Apocalyptic Interstellar Emperor

Chapter 503: : The crown is in hand


"It's really too powerful!"

"It's terrifying!"

The short-tailed guard shivered with fear.

Before he could raise his hand, he would destroy several guards.

This is very powerful.

Short-tailed guard, has seen his own guard take action.

The strength of his own head of guard is very powerful, but it is also very difficult to achieve something like Du Qingke, killing a few guards with every gesture.

"You are a smart person and know what to do! You can measure it in your heart, and weigh the pros and cons!"

Du Qingke said in a deep voice.

The short-tailed guard was originally worried that his own guard has superb martial arts and outstanding strength, and in the end his own affairs will be very troublesome.

There is no need to think about these now.

Du Qingke's strength is stronger than that of his own guard!

In an instant, the short-tail guard felt at ease.

"I am willing to take refuge in adults!"

The short-tailed guard swore allegiance.

"Okay, take me to your chief guard now! I want to get back the crown in his hand!"

Du Qingke said slowly.

"Yes, my lord is as you wish!"

The short-tailed guard said slowly.

A short-tailed guard took the lead and took Du Qingke to the Lingxue production field.

Before leaving, Du Qingke also fulfilled the agreement.

Du Qingke summoned the Man Wang and others.

"You guys are very good this time. I did a great job with me. I successfully destroyed this cave numbered Y. I should fulfill my promise now."

Du Qingke smiled and said.

"Jue Du, you're welcome! It's just what you need!"

Man Wang waved his hand.

"These are special passes. I have already done it for you through the holy mountain. You have one by hand, so take care of it. With this special pass, there is nothing to stop you on the snow country boundary."

"One month later, there will be a Snow Country train coming. At that time, you should pay attention to the train. The difference is that this time you need a ticket to take the Snow Country Train. Don't worry about the ticket issue. I will buy it for you then. You can just take the normal ride."

Du Qingke said slowly.

The barbarian king held his broad sword across his chest, his expression grateful.

"I can't thank you enough for the great kindness of Lord Du Jue. My king will never repay it!"

"In the future, as long as it can be useful to my Barbarian King!"

"I'm the king's heart and soul, I will not hesitate!"

At the end, Man Wang's eyes widened.

"My King owes you another favor now!"

The Man Wang Urn said with an annoyance.

Although the barbarian king has a rougher personality, he speaks and acts in a manner, sometimes he is a bit more violent.

However, I have to say that Man Wang's heart is still simple.

At the very least, Man Wang is not like some people.

The Man King said straightforwardly when he had something to say, straight to the point, and he was a very straightforward person.

This is much better than those who like to stabbing knives in the back.

A favor from the Man King is not simple!

The Barbarian King has a very defying trick-five seconds of immortality, a peerless big trick-endless anger!

When the rage value accumulates to a certain level, the barbarian king can be immune to any damage, which is very dangerous!

At the same time, the Ferrerjod tribe in the Northern Wilderness Supervisory District is also a large tribe that has been in business for many years and has quite a reputation and influence.

Don't look, now Barbarian King is in trouble in Snow Country.

As long as the Barbarian King returns to the Northern Wilderness Supervisory Area, he will be another big brother!

The favor of the Man King, this is heavy!


Du Qingke nodded slightly.

Xiong Weiting and other guards are ready to go, guarding the short-tailed guards.

At this moment, Du Qingke and others had already returned to the blood crystal mine.

The blue waitresses are still intensively searching for the whereabouts of "Huoguo Tianwei".

By coincidence, the blue waitress saw Du Qingke coming oncoming.

"Where did you go before?"

"Although, I don't ask you to do something, but you can't be so careless, so loose!"

The blue waitress scolded.

"You have to be clear, you are now the plenipotentiary representative of the Blood Crystal Mine! On the bright side, at least you have to work harder. Don't go around and wander around every day. If you continue like this, I must report to His Royal Highness!"

"Hehe, look at you, lady in blue, there is so much sweat on your face. Wipe off the sweat first, don’t be so hard. I happen to be looking for you too. You just come here now, which saves me trouble Up!"

Du Qingke smiled slightly.

"I'm not busy, you can handle a lot of things!"

The blue waitress pouted, and she had to say that sometimes, the blue waitress, acting coquettishly, is quite cute.

