Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1210: Do you want to know your end

Later, Ye Li walked into the zombie paradise.

The zombies in Zombie Paradise are so weak that they are too weak. After playing in Zombie Paradise for a while, they felt really boring and came out of Zombie Paradise.

But as soon as he came out of the zombie paradise, dozens of gene warriors surrounded him.

He can even figure it out with his toes. These dozens of gene warriors are from the Chen family.

"it's him!"

Chen Bai stared at Ye Li with a roar, and he and Ye Li had a two-day feud and hatred.

"Don't you think of it!" Chen Bai looked at Ye Li with death.

Ye Li smiled faintly. There was no fluctuation in the face of Ru Guanyu. He did not speak, knowing that Chen Bai had something to say.

Chen Baiyin looked at Ye Li very coldly. He really could not think that Ye Li could actually laugh.

"Do you know what your next end will be?" Chen Bai said to Ye Liyin coldly.

"I don't know." Ye Li shook his head.

"Let me tell you!" Chen Biao stared at Ye Li, "Dead!"

The onlookers of the gene warriors thought that Ye Li couldn't escape even if he put on his wings today, not because of anything else, but because he broke Chen Bai, the young master of the Chen family.

Ye Li smiled secretly, he looked at Chen Bai lightly, "Then do you want to know what will happen to you?"

what! ! !

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present were shocked to the point that they couldn't be added. They couldn't think of it at this moment, Ye Li was able to say such words.

"Kill me!" Chen Bai exasperated, and he couldn't stand Ye Li's arrogance anymore.

With Chen Bai's order, dozens of Chen family gene warriors rushed towards Ye Li.

auzw.com Ye Li calmly looked at the gene warrior who rushed to him. He really did not understand why these ants were rushing to him. Is it really bad to live?


When the dozens of gene warriors from the Chen family were a few steps away from Ye, they all flew out.

Their eyes were wide open, and there was a shocking blood hole on their forehead. They didn't know how they died until they died.

This, this...!

Seeing this, Chen Bai instantly collapsed to the ground, and his face fell into shock.

The onlookers of the gene warriors are not the same. They have never seen an existence like Ye Li before, even if they haven't even heard of it.

"Originally you can live, but you don't cherish your life, and I can't help it." Ye Li spoke slowly to Chen Bai.

When Chen Baiwen heard this, he burst into tears and just wanted to ask Ye Li for mercy.

It is a pity that if begging for mercy is useful, then Ye Li will not be the devil Ye Li.


Just listening to the sound of a wind breaking through, the life of Chen Bai, young master Chen Bai, disappeared from this world forever.

All the gene warriors who were onlookers froze like petrochemicals, and Ye Li really gave them too much shock.

Lu Man is still here, and she feels extremely guilty in her heart, if not her, Chen Bai will not die.

"Why are you killing so many people?"

Lu Man stared at Ye Li and asked.

Ye Li smiled, "This world is the end of the world, this is the supremacy of the strong. If they provoke me, I will kill them."

Lu Man gritted her teeth, although she felt that Ye Li was very reasonable, but because she died so many people, she was uneasy!


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