Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1243: Sect Master Hu Feng of Qianyuan

All the disciples of Qianyuan Sect on the square looked at Ye Li with horror. They could not imagine how terrible Ye Li was, even Yang Chen, the strongest genius of Qian Yuanzong, was defeated by one blow.

It didn't take long for Yang Chen to come to Ye Li, and he looked at Ye Li horrifiedly.

"Senior, the Sect Master told you to go."

Everyone in the square looked at Ye Li. They wanted to know how Ye Li would answer.

There is no slight fluctuation in Ye Li's face like Guan Yu's face. He slowly opens his mouth to Yang Chen:

"Did I say that, let your sovereign come to see me."


As soon as this remark came out, all the disciples of Qianyuan Yuan in the square were shocked.

Ye Li broke into Qianyuan Sect, this was the sin of Tianda, and now the Sect Master gave him down the stairs, he didn't want to.

Must the Sect Master come to see him?

"But Senior..."

The face of Yang Chen, the strongest genius of Qian Yuanzong, couldn't help but become very embarrassed.

"Okay senior."

After talking, Yang Chen went to the hall again.

Qianyuanzong hall.

At this time, Qian Feng Sect Master Hu Feng and the elders sat in the Qian Yuan Sect Hall.

"You say how strong are the people who broke into Qianyuan Sect, even the Sect Master is not in the eyes?"

"Who knows, it is estimated to be a strong genetic warrior."

"I think so, but Sect Master, what if he must ask you to see him?"

An elder suddenly said to Hu Feng, the patriarch of Qianyuan.

"How is it possible, I gave him down the stairs, how could he not come to see me!" Sect Master Hu Feng of Qianyuan smiled coldly.

At this time, Yang Chen, the strongest genius of Qian Yuanzong, walked in quickly, with a very embarrassed look on his face.

Qian Feng's patriarch Hu Feng and the elders found that only Yang Chen came alone, but Ye Li, who broke into Qian Yuan's patriarch, did not come.

Could it be...

They all thought of an astonishing possibility that Ye Lizhen must have the Sect Master come to see him.

"Sect Master, he wants you to see him in person." Yang Chen said to Sect Master Hu Feng of Qianyuan Sect.


Hu Feng, the patriarch of Qianyuan, gritted his teeth, and the elders in the hall were also angry.

"What if I don't go?"

Hu Feng looked at Yang Chen and said.

Yang Chen listened to Hu Feng's words, and his whole body shivered a little, thinking about what this had to do with him. He was just a messenger.

"Sect Master, since that man is so arrogant, I can't see it if I see it. I want to see who dares to break into my Qianyuan Sect."

An elder said to Hu Feng, the patriarch of Qianyuan.

All the elders in the main hall also nodded their heads. They all felt that the three elders not only made sense, but also made sense.

"it is good!"

Hu Feng, the patriarch of Qianyuan, nodded and agreed.

Immediately, Sect Master Hu Feng of Qianyuan took the elders out of the hall.

It didn't take long for them to see Ye Li and Yang Jing who broke into their Qian Yuan Sect.

But at this point of view, they couldn't help but all were shocked, just because Ye Li looked so handsome.

When they were young, it wasn't a beautiful man, but compared with Ye Li in front of them, it wouldn't be much different if they were one heaven and one underground.

"who are you?"

Qian Feng's Sect Master Hu Feng stared at Ye Li coldly.


On the square, the Sect Masters of Qianyuan Yuan saw the Sect Master and the elders coming, and all of them had a wonderful color on their faces, thinking about what to do now, they dared to come to Qianyuan Zong.

"My name is Ye Li." Ye Li said slowly to Hu Feng, the patriarch of Qianyuan.

Hu Feng looked at the expression on Ye Li's face like Ruyu's face, and he couldn't help getting angry.

"Why can your face be so indifferent?" Hu Feng said to Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled, he didn't understand why some people always think he should be afraid?

"So what?" Ye Li looked at Hu Feng, the patriarch of Qianyuan, lightly. "Do you think my face should be terrified?"

All the disciples of Qianyuan Sect on the square felt that Ye Li was too arrogant and could be so arrogant when confronted with their Sect Master.

"I don't want to tell you this." Ye Li suddenly looked at Yang Jing beside him, "I came to Qian Yuanzong this time just to make her the chief disciple of Qian Yuanzong,"

what! ! !

All the disciples of Qianyuan Sect on the square heard this and couldn't help but took a breath of air and stared at Yang Jing beside Ye Li.

The Sect Master of Qianyuan and the elders did not expect that their faces were all shocked.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Qian Feng's Sect Master Hu Feng looked at Ye Li in shock and said.

Ye Li face Guan Ruyu's face still did not fluctuate at all, he looked at Qian Feng Sect Master Hu Feng indifferently.

"You only need to say whether you agree or disagree." Ye Li said calmly.

All the people of Qianyuan Sect in the square burst out of their heads with a thousand angers, just because they felt that Ye Li was so arrogant that he couldn't add more.

Why are there such arrogant people in this world? They don't know, they really don't know.

"What do you think of me as Qianyuan Sect, is the chief disciple doing so well?" Hu Feng, the Sect Master of Qianyuan Sect, looked at Ye Li with death.

Ye Li couldn't help but shook his head slowly. He took the Taiyuan Longyuan Sword out of the system space.


Suddenly, the sounds of dragons and swords reached the ears of all the people of Qianyuan Sect on the square.

They listened to this voice, and they were all horrified.

how is this possible!

Then, everyone in the square took a few steps backwards, just because they found Ye Li had a five-clawed blood dragon above his head.

This five-claw blood dragon light is a glance, so that they can not afford any possibility of life.

They looked again at the sword in Ye Li's hands. What kind of sword was this? It was terrifying!

"you you!"

Where can Hu Feng, the patriarch of the Qianyuan Sect, speak a complete sentence? The more frightened his face is, the more frightened he is.


Ye Li didn't say much, but took the sword of the Taikoo Longyuan Sword and cut it towards the sky.

I saw a horror that was beyond resurrection. The supreme swordman flew towards the sky, and the sky instantly split into two halves.

This, this...!

The Qianyuan Sect on the square saw such a scene, and they all froze in place like clay sculptures.

They would rather believe that the sky is about to collapse, rather than believe that the scene in front of them is true.

This is terrible!

Then, they quickly looked at Ye Li.

What made them think for ten days and ten nights was that it was impossible for Ye Li to face Guan Ruyu's face with no fluctuations, as if nothing had happened at all.

"Now." Ye Li looked at Qian Feng Sect Master Hu Feng lightly, "Can you make her the chief disciple of Qian Yuan Sect?"


"Congratulations to the host for becoming the sixth-order king."

At this time, the sound of the system suddenly appeared in Ye Li's mind.


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