Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 511: Goodbye Black Widow!

The secret confrontation between Huang Chang and Si Snake not only gave Huang Chang a preliminary understanding of the power of the capital, but also shocked Si Snake, who had been dismissive of the "rabbit crowds" of the outside world, and began to look serious.

Although he didn't use his full strength just now, it is obvious that the opponent is also the same. If he fights hard, the opponent's strength may not be below him.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the few Tianjiao who came from those places, there are such strong people among the younger generation!

In the last days, it really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

"Unexpectedly, there are so many people who are still more than half a day before the collection deadline. Well, in that case, we can also make some preparations in advance."

After memorizing the appearance of Huang Chang and others, the snake jumped up and jumped to the top of the toll booth, and said solemnly: "I know that some of you doubt my identity. This is normal, so In order for everyone to cooperate sincerely and punish the evil **** together, I will first prove my identity to everyone."

"You can call me the snake. I belong to the Beijing [Zodiac] Special Operations Group. The position is the sixth squadron, which is the captain of the snake team and the rank of colonel."

Speaking of this, Si Snake took out a red palmtop computer from her arms, turned it on, then entered the password and fingerprint to unlock it, and pointed the display screen of the palmtop computer in the direction where the crowd was the most crowded. Directly following orders from our country *****, here is a video recorded by the Supreme Chief. I believe this video can prove our identity."

After speaking, Si She clicked on the handheld computer.

Then a special probe is extended from the palmtop computer, and rays of light are lased from the probe to form a holographic projection screen.

What appears in the projection screen is the ***** of Huaxia **, perhaps because of the heavy blow of the end times, so this leader who always liked to smile on TV looks a bit tired and old , Even his temples were already pale, as if this short period of three months had made him more than ten years old.

Later, the already-something old ***** also introduced in the video the identities of the Snake and others, as well as the tasks they are going to perform this time.

After playing the full breath projection, Sisn put the red palm computer away, took a deep breath, and said: "Okay, my identity has been introduced. Anyone else has any questions?"

"Hahahaha, joke, can a video alone prove your identity?"

The moment the snake's voice fell, a somewhat shrill laughter rang, and then a black light appeared in the shadow of a big tree, turning into a vague and distorted phantom, and smiled at the snake: "Who knows if this video was synthesized using computer technology? You even have holographic projection technology. Isn't it easy to synthesize a video?"


Seeing the twisted black shadow suddenly appearing under the big tree, and feeling the gloomy ghost air emanating from the black shadow, Huang Chang was stunned.

When can ghosts come out in broad daylight?

Moreover, this ghost is different from any ghost that Huang Chang has seen before. Through the pupil technique, he can see through the black fog on the ghost, and Huang Chang can clearly see that this ghost is not one, but just like watching a cartoon when he was a child. It is composed of five ghosts entwined like the body of the robot, which also makes the already weird ghost appear even more distorted and evil.

"That should be the combination of five ghosts in the Five Ghost Sect!"

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded from Huang Chang's mind: "The Five Ghost Sect is one of the eighty-eight small sects of the Devil Dao. A blood ghost, reaching the realm of the unity of humans and ghosts, is strong, and because blood ghosts are integrated with them, they no longer fear the burning of the fire of the sun, so they can walk in white."

Having said this, the system paused for a while, and then continued: "It's just that ghosts are a collection of poverty, decay, sorrow, disaster, shame, venom, mildew, pain, sickness, death, premature death, loneliness, and licentiousness. Delusion, bad luck, disease, fate, pain, and demons, etc. Eighteen kinds of disasters can be combined. If it is simple to raise ghosts, it is okay, but like the five ghosts, the combination of human and ghost, although the strength is good, but the luck will be good. It is greatly affected, so the people of the Five Ghosts are often very unlucky, and their fortune is extremely poor, so that their strongest five ghosts transportation technique in the end turned into the Five Ghosts Fortune Method, which was used by them to steal things ...In short, it is best for people in this sect to be less provoked!"

"There's this kind of thing... it's really long-sighted."

