Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1223: The shocked Jin Duo

Ye Li didn't continue to talk to Jin Duo. He found a big stone and sat down. He took out a box of food from the system space and ate it.

"Senior, then..." Jin Duo looked at Ye Li with some fear. After a few seconds, she finally gathered her courage. "Senior, I want to eat too."

Ye Li secretly enjoyed himself, but his face was still calm and watery.

"Come and eat." Ye Li spoke slowly to Jin Duo.

Jin Duo heard Ye Li's remarks, and there was a moment of joy in her pale face. She walked to Ye Li's side and then ate and drank with Ye Li.

"Senior, this is too delicious." Jin Duo looked at Ye Li excitedly and said.

Ye Li shook his head secretly, thinking that when a person is hungry, what they eat is delicious, can this ordinary panel and milk also be delicious?

It didn't take long for Ye Li and Jin Duo to eat a whole box of food.

"Senior, is the Endgame Legion really a zombie?"

Suddenly, Jin Duo asked Ye Li again.

"Do you think I will lie to you?" Ye Li looked at Jinduo lightly.

Jin Duo didn't dare to talk anymore. She thought that even if the corpses of the last days were zombies, they could not be under the predecessors. After all, Ye Li looked only one or two years older than her.

"the host!"

The sudden sound scared Jin Duo back three steps. She looked at the End of the Legion in horror. She really didn't know when the End of the Legion appeared before her.

But... wait! ! !

The End of the World Army seems to be calling the master

Jin Duo was stunned. She would never believe that the Last Army was under the command of Ye Li, but now it seems that she is not only wrong, but also to the point where there is nothing to add.

"Senior, he, they really are yours." Jin Duo looked at Ye Li in horror.

auzw.com Ye Li face Guan Ruyu's face naturally has no fluctuations, he looked at Jin Duo lightly and said:

"Don't tell me this nonsense."

Jin Duo quickly closed her mouth when she heard the words. She thought about how terrible the Legion of the Last Days was. To what extent did Ye Li, who was the master, was so arrogant, she didn't dare to think about it.

"Master, we have synthesized all the zombies in the zombie gathering place." A Da said to Ye Li.

"Well." Ye Li nodded.

Since he traveled to this world, he has no idea how many zombies he has synthesized.

"Senior, you are too strong."

Jin Duo couldn't help but admire Ye Li, knowing that Ye Li was not only terrifying, but also her life-saving benefactor.

Ye Li didn't want to listen to Jin Duo's nonsense at all. He put the Armageddon into the system space.

Seeing this, Jin Duo felt shocked, and she dared to swear she was really stunned.

The Last Army was still in front of her in the last second, but this second disappeared.

"how is this possible?"

Jin Duo looked at Ye Li horrifiedly.

"Do you think you can tell by the realm of your eighth-order sky-turner?"

As soon as this remark came out, Jin Duo couldn't help but sigh secretly, just because she was one of the geniuses of the white wolf base city, but in the eyes of her predecessors, it was just a tune of eighth order.

Immediately, Ye Li walked slowly towards the white wolf base city.

When Jin Duo came back, Ye Li had gone out dozens of steps away, and she quickly followed.

Soon, Jin Duo and Ye Li returned to the White Wolf Base City.


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