Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

156 Suppress The Apocalypse Three Horsemen! Chaotic Golden Watchman! (Please Subscribe!)

Hear here.

A small smile formed on Wolverine's lips.

If she had gotten this task before, Wolverine would probably be uncomfortable.

After all, his previous strength was not enough to deal with the three knights.

But now, he is completely different.

Fenghou Qimen can superimpose buffs for him, and can also superimpose buffs for enemies.

In addition, he can also control the speed of time passing.

Although, Fenghou Qimen did not directly improve his Ability.

But in terms of gain, it can play a huge role, directly raising his combat power to a higher level.

Strengthen your own strength, weaken the strength of others, and let you slow down the movements of others! The effect is amazing.

Most importantly, although he is constantly getting stronger, the buff effect remains the same.

In other words, the stronger he is, the stronger the gain will be.

The only downside is the cost of life, but with Wolverine, that's less obvious.

For Wolverine, this is simply a god-level skill.

With the help of Fenghou Qimen, his strength will leap forward, enough to suppress the three knights in front of him.

The only thing that gave him a headache was that Fenghou Qimen's calculation was too big.

Thousands of changes have to be considered. After all, different environments and different times lead to different elements, which will cause countless changes.

He needs to go through deduction to finally call out a suitable debuff buff position for the opponent.

Even though his reaction power has been greatly improved after the eight gates, coupled with the powerful boosts of Luan Jin Tuo and Turtle Fly Body, it is still very difficult for him to calculate.

But it was enough to deal with the three people in front of him. If there were more enemies or faster enemies, he would be a bit overwhelmed.

For now, enough is enough.


The azure blue magical formation under his feet expanded rapidly, instantly including the three knights.

"Hurry up and get on the fighter planes, I'll deal with them. You're here, I can't let go." Wolverine said to the X-Men and the others.

No way, facing the three knights, today's X-Men are still a little immature.

Cyclops and others also understand that they will only get in the way when they are here.

So a group of people rushed towards the fighter plane.

Professor X was not successful because of Possessing other's body just now, but his spirit was still affected, so he should have rested.

In the end, because of the Fire Snake, he forcibly invaded Pyro's mind, causing his spirit to be affected even more seriously.

The whole person had a splitting headache at the moment, and sat on the seat of the fighter plane with a painful expression on his face.

Without the control of Professor X, Mie Ren immediately came to his senses.

He also instantly understood that he had just been invaded by Professor X's mind.

Immediately he shouted: "Professor X is in the spaceship! They want to escape, stop them!"

Hearing this, the expressions of the other two people changed.

So they all ran towards the fighter plane and used their abilities.

He looked at the three people who were rushing forward.

Wolverine also moved and shot out: "I'm here, can you stop me?"

Pyro spewed out a surging sea of ​​flames from his hands, rushing towards the spaceship with terrifying power.

Burning man gritted his teeth and said, "You can break me a fire snake, but what about this vast sea of ​​fire?!"

Wolverine's eyes turned cold: "A sea of ​​fire? In my domain, there is no sea of ​​fire!"

He made a trick.

Chaos Gold Watchman casts again!

Everything around is slowing down.

At the same time, his vitality was also being consumed crazily.

It won't be long before his vitality will reach the critical point of death. Because his will is immortal and his life is immortal, he will not die, but will only fall into a period of complete exhaustion, unable to use any skills.

According to his current consumption rate of vitality, he will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent.

He could only watch the professor being Possessing other's body, and his companion died.

This is certainly not what Wolverine wants to see.

Wolverine's eyes are red, staring at the enemy, he needs a longer time! He needs to slow down the consumption of vitality!

At this moment, Wolverine's will to survive was immediately full.

He just wants faster recovery!

He just wants stronger resilience!

Wolverine's resilience is directly proportional to his willpower.

The stronger his will, the more astonishing his recovery ability.

A strong will stimulates the self-healing factors in the body and becomes more active (abee).

Wolverine's physical resilience has become stronger.

His body recovered quickly, and at the same time his skin was terribly consumed.

One ebbs and another, at this moment, his life consumption speed has been greatly reduced.

Trick again!

Turtle body!

Wisps of blue light overflowed from the steam condensed by the blood.

His eyes also overflowed with wisps of blue light.


The brain responds to Ability and the body faster.

The brain works quickly.

The formation under his feet changed rapidly.

Soon, it stopped.

The sea of ​​fire basically didn't move much.

A threshold representing the water attribute appears in the area of ​​the sea of ​​fire.

The restrained attribute inspires.

The sea of ​​fire is rapidly decreasing!

Soon, it turned into a small lake!


Wolverine burst out.

Fly out.

Day Tiger!

hold head high!

There was a loud growl.

Giant Tiger Appears!

The chaos of gold is over.


Easily extinguished the flames of the small lake!

Hit Pyro.

Pyro groaned.

It fell into the sand and was dying.

In the eyes of everyone.

It was another weird scene.

The sea of ​​flames shrank suddenly, as if suppressed by invisible power.

Then Wolverine's speed climbed to an unbelievable level again, directly blasting the suppressed sea of ​​fire, and then severely injured the fireman with one kick!

Everyone's scalp is numb.

This attack is too unbelievable.

They knew that this power must come from the complex blue light patterns on their bodies.

But they don't know how the pattern works and what meaning it contains.

Angel glared: "Damn! What's going on?!"


A powerful heartbeat came from inside the great Pyramids.

As if the heart of the Pyramids was beating.

An extremely powerful and dangerous breath emanated from the Pyramids.

Wolverine knew that must be the heart of Apocalypse.

Apocalypse didn't come out right away.

It appears that the Possessing other's body ritual was interrupted and Apocalypse needs to recover.

He may now be fully recovering physically and mentally.

But listening to the increasingly rapid heartbeat, Wolverine understood that Apocalypse might come out in the next moment.

He may be able to defeat the three knights, but if he is added to the more powerful existence of Apocalypse, he may be in a dangerous situation.

He must get rid of the three knights first to get new rewards.

He has the energy to deal with the upcoming Apocalypse.

He looked at Angel, his red eyes flashed coldly.

Messy Gold Watchman!

(ps: I recently started taking public exams, and I need to review. I signed up to see the position yesterday, and there are few updates. But I will still try to ensure updates in the future. Every update is 2k to 3k, four or five updates are the base, and occasionally burst updates. In addition , I am very grateful to Brother Yanghei for your advice and concern all the time, thank you, although I have not responded many times, I have read your messages carefully.).

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