Apocalyptic God and Demon Record

Chapter 512: Tiger King and Confucian Heirs!

"Is it you?"

Seeing Huang Chang and others appearing from the dark, the black widow was surprised at first, and then laughed again: "I'm still thinking about when you will arrive. I didn't expect it to be so coincidental."

Having said this, the black widow looked slightly solemn, and said, "Thanks a lot for what happened last time!"

She came from another direction in Yincheng, so she hadn't seen Huang Chang and others killing the old way before.

But before that, the Yancheng Self-Saving Society also received a request for help from Zhaoshan, so the black widow also knew that Huang Chang and others would definitely rush to Yincheng to destroy the evil **** this time—this is also her visit. One of the purposes of Silver City.

In any case, Huang Chang and others were very kind to their Yancheng self-rescue, so this time, whether it was public or private, or reasonable, she must rush to Yincheng to participate in this operation.

"I haven't seen you in January. I didn't expect your strength to be so strong. I just heard many people talking about your black widow's prestige..."

After all, she was a comrade-in-arms who had fought side by side, and she was still a beautiful woman, so at the moment Huang Chang saw the black widow in a good mood, and laughed.

"What prestige, notoriety..."

Hearing Huang Chang's words, the black widow smiled bitterly: "I am almost becoming a spider spirit now."

"The spider spirit is good, do you like Tang Sanzang? I happen to have a bald head here."

At the same time, Fallen also greeted the Black Widow with a smile, and suddenly touched Bi Xia's bare head beside him.

"He is too young, I am afraid that others will say that my old cow eats tender grass."

When I met an acquaintance, the black widow was obviously in a good mood. She glanced at Depravity and said with a smile: "But you are not bad, how about it? Are you interested in being eaten by me?"

I don’t know if it’s because the mood changed after the demon was destroyed, or because the fusion of the spider demon queen has been affected. At this moment, the black widow is not only more coquettish than before, but also has a different style, like a familiar one. Like the peaches that have been lost, it exudes a unique temptation.

"Ahem, I'll forget it, it's not easy to start so familiar."

Fallen has seen the crazy side of Black Widow, so although he likes beautiful women, he doesn't want to have anything to do with such a crazy beautiful woman. So when he heard what the black widow said, he also chuckled.

"Hahaha, Black Widow, others look down on you, or you will just choose me Tiger King. As long as you marry me, then we will be able to help each other in Baoqing Yancheng. What about the last time you took my chance?"

At this moment, a loud laugh suddenly came, and then a strong man riding a giant white tiger and a group of his men came out of a forest in the distance.

"Fuck, savage?"

Seeing the brawny man walking out of the forest, Fallen couldn't help exclaiming.

Unlike Huang Chang and others who are all dressed up by modern people, this brawny man looks more like a primitive man who walked out of the deep mountains and old forests. He is even covered with animal skins, large swaths of tattoos, and bulging. The skin and muscles are exposed, and the whole body is full of strength.

In addition, the aura exuding from this brawny man is also extremely powerful and violent. He has obviously reached the lord level, and the white tiger under him, which is two or three times larger than the average tiger, also exudes a lord. The powerful aura that is only available at the first level is something to be underestimated.

"What do you mean by seizing your chance? I did get a lot of benefits, but did you also get this white tiger?"

The black widow sneered, and a ray of cold light flashed in her eyes: "Or do you think I am a woman to be bullied?"

This brawny man is the leader of Baoqing's largest gathering place. He used to call himself the Beast King. His talent is to control some mutant creatures for his own use. It is somewhat similar to Zhuge Youlong and the original Dog King in the National Defense Science and Technology University.

But the difference is that this brawny man’s abilities are very evil. The mutant creatures he controls will be gradually absorbed by him to strengthen himself, and then control other mutant creatures, so it’s different from ordinary summoners. His own strength is often much stronger than the mutant creatures he controls.

Because of this, many enemies who want to break through the defense of his mutant creatures, directly capture the thieves, first capture the king to kill him, and eventually are often killed by him.

And because Baoqing is very close to Yancheng, his gathering place and the Black Widow’s Yancheng Self-Help Association often clashed because of some material contention, but they have always been within their restraint until Not long ago, a blessed land appeared between the two places, and the two parties competed with each other, and this was a great feud.

