Apocalyptic Interstellar Emperor

Chapter 504: : True or false

"Naturally it is true! Don't look at the triumphant tribes of the Fire Country Heavenly Guards. In fact, they are not afraid at all! Mainly Lord Snow Eagle, who does not stay in the royal capital. Otherwise, how could Huo Country be allowed? People like Tianwei made a profit?"

The hidden adjutant said in a deep voice.

"Can you tell me the details?"

Du Qingke asked.

Adjutant Yin quickly explained the matter and told Du Qingke.

It turned out that not long ago, the captain of the Huoguo Tianwei led a team into the Lingxue production field to handle things.

Everything is normal and there will be no mistakes.

The strength of the guard is indeed amazing.

However, at this critical moment.

An accident happened, and there were no loopholes in Chief Wei's side, but there were some mistakes in the ordinary heavenly guards under Chief Wei's men.

When the ordinary guards entered the Lingxue production field, it might be due to personal reasons. In short, they were exposed.

What a character is Lord Snow Eagle!

As long as there were any flaws in front of Lord Xueying.

Lord Snow Eagle was able to find out almost immediately!

At that time, Lord Snow Eagle issued an arrest warrant!

It was arranged by the lord Xueying himself, shot at the first time, and arrested the chief guard and others.

When Lord Xueying was stationed at the Lingxue production field, he arranged the production field.

The overall arresting capacity of the Lingxue production site is very high.

This time, Lord Snow Eagle himself led the team.

It can be said that the Chief Guard was hit hard.

Several guards were beheaded by Lord Snow Eagle on the spot.

Chief Wei personally fought against Lord Xueying.

Who is Lord Snow Eagle?

The most majestic figure in Snow Country!

The guard of the Fire Country Tianwei is also the top figure in the Fire Country!

The top figures of the two countries are fighting fiercely!

This is a battle between the strong and the strong!

The battle was extremely fierce!

In the end, Lord Snow Eagle was even better!

In addition, at the Lingxue production site, Lord Snow Eagle has an advantage in numbers!

Soon, the chief of the fire country had to withdraw.

Also losing the fire, the chief of the country's guard, with superb strength and determination to die, really made him rush out of the encirclement with a few of his men.

However, for this reason, the head of the Huo Country Guard also left the Snow Country, the king's crown.

At this point, the Snow Country-King's crown is found.

After this trip, the main purpose of Lord Snow Eagle and others was to find the Snow Country-the Crown.

Lord Xueying did not order to continue chasing and killing the guard of the Huo Nation.

The adjutant hidden, said with some pride: "Huo Country Guardian is a fart! In the hands of our lord, he can only run away in embarrassment!"

"If it weren't, the lord of my house would see that the guard of the fire country is also a personal thing, and immediately ordered a big search, the guard of the fire country will undoubtedly die!"

"My lord is really a benevolent person. He cherishes the guard of the fire country and is a good man. Now, he has set a new life for the guard of the fire country!"

The hidden adjutant said.

"The crown is now put away by Lord Snow Eagle?"

Du Qingke asked tentatively.

"That's natural, such a valuable and unique thing, my lord will naturally keep it personally. In a few days, the class teacher will return to the capital and return the crown to the king!"

The hidden adjutant said carelessly.

"Oh, that's it!"

Du Qingke nodded slightly and sent away Adjutant Yin.

After the adjutant Yin left, Du Qingke looked at the short-tailed guard in the corner.

"Come out! Tell me what you think, your chief guard was seriously injured, and now the crown has fallen on Lord Snow Eagle's hand."

Du Qingke said slowly.

The short-tail guard took a deep breath: "It's impossible!"

"That's a fake crown!"

"I understand the character of my house guard. He has an unending character. He will never leave the true crown and lead someone to break through."

Short-tailed chief guard said solemnly.

"Do you know your guardian so well?"

Du Qingke asked in a deep voice.

"That's natural!"

"I know the temper of my chief guard!"

Short-tailed chief guard said vowedly.

"Regarding the crown, there are some Xin Mis, maybe adults don't know. I'm here to talk to you!"

Short-tailed chief guard, began to speak out.

It turned out that the fire country coveted the snow country's crown, not a day or two.

This has been a long time.

The senior officials of the Fire Country deliberately spent a lot of time studying the Snow Country-King's crown, hired first-class master craftsmen, and began to imitate the crown.

