how is this possible! ! !

The elders all yelled only because they found that Zhong Kai had fallen to the ground, and his life had disappeared from this world forever.

Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, and looked at the elders lightly:

"He refuses to submit, what about you?"

The elders were shocked when they heard this.

The home owner Zhong Kai is the strongest of the Zhong family, but he died in an instant, they haven't even had time to see clearly.

Ye Li smiled faintly, and there was no slight fluctuation in the face of Ru Guanyu.

"Submit to you, stop dreaming!"

After drinking angrily, an elder rushed towards Ye Li.

The corner of Ye Li's mouth rose slightly, and a light smile appeared on Ruyu's face.


With the sound of a wind breaking, the elder's life disappeared forever from this world.

"Who else is not convinced." Ye Li looked at the rest of the Zhong elders faintly.

The elders of Zhong's family were now horrified to the point that they could not be added, and looked at Ye Li in horror.

"We surrender."

They have been raving about the major jurisdictions of the base city for decades, knowing that they are not Ye Li's opponents, and they think there is no other way but to submit.

"Very good." Ye Li nodded.

"In this world, good people can't die, bad people can't die, only one kind of person can die, and that's stupid people." Ye Li continued.

The sound fell and Ye Li disappeared in place.

The elders of the Zhong family look at me, and I look at you, all with a bitter smile, thinking that this time the Zhong family has caused people who shouldn’t have been.


Ye Li returned to the Jin family, and Jin Ling saw Ye Li returned and greeted him quickly.

"Senior, you are back." Jin Ling said to Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded and walked into the Jin Family Hall.

When Jin Shan, the owner of the Jin family, saw Ye Li, he quickly got down from the throne.

"Senior, please come in." Jinshan said to Ye Li.

After sitting down, Ye Li said to Jinshan owner Jinshan, "I have important things to call the heads of the Lin and Jin families here."

Jinshan and the elders were all stunned. Obviously, Ye Li didn't expect to say such things.

"Senior, I'm afraid they won't listen to me." Jinshan said to Ye Li suspiciously.

"Relax, they will listen." Ye Li said slowly.

Jinshan heard the words and asked people to call Lin Family Head and Jin Family Head.


Lin Nan, the head of the Lin family, went to the Jin Family Hall non-stop.

After Lin Hao told him about Ye Li, he knew that there was such a thing as Ye Li that they could not afford it.

"Brother Lin Nan, you are here."

Jinshan quickly made people arrange chairs.

Suddenly, another old man stepped into the Jin Family Hall.

The old man panicked, as if afraid.

"Elder Zhong?"

Jinshan was somewhat stunned and asked the old man, "Elder Zhong, what about your head?"

"Our host..."

The elder Zhong's name was Zhong Teng. At this time, cold sweat had wet his body. He gave a shocked glance at Ye Li directly above, and then said:

"Our homeowner is dead."


Everyone in the Zhong Family Hall and Lin Nan, the head of the Lin Family, were shocked.

"Master Zhong is dead?"

"How did it die?"

Jinshan and Lin Nan asked quickly.

Zhong Teng did not know how to answer, of course, he did not dare to say that Ye Li killed.

"I killed it."

Just when Zhong Teng didn't know how to answer, Ye Leikou spoke.


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