Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1226: Do you really want to know my realm

"how can that be?"

Even Li Xue was stunned herself, her eyes opened to the biggest ever.

Jin Duo's fair face was also very curious. She looked at Ye Li as if she wanted to get an answer from Ye Li's mouth, but unfortunately Ye Li would not choose to tell her.

"Nothing in this world is impossible." Ye Li said lightly to Li Xue.

Upon hearing this, Li Xue finally understood the gap between herself and Ye Li. The gap was higher than the sky and deeper than the sea.

"Predecessor, senior, who the **** are you?" Li Xue asked, looking at Ye Li in amazement.

Ye Li smiled calmly, "My name is Ye Li."

Li Xue and the spectators naturally did not know who Ye Li was, and they had never heard of Ye Li’s name.

"Senior, how about I invite you to dinner?" Jin Duo suddenly said to Ye Li.

"Yes." Ye Li nodded.

Jin Duo heard a smile of delight on her pale face, and she quickly looked at Li Xue, "Sister Xue, let's go together."

Needless to say, Li Xue will also choose to go together, just because she is too curious about Ye Li.

Immediately, Jin Duo and Li Xue took Ye Li to a restaurant named Langxing.

Long Hang Restaurant is the most upscale restaurant in Bailang Base City.

After Ye Li entered the Langhang restaurant, he casually found a seat.

Immediately, Jin Duo ordered a large table of seafood and seafood.

"Senior, are you satisfied with the order you ordered?" Jin Duo asked Ye Li carefully while looking at Ye Li.

"It's okay." Ye Li said lightly.

Some of Li Xue's white face stopped talking, and after a few seconds she finally found the courage to say what she wanted to say.

"Senior, can I ask what kind of genetic warrior you are?"


Jin Duo heard Yan Ye and looked at Ye Li, just because she also wanted to know how strong Ye Li is.

"Ha ha."

Ye Li smiled indifferently, he looked at Li Xue and Jin Duo, "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, we really want to know." Li Xue and Jin Duo nodded.

"Since you want to know so, let me tell you." Ye Li thought for a while, "Do you know the fifth-order heavenly realm?"


As soon as Li Xue and Jin Duo heard Ye Li's words, they almost fell from the chair to the ground.

Their mouths are wide open, and their white faces are extremely incredulous.

"Predecessor, senior, are you really a fifth-order heavenly realm?" Li Xue asked, looking at Ye Li in amazement.

"Do you think I will lie to you?" Ye Li looked at Li Xue with a playful look.

Li Xue was shocked and she swallowed. She knew that a presence like Ye Li would never deceive people.

Suddenly, she found something again.

She found that Ye Li's eyes had a thousand layers of murderous power, and there were hundreds of prestige in front of her!

Such a person... she doesn't understand, she really wonders why there is such a horrible existence in this world.

All of a sudden, Li Xue couldn't help but get up, thinking that her predecessors were not good at her general knowledge, otherwise her life would disappear from this world forever.

"Senior, you are too strong." Jin Duo looked at Ye Li horrifiedly.

"In general." Ye Li spoke slowly.

At this time, Shan Zhen Hai Wei came up.

Looking at the table full of mountain treasures and sea flavors, Ye Li's face like Ruyu's face did not fluctuate at all.


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