Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1225: Do you believe you are a ants now?

Li Xue did not expect Ye Li to be able to avoid her palm.

"You can actually hide!" Li Xue looked at Ye Li coldly.

Ye Li's face didn't fluctuate in Guan Ruyu's face, he said slowly to Li Xue:

"I say it again and disappear before me."

Li Xue was very angry when she heard that, she really couldn't understand why Ye Li could be so arrogant.

The onlookers all looked at each other. They thought that Ye Li could be so arrogant, would he have unparalleled strength?

"Don't think you have escaped my palm, I can't beat you!" Leng Xue stared at Ye Li and said.

Ye Li smiled calmly, "Why don't you believe you are a ants?"

As soon as the words came out, Li Xuehuo rammed up, and she stared at Ye Li.

"I want you to look good!"

The sound fell, Li Xue once again slammed towards Ye Li.

Unfortunately, this time Ye Li did not dodge, but shot Li Xue.

I saw Ye Li raised a finger, and the terrifying aura above it began to entangle.


Suddenly, a terrifying aura attack struck Li Xuefei.

Li Xue's eyes widened. She was just an eighth-order skycatcher. Where can she avoid such an attack?

I saw Li Xue's pupils contracted quickly.


Undoubtedly, the terrifying aura attack hit Li Xue's thigh heavily, and she uttered a scream of pain and fell to the ground.

"Sister Xue."

Jin Duo hurried to Li Xue's collapse.

This, this...


The onlookers looked at such a scene and couldn't help but feel terrified. They already thought that Ye Li was very strong, but how could Ye Liqiang reach such a point.

You know that Li Xue is the proud daughter of the white wolf base city, and he was defeated in one blow?

At this time Li Xue covered the wound on his thigh, and his already fair face became very pale.


Jin Duo looked at Ye Li, a begging color appeared in her pupils.

Ye Li didn't answer, he walked slowly towards Li Xue's collapse, looked at Li Xue lightly and said:

"Now do you believe you are a ants?"

Where else can Li Xue speak? She looked at Ye Li horrifiedly, and couldn't help thinking of what Jin Duo said to her just now:

"Sister Xue, you are really a ants in front of your seniors."

But at that time she would not believe it anyway, for no other reason, just because she was the proud daughter of the white wolf base city.

Seeing that Li Xue was not speaking, Ye Li smiled faintly, thinking that the ants were ultimately ants.

Immediately, he raised his palm.

The onlookers saw that Ye Li raised his palm again, and they were all out of their souls, thinking that Ye Li was still going to shoot Li Xue?

Li Xue and Jin Duo looked at this scene in front of their eyes, could not help but feel a little frightened.

"Senior, please beg your sister Xue." Jin Duo begged to look at Ye Li, "Sister Xue knew that she was wrong, she really knew she was wrong."

Ye Li ignored Jin Duo and saw a gentle aura in his palm.

The gentle aura in his palm went towards Li Xue's wound.

After a few seconds, a miracle appeared.

The wound on Li Xue's thigh actually healed at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and looked at everyone present.

what! ! !

All the onlookers were shocked, and they quickly rubbed their eyes, only to think they were wrong, but no matter how they rubbed, Li Xue's thigh wound healed.


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