Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

131 The Terrifying 500 Times The Speed Of Sound! The Fastest Zanpakuto Sharpshooter! (Kneeling To Su

"Ding! Disciple Spider-man has drawn the Zanpakuto Sheath Fushi." Li Xiu was looking at the calm sea when the sound of the system sounded in his ears.

Hearing the sound of the system, Li Xiu was taken aback.

He didn't expect little Spider-Man to draw this thing.

After all, the sheath is in the Zanpakuto, which is the most unique one.

this thing.

There is no beginning to solve the swastika.

It's basically not a Zanpakuto.

But this knife, in Li Xiu's view, does not need to be solved at all.

Because then its only characteristic is enough.

The sharpest Zanpakuto, bar none.

It is sharp enough to replace other functions.

Especially for the strong, such sharpness is commendable.

For the weak, holding a sharp sword is not very useful, and those without speed are easy to be killed.

But for the strong, the sharp sword means to kill everything, because they have enough strength to avoid the attack, and then break through any defense with this knife.

A series of system sounds continued to ring in my ears!

"Ding! Crit sublimation! The host gets the Zanpakuto Sheath Fu!"

"Ding! The host has obtained the Zanpakuto and Divine Spear!"

"Ding! The host got Zanpakuto · Sode Shirayuki!"

Hear something sublimated by this crit.

A hint of surprise appeared in Li Xiu's eyes.

Needless to say, the sheath ambush, in his hands, can burst out with terrifying power.

Most importantly, as his strength continues to improve, the explosive power of the sheath will become stronger.

Just like a low-level person holding a sheath can kill a low-level person.

A high-level person holding a sheath can also kill a high-level person.

As long as your strength is enough, it can help kill enemies of any level. 817

Obtaining a sheath ammo is a very good reward for Li Xiu.

As for the shortcoming of not having a scabbard to accommodate the knife, which is extremely inconvenient to use, it is not a shortcoming at all for Li Xiu.

He can place it in his starting ball space.

As the god of the first ball space, he can make a piece of space without gravity and suspend the sheath in the air.

When you want to use it, you only need to pull it out from the original ball space.

As for the other two Zanpakutō, they are also the strongest existence in each field.

A speed is transcendent, it is the fastest Zanpakuto.

A beautiful and moving sword, the most beautiful Zanpakuto.

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Xiu's mouth curled up slightly.

With a thought.

A knife with a somewhat short blade appeared in his hand.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

"Ding! Touched the Zhanhundao! Unlock the Reiatsu!"

"Ding! The host's soul is extremely powerful, and it will unlock a terrifying amount of spiritual pressure! Please find a place where no one is around to unlock the spiritual pressure immediately!"

Hearing this, Li Xiu was slightly taken aback.

Unlock Reiatsu?

He didn't expect that he would automatically unlock the spiritual pressure.

Reiatsu is the energy of Death God, equivalent to the ninja's Chakra.

The stronger the spiritual pressure, that is, the higher the density, the stronger the power.

Reiatsu is related to the density of the soul.

His soul is being strengthened to the point of being alone after obtaining various ultimate pupil techniques and other various powers.

The system said that his soul was strong, and there was nothing wrong with him.

Reiatsu is also a powerful force, and combined with Zanpakuto, it can exert even stronger power.

It can be said that unlocking the spiritual pressure (abai) was a surprise for Li Xiu.

A powerful spiritual pressure is enough to destroy this cruise ship.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Li Xiu to unlock the Reiatsu on his cruise ship and destroy his property.

Immediately, his eyes glowed with blue light, turning into Ultimate Tenseigan.

Eyes blurred.

The next moment, he appeared directly above the sky.

"Unlock Reiatsu."

next moment.

A huge spiritual pressure erupted from his body.


The vast sea of ​​clouds above the sky was instantly lifted, revealing a vast blue sky.

The huge spiritual pressure swept away in all directions.

The surface of the sea was full of turbulent waves.

on the cruise ship.

Poor Shikamaru is under attack again.

The aftermath of spiritual pressure directly caused Shikamaru to turn over on the sofa.

The amazing Reiatsu made Shikamaru almost unable to move.

He looked at the big blue hole in the sky where the sea of ​​clouds was suddenly burst open. Compared with that big hole, Li Xiu was as small as a grain of sand.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

What is this boss of his own doing?

Every time Li Xiu's performance made Shikamaru feel his heart tremble.

Because it's amazing.

on amazing waves.

The cruise ship swayed erratically.

Shikamaru above is a little desperate.

There is no stopping along the way.

He is just an ordinary money guy, why should he go through these things.

on the sky.

