Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 839: Super Big Synthesis

Everyone in the Jin Family Hall and Lin Nan's head Lin Nan looked at Ye Li in horror.

"It's just a ant. If you kill it, you will kill it."

Everyone in the hall did not dare to speak too much. They all waited for Ye Li to speak. Ye Li did not speak. They naturally dare not speak.

"Everyone, the zombie is about to attack the base city of Mad Thunder." Ye Li said to everyone in the hall.

Everyone in the hall was shocked, obviously it was unexpected that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Senior, is it true?" Jinshan asked quickly.

Ye Li smiled faintly, and there was no slight fluctuation in the face of Ru Guanyu.

"There are a lot of zombies this time, you just have to watch the battle, and leave everything to me." Ye Li said.

Everyone in the hall was startled again. They really didn't know what Ye Li meant.

"Senior, this..."

"Just do what I said."

Everyone in the hall dared not continue to speak, and nodded.

Now the End of the World Army has become the leader of the zombie army. This time the zombie army attacked the base city of Mad Thunder. He thought he could make a good wave.


Five days later.

The gene warriors of all major forces in Kuanglei Base City all reached the outer wall of Kuanglei Base City.

The zombies, the overwhelming zombies appeared in front of them like black clouds.


Jin Shan, the owner of the Jin family, was stunned. He has never seen so many zombies since birth.

"how can that be?"

The gene warriors on the outer city wall were also horrified.

"Do it!"

Ye Li secretly issued an order to the End of the Army.

Immediately, the Armageddon began.

None of the gene warriors on the outer city wall shot, just because Ye Li had ordered them before. If anyone dared to do so, he would die.


Ye Li opened the synthetic lattice in his mind, synthesized a group of zombies, and then let the synthesized zombies go to the outer city wall.

If this group of zombies were allowed to attack other zombies, there was no doubt that it was all for nothing.

Ye Lirang also reached the outer city wall, the peerless style of nine zombie zombies.


There was only one residual image on the outer city wall. The gene warriors were shocked. Ye Li's figure could still be seen.

"Senior down!"

The head of the Jin family shouted, and the gene warriors quickly looked under the outer city wall.

In an instant, countless zombies fell to the ground.

Ye Li continued to synthesize.

The number of zombies is really too much, but these zombies still did not touch the outer city wall.

A few days later, no zombies touched the outer city wall, just because Ye Li had let the synthetic zombies attack other zombies.

The battlefield beneath the outer city walls of Kuanglei Base City became a pot of porridge in an instant.

"Forgot to tell you something."

Just as the gene warriors outside the city wall of Mad Thunder Base froze like clay sculptures, Jinshan, the owner of the Jin family, said suddenly.

"what's up?"

Lin Nan, the head of the Lin family, asked Jinshan.

"Actually, seniors are not human."


All the gene warriors on the outer city wall were stunned. They looked at Jinshan in shock.

"You are crazy, dare to say that the senior is not a person, you are not afraid..."

Before Lin Nan’s words had been finished, Jinshan interrupted him.

"Predecessors are indeed not humans, but demons!"

magic! ! !

As soon as this remark came out, the gene warrior on the outer city wall was stunned.


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