Hearing the system's words, Huang Chang was a bit speechless.

Being able to use the strongest technique of the sect to steal things... These five ghost sects are really unlucky enough.

"Ghost repair?"

At the same time that the system introduced the origins of the Five Ghost Sect to Huang Chang, Si Snake looked at the big ghost formed by the five ghosts with cold eyes, and seemed to have a prejudice against such things as Gui Xiu.

Just thinking about the overall situation, the snake did not make any excessive behaviors, but took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "We know that nowadays, affected by the tides of spiritual energy, communication in various places is difficult. If we have not seen it with our own eyes, we are afraid of the light. It is indeed difficult for you to believe our identity with this video, so we have another way to prove our identity."

Speaking of this, the snake paused slightly, and then continued: "While issuing the mobilization order, our action team also deliberately contacted some powerful people from all over Hunan Province, and agreed with them on different connection codes, so Now we can prove our identity by confronting these people with code words."

"So, everyone, please show up!"

After speaking, Si Snake said no more, as if waiting for someone to appear.


As the snake's voice fell, a ground not far from the toll booth suddenly collapsed, and then huge and sharp spider legs stretched out from the collapsed ground, and grabbed the ground on both sides that hadn't collapsed. One support.


The next moment, a figure soared into the sky, gathered all the spider legs in mid-air, and landed on the ground, transforming into a beautiful young woman wearing a black tights.

"Black Widow?"

Looking at this somewhat familiar woman, Huang Chang was taken aback.

The visitor turned out to be the leader of the Yancheng Self-Saving Society-Black Widow!

It's just that after the last departure, I didn't expect the strength of this black widow to increase by leaps and bounds. Judging from the aura she exudes, she now also has a master-level cultivation base.

It seems that during this time she also experienced some adventures.

But this is not surprising. After all, Shouyue is a place where beliefs gather, and even near Shouyue there are many places where incense flourishes, so the chances of blessed land and heavenly treasures appearing nearby are quite high, plus The Black Widow was already quite strong, and she broke the demons in Yingxinchi. In addition, they also gained a lot of crystal nuclei in the battle against the corpse group. Under the impetus of these various factors, the black widow can have The strength of the lord level is a coincidence, but it is also a matter of course.

"It's the Black Widow!"

"The leader of the Goose City Self-Saving Society!"

"I heard that they got rid of the corpse emperor in Goose City, and then smashed and cannibalized the corpse group. They have established a part of the safe area in Goose City, attracting many survivors."

"What's this? It is said that the Black Widow was lucky enough to obtain a rare treasure, and also killed the spider demon who was guarding the treasure. Finally, she used her abilities to fuse the power of the spider demon and became half-human, half-demon, and far more powerful. It's not a general lord-level powerhouse!"

Compared with the relatively low-key Zhaoshan gathering place, the Yancheng Self-Saving Society can be regarded as famous after killing the corpse emperor and smashing the corpse tide. Therefore, among the many strong people on the scene, there are many who know the black widow. Whispered.

"I didn't expect her to be so famous..."

Huang Chang's ears are very strong, so he was slightly taken aback when he heard the whispers of these people at this moment.

It seems that there is still no room for relaxation in these last days. Who can imagine that the black widow, who appeared so weak in front of herself and others that day, would now have this kind of strength.

However, thinking of the fierceness of the Black Widow's fighting and the madness of threatening to detonate the explosion/drug, Huang Chang wanted to understand it again.

Indeed, a woman like Black Widow who is cruel to others, more cruel to herself, and has broken her heart demon, as long as her luck is not too bad and she dies halfway, then sooner or later she will rise and become stronger.

Thinking of this, Huang Chang smiled, then turned to Depraved and others and said: "Let's go, we should show up too."

That's right, it was agreed with the capital that it was not just the Goose City Self-Help Association of the Black Widow who set the joint code, but also the Zhaoshan Camp of Huang Chang and others!


The update is here. It's three o'clock, diarrhea, sleepy, I can't handle it anymore. Let's sleep for a few hours, and then get up with the code word. Today's fourth update will be added tomorrow.

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