It was during that time that the black widow and the brawny got a lot of benefits, and then broke through to the lord level, and the brawny was renamed Tiger King because of the white tiger they got.

"Primitives from nowhere, go back to the mountains quickly. The city is very dangerous."

At the same time, Bi Xia, who had been fighting side by side with the Black Widow, couldn't understand the brawny, and sneered.


Hearing Bi Xia's irony, the white tiger under the tiger king seemed to feel the tiger king's anger and roared at Bi Xia.

The dragon has the dragon and the tiger has the tiger. At this moment, with the roar of the white tiger, Huang Chang and the others felt a **** scent, and at the same time a gust of wind swept up, causing their hearts to sink, as if they were given some kind of power. Suppressed the same.


But at the same time, the King Kong on Bi Xia's shoulders also rose up, and then quickly returned to the form of a great ape in the air, and slammed his chest violently, and roared more violently at the white tiger, not letting down the wind. .

"Oh, you woman, do you know that you can rely on outsiders for help?"

Feeling the terrible breath emanating from King Kong, Tiger King's pupils shrank slightly, and he didn't dare to offend Huang Chang and the others too much, just sneered at the black widow.

"Of course, the old lady loves everyone, and someone helps. How ugly like you, there are only people stepping on them, no one to help!"

Black Widow knows the terrible Huang Chang and others better than Tiger King, so at this moment, Huang Chang and others are supporting her, and she is not afraid of Tiger King at all.

"Heh, don't be too arrogant, I hope they can keep you by your side at any time after this time."

Seeing the confident look of the Black Widow, the Tiger King sneered, with a hint of threat in his words.

"That requires you to go back alive before talking."

At the same time, Fallen said lightly while tickling his fingers with a dagger.

"Are you threatening me?"

Although Tiger King was jealous of the depravity and others, facing this threat at the moment, his face still became extremely cold.

"Okay, okay, everyone is here to deal with the evil gods, don't let the evil gods show up and fight in the nest, okay?"

Just when the atmosphere in the field began to stagnate, a middle-aged man with a kind face, weak temperament, and a Han suit, who looked a bit like an ancient teacher, walked out and persuaded: "If it is true It will only make others cheaper, right?"

This middle-aged man seems weak and has no breath, but for some reason there seems to be a convincing power in his voice. At this moment, as his words sounded, everyone only felt that the anger in their hearts seemed to be extinguished by a basin of cold water. In general, he became calmer in an instant.

"Hao Ran is righteous...this is a Confucian method!"

At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded from Huang Chang's mind.


Hearing the system's words, Huang Chang squinted his eyes slightly, a light flashing in his eyes.

In the ancient times, a hundred schools of thought contended, but the most powerful of them was Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. Buddhism refers to Buddhism, Taoism refers to Taoism, and Confucianism refers to Confucianism.

Unlike Buddhism, which focuses on the spirit and body, and Taoism, which pays more attention to spiritual energy and magic weapons, Confucianism pays more attention to "incense". They do not cultivate golden cores or golden bodies, but cultivate abundance of righteousness, accumulate incense, and go similarly. The path of the Heretic God's line, but it is much more orthodox and powerful than the Heretic God's line.

Because of the need for "incense", what Confucian disciples like most is teaching. The more disciples they cultivate, the more loyal the disciples are to them, the stronger the incense power they get, and they can even use the power of the disciples to fight.

Confucianism at its peak was almost no less inferior to Taoism and Buddhism. However, Confucianism later split. A descendant of the dissatisfaction faction named "Dong Zhongshu" had a relatively moderate and conservative behavior, and brought a group of radicals to rebel against Confucianism and established a new Confucianism. He secretly shouted the slogan of "Stop a hundred schools and respect Confucianism" in an attempt to erode other forces and use evil methods to brainwash the disciples of other sect forces and expand their own strength.

It’s just that this incident still missed the news. The founder of Confucianism led a group of Confucian powers to clean up the door. Who would have thought that the new Confucian line had become extremely powerful through evil means. Even though the Confucian line eventually destroyed the new Confucian one. Mai, but his own strength was also greatly damaged, and from then on until the fall of the Doomsday Tribulation, it never recovered its original prosperity.

But even so, the strength of the Confucian family is still not underestimated, otherwise it would not have caused the entire world of practice to be turbulent and **** with just a group of apostate disciples.

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