Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 997 Robert is out too?

"You...you saw you?"

Li Yichen was immediately surprised. Before Robert saw this, he had always thought it was an action movie, and what he saw was indeed an action movie. That's why he was so embarrassed making breakfast that day, but now, this guy Did you actually see your own cover?

"Isn't this me?

I don't have any brothers! and……"

Robert pointed at the disc cover and said, then looked at the dog on it, and his voice became much softer:

"Sam doesn't have a brother either!"

"follow me!"

Li Yichen immediately picked up Robert and ran upstairs. It's not like before. There are empty houses everywhere and tens of millions of people have recovered. Although many people left Niuyue, the population is still not as large as it was then, but at least the city Many houses in the central area are occupied.

However, because Robert lives in this building and his laboratory is also here, no one moved here, so it is still Li Yichen, Robert and Casey.

Of course, because he was looking for someone to eat, there were still many people in the living room, so he couldn't watch in the living room now, so Li Yichen took Robert and ran to the fourth floor, then pushed open a room and walked in. It was just like Li Yichen thought, There is a TV and DVD player!

"Let's see!"

Li Yichen came to the DVD player, looked back at Robert who looked confused, took a deep breath, and finally made a decision. He put the DVD into the machine and turned on the TV.

"look at this?"

Robert looked at Li Yichen, then picked up the remote control on the coffee table, sat on the sofa and pressed play. Li Yichen also came to the other side and sat on the sofa, but he was not watching TV, but looking at Robert.

The video started soon, and of course the normal plot of I Am Legend was playing. Robert was surprised when he saw himself on the TV, and then looked at Li Yichen with a smile:

"When did you take the photo?"

It seems that Robert thought that Li Yichen secretly took a picture of him before, but Li Yichen did not answer, just shook his head slightly and pointed at the TV to indicate to him to continue watching.

Soon, the plot came to the point when Robert was sending his wife and daughter to the helicopter. Veins popped out on Robert's head and his fists were clenched. It seemed that he wanted to rush into the TV to stop his wife and daughter from getting on the helicopter!

Then, the plot slowly advanced, Robert captured the butterfly girl Caroline, the zombie leader used a plastic model to set a trap, Robert was hoisted into a coma, and Sam desperately tried to wake him up...

"Hey! When did this happen?

Why don't I remember? "

Robert couldn't bear it anymore, turned to look at Li Yichen and shouted loudly.

"Keep watching! I'll explain it to you after you finish watching it all, otherwise you will miss a lot of the plot!"

Li Yichen looked at Robert and said.

Robert waited for his eyes to look at Li Yichen, and finally turned back to watch the TV seriously. When he saw that he fell because he cut the rope, and the knife was inserted into his leg, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile:

"I won't be so stupid that the knife I hold in my hand will be inserted into my body. You are such a bad actor!"

But soon, Robert could no longer laugh. As the last ray of sunlight disappeared, two dogs rushed up. Robert and Sam faced each other. Of course, the final result was that Sam was seriously injured and Robert took the Sam is back home!

When he saw himself strangling the mutated Sam with his own hands, Robert covered his mouth, but did not continue to ask questions, and just continued to watch.

Later, Robert went to seek revenge from the mutant leader, or perhaps because Sam was dead and he didn't want to live anymore, so he went to find his own death. In short, he was besieged by zombies, and was finally rescued by the mother and son, and then returned to Robert's home. And the location was finally exposed.

In the subsequent plot, Robert watched quietly, no longer expressing opinions or asking questions, until the end of the film...

This disc has dual endings. The first ending is when Robert rushes towards Odis with a grenade. After watching this ending, Robert thought the movie was over, so he turned to look at Li Yichen, but did not ask any questions. I have so many questions in my mind that I don’t even know which one I should ask!

Li Yichen didn't speak and pointed at the TV. Robert looked back at the TV and frowned. Just as he was about to speak, the second ending scene appeared...

"Is there a third one?"

After watching the second ending, Robert glanced at Li Yichen and asked.


