Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

130 The Sheath Is Born! Unstoppable! Shock The Audience! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

The huge tailed beast jade burst out, like a cannonball blasting towards the giant spider.


Hit directly on the giant spider.

The huge Shockwave directly destroys part of the buildings on both sides!

Boom boom boom!

The building could not keep its balance and began to collapse.

Set off the sky full of smoke and dust.

But the next moment.

Little Spider-Man's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because in his eyes, the giant spider was not harmed at all.

The terrifying Tailed Beast Jade who blasted the Hulk into admiration couldn't even hit the body of the giant spider facing him.

All the heroes around were shocked when they saw this.

In their view, the Tailed Beast Jade is full of destructive power, and the aftermath of the explosion destroyed the buildings on both sides, which is enough to show the destructive power.

As a result, they did not expect that such a terrifying attack did not cause any damage to the giant spider, which is really amazing.

The giant spider let out a triumphant laugh: "I have now absorbed part of the power of countless mutant spiders, and I have evolved to an unbelievable level.

Your injuries have no effect on me at all.

As I said, you are all late and are no longer my opponents. "

The Spider Queen's laughter caused a trace of despair in everyone's hearts.

Even the huge and powerful Nine Tails is no match for the Spider Queen, and they are even more no match for each other.

"Damn it, is it over?" Thunderbolt looked at the huge body.

Hawkeye's eyes were full of unwillingness: "Damn it, it would be great if we could discover her existence earlier.

Kill her before she grows up. "

The invisible woman looked at the mountainous figure with frowning eyes.

The Spider Queen's power comes from mutant spiders.

If there is enough antidote to restore these mutant spiders, then this spider queen will have nothing to fear.

It's a pity that her husband, MR.Fantastic, hasn't developed the antidote yet.

By the time her husband develops the antidote, the mutated spiders may have spread across the country.

At that time, even if you take out the antidote, it will not help.

Unless they can kill the spider queen, surround these mutant spiders in New City, and wait for the antidote to come out and save everyone.

But the problem is, they can't defeat the Spider Queen.

Little Spider-Man saw that the shot was useless, and opened his mouth immediately.

Beast-tailed jade condensed on the mouth.


Cannonballs flew out one by one.

Hit the giant spider.

Boom boom boom!

There were bursts of sky-shattering explosions.

The giant spider was knocked back a few steps, directly crushing a tall building.


The giant spider was not injured in the slightest.

The Spider Queen laughed wantonly: "As I said, your attack is useless at all. When I am stronger, little Spider-Man, I will kill you.

See this scene.

Everyone felt that the world had darkened.

They couldn't hurt the Spider Queen at all.

little Spider-Man clenched his paws when he saw this scene.

huge amounts of claws directly grabbed the concrete floor out of a big hole.

He gritted his teeth.

Damn it, if you can't break the defense, you can't kill this monster.

Does he want to watch mutant spiders crawling all over the world?

little Spider-Man was unwilling.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the Zanpakuto, sheath-shaped, which he had not received yet.

His eyes lit up instantly.

break defense.

That sheath should be able to do it!

After all, this is the Zanpakuto that claims to cut everything.

Thinking of this, little Spider-Man directly canceled the transformation, changed back to the nine-tailed lama mode, and changed back to the golden Spider-man.

See here.

The Spider Queen laughed: "Have you given up? little Spider-Man? This is the taste of despair.

However, even if you give up, I will still kill you. "

In the end, the spider queen was murderous.

Facing this circumstances.

The rest see here.

They all thought that little Spider-Man had given up.

But they also understand that in the face of this invincible situation, persistence seems to have no meaning.

little Spider-Man fell to the ground from mid-air, sneered: "Give up? You think too much. I just killed you."

After speaking, little Spider-Man said silently in his heart to receive the reward.

An unremarkable Katana appeared in little Spider-Man's hand.

It looks very ordinary, just like the Katana sold in ordinary weapon shops for tens of USD.

Can't see anything outstanding at all.

And this is Zanpakuto, the sheath.

Zanpakuto, which is even regarded as a defective product by the sword maker.

Because this knife is so sharp that no scabbard can hold it.

It is too inconvenient to carry such a knife.

Therefore, it is regarded as a defective product by the knife maker.

There is only one shortcoming of this sword, that is, it is extremely sharp and there is nothing to restrain it.

The Spider Queen looked at the sudden addition of a Katana in little Spider-Man's hand, and looked at the ordinary knife, not even a knife as big as its teeth, with only disdain in her eyes.

To it, this knife is like a small toothpick.

The Spider Queen said: "You have no other means? Are you going to use this iron knife to kill me?"

She sneered: "Sulfuric acid and lasers are useless, and your iron is even less likely to be useful, even alloys are useless.

It is impossible for a metal knife to break through my body. Broken iron knife, useless. "

When the other people around saw this scene, they were all taken aback.

