Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

157 Mutant Patriarch Apocalypse Appears! Ding! Crit Sublimation! (Please Subscribe!)

for a moment.

Time slowed down again.

Angel, who was originally extremely fast, suddenly slowed down like a snail.

Turtle body!


Wolverine's body was stimulated to its potential again.

If it wasn't for Wolverine's special physique, someone else would have died long ago.

It can only be said that a person who is almost immortal is always very contrived.

Wolverine's mind raced.

The Qimen formation under their feet spun rapidly again.

The off-position representing the fire attribute instantly enveloped Angel.

Huo Kejin!

The defensive power of Angel's metal wind wings and metal bone physique was greatly weakened in an instant.


Wolverine sprinted away again.

In the case of continuous extraction of life.

Wolverine's body was scorched red and a little dry.

There is basically no flesh on the face, it is extremely thin, and it looks like a different person from usual.

However, this does not affect his strength in the slightest.

With all eight doors open, his state is always full!


Wolverine used Day Tiger again.

Because for him, the day tiger of the seven mysteries and the combat power of the eight gates are enough to deal with the three knights.

If Ye Kai is used, the consumption will only be greater, and his vitality will be easily reduced to a critical point, then he will completely lose his combat effectiveness.

So Ye Kai can only be a last resort.

At the same time, he added an out-of-position boost to himself!

The flames above the day tiger are more intense and powerful.

Huo Kejin!

Wolverine's lethality increases again.

Day Tiger blasted towards Angel.

The chaos of gold is over.

The astonishing day tiger came in front of Angel.

Angel was shocked. To him, the other party seemed to be elusive and unpredictable.

His incredible speed didn't work against Wolverine either.

However, Angel was extremely confident in his defense.

He grinned: "Your attack can't hurt me at all.

After you finish attacking, it will be my turn, and I will pierce your body completely.

The steel wings instantly wrapped his whole body.

The huge giant tiger crashed into the steel wings.


Angel flew out.

smashed into the sand.


A powerful attack hit Angel.

He spit out a big mouthful of blood directly, and his face was instantly sluggish.

Angel's incomparably solid wings were melted a lot, looking like broken wings.

This blow actually hit Angel hard.

Angel looked at Wolverine in disbelief: " were able to break through my defenses...poof..."

As Angel spoke, he vomited blood again, his whole body was in severe pain like falling apart, and his spirit was instantly depressed to the extreme.

Everyone looked at this scene with horror on their faces.

Since the pattern of blue light appeared under Wolverine's feet, her whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes, which is simply terrifying.

Cyclops rushed to the fighter plane, his face turned green slightly: "I'm going, why is this guy so fierce all of a sudden? What kind of greeting is this, it's too weird!"

The Storm girl was in palpitations: "Weaken the other party's strength, and make myself elusive. This power is too weird."

In the end all that remained was a Psylocke.

Seeing the two teammates who fell quickly, she felt a palpitation.

She looked at Wolverine, met those red eyes, and fear rose in her heart.

Wolverine bared her white teeth: "The last one."


The heartbeat inside the Pyramids gave a final thump, then stopped completely.

Wolverine felt a strong crisis, which came from his Beast instinct.

He understood, because Qi came.

next moment.

A round of space-time channel opened outside the Pyramids, and a giant figure walked out from it.

A cold gaze fell on Wolverine.

Wolverine's heart stopped and her scalp burst slightly.

A strong sense of crisis emerges.


Psylocke must be dealt with before Apocalypse can do it!

Otherwise, he is definitely not an opponent!

Apocalypse raised his hand, his eyes were ferocious, and he whispered like thunder: "Looking for death!"

Terrifying power erupted, like a surging river and sea, magnificent!

Shockingly destructive waves of raw energy charge towards Wolverine!

Wolverine felt an extreme sense of danger.

His eyes were tearing apart and he quickly made a tactic.

Chaos! Gold! Watchman!


Eastern suburbs training ground.

0 Seeking flowers……………

Li Xiu is practicing the third pose of Tathagata palm.

He waved his palm lightly towards the sky.


next moment.

The sea of ​​clouds next to it suddenly became hollow.

A giant palm print appeared.

The palm print is very large, at least the file size of two or three large gymnasiums, which can be said to be powerful.

But Li Xiu didn't show any satisfaction when he saw this.

He murmured: "It's just a beginner, and I'm afraid it will be a few months or even a year before I can practice this palm."

Li Xiu exhaled lightly.

Just at this time.

The sound of the system rang in his ears.

"Ding! Disciple Wolverine has a stroke!"

"Ding! Crit sublimation! Get the Wang Ye template!"

"Ding! Crit sublimation! Obtain the source of energy!"

"Ding! Wang Ye's template is loading... Loading is successful!"

for a moment.

Li Xiu acquired Fenghou Qimen, Wudang boxing, Taoism, and various Taoist knowledge, which is extremely complicated.

All kinds of gossip and strange knowledge poured into his mind, as well as the display and effect of Fenghou Qimen.

At the same time, Wang Ye's powerful brain power was also inherited by Li Xiu.

Calculating Fenghou Qimen requires an incomparably powerful brainpower. With the blessing of some skills, Wolverine has made her reaction ability reach an astonishing level.

But since Wolverine originally is not an intelligent superhero, it is obviously not very strong in mental calculation.

This also led to the need for him to strengthen his mental response through random golden watchdogs, turtle fly bodies, eight-door dunjia, etc.

Even so, he can basically only calculate the corresponding strange position for one enemy at a time, and then apply a debuff buff to him.

However, Li Xiu has inherited Wang Ye's incomparably powerful brain power and originally powerful strange ability.

So even if he doesn't use other skills, he can instantly calculate the Qimen square he needs, and then put various buffs on the opponent.

Moreover, he can apply various buffs to a group of people at the same time, and the effect is much stronger than Wolverine.

This is the strength of the character Wang Ye originally.

In addition, he also inherited some Taoism from Wang Ye.

All kinds of five-element techniques, through Fenghou Qimen, the power of these five-element techniques will be skyrocketed and more meaningful. .

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