In the end, on the basis of consuming a lot of manpower and material resources, three fake crowns were imitated.

One of the fake crowns was placed in the fire country as a backhand. This is the worst plan. If the real Snow King crown cannot be stolen, this fake crown will be used instead.

The remaining two fake crowns were held by Huoguo-Chief Guardian personally, as they were needed during the mission.

The high level of the fire country has calculated that the snow country master will do everything possible to stop it.

In order to ensure that Captain Wei and the others can complete it smoothly, they deliberately let Captain Wei take two fake crowns. If they encounter special circumstances, they can throw these two fake crowns away as fog bombs.

As for Lord Snow Eagle, his strength is strong, but after all, the crown is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and Lord Snow Eagle is not in the royal capital all year round.

Lord Snow Eagle's own city is in Snow Eagle City.

Throughout the year, in fact, I can't see Snow Country-King many times.

It is even more difficult to distinguish between true and false crowns.

It's understandable after looking away for a while.

Du Qingke breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words of the short-tailed guard. .

Now, Lord Snow Eagle has a strong army, and Lord Snow Eagle also has a very good relationship with Murong Xue.

If the real crown is in the hands of Lord Snow Eagle, it will be difficult for Du Qingke to operate it!

This time it's better!

The real crown is still in the hands of Chief Wei, which is much more convenient.

The short-tailed guard, his eyes burning even more, said solemnly: "I know the chief of my house!"

"My home guard is not an ordinary person! Even if he is seriously injured, but the mission is not completed, he will never leave. This time, the inspection mission of the Lingxue production site is related to whether we return to the fire country safely. It must be squatting by the side."

"He should be in a dark place now, observing in secret, waiting for the opportunity, and beside the Lingxue production field, he will definitely not be far away!"

The short-tailed guard said with a cold look.

Du Qingke shivered secretly: "Short tail, short tail! You are really scary!"

"Your actions like this make me shudder! Your chief guard, a famous name in the whole life, is unfair to others!"

Du Qingke, looking at the short-tailed guard, said coldly.

Short-tailed guard, it doesn't matter: "A person who knows the current affairs is a good man! My life is now in the hands of Representative Du. How can I not listen to the adults?"

"Go ahead, I'll send you some manpower. Find out where your chief guard is hiding as soon as possible!"

Du Qingke ordered.

"Okay, please rest assured, my lord!"

The short-tailed guard went out here to find Du Qingke-Wei Chang's hiding place.

Of course, Du Qingke is not at ease with the short-tailed guards.

Xiong Weiting and a group of soldiers from Haitang City are responsible for monitoring the short-tailed guards.

Du Qingke has quietly ordered that if there is any change in the short-tailed guard, Xiong Weiting and the others can decapitate the short-tailed guard at any time.

Taking advantage of this gap, Du Qingke also went to call Tao Xiaobai and other brothers.

Du Qingke also deliberately hired a hidden adjutant as his companion.

Through the hidden adjutant, Du Qingke found Tao Xiaobai and other brothers who were working hard in the snow and were responsible for shoveling snow.

In the snowy season, the brothers always have shovel in their hands.

Everyone is shoveling Lingxue hard.

These spiritual snows are very precious. They are known as one of the Three Treasures of the Snow Country, and they are infinitely useful.

"Adjutant Hidden, these people, I want it!"

Du Qingke said to the adjutant Yin.

The adjutant hidden was still a little confused.

"These are all slaves. They were handed over from the original Sima guard when we took over the Lingxue production site. Representative Murphy, do you have a special interest in these slaves?"

The adjutant Yin asked.

"Remove them from the place of origin of slaves, and open the shackles at the same time."

Du Qingke did not explain, just repeat it.

Adjutant Yin nodded again and again: "These are all small things, Representative Du don't be angry! I'll do it now!"

Soon, the shackles and slavery of Tao Xiaobai and other brothers were released.

"you can go now!"

Du Qingke then waved his hand to the adjutant Yin.

Although Adjutant Yin was full of doubts, he didn't ask much.

Regarding Du Qingke's identity, Lord Xueying specifically confessed.

The adjutant Yin thought to himself: "Anyway, these slaves belong to the lord of Xuemang City-Xuemang, no matter what my lord does! With Du as the representative of today, he can play whatever he wants!"