"Things are to be done, but efficiency must be emphasized, and you must not be busy. This is how you must be efficient and capable!"

Du Qingke said lightly.

"You will move your lips!"

The blue waitress said disdainfully.

"Forget it, I can't say it so clearly. After all, Hungary, big, brainless!"

Du Qingke whispered.

The blue waitress is also a master, she is very clever.

"You, you, what on earth are you talking about!"

The blue waitress looked at Du Qingke with anger.

"No, I didn't say anything!"

Du Qingke smiled.

"Look at you, you're a big boy, you can play tricks. I will teach you martial arts when you have time!"

The waitress in blue looked at Du Qingke and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

"Okay, let's not talk about these chores, maid maid, I have to go to the Lingxue production site. I guess I won't be able to come back for several days."

Du Qingke said.

After all, it is not a simple matter to go to the Lingxue production site to surrender the guard of the Fire Country Tianwei and take the crown in his hand.

It is very likely that I will not be able to return for several days.

In order to avoid ramifications, Du Qingke decided to report to the blue waitress.

"Why are you going to the Lingxue production site?"

The blue waitress was very puzzled.

"Lingxue production field is now the residence of Lord Snow Eagle! Where do you go, but you have to compete with Lord Snow Eagle! It will cause Lord Snow Eagle dissatisfaction, you must not go there!"

The blue waitress directly stopped.

"I have important things to do when I go to the Lingxue production site. I will not take any Sacred Mountain people there. My subordinates only bring my guard team!"

Du Qingke said lightly.

"With only one guard? That won't work! You are now the plenipotentiary representative of the Blood Crystal Mine. Just stay here honestly for me!"

The blue waitress said firmly.

"Hey, you little girl, just don't want to regress, right? Then I will tell the goddess!"

Du Qingke called out immediately.

While talking, Du Qingke picked up the communication token.

Du Qingke dialed Murongxue's number.

"Oh, it's Brother Du!"

Murong Xue said happily.

"Brother Du, what do you want? This time, he took the initiative to call me!"

Murongxue's tone was very pleasant.

"His Majesty, Du, on behalf of him, is leaving the Blood Crystal Mine and going to the Lingxue Production Field. The Lingxue Production Field is now the residence of the Snow Eagle Lord. The Snow Eagle Lord is arrogant and overbearing throughout his life. He is the outstanding figure of the Snow Country, even his Majesty King. , You have to respect three points."

"Representative Du, his personality is also solitary and weird, and he is also a difficult person. If you go to the Lingxue production site, you will easily conflict with Lord Xueying. Lord Xueying does not matter what status Du represents. If one is unhappy, he can just do it. It's just hacked!"

"His Majesty, still don't let Representative Du go to the Lingxue production site. Moreover, our sacred mountain belongs to a unique position. If we go to the Lingxue production site at this moment, it will inevitably cause the suspicion and concern of Lord Xueying! "

The blue waitress expressed her opinion.

"You, it's the woman's heart Haidilao! I think so much in my heart. I don't want to lose heart, and I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. I am going to the Lingxue production site at this moment. Why not exchange my experience with Lord Xueying and look for the crown together? Yeah!"

Du Qingke said lightly.

"Strong words!"

The blue waitress rolled Du Qingke's eyes.

Murongxue blinked her eyes and looked at Du Qingke: "Master Du, I listen to you! Whatever you say. Xueer will always support you!"

Du Qingke smiled: "That's it, just do it like this. I'll take my guard to the Lingxue production site!"

"Well, I support! Du Gongzi, you must pay attention to safety. If you have any questions, just hit my communication token. I and Uncle Xueying are familiar with each other. If you offend Uncle Xueying, don't be afraid. I will talk to Xue Uncle Eagle communicate."

Murong Xue laughed.

In private, Murongxue's relationship with Lord Xueying is still very good.

In private, Murong Xue even called Lord Xueying his uncle.

Therefore, compared to the worries of the blue waitress.

Murongxue was very relaxed.

Murongxue has nothing to worry about.


"Follow the order, waitress!"

With Murongxue's order, the blue waitress naturally couldn't stop Du Qingke.

Du Qingke also led the guards such as Xiong Weiting, and left the blood crystal mine swaggeringly.

When Xiong Weiting and others left, looked at the back of Xiong Weiting and others.