They thought little Spider-Man was going to come up with something awesome.

It turned out to be a completely unremarkable Katana.

Seeing this, everyone was disappointed for a while.

It's no wonder they were disappointed, because from the outside, the scabbard was so unremarkable to the extreme.

Most importantly, as the Spider Queen said, high-damage attacks like lasers are useless, let alone ordinary metal knives.

Hawkeye looked at Katana and sighed: "What's the use of an iron knife."

As an expert in knives, he knows all about the famous knives in the world.

This knife is obviously not one of those famous knives.

And in terms of appearance, it is no different from the Katana in street stores that cost tens of USD.

Hawkeye squeezed the bow in his hand: "It seems that we lost."

In a burst of pessimism.

The little Spider-Man burst out, turning into a streak of golden lightning and grazing towards the giant spider.

He was in front of the giant spider in an instant.

He jumped up and flew straight to the top of the giant spider.

little Spider-Man raised the ordinary knife in his hand and stabbed it down.

There is no brilliance, there is no singularity.

It's like the most common iron knife.

little Spider-Man chuckled: "The material of this knife is not metal!

It comes from the souls of countless Death Gods!

It's not called a broken iron knife, it's crouching! It's crouching without a sheath!

It is enough to break through all defenses!"


The seemingly ordinary sheath easily broke through the perverted body of the giant spider without any effort!

It's like cutting tofu!

Blood splatters!

The little Spider-Man roared angrily, and the nine-tailed chakra poured into every acupoint and meridian in his whole body! Horror power erupted!

It directly pierced the entire sheath into the brain of the giant spider.

There was an earth-shattering howl.

Even though little Spider-Man has a physique far beyond ordinary people, he also has a nine-tailed chakra body protector.

At this moment, it is also affected by huge amounts of shock.

Blood oozes out from the seven orifices.

Intense pain pounded little Spider-Man's nervous system.

Pain makes little Spider-Man clasp his hands even tighter!


He roared and used all his strength!


It directly pierced through the giant spider's brain, and basically the whole body was submerged in the giant spider's brain.

The howling of the giant spider stopped abruptly.


The entire huge body fell suddenly and hit the ground.

The entire earth trembled in terror.

The tall buildings in the city are shaking.

Countless dust fell down.

All the heroes around fell silent at this moment.

Their pupils trembled as they watched the astonishing picture ahead.

None of them thought that this ordinary iron knife could easily break through the monster's body.

You know, the monster's body can't be broken by strong sulfuric acid or laser.

In the end, it was broken open by a seemingly ordinary iron knife.

In the end, he also used this knife to kill the invincible Spider Queen.

Everything happened between lightning and flint.

With the most violent power, it directly shattered the cognition of the heroes.

Hawkeye murmured, "What kind of knife is this? Why is it so sharp?"

The invisible woman opened her mouth slightly, too shocked to speak.

Human Torch clutched his scalp: "Fack, this monster was defeated just like that?"

Inside the research institute, MR.Fantastic was holding the antidote, and his pupils looked at the huge corpse on the screen.

Originally, he was also desperate.

Unexpectedly, little Spider-Man's seemingly ordinary knife was so terrifying that it broke through the body of a giant beast that was a hundred times more terrifying than alloy.

on site.


little Spider-Man tried his best to pull out his body from the giant spider. His body was covered in the blue blood of the giant spider, and there were (Wang Dezhao) bright red blood on his seven orifices. He looked extremely miserable.

He jumped off the body of the giant spider.

"Ah!" The severe pain in his head was still there, and little Spider-Man knelt directly on the ground.

Covering his head with one hand, he held a knife in the other and tried to support himself on the ground.

As a result, the sharp blade broke through the concrete floor and stabbed straight into the ground.

The little Spider-Man's body also lost its balance in an instant, and it was sheathing in front of it. If it fell down casually, the consequences would be disastrous.

Immediately, his Spider Telepathy activated, and he felt extremely dangerous.

Forcibly stabilized the body without letting the whole body fall down.

He tightly blocked the sheath with his hands.

The surrounding heroes were frightened by little Spider-Man's sudden kneeling, and stepped forward one after another.

little Spider-Man covered his head, endured the pain and looked at the ordinary sheath, with a wry smile on his mouth: "It is also a problem to deal with this thing in this way.

He stood up and told the people around him that it was all right.

He looks around.

The high-rise building collapsed and was in ruins. The once prosperous city, at this moment, seemed to be doomsday, with only dead silence and the corpses of monsters.

A trace of sadness flickered in little Spider-Man's eyes.

The wind flies past, there is no noise, only the sound of the wind.

With a group of superheroes in a mess.

on the cruise ship.

When the sound of the system sounded in Li Xiu's ears.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

(The third one is presented! Ask for flowers and votes!).

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