Chapter 21

Day Trip ~Sea~

We shop at the store along the beach after that we headed to the beach.

We then changed our swimsuits in the changing rooms and we met in front of the beach.

Near the beach there are beach houses that sells shaved ice and hotdogs.

There are also a lot of parasols and beach chairs along the shore so it doesn't look like we'll be constantly under the sun.

There are some people playing beach volleyball while others are floating in the sea using floats.

It seems Tachibana is late.

Well since guys can put their swimsuits easily I'm guessing girls have a lot of preparations to do in order to put on their swimsuits.

My swimsuit is a pair of Hawaiian-style sea pants with palm trees printed on them, and I was naked on top.

....I'm very nervous while waiting for Tachibana.

I wonder what kind of swimsuit will she wear.

What if it's a very risque swimsuit?

"Thank you for waiting!"

I heard a voice behind me when I turned around I saw Tachibana wearing a bathing suit.

It was a black frilly bikini.

When I look at her I saw that It was big that I don't know what to say.

It was constricted by the piece of clothe and a little bit of it can be seen outside the bikini.*

Her long, slender, and healthy legs dazzled in the sun.

While her long, beautiful black hair further highlights the beauty of her swimsuit.

I thought that her style was good but I had no idea that it was this good.

She looks really attractive and she looks several times more beautiful than before.

It was the first time I had legitimately stared at a girl in a bathing suit in the flesh, and my head was starting to spin.

Maybe this is a dream as I can't believe this beautiful girl is my girlfriend.

"...Hey. It's a little embarrassing so don't stare at me like that."

"Oh! I'm sorry!"

I then looked for an open spot while looking at Tachibana from my side.

The beach houses were already occupied, so we decided to look for other available parasols.

The feeling of stepping on the sand felt good.

I could see men passing by looking at Tachibana.

Don't look at her! I kept walking with that thought in my mind.

"Look at that, it looks like we can go that far."

When I looked in the direction of Tachibana's gaze, I could faintly see a person floating on a float in the very far distance.

Probably because the water is shallow in these parts that we can go that far into the sea.

I finally found an empty parasol a little further away so we headed for it.

It was quite far from the beach houses but I guess it's fine.

After putting down my luggage, I decided to inflate the rubber ring that I brought with me.

"You can do it!"

Tachibana cheered me on as she reapplies her sunscreen.

"Okay! I'm done!"

"Okay! Let's go!

Tachibana then runs barefooted towards the sea.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

I responded to Tachibana's invitation by running barefoot towards the sea while carrying the inflated rubber ring.

"AH...! It's cold!"

Tachibana went into the sea without hesitation.

I ran to the edge of the shore and when I put my feet on the water.

"It's really cold!"

As I was slowly getting into the sea, Tachibana scooped up the sea water and poured it over me.

"You did it! Orya!"

I immediately fought back.

"Kya! Mou!"

We splash each other with the sea water.

From the outside we must look like a couple.

But I don't really care how other people look at us.

I'm flirting with Tachibana in a bathing suit.

Father, Mother I'm so happy right now.

When we get used to the coldness of the sea.

We went a little deeper towards the sea.

"Hey look! It's a fish!"

"You're right!"

There is a small fish swimming near my feet but when I tried to catch it, it swimmed really fast.

"It looks like there are a lot of fish here right?"

"Let's go deeper, shall we?"

When we get to about the height of my stomach, we both get into the float.

We both faced each other while putting our hands on the float.

It was quite narrow and Tachibana and I were very close to each other.

This is really bad as I was really thrilled to see Tachibana's wet body.

I let go of the rubber ring and I floated away.

Our bodies are being swayed by the waves.

Then Tachibana said jokingly.

"What would you do if a shark came along?"

"I'll leave you and then I'll swim away."


This is really great.

The sky was a beautiful mixture of blue and white just like a painting.

The sun is shining, but it feels really good since we are in the ocean.

Also Tachibana is in front of me.

This is really a great location to be in.

"...It looks like no one is around."

Before we knew it. It seems that we were washed up further along the beach.

Tachibana then look at me.

...I see so that's what she means.

Certainly there are no one around us and we are too far from the beach for anyone to see us.

I faced her.

Then Tachibana put her hands around my neck then we kissed each other.

Our faces are so close with each other.

And with that we kissed for the second time.


Tachibana smiled at me shyly.

I was as nervous as I was at the fireworks show.

I guess I'll never get used to it no matter how many times I do it.

We got out of the water and returned to our parasols.

"I want some shaved ice."

Tachibana, who was wearing a big towel over her shoulder, muttered.

"Okay, I'll get some at the beach house, wait here."

After saying that, I left Tachibana in the umbrella and went to the seaside house to buy it.

I passed a number of girls wearing bikinis but I felt no interest on them.

Maybe it's because I already have Tachibana.

I then bought shaved ice and hotdogs at the beach houses and retured to the parasol.

