"Senior, go to Jin's house."

Jin Duo said to Ye Li.

"Not interested." Ye Li looked at Jinduo, "disappeared in front of me."

Jin Duo looked at Ye Li's look like this, her white face couldn't help but startle, she dare to stay a little bit.

Just as Jin Duo was about to leave, a sarcastic voice was introduced into the ears of Ye Li and Jin Duo.

I saw a woman of similar age to Ye Li came to Ye Li, she looked at Ye Li with disdain.

"Who are you? Dare to let us disappear before you, are you worthy?" The woman said with a sneer at Ye Li.

Everyone on the street of the White Wolf Base City saw such a scene. They quickly watched over. Who wouldn't like to watch it?

"It's Miss Li Jia and Miss Jin Jia."

"Miss Li and Ms. Jin are both the proud daughters of our white wolf base city."

"That man seems to have angered them, this is miserable."

Immediately, all the onlookers cast a pity on Ye Li.

Ye Li's face like Ruyu's face naturally has no fluctuations, and of course he doesn't care about the eyes of the ants.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing that Ye Li didn't pay attention to her, Li Xue couldn't help but frown.

"Sister Xue, don't you, let's go."

Jin Duo and Li Xue have a very good relationship. At this moment, seeing that Li Xue has gotten this way, she quickly wants to pull Li Xue away.

Unexpectedly, this Li Xue was not upset, she looked at Ye Li.

"Do you know who I am?" Li Xue smiled coldly at Ye Li. "Dare you dare not answer my question?"

Ye Li really does not understand why he always meets so many ants.

"Of course I know who you are."

"you know?"

This time, it was Li Xue's turn and the audience who were surprised. They thought that since Ye Li knew who Li Xue was, how dare he not answer Li Xue's question?


How dare he! ! !

The people don’t understand, they really don’t understand.

"Okay, so tell me who I am?" Li Xue stared at Ye Li again.

Li Xue did not believe that Ye Li would know her, because as long as she knew her, she could not be afraid of her. After all, it was in the base city of White Wolf.

"Do you really want to hear?"

"miss you."

I saw Ye Li nodded slightly, he looked at the sun in the sky lightly, and slowly spoke:

"You are a pitiful ants."

what! ! !

As soon as this remark came out, all the onlookers were shocked, and they wanted to break their heads and couldn't believe Ye Li would actually say such a thing.

"you you!"

Li Xue was shocked.

"Sister Xue, you are really a ant in front of the senior. Let's disappear before the senior."

Jin Duo said to Li Xue quickly.

Although she had never seen Ye Li's strength, she thought it must be extremely powerful.

"Duoer, why are you turning your elbows outwards, and even seniors, dare to say that Miss Ben is a pitiful ant, Miss Ben must let him know that Miss Ben is so powerful!"

When the words fell, Li Xue had punched Ye Li's body.

This punch, the terrifying aura attached.

It's a pity that Li Xue is only an eighth-order heavenmaster after all. He is too weak in front of Ye Li.

Ye Li shone, and he avoided Li Xue's punch.


All the onlookers looked at such a scene, and they were all amazed.


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