The blue waitress was blindfolded.

"Hey, it's really weird. Among these people, I always feel the shadow of the Fire Country Tianwei!"

The waitress in blue murmured to herself, and then the waitress in blue shook her head again: "No, no, definitely not!"

"I know the strength of the Huoguo Tianwei. Just relying on Du Qingke's three-legged cat kung fu and his group of shrimp soldiers and crabs, how can the Huoguo Tianwei be among them! It must be my dazzling sight! Alas, my number one recently The six senses are really bad!"

The blue waitress couldn't help but smile.

After Du Qingke left here, he also led the people straight to the Lingxue production field.

On the road, Du Qingke would interrogate the short-tailed guard from time to time.

According to the short-tailed guard, he was the celebrity next to the guard, the third or fourth figure in the fire country's Tianwei. Except for the guard, his short-tailed guard was the highest group.

At the same time, the short-tailed guard also knew the commander well, and knew some of his shortcomings and weaknesses.

On the way, the short-tailed guard also confessed to Du Qingke some things about the guard.

The short-tailed guard was "dedicated to his duties" and made all the shortcomings of the chief guard clear.

Even, some of the abnormal weaknesses of Chief Guard were told to Du Qingke.

Du Qingke couldn't help but feel a chill in his back.

Du Qingke looked at this "short-tailed" guard, and it was also a little stern.

This "short-tailed guard" is really terrifying!

This guy is really not a good person!

He is the kind of villain who hides a knife in a smile and stabbing a knife in the back!

The Heavenly Guard of the Fire Country was so prestigious that he was defeated by such a villain.

According to this short-tailed guard, Tianwei's captain is at least comparable to the king's high-ranking existence.

Such a character is the least among the top ten in Snow Country.

Du Qingke wanted to eliminate the short-tailed guards on the territory of Snow Country.

However, at this moment, the short-tailed guard told Du Qingke some things about the guard.

Du Qingke has a bottom in his heart.

The so-called is to know oneself and the enemy and win every battle.

This time, before meeting, Du Qingke already had a seven-point chance of winning.

At the same time, Du Qingke was not alone in the Lingxue production site.

At the Lingxue production site, Tao Xiaobai and other brothers were already there.

When you arrive at the Lingxue production site, you can also contact Tao Xiaobai and others to cope with yourself.

"My lord, when you get back the crown, you must send me back! I don't want to stay in the snow country anymore, I want to return to the fire country safely!"

The short tail guard pleaded.

"Well, don't worry, I will let you go!"

Du Qingke said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, sir!"

Short-tailed guard, smiling happily.

Soon ~www.ltnovel.com~ After a long journey, Du Qingke also came to the Lingxue production site.

In the Lingxue production field, Lord Snow Eagle surprisingly came to meet Du Qingke in person.

"Representative Du!"

Lord Xueying's resolute face made a rare smile.

"Hello Lord! I have long admired the name of Lord Xueying, I have seen you today, Sansheng is fortunate!"

Du Qingke was also polite.

"Xiaoxue has already told me about it. You can play in the Lingxue production field to your heart's content. If you have any needs, just tell my adjutant! You can call him a hidden adjutant!"

Obviously, Murong Xue had already passed the anger with Lord Xueying.

For Murong Xue's face, Lord Xueying was very kind to Du Qingke.

Lord Xueying pointed to a tall, burly man beside him.

He is the adjutant of Lord Xueying, known as: Hidden Adjutant, is the number two figure in the city of Xueying. He has been following Lord Xueying and he is trusted and respected.

Of course, the ability of the hidden adjutant is also extremely powerful.

Lord Xueying exchanged a few words with Du Qingke and left. There are still many things that Lord Xueying needs to deal with.

The person in charge of the next reception is the hidden adjutant,

Adjutant Yin pointed out the way to Du Qingke: "Representative Du, please. I have arranged a guest room for you."

Du Qingke looked at the Adjutant Hidden: "Adjutant Hidden, what are your gains at the Lingxue production site?"

Adjutant Yin looked at it and couldn't help but laughed in a low voice: "Dissatisfied with Representative Du, our Lord Snow Eagle has already got the crown! Now, the crown is in our hands! In a few days, we will withdraw from here. !"

"What? The crown is in your hands?"

Du Qingke raised his eyebrows.

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