Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1211: Go to Chen's house

Lu Man looked at Ye Li, "Although I know I can't beat you, I decided to avenge them!"

The crowd of gene warriors onlookers heard this, and they were all shocked to the point that they couldn't be added. Did they think it was equivalent to suicide?

Not to mention them, even Ye Li did not expect Lu Man to say such things.

Who is this...

"Leave, you are not my opponent." Ye Li looked at Landman lightly.

Lu Man's spirit makes him feel a little interesting.

"I want to avenge them!"

As the sound fell, Lu Man rushed towards Ye Li.

Ye Li sighed secretly, why do so many ants always appear in front of him?

I saw that when Lu Man rushed towards Ye Li, he did not know when there was a dagger full of cold light.

Ye Li still did not make any evasion or resistance, let Lu Man come to him with a dagger showing the cold light.


There is no doubt that Lu Man's dagger stabbed Ye Li's body.

Unfortunately, the dagger made a steel collision with Ye Li's body.


The onlookers of the gene warriors looked at such a scene, they could not help but took a breath of breath, and looked at Ye Li with dumbfounded eyes.

No words at this moment can describe the shock in their hearts!

"This...!" Lu Man was also dumbfounded, her pupils full of incredible colors.

Ye Lichong landed, and Man smiled calmly, "Do you think that with your dagger, you can leave me dead?"

Lu Man does not know how to answer, she really does not know how to answer.


Suddenly, the sound of a broken weapon reached everyone's ears.

auzw.com The onlookers of all the gene warriors took a closer look. It didn’t matter if they didn’t, and they all took three steps backwards.

Just because Luman's dagger with cold light in his hand was broken!

But how did it break, they didn't see it at all.

They dare not think of Ye Li's horror anymore, what kind of genetic warrior is such a horror.

"Take me to Chen's house." Ye Li said lightly to Landing Man.

He wanted to make clear such things with the Chen family, otherwise the Chen family came to trouble him, then it would be meaningless.

Lu Man was stunned, she really did not understand why Ye Li said such a thing.

Go to Chen's house? Isn't it a self-launch?

"it is good!"

Lu Man didn't think much, she agreed, and she thought that since she couldn't avenge her, let the Chen family avenge them.

Immediately, Lu Man walked towards the Chen family with Ye Li.

Soon after, Ye Libian and Lu Man came outside the Chen family.

"You wait, I will tell Uncle Chen."

After all, Lu Man walked into the Chen family.

A moment later, the gene warriors of the Chen family and Lu Man rushed out, all staring at Ye Li like a wolf.

"You, you killed me!"

A middle-aged man blushed his eyes and spoke coldly to Ye Li.

Ye Li face Guan Ruyu's face naturally has no fluctuations, he looked at the middle-aged man talking lightly.

"This time I came to your Chen family to tell you that if you want to avenge Chen Bai, then your Chen family will wipe out the clan."


All the gene warriors of the Chen family were very angry when they heard this. They could not think of why Ye Li dared to say such a thing.

Ye Li did not pay attention to the anger on the faces of the Chen family, but took out the Taiyuan Longyuan sword, and the sword was cut towards the sky.


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