Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 996 Why am I up there?

Seeing Otis' somewhat disappointed look, Li Yichen suddenly smiled, but didn't say anything. He just winked at Robert, and then everyone returned to Robert's previous residence.

Although this place is somewhat far away from the central square, after all, Robert is used to living here, and the things inside are familiar. Moreover, Niuyue City has not really resumed operation yet, there is no traffic jam, and there is no zombie threat. Of course, he still wants to come back.

Along with Li Yichen and others, there were a few people who were the first to recover and were somewhat famous in New York City. The organization of people to help these days was based on their command. In fact, these people's original status in New York was not considered. Very high, after all, all the people with real status had already evacuated when there were just some signs.

Think about it, when Robert was just a colonel, he could arrange a separate helicopter to send his family away, let alone other people, especially government officials. Of course, they left early at this time. Even some who stayed at their posts were watching. When it became impossible to do anything, they all evacuated.

Robert stayed here actually because he saw his family dying tragically in front of him and lost the motivation to leave, so he stayed here. From this aspect alone, the collision of the two planes may have been The key reason why everyone in Niuyue City can recover!

If Robert's wife and daughter had left successfully, Robert would definitely have left later to join his family and protect them. For anyone, the most important thing in this world is only his family, followed by other.

Just like the question George asked Li Yichen, on one side is the whole world and on the other side are your relatives. If you must die, who do you choose to let live?

This is a question that cannot be answered. No matter who it is, there will definitely be no way to answer it until that moment comes - at least for Li Yichen!

Therefore, no matter what the reason was for Robert to stay, he was the hero who saved the entire city and tens of millions of people. In terms of medicine alone, he had greater credit than Otis and Casey.

Therefore, those who recovered respected Robert more, but Li Yichen, because he didn't seem to have much credit, and there were not so many people around him. Li Yichen didn't care and concentrated on cooking his own dishes.

The food was prepared quickly. After all, including those people, there were only twenty-three or four people in total. Plus, it was a big bowl of food. There was no need to cook so much. I believe these people actually didn’t have much appetite to eat. After all, there were so many people. The matter is there!

Everyone discussed while eating, and what surprised Otis was that even though everyone had recovered, those people respected him very much and had no intention of getting rid of him. They even formed a parliament to manage this place. city, and the candidate for speaker is actually between Robert and Otis.

Robert is a colonel. According to the hierarchy before the end of the world, he is the most senior official here. As for Otis, those people also know that without Otis's cooperation, they may always remain zombies, so even if they transform back into humans, They are actually still willing to obey Otis's leadership.

This surprised Otis, but Li Yichen understood it very well. Moreover, when using those potions, Li Yichen also asked Robert to tell those people that they were now injected with reversal potions and became human again, but this reversal is not yet Permanent, they still need to study and inject them with two to three more medicines to solidify this effect permanently!

Robert and Casey didn't understand why they said that at the time, because they knew that after the injection of this medicine, the reversal would be permanent. Unless the virus appeared again, no one would become a zombie again. But under Li Yichen's After insisting, they agreed and told those people so.

Li Yichen knew a lot about the human form in the apocalypse. If he didn't have any scruples and just told others that they were fine, there might be big trouble in Niuyue City.

Now everyone has just recovered, and the entire city is in a state of ownerlessness. If there are no restrictions and human greed, no one can control the situation! Strictly speaking, although there are no zombies now, Niuyue City is still in the apocalypse, which means there are no laws and moral constraints.

In the end, the parliament was formally established, and Otis became the speaker, because Robert said that he still wanted to study potions and had no time to deal with urban reconstruction, so Otis had to shoulder the responsibility here!

Li Yichen didn't care about their affairs. He didn't even want to be a council member, and he didn't plan to stay here for a long time. However, what made Li Yichen a little confused was that now that the entire Niuyue City had been restored, why did he still it's here?

The Speaker said that once the puzzle is solved, he will automatically return. If he enters again, it will be another puzzle, that is, another world. But now he is still here in I Am Legend World, that seems to... only prove that the mystery has not been solved yet.

