Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1244: The situation caller Ye Li went forward

Ye Li listened to the sound of the system in his mind and couldn't help but smile secretly, thinking that he could make a breakthrough.

Everyone on the square looked at each other, and they looked at Ye Li in horror.

Hu Feng, the patriarch of Qianyuan, swallowed saliva. How dare he say nothing.

"Yes, she can become the chief disciple of our Qianyuan Sect." Hu Feng, the Sect Master of Qianyuan Sect, said quickly to Ye Li.

Ye Li's face like Guan Yu still had no slight fluctuations on his face, and he looked at Hu Feng calmly.

"You Qianyuanzong must work hard to train her in the future, otherwise,..."

Ye Li stopped talking, and a terrifying cold light shot in his pupils.

"What consequences should you have."

Sect Master Qianyuan and the elders looked at this cold light, and they took several steps backwards.


Hu Feng and the elders of Qianyuan sect dare to swear, they really dare to swear, Ye Li is definitely the most horrible person they have ever seen from birth to now.

Ye Li Wenyan looked at Yang Jing beside him, and said to Yang Jing: "In the future, you should practice well in Qianyuanzong."

"Yes, senior." Yang Jing's white face appeared a deep gratitude.

Immediately, Ye Li slowly walked down the Qianyuan Mountain.

What Ye Li didn't think of was that not long after he went down the Qianyuan Mountain, a man caught his eye.

"Are you Lord Ye Li, the master of the North Realm?" the man said respectfully to Ye Li.

Ye Li was startled, thinking about how this man would know him.

"you are…?"

"If you return to Yeli, I am a servant of the main Qu Jiuyou. Master Qu asked me to call you."

Ye Li Wenyan understood.

Although he didn't know what the main theme of Jiu Tian called him, he was bored anyway, so he would choose to go.

Immediately, Ye Li followed the men towards the city of the realm.

one day later.

Ye Li came to the Temple of Realm in the City of Realm.

Jiuyou, the main song of the situation, has been waiting in the hall for a long time. After seeing Yeli coming, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Ye Li, I'm really afraid you won't come."

Jiuyou, the main song of the situation, said to Ye Lixiao.

Ye Li face Guan Ruyu's face is very light and breezy, he looked at Jiu You, the main song of the situation, and asked:

"What's the matter with you?"

Immediately, Jiu You, the main song of the situation, told him the purpose of finding Ye Li.

It turned out that a peerless genius often harassed his daughter Qu Xiaoling, but his age seemed to be very large after all, if he shot, it was not good, he thought that Ye Li looked like the size of his daughter, it made people Called Ye Li to come.

Ye Li secretly rejoiced, thinking that Jiu You, the protagonist of this situation, was enough, and actually let him do such a errand.


After thinking for a while, he felt that such an errand seemed good.

Thinking of this, Ye Li couldn't help but sigh secretly, thinking that no one could escape the true incense theorem.

"Okay." Ye Li nodded and agreed.

Jiuyou, the main song of the situation, saw that Ye Li agreed, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

"Ye Li, my daughter Qu Xiaoling is in Mingshui Base City, you go now."

After speaking, Jiuyou, the main character of the situation, felt that his tone was commanded, and a apology appeared on his face.

"Ye Li, I just don't want my daughter to be harassed, I hope you don't mind." Qu Jiuyou said to Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded, and of course he could understand Qu Jiuyou.

auzw.com After that, Ye Li urged the **** to take a hundred steps into the city of the ground.

He released the Armageddon from the system space and said to the Armageddon:

"You go to synthesize zombies."

After listening to Ye Li's order, the End of the Army all went in all directions.

Ye Li nodded slightly, looked at the sun in the sky, and then muttered to himself:

"Mingshui Base City?"

As the sound fell, he again urged Shen Xing to walk away in one hundred steps.


Mingshui base city.

Mingshui Base City is a super base city with a population of tens of millions.

You should know that the average base city is only a few hundred thousand.

According to Jiuyou, the main song of the situation, his daughter's name is Qu Xiaoling.

He certainly does not know Qu Xiaoling, but if he wants to find Qu Xiaoling, it is too simple.

I don’t know... wouldn’t he ask?

Later, Ye Li saw a young girl who was a ninth-level king-level realm and an absolute genius.

Just when the girl was about to rush to a place, Ye Li appeared in front of the girl.

The girl's name was Chu Wei, and she was shocked to see Ye Li suddenly appeared in front of her.

"You, who are you?"

Chu Wei looked at Ye Li very displeased, thinking that Ye Li almost didn't scare her to sit on the ground.

"Do you know where Qu Xiaoling is?" Ye Li looked at Chu Wei and said.

Chu Wei was stunned. She naturally didn't expect Ye Li to say such things.

"You, do you know Xiao Ling?"

Listening to Chu Wei's words, Ye Li face Guan Ruyu's face could not help but a faint color appeared.

He could even figure it out with his toes. This Chu Wei knew Qu Xiaoling.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find her." Ye Li spoke slowly.

After Chu Wei froze for a while, he smiled coldly at Ye Li.

"Are you trying to pursue Xiao Ling?" Chu Wei's fair face appeared a bit of sarcasm. "People like you, I don't know how much I want to meet in a year!"

Ye Li sighed secretly, only because he thought Chu Wei was a little too funny.

Does he need to pursue Qu Xiaoling? He only needs one hand to hook, and there are countless beauties in his arms.

"Take me to see her." Ye Li said lightly to Chu Wei.

Chu Wei looked cold, why did she think that Ye Li's face was so thick.

"I will not only take you to see her, I will beat you up!" Chu Wei said coldly to Ye Li.

Ye Li was stunned this time, thinking of who he was doing this to provoke someone, didn't he just ask where the individual was, would he be beaten?

I saw Ye Li shook his head, a face of sarcasm appeared on the face of Ruyu.

"Do you really believe your eyes?"

Chu Wei couldn't help but froze when she heard this, just because she couldn't understand Ye Li anyway.

"Find a fight!"

Chu Wei suddenly got angry because she thought Ye Li must be teasing her.

I saw that Chu Wei punched Ye Ye's body violently. The aura of this fist clinged to it, and it looked terrifying.

Originally Chu Wei thought that Ye Li wanted to pursue Qu Xiaoling, his own strength must be the kind that is too weak to add.

What she did not dream of was that Ye Li actually had only **** holding her fist.


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