost like mute speech! You don't have to be mute to learn mute speech.

"Okay! What did he say?"

Li Yichen looked at Otis.

"He said...you are the same person before!"

Caroline said.

"Yeah! That's right! I was almost killed by your husband before, but fortunately that safe is strong enough!"

Li Yichen nodded and said, he still has a camp outside, and there is food in it, but it is no longer needed, so he has never gone back.


Otis yelled at Li Yichen again, then pointed at Caroline, and then at himself!

"He said……"

Caroline looked at Li Yichen and then at Otis, then hesitated and did not continue.

"He said! Let me change you back, right?"

Li Yichen looked at Otis and said, this is in the plot of the movie. Of course he could guess that after Robert turned Caroline into a normal person, Otis led the zombie army to demolish his building in order to destroy it. Caroline was brought back, but she was brought back after she was restored to a zombie!

"You...how do you know?"

Caroline was shocked!

"Otis! I heard Caroline say that you cared about her very much. Even if she was infected, you would never leave her. In the end, you were even willing to be bitten by her and turned into her! And you always protected her. she!"

Li Yichen did not answer Caroline's words, but looked at Otis and said:

"This makes me feel that you are still a man, and a man worthy of a woman's lifelong trust! But now it seems that you are not as good as I thought!"


Otis roared again, and came to Li Yichen, staring at him fiercely, but Li Yichen did not take a step back, or even blinked:

"Well! It seems that you can indeed understand what I say, and it seems that you don't agree with what I say, right?

OK! Then let me ask, you came up and asked me to restore Caroline. When making this decision, did you ask Caroline?

Do you know what she is thinking? "

Pointing at Caroline, Li Yichen said disdainfully:

"Do you know how long Caroline stood in the sun after she returned to normal?

Do you know how much she longs for sunshine?

Now we finally got her back to normal, but you came and asked us to change her back. Why, Caroline likes to burrow around in the ground like a mouse? "


Odis roared again, but just halfway through his roar, he stopped and turned to look at Caroline.

"I said before that we still have a lot of reversal potions to transform you back, but Caroline feels that she can't make the decision for you and wants to seek your opinion first. That's why we are here!"

Li Yichen ignored Otis, who was looking at Caroline, and continued talking to himself:

"She also knows how to negotiate with you, reversibly but directly make the decision. It seems that, like Caroline said, you really like the feeling of ruling mutants, even if you can only stay underground."


Odis ignored Li Yichen and just gestured to Caroline a few times, as if communicating with her!

"Yeah! He's right!"

Caroline nodded:

"Becoming a human again, I miss this feeling very much. I also want you to come back and continue to accompany me, but I know that if everyone becomes a human again, they will not be able to listen to you like they do now. So I……"


Odis roared again, but his voice was much lower than before.

"Odis! I don't know which one is more important in your heart, this mutant leader or Caroline, but I want to remind you that even if you can command the mutants in the entire city, it does not mean that this city The city belongs to you!"

Li Yichen said, and then stepped on the warship:

"It won't be difficult for us to repair it. Then we can use its naval guns to fire a few shots at Niu Yue. Do you think we can blow up the entire city?"

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