The brothers like Tao Xiaobai naturally recognized Du Qingke at a glance.

Now, the foreigner's hidden adjutant is gone.

Tao Xiaobai was also very happy.

"Boss! The boss is here! Boss, come to save us!"

Tao Xiaobai was very excited.


"Xiaobai, you are free now. However, for the time being, you have to join my guard with a new identity..."

Du Qingke told Tao Xiaobai and the Haitang City soldiers about the matter.

After listening to Tao Xiaobai and others, they nodded, "Oh, it turns out to be like this!"

Du Qingke then communicated with Tao Xiaobai.

Tao Xiaobai also reported on his situation.

"Boss, we are mainly shoveling snow in the Lingxue production field these days! However, this time shoveling snow is also a great harvest!"

"We know everything about the terrain and surrounding conditions of this snowfield!"

Tao Xiaobai has amazing eyesight, and he is a natural scout.

After reporting all these conditions to Du Qingke, Tao Xiaobai also brought a bit of news to Du Qingke.

"Boss, during the process of shoveling snow, my brothers and I accidentally discovered a large hidden snow accumulation area. Where there is a lot of snow, it can be measured by'tons'."

Tao Xiaobai said with joy.

Lingxue is of great value and is a rare "good thing".

Naturally, this kind of thing must be accumulated.

Now, accumulating Lingxue into tons is a new discovery.

In the future, Haitang City is still under construction, and it must be well constructed!

Good things like "Lingxue" are naturally the more the better.

"This is a good discovery. Wait until the matter is over. Let's shovel away all the spirit snow!"

Du Qingke said slowly.

"Then boss, what are we going to do now?"

Tao Xiaobai asked with some confusion.

"Find the crown!"

Du Qingke said solemnly.

The crown is a top priority!

Snow King's Crown-Rumors hide the mystery of breaking through the heaven!

It is really attractive!

Now, rebirth I, have this opportunity!

Du Qingke will never let go of this great opportunity!

The short-tailed guards also live up to their "trust."

Soon, news came.

The short-tailed guard inferred a location, and vowed to say: "My lord, my guardian, it is very likely that it is there!"

Following the guidance of the short-tailed guard, Du Qingke and others came near a cliff.

The short-tailed guard pointed to a small gap in the cliff.

"With the character of my chief guard, it is very possible to hide behind a crack!"

Said the short-tailed guard.

"Go, go and see!"

"Your house guard, you probably don't know that you have betrayed! You go ahead first!"

Du Qingke pushed the short tail guard.

The short-tailed guard was crying: "My lord, this is a great risk! In case, my house guard sees something abnormal, won't I be finished by then?"

"Let you go, you go! Where does so much nonsense come from? Just go straight to it!"

Du Qingke urged ~www.ltnovel.com~ At the end, Du Qingke added: "Don't worry, I will be behind you and **** you. Your home guard is now injured by Lord Snow Eagle. You can play Limited strength!"

"it is good!"

The short-tailed guard nodded, and walked quietly along the gap.

This slit twisted and twisted, and it kept the short-tailed guard to the end.

At the end, the environment suddenly became much wider.

Here, it is very flat and wide.

Four men can be seen, leaning on the stone, gasping for breath, healing their injuries.

They are all injured, and their injuries are not minor.

Seeing the short-tail guard come suddenly.

The chief guard was shocked: "Short tail!"

"How did you come?"

"Chief Guard! I'm here to find you!"

"Didn't I let you guard the Blood Crystal Mine?"

"Could it be that something happened over there? What about the other brothers?"

Chief Wei asked excitedly.

"Chief Guard, don't get excited! The injury is important!"

"Everything is fine on my side. It's just..."

The words of the short-tailed guard are not finished yet.

Du Qingke had led Xiong Weiting, Tao Xiaobai and others to rush in.

"Get it quickly!"

"Control it all!"

Du Qingke gave an order!

Haitang City Defense Force cooperated with Du Qingke to take a lightning strike.

The Chief Guard immediately understood what was going on!

He wasn't a fool either, he breathed fire in his eyes and glared at the short-tailed guard.

"Short tail, short tail!"

"It turned out to be you! You are my most trusted guard!"

"It turned out to be you! You actually brought the enemy over?"

The commander looked distorted, unbelievable, and furious at the same time!

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