After I returned I see Tachibana making a mountain out of sand and as she puts a tunnel through it.

"Hey Look! It's a tunnel!'

She's still as innocent as ever.

"Here I bought it"

"Wait I'm going to wash the sands on my hands."

Saying that Tachibana went to the sea to wash away the sands on her hands.

Tachibana being covered in the sand was somehow bewitching.

Tachibana then ate the hotdog.

"Is it good?"

"It's delicious."

She answered while there's a hot dog in her mouth.

I also ate the shaved iced.

I ate it all at once so my head starts to ache.

Ah... I can really feel the summer in my body.


It's around 3:00 p.m. now.

After eating, I lie down on a beach chair under a parasol and I took a short rest.

Tachibana is also sleeping.

We played in the ocean and walked around while shopping a lot today.

When I closed my eyes I can hear various sounds.

I hear the voices of excited children while saying that they had found a fish.

I also hear cicadas singing. I wonder if they are a different species from the ones in my hometown.

I can also hear the sound of Tachibana sleeping.

I'm going to sleep too.

I woke up to the sound of the children playing.

I stood up and stretch out.

Hmm... I wonder what time is it right now.

When I checked the clock on my phone it reads 3:30 p.m.

I must have been asleep for about 30 minutes.

When I look at Tachibana I found out that she was still sleeping.

She has a beautiful sleeping face.

So I decided to take a picture of her.

I took out my phone and held it so she wouldn't notice it if she woke up.

I then took a picture of her sleeping face.

I'll keep this photo as a privilege only for me.

I then touched Tachibana's cheek.

Tachibana has a small, well-parted face.

Her long black hair hangs over her shoulders.


I then hurriedly remove my hand.

"Ah...I must have fallen asleep."

Tachibana then wakes up from her slumber.

"Mmm, that felt good."

Tachibana smiled at me with while looking at me with her narrow eyes that had just woken up from sleep.

The time when the beach closes is approaching.

And right now it was just before 4:00 p.m.

The two of us sat on the beach for the last time.

There are still some light but everyone around us are getting ready to leave.

"That was really fun wasn't it?"


I don't want to go home yet.

Tachibana then begins to draw something on the sand with a wooden stick.

It looks like an umbrella and there's a heart mark at the top of it.*

Tachibana then writes her name "Kyoko" underneath it.

She hands me the wooden stick as if she wants me to write my name on it.

I jokingly write the name of our homeroom teacher.

"Hey! That's not right!"

We clap our hands and laugh at each other.

I then erased it and write my name "Kazuma" on it.

Tachibana is happily taking a picture of the umbrella with my name and her name written on it.

It's an aigasa with our names written on it.

I wonder if it will disappear tomorrow.

Well even if it disappeared, in our hearts, it will never disappear.

We then changed to our casual clothes and then we left the beach.

The area around us are full of people going home.

We then lined up at the bus stop.

There were so many people around that it seemed it will take us a long time to get on the bus.

By the time we finally got on the bus, the sun was setting.

I was lucky enough to get a seat for two us on the bus.

The bus started moving.

The bus is moving away from the ocean where we were just a few minutes ago.

The surface of the sea is being illuminated by the setting sun.

For some reason, I felt nostalgic.

The bus is shaking a little bit while it moves.

This rocking was somehow comfortable and it made me feel sleepy.

It was the same for Tachibana.

"I'm getting sleepy. Can I sleep for a while?"


Saying that Tachibana crossed her arms into mine while she leaned against me.

I guess she was tired after having had too much fun all day.

Maybe this is what happiness means.

I thought so when I felt her warmth leaning on me.

If Tachibana is with me, I feel like I don't need anything else.

After meeting and falling in love with Tachibana I became a lot more cheerful than before.

The colors of the two of us mix perfectly as it creates a gradation.

We each accept all of our good and bad points.

I can say that this day trip was the best I have ever had, and I really enjoyed it.

The trip to the beach, the shopping, and the ocean were all strongly etched in my mind as memories of summer, or rather, memories with Tachibana.

I will treasure them in my heart.

I took a lot of photos and videos.

I will probably look back on these photos in a few years or in a few decades and think "I remember going here and I miss this place.".

I wonder if Tachibana is still next to me when that happened.

People say that high school romance is just for fun, but I want to believe that it's not.

Because we value and love each other so much.

When I look outside the bus I saw a beautiful sunset.

I was being illuminated by the orange sunset and I seemed to have overthought things a little.

I gently held the hand of Tachibana who was sleeping.

I wrap my hand around Tachibana's hand, which is much smaller than mine, and wish that we will always be together.

I hope that we can be together forever.

I thought that I would protect my precious person who was sleeping peacefully while leaning against me.

Note: 1. If you still don't get it those two lines are describing Tachibana's oppai.

2. It's called aigasa on Japanese or can be literally translated to Love Umbrella. It's the Japanese version of the drawing of a heart with two names inside it.


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