Horror spiritual pressure filled Li Xiu's body, further strengthening his body functions.

He felt the sea-like spiritual pressure in his body, and felt the power that continued to flow out of his body, the corners of Li Xiu's mouth curled up slightly.

This is just the blessing of spiritual pressure. If other powers are blessed together, his physical strength will reach an even more terrifying level.

Li Xiu had to sigh that the power of the Tiger Talisman was really powerful, allowing him to use a variety of powers without side effects at all.

He looked up at the vast, empty blue sky.

This is the effect of his simple release of spiritual pressure, it is so amazing.

It seems that his soul is really powerful, otherwise he would not have such a terrifying spiritual pressure.

Take back the spiritual pressure.

His bright blue eyes jumped.

He's back on the cruise ship again.

Stand on the bridge deck.

He stretched out his sharp gun and pointed it at the empty sea.

The majestic spiritual pressure was poured into the sharp gun.

Li Xiu muttered softly: "God kills the gun.

Sharpshooter, Tian Jie!


An astonishing spiritual pressure erupted from Li Xiu's body, like a strong wind.

However, none of the sofas and tables on the bridge board were blown away, but were firmly fixed on the bridge board, as if nothing had happened.

But Shikamaru, who felt the powerful impact and oppression, understood that the strong wind-like impact was still there, but his body was firmly locked on the ground by a mysterious force.

This force is naturally Li Xiu's own gravitational ability.

White light flashed.

The sharp blade in his hand burst out, spanning a huge distance in an instant, extending to more than ten kilometers away.

Everything is in the blink of an eye, and the speed is terrifying to the extreme.

The sea surface was directly cut by a powerful and sharp force.


A deep gully with a length of more than ten kilometers suddenly appeared.

Countless passing fish were instantly cut in half.

Another moment.

The extremely long blade disappeared instantly.

It changed back to the original length of tens of centimeters.

Shikamaru behind saw this scene.

Pupils are vibrating.

He really couldn't figure out why his boss always showed all kinds of powerful abilities.

And everything is extremely powerful.

He really couldn't figure out why a person could be so perverted, completely refusing to leave a way for others to survive.

Shikamaru smiled wryly, facing such a perverted boss, he was under a lot of pressure.

Li Xiu looked at the vast ravine ahead with his white eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Among the original works.

Yin, the holder of the sharp gun, said that the actual speed of the extension of this knife is far less than 500 times the speed of sound, and the maximum length is less than 13 kilometers.

But he just tested it out.

Even if the length of the magic knife swastika is less than 13 kilometers, it is almost the same.

And everything happens in an instant.

The actual speed is basically around 500 times the speed of sound.

In other words, Yin actually lied. He only weakened the true power of the sharp gun in order to paralyze the target to be assassinated and lower the vigilance of the other party.

Therefore, the sharp gun can reach 500 times the speed of sound, which was absolutely terrifying in terms of speed.

After the blessing of 500 times the speed of sound, the power of the sharp gun has also reached the point of terror.

It can almost be said that whoever is aimed at will be killed.

This Zanpaku knife is very terrifying and powerful.

So Li Xiu is extremely satisfied.

Information about the sharp gun also appeared in his mind.

[Sharp Spear: The blade is short and looks ordinary. After the initial solution, it can be freely stretched and its length can be changed to enhance its attack speed and power. 】

【Shijie's Liberation Language: Shoot him, sharpshooter!】

[Initial solution Ability: When the sharp gun is first released, the blade can be extended and changed in length instantly to assassinate the opponent. 】

[Swastika's liberation language: God kills the gun!]

[Swastika solution Ability: It just turns into dust for a moment during the stretching process, which contains deadly toxins that can dissolve cells.

The extension limit is 13km, and the stretching speed is 500 times the speed of sound]

See the relevant data of the sharpshooter.

It further confirmed Li Xiu's guess.

Sure enough, Yin lowered Aizen's vigilance and lied.

After testing the power of the sharpshooter.

Throw the sharpshooter into the starting ball space.

The rest is Shebushi, and Sode Shirayuki, who became a top-notch beauty after she materialized.

With a thought, he took the sheath again.

Immediately, an ordinary Katana appeared in Li Xiu's hand.

Looking at this knife, Li Ti still likes it very much.

Simple yet powerful weapon, who doesn't like it?

Li Xiu picked up the sheath and gently stroked towards his hand.

After all, on this planet.

The hardest substance may be his body.


Sheath easily slashed open his palm, as if it didn't touch anything.

Seeing this, Li Xiu's pupils also trembled slightly.

(Fourth more dedicated!).

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