Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

129 Kyuubi Rolls His Eyes! The Strength Has Increased Dramatically! (Please Subscribe!)

On top of a tall building.

A group of people are standing here.

The other three of the Fantastic Four.

The Invisible Woman, Human Human Torch, and Stone Man.

There are also some people from Hawkeye and X-Men, such as Beast, Iceman and so on.

But Professor X and Wolverine are not here, they are still looking for the trace of Qin outside.

Captain America and Iron Man are not here either.

They're still investigating the truth behind the murder of Iron Man's father.

In front of them stood a woman in a purple robe, overlooking the entire city.

It is the chief culprit of this catastrophe, the Spider Queen.

The Spider Queen turned her back to the crowd of superheroes, and said with a smile: "You guys are late."

After finishing speaking, she took a deep breath.

All the heroes looked at the Spider Queen coldly.

The invisible woman said: "Let the people here return to normal conditions, otherwise we will take action against you.

When the Spider Queen heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched: "I'm sorry, I don't have an antidote either. I only have this virus."

hear this.

There was a trace of anger on everyone's face.

The stone man said in a low voice: "If you kill her, you can't let her continue to grow stronger.

Thunderbolt nodded.

The fuse of the war was triggered immediately.

Heroes from all sides attacked one after another.

Flames, fists, special arrows, sound waves, and ice all flew towards the back of the Spider Queen.

Facing incoming attacks.

The Spider Queen said unhurriedly: "As I said, you are late."

finished talking.


The spider queen burst out from the spot, avoiding everyone's attack.

In an instant, she came to the side of the Human Torch covered in fire.

A whip leg flew out, and the air exploded!


The Thunderbolt was blown away by one kick, and hit the righteousness of the great country next to it. 01 The sound of glass breaking and the sound of tables and chairs breaking.

The vigorous and swift figure of the Spider Queen shocked everyone.

Their movements slowed down by half a beat.

The stone man roared angrily, and punched the spider queen with a fist.


The huge amounts of fists were easily caught by the spider queen's tiny hands.

The floor under the Spider Queen was cracked inch by inch, but the Spider Queen was unscathed.

Seeing this, the stone man's pupils shrank.

You know, strong power is the power he is most proud of.

In the end, it was easily caught by the spider queen of human figure, which was beyond Stone's imagination.

The Spider Queen grinned: "Get lost."

She waved.

The stone man smashed to the side.

Straight into Hawkeye's explosive arrow.


There was an explosion.

The Golem fell through the blast and headed straight for Hawkeye.

With a sound of ouch, Hawkeye was directly knocked into the air and fell from the roof.

The severe pain all over his body made it difficult for him to shoot an arrow.

However, the terrifying sense of weightlessness and death made him explode his potential, shot an arrow to stabilize his body, and finally fell into the building.


One by one superhero was knocked into the air.

There is simply no one who can defeat the Spider Queen.

Facing the mighty Spider Queen, everyone's eyes are tearing apart.

No one is her match at all.

The Spider Queen looked at the heroes lying down, and blew her hands: "As I said, you are late.

"Really?" A loud shout rang out.

A rush of tearing air sounds.


A golden figure exploded from a distance and landed on the roof of the building.

The strong impact force cracked the stone under him.

It was little Spider-Man who came.

Burning raging golden flames all over his body, he looked like a god.

He looked at each other calmly: "I don't think it's too late."

Looking at the golden Spider-man in front of you [Spider Queen's tenth tone: "Golden Spider-man? Is this your most painful form? It doesn't look like a big deal.

little Spider-Man laughed: "Really? Then give it a try."


The even more terrifying Nine-Tails Chakra erupted.

A golden flame blazed from the corners of little Spider-Man's eyes.

He burst out with extremely fast speed, even faster than Jiantian.

He punched the Spider Queen with a punch.

The Spider Queen looked at the speed of little Spider-Man, her pupils shrunk.

This guy made her feel a little dangerous.

The Spider Queen also punched immediately.


At the same time as the two punches collided.

Powerful impact spread.

The floor below exploded and sank.

The cracks spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

After the mighty fist.

Both flew out.

Hit a tall building.

The walls and floors of the high-rise building were under the bodies of the two of them, like sheets of paper, which could easily be punctured.

The tall building that fought.

The roof collapsed directly and landed on the floor below.

Set off a cloud of dust.

This scene shocked everyone.

The battle between the Spider Queen and little Spider-Man is amazing.

Just the Shockwave of the fist makes the building collapse.

Two figures, one golden and one purple, burst out from the tall building.

On top of two tall buildings.

The Spider Queen looked at little Spider-Man and grinned, "Golden Spider-man, that's all.

My current strength is completely comparable to yours.

Moreover, my strength is increasing every moment.

little Spider-Man, your only fate is to become my pet again, and become a member of my army of mutant spiders. "

When the rest of the people heard this, their faces changed slightly.

