Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 510: Silver armor, rifle, Tsing Yi!

A distance of more than ten kilometers is nothing to Huang Chang and the others. Soon, a group of strong people came to the Yincheng toll station one after another, but they did not find out the other party’s reality and confirm the identity of the other party. I didn't dare to show up rashly, so after approaching the toll station, everyone hid in some higher ground in the distance, using various secret magical powers to observe these people who called themselves the "Zodiac" special operations team.

Not only these people, even those who are as strong as Huang Shang and others dare not be careless when facing people from the capital, plus they have already established their prestige before, so at this moment, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Huang Shang After approaching the Yincheng toll station, he put away the centipede's demon body, and then stood on a hillside to observe the situation at the toll station.

At this moment, a team of about fifty people is stationed at the Yincheng toll station.

The people in this team are very strange, they are all wearing a special silver full-covered armor. This kind of armor is very close to the body and does not look bulky. On the contrary, it is a bit similar to the nano armor in the game "Crysis", with a strong sense of science fiction and power.

In addition, Huang Chang also noticed one thing, that is, the armors worn by these people, and even the "face mirrors" on their full-covered helmets did not reflect any light, as if they were not made of metal. It is as special as glass making.

In addition to the armor, these people also held or carried a rifle that was extremely sci-fi.

This gun looks very cool, unlike any gun Huang Chang has seen before, and even a bit like a reduced version of the high-orbit electromagnetic gun on the American aircraft carrier in the movie "Transformers".

The overall length of the gun body is about two meters, with a beautiful curved streamline. The handle of the weapon is very short, no more than thirty centimeters at most, and all that is left is the barrel, or barrel, that shines with blue light.

The barrel of this gun is separated from the middle, and the left and right sides are erected like two long blades, and in the middle of the blades are rows of opposing metal coils. At the junction of the gun handle and the gun body, there is a palm-sized transparent sight.

And looking at this cool and sci-fi weapon, I don’t know why, Huang Chang has an inexplicable sense of crisis!

His instinct told him that this weapon might even pose a threat to him!

how can that be? !

It should be known that even if he does not activate spiritual power, the power and intensity of his physical body is far better than those of super giant tyrants. It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe it as invulnerability, even if it is a rocket/bullet and sniper/bullet hitting him. It is also difficult to cause damage to him, but now he actually feels threatened by this special weapon?

What kind of weapon is this!

At this moment, the fifty silver armor warriors were not standing together, but scattered in many small groups, blocking all directions around them. If someone attacked them, they could definitely react in the first place and shoot with the kind of special weapon in their hands.

In addition, Huang Chang also discovered one thing, that is, these silver armor warriors actually exude an aura comparable to those with the second awakening ability!

We must know that even with the passage of time and the infusion of the third Heavenly Transcendence, the strength of the existing survivors and abilities has been improved a lot, but the second awakening abilities are still The backbone of the Pyramid of the Strong, even today’s Zhaoshan Camp, there are only dozens of supernaturalists who have awakened twice. But now the team of Light is all the second power awakeners, and what is even more strange is that these people are actually equipped with this special armor and equipment, as if for them, the power is only an auxiliary, real power. In fact, they are all the same on this equipment.

Could it be said that these weapons are really more powerful for them than their own abilities?

In addition to these fifty silver armor warriors, there is also an existence in this team that is completely different from the others in costume.

This man looks about 30 or 40 years old, tall and thin, and looks good, but he has a cold look and a hooked nose, which makes him look uncomfortable at first glance.

Unlike other silver armor warriors, this middle-aged man was not wearing armor, but in a cyan battle suit, and he did not wear any weapons. With his slim figure, he even looked a little weak. It felt like he couldn't compare with the sturdy guys who wore armors and carried weapons around him.

But at this moment, Huang Chang focused his gaze on the man in Tsing Yi, with a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

He felt a secret but powerful aura from the man in Tsing Yi. This guy obviously cultivated a certain aura-restricting technique and secret technique. If Huang Chang hadn't had a strong perception ability, I'm afraid he would really treat him as one. Ordinary people.

But through that layer of disguise, Huang Chang felt the power of this man in Tsing Yi!

He could even vaguely feel that the strength of this man in Tsing Yi was not under his own and the fallen and others, at least it was definitely much stronger than the Taoist Xuancheng who was killed by them before!


While Huang Chang was observing the man in Tsing Yi, the man in Tsing Yi seemed to have sensed something. Then he turned his head abruptly and looked at the hillside where Huang Chang and others were located, a full kilometer away from the toll station.

Afterwards, the Tsing Yi man's pupils shrank slightly, his eyes locked on Huang Chang, and at the same time his pupils slowly elongated and became thinner, as if they had become the vertical pupils of some kind of reptile, and a green light flashed through it!

In an instant, Huang Chang only felt a drowsy sensation sweeping over him, giving him an urge to lie down and take a big sleep.

It's just that Huang Chang's mental power is not controlled by this sleepiness, so he still stays awake, and at the same time, he fully urges his spiritual power to operate the pupil technique, and his eyes turn into black and white pupils, and the black and white brilliance in the pupils flows Constantly, as if turning into two whirlpools, one black and one white, to pull the gaze of the man in Tsing Yi completely!


The man in Tsing Yi didn't seem to have expected Huang Chang's mental power and pupil skills to be so powerful that at this moment, he and Huang Chang looked at each other, and even raised his own soul by Huang Chang into the black and white pupils. It surprised him, and then further used his mental power, with green light shining in his eyes.


The next moment, when Huang Chang and the man in Tsing Yi were fully urging the pupil technique, their eyes turned into real power, and then a blast suddenly sounded from the void between the two, as if there was something interacting with each other. The collision and then exploded like!

At the same time, Huang Chang and the man in Tsing Yi also felt a sting in their eyes at the same time, making them unable to help but withdraw their gazes.

"Chinese Zodiac, Snake... Sixth Squadron!"

Feeling the pain coming from his eyes, Huang Chang took a deep breath, and his heart shuddered.

If he guessed correctly, this man in Tsing Yi should be the "snake" who just gave them spiritual rumors.

Legend has it that in the Chinese Zodiac, the snake is ranked sixth, and now this man who calls himself the snake turns out to be the captain of the sixth squadron of the Zodiac Special Operations Team. Does this mean that there are still in this Zodiac Special Operations Team. Eleven are the same as him, even more powerful?

And this is just the force of a special operation team of the zodiac, no one knows if there are other cards in the capital besides this armed force!

It really deserves to be the capital!

Even the strength of the tip of the iceberg is enough to shock people!


I have diarrhea today, my condition is not very good, the update is a bit late, please forgive me.

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