Odis and the others were discussing the reconstruction of the city, while Li Yichen was hiding aside and thinking by himself. After a while, Casey ran over, looked at Li Yichen who looked thoughtful and said:

“Why are you turning down a seat as an MP?

Although you are not the speaker, the rights of the members are quite great. Moreover, if you want to be the speaker, I think neither Otis nor Robert will fight with you. With the support of these two, neither will anyone else. say what! "

Li Yichen shook his head gently and looked at Casey:


I don't belong to this world! "

"I know!"

Casey nodded:

"But you have to live in this world after all, right?"

Casey asked looking at Li Yichen.


Li Yichen looked up at the night sky.

"Could it be that... you will leave us?

Leave this world? "

Looking at Li Yichen's expression, Casey seemed to have thought of something.

"I will leave this world, but it seems that the time has not yet come!"

Li Yichen said softly.

"Not time?

You don't know when you will leave? "

Casey asked.


Li Yichen nodded:

"Originally, I thought that once everyone recovered, I would leave, but now it seems... I seem to have something that I haven't accomplished yet! I hope it doesn't require the entire city to recover!"

"Hi! Lee! Can we talk?"

At this time, Otis's voice suddenly sounded from behind. Li Yichen turned around and saw Otis standing behind him, looking at him and asking. He was the only one, not even Caroline following him.

"I'll go over there and have a look!"

When Casey saw this, he got up and found an excuse to leave. Otis also came to Li Yichen unceremoniously, looked up at the starry sky, and murmured:

"I originally thought that after regaining my human identity, I would become that little person again, but I didn't expect... to actually become the Speaker! If you look at it this way, this disaster actually turned out to be a good thing for me!"

Li Yichen didn't speak, and Otis didn't seem to want to wait for Li Yichen to give him advice, and continued talking on his own:

"When we were on the warship, I once thought about killing you directly, then biting Caroline and turning her into a mutant again, so that we can continue our previous lives!"

Turning to look at Li Yichen, Otis said seriously:

"do you know?

During the three years when I became a mutant, although I had been hiding underground and eating raw food that was bloody, dirty and disgusting, those three years were the most solid three years in my heart. Caroline followed me wholeheartedly. I don’t have to worry about her being snatched away, and I don’t have to think about work, rent and other things that make people collapse just thinking about it all day long! "

"Although I didn't know what my future would be like at that time, at least I didn't have to worry about tomorrow! So I didn't want to recover at first!"

"But... after seeing the look in Caroline's eyes, I knew that she was eager to return to normal society, so I gave in and started to cooperate with you. What's the result?

Not only did I become a human again and could live a normal life, but I was still the most powerful person in the city, and Caroline still loved me! I thought I would never lose her! "

"Do you know the reason?"

Li Yichen asked calmly.


Odis was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the sky:

"I thought about it...but I didn't understand it! Before the disaster, I was just a precarious little person, worrying about trivial things every day, so generally speaking, I can't understand things that are too profound!"

"It's actually not that profound!"

Li Yichen smiled and said:

"You were afraid of losing Caroline before because you loved her deeply, but she didn't love you that much, so you were unsure. You were afraid that those people would no longer listen to your orders after they recovered, because you You feel that you are originally a nobody. Compared with those people, you are originally at the bottom. When you are in the mutant state, you can still rely on force and massacre to deter them, but when you return to normal society, these will not work, so you I also feel unsure!"

"But have you ever thought about it? People need to go through it. Caroline may not really love you that much before, but when you stick to her after she is infected with the virus or even mutates, she is already yours. , except death, no one can make her leave you!"

"As for your position as Speaker, the same is true. Without you, even if we had the medicine, we would not be able to inject it into their bodies so smoothly. So here, you are still the biggest contributor. There are some things , as long as you do it, others will see it and remember it in their hearts, so..."

"Hi! Lee! What is this?"

Why am I on top? "

At this moment, Robert suddenly rushed over. He was holding a disc in his hand. He didn't care whether it was polite to interrupt the conversation between Li Yichen and Otis. The disc in his hand was the one that Li Yichen often watched. Zhang: I am a legend...

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