Because what the Spider Queen said, if you can't defeat her at this moment, you can never defeat her.

The hearts of the heroes sank to the bottom of the valley.

In their ears, waves of roars belonged to monsters sounded.

This sound is everywhere.

It seems that New York City has been reduced to hell.

The mood of the heroes became more and more depressed, and they were prepared to die.

Little Spider-Man listened to the howls, and saw that there were mutant spiders everywhere.

All of this was caused by the spider queen in front of her, who turned the world into a hell.

little Spider-Man clenched his fists, his eyes were burning with anger: "Spider Queen, you are too much.

The Nine Tails Chakra of the whole body is fully released!


Golden Chakra flew in all directions.

There was an explosion.

huge amounts of smoke filled the air.

A huge amounts of nine-tailed demon fox appeared on the road.

It is as tall as a building.

It's not over yet.

Roll your eyes!

Kyuubi's eyes turned grayish white, and the surrounding veins bulged.

A terrifying vision flew out.

Every acupuncture point and meridian in Jiuwei's body is fully displayed.


A huge amount of chakra surging like a river poured into it.

Even more terrifying power erupted from Nine Tails.

A strong sense of oppression flew out, and there was a faint feeling of actualization and oppression.

little Spider-Man felt amazing power like never before.

With the appearance of Nine Tails, the surrounding mutant spiders fled quickly.

In this place, basically only superheroes and mutant spiders are left.

It squinted at the petite Spider Queen, and said loudly: "Spider Queen, you are too much.

After speaking, it stretched out its hand and blasted towards the Spider Queen.

Looking at the huge Nine Tails, the Spider Queen's pupils shrank.

Immediately she punched out.


The Spider Queen was directly blasted away.

Crash through tall buildings.

Finally hit the ground.

call out!

The Nine-Tails burst out, and instantly arrived in front of the Spider Queen, covering the sky and the sun.

It raised its sharp claws and stabbed down.

Set off a strong storm.

The claws flew in front of the Spider Queen in an instant.

The spider queen looked at the sharp claws, her pupils shrank.

The claws didn't kill the Spider Queen as expected.

Hovered a few centimeters away from her.

little Spider-Man didn't stab directly, his eyes showed a trace of struggle.

He never killed anyone.

His previous principle was not to kill easily.

Not to deprive others of their lives, little Spider-Man has been educated since he was a child, and it is almost carved into his bones.

It is like a tight hoop, tightly imprisoning little Spider-Man's thinking.

But the next moment.

There were monster roars in my ears.

MR.Fantastic's exhortation came to mind: "Peter, at a critical moment.

Throw away the excess of Mercy and kill her.

Otherwise, countless people will fall. "

little Spider-Man's eyes instantly became clear and resolute.

Watching Nine Tails' claws hovering over his body.

The spider queen's eyes lit up, and she immediately prepared to run away.

little Spider-Man looked at the spider queen who was about to escape, and the claws in his hand stabbed straight out, this time without a trace of hesitation.


The huge 890 claws pierced the Spider Queen's body in an instant.

This little Spider-Man's mind completely metamorphosis.

He grew up from a neighborhood boy to an iron-blooded hero.

In his eyes, there were no complicated emotions, only firm and firm eyes.

The rest of the heroes breathed a sigh of relief seeing this scene.

Just at this time.

The situation suddenly changed.

From the female body of the Spider Queen, a body broke out of the shell and expanded rapidly.

next moment.

A huge mutant spider appeared.

In terms of body size, it is even comparable to Nine Tails.

This is the final form of Spider Queen's evolution, and it is also the real form of the opponent.

The huge spider roared.

The windows of the surrounding buildings were all broken.

All the heroes covered their ears one after another, but their eardrums still hurt from the shock.

Two mountain-like bodies stretch across the city.

It looked extremely shocking.

The huge spider looked at Nine Tails with rows of eyes, full of hatred: "little Spider-Man, you ruined my human body. I will kill you!"

little Spider-Man looked at each other and said coldly: "If I can kill you once, I can kill you twice."

The other heroes gasped when they saw the giant spider.

Immediately, individuals used their abilities one after another.

After all, such a huge body is a living target.

Flames, Ice, sulfuric acid arrows, lasers, and Ice hit the giant spider one after another.

However, to everyone's horror, neither the extremely corrosive sulfuric acid nor the astonishingly destructive laser could penetrate the spider's shell.

None of the attacks worked.

The body of the giant spider has become so hard that it is terrifying.

The Spider Queen laughed wantonly: "My body has been strengthened to an appalling extent.

You can't penetrate my body at all.

Everyone must die here today. "

little Spider-Man said, "Really?"

He opened Nine-Tails' mouth wide open.

A huge tailed beast jade condensed out.

(Thank you [Z Pretending to be ADHD] brother for 1000 points reminder tickets! I will try my best to update!).

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