Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

155 Draw! Eight Strange Skills Fenghou Qimen! (Please Subscribe!)


A complex pattern appeared before Wolverine's eyes.

It is full of various directions, as well as the words Li and Kan of the gossip.

This complex image and text made Wolverine feel a little confused for a moment.

He didn't understand the meaning of that at all.

Just at this time.

I remembered huge amounts of angry shouting in my ears, and heard this sound.

Wolverine was overjoyed.

He understood that the professor was rescued.

But immediately his expression changed.

Because the three knights rushed towards the fighter plane, with the power of the three knights, even humans couldn't stop it at all.

Just at this time.

The text in front of him also changed.

[Ding! You have won one of the eight magical skills, Fenghou Qimen!]

[Ding! The gift is being distributed...Successful distribution!】

next moment.

A lot of knowledge flooded Wolverine's mind.

He instantly realized what he had obtained, and also understood the oriental charm contained in it.

This is the formation power of the East.

It was a brand new power that he had never touched before.

All kinds of information flew by in my mind.

In ancient times, the king of the Bao Xi family also ruled the world. He looked up at the sky, and looked down at the law on the ground. The writing of birds and beasts was suitable for the land; Through the virtue of the gods, with the love of all things...

Dryness is the sky, kun is the earth, earthquake is thunder, sunda is wind, ridge is water, distance is fire, gen is mountain, dui is marsh...

With the help of the system, Wolverine absorbed all the information full of profound oriental culture, allowing him to understand these meanings and the corresponding power.

[Fenghou Qimen: You can set the middle palace under your feet, and you can freely switch the four games in the Qimen game.

The time and space in the round and the Shengke of the four sets are all determined by the user. 】

Fenghou Qimen, in simple terms, is to control the time, space, and even the power of the five elements in the entire formation, and even change the aura of Feng Shui to increase your own power to a certain extent

To control time and space, he can use the Chaos Golden Watchman to drag himself and the surrounding space into a parallel time and space, which greatly slows down the flow of time.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, time and space have not changed, but in essence, time has changed.

To control the power of the five elements, you can weaken the opponent's five elements or strengthen your own five elements by moving the four dials.

For example, if the opponent uses fire-type skills, he can pull the opponent into the threshold representing water, which can greatly suppress the power of the opponent's fire-type skills.

At the same time, he can also predict good and bad in this space, and know good and bad.

Changing the feng shui aura belongs to changing the air luck line, which requires a very strange attainment, and Wolverine's current knowledge and realm of the strange door simply cannot support him to do this.

In addition, using Qimen will cause a lot of damage to oneself, and even consume life.

It's just that the effect is the same as that of the Eight Gates Dunjia.

Wolverine looked at it and just smiled.

After learning about Fenghou Qimen, Wolverine instantly understood the power of this thing.

In the formation space, it is simply a god-like existence.

The moment she got Fenghou Qimen, Wolverine burst out from the yellow sand.

He also saw the huge fire snake rushing towards the fighter plane.

If the fire snake really hit the fighter plane, the fighter plane must be damaged! The professor and Nightcrawler inside must have been severely damaged!

Of course Wolverine couldn't have seen this happen.

for a moment.

He just used Fenghou Qimen.

A huge formation engraved with blue light sped out from under his feet.

Instantly enveloped the huge area around.

He put his hands together slightly and pinched out the hand formula.

Messy Gold Watchman!

for a moment.

Invisible's power rushed out instantly, covering him and the huge fire snake.

His vitality is rapidly depleting.

In an instant, the speed of the fire snake began to slow down.

His brain Flight rotates, constantly calculating the directions of the four discs.

Because the amount of calculation is too large.

After a while, he finally calculated the best four-set position.

Because of the deceleration effect of the chaotic gold watchman, the fire snake did not move too much distance.

He quickly began to dial four sets.

The blue formation below him began to change rapidly.

Finally, the location of the Fire Snake was determined as the threshold.

for a moment.

The cold shrouded huge amounts of Fire Snake, and the size of Fire Snake instantly shrunk several times, its power greatly reduced.

However, the fire snake still has a relatively strong lethality. When it hits a fighter plane and comes into contact with the things inside, it will definitely cause an explosion.

So that's not enough!

He needs to go forward in person to completely wipe out the fiery snake.

Because he temporarily dragged himself and Fire Snake into a slower time and space.

His movements also slowed down.

He needs more speed to stop the fire snake's attack.

Wolverine made another hand gesture.


The blood-red eyes were covered with a layer of blue light.

Turtle body!

At the cost of burning life, greatly improve body function.

It can allow the user to burst into a faster speed in a slow time.


Wolverine burst out.

He kicked at the fire snake.

With a strong air current under his feet, a gust of wind was set off and hit the fire snake.

Under Wolverine's foot, the fire snake, whose power was greatly reduced, was wiped out on the spot.

The chaotic gold watchman ended, and the surrounding time and space returned to normal.


The rest of the force hits the sand, a day's appointment.

This scene.

In the eyes of others, it is a strange blue light pattern emerging from the ground.

Then the huge fire snake suddenly became smaller.

Then Wolverine's speed suddenly soared, and she rushed out in an instant.

With one kick, the fire snake was completely wiped out.

See here.

Everyone was shocked.

What kind of power is this?

They've never met (Nuo Qian's).

After the pattern under the feet appeared, the power of killing the snake would decrease every day.

And why is Wolverine still so fast?

Seeing that the fire snake in front of them disappeared, everyone in the X-Men breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, they were all amazed at Wolverine's sudden display of strength.

The means of weakening the fire snake, increasing the speed, and turning the tide are simply amazing.

Wolverine stood up from the bunker, also relieved, he still saved the professor and them.

He looked at the three knights of Apocalypse, and said: The opponent of the three of you is me々

Lan Guang's Qimen Formation was constantly changing under his feet, looking extremely miraculous.

at the same time.

The text in front of his eyes also changed.

[Ding! Trigger the second ring task and defeat the three knights of Apocalypse!】

[Ding! Completing the task will give you a chance to draw a lottery!].

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