Li Yichen stood up, picked up the remote control from Robert's hand, then turned off the DVD player, turned it on again, and played it. When the video started playing, Li Yichen looked at Robert. Robert was still there. It seemed that something must have happened. Before When he plays the video, he can directly enter the video, and this Robert will disappear.

Robert didn't disappear when it was played just now. Li Yichen thought it was because Robert played the video, but now he played it himself. Robert was still sitting on the sofa, looking at him with a questioning look on his face, as if he didn't understand why he had to watch it again. Now there are many questions in his mind that Li Yichen needs to answer.

The plot of the movie is similar to Robert's experience at the beginning, but the later part... seems a bit surprising. After all, there is no real cure for zombies in the movie. One is that Robert dies and the mother and son leave, and the other is that Robert follows the mother and son. Leaving, whether it was two people or three people, they all gave up on the city and left completely.

But now, they have obviously restored everyone, but there are still many people downstairs! So Robert couldn't figure out what was going on for a while!

After Li Yichen knew that Robert would not disappear because of the video playing, he pressed pause, then sat aside, looked at Robert and said:

"Do you remember...I had some strange words with Casey before?

And she put it while you were making breakfast... ugh! Action movie? "

"Remember! But what does this have to do with this?"

Robert asked.

"Of course! Because the disc I picked up at the video store wasn't an action movie, it was this one, and that's what Casey was watching at the time! That's why we said at that time, you are a person in the movie, and so is Casey. but I am not!"

Li Yichen explained:

"You just watched this film from beginning to end. Did you see me appear?"


Robert shook his head.

"Yes! Because there was no me in this movie, so I don't belong to this world. Casey and you, and those people downstairs and outside, you are the ones in this world. In addition, I had an ability at the time, as long as I play the video, and our current world will switch to the one in the movie, and the original you will disappear. I press pause, and time will stop. This is how I captured Casey!"

Li Yichen said.

"You mean... our current world will switch between many worlds?"

Robert shouted, then stood up and came to the window:

"Li! This is impossible! We..."

"What's wrong?"

Li Yichen looked at Robert and asked with a frown, because he found that after Robert glanced out the window, he suddenly stopped, and then looked out the window in disbelief.

"You...come and see!"

Robert waved to Li Yichen, and Li Yichen looked at the TV. It was the scene of Robert giving Sam a bath again, so he came to the window and looked in.

"Is this... nothing?"

Li Yichen looked at the street outside and said, and suddenly realized that because all those people had been restored to human form, and the water, electricity, gas and other services in the entire city had not been stopped, Niu Yue's night was now very prosperous, although it was less than It’s not like before the end of the world, but it’s still brightly lit!

But now, it's quiet outside, pitch black, nothing, deathly silence!

Li Yichen looked downstairs. When they came up, those people were still there. Even though they were on the fourth floor, they should be able to hear their noise. But now, they couldn't hear anything, and there was no one downstairs at all. Any light.

"Robert! Go play the video!"

Li Yichen looked at Robert and said, he suddenly remembered that this situation was very similar to the situation when he was watching a movie in the living room and pressed pause! Robert also disappeared inexplicably at that time, but now there are a lot of people disappearing, so Li Yichen wants to prove it!

As Robert started playing, the scene outside also changed, especially when the plot of the zombies finding this place was played. Both Li Yichen and Robert could see the zombies running in the distance, and then Robert detonated the bomb, and the zombies went crazy. Climb the wall and destroy everything here!

During this period, many zombies crawled past Li Yichen and his group, but they seemed to ignore the two of them and ignored them at all!


Li Yichen said to Robert, who immediately pressed pause and then looked at Li Yichen, as if he wanted to hear his explanation.

"Now it seems... you seem to have entered my mode, the one that can control time!"

Li Yichen said:

"Remember what I said before?

When I press pause, the time in the entire world stops, and I am the only one who can move around without being affected by time! "

"That means..."

Robert glared at Li Yichen, then turned back to look at the TV, breathing a little faster:

"If I press pause before they get on the helicopter, I can see them at the dock?"

"should be!"

Li Yichen nodded, and Robert immediately picked up the remote control and operated the video for a while, returning the plot to the moment when they just walked out of the house. Then he pressed pause, threw away the remote control, turned around and ran down...

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