Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

080 Superman Fiasco! A Turning Point Appears! (4K Third Update Asks For Subscription!)

"It turns out that he already knew how terrifying the enemy is!"

"I can understand why Li Xiu did this! If I were to face Superman, I would be desperate too! Let alone a group of people!"

At this moment, the whole world fell into a wail.

No one is not hopeless.

After all, the opponent is Superman's race!

An invincible race!

In the face of such an existence, how can human beings have a chance of winning?

When Zod started to speak.

on the other side.

There are also things that make people desperate.

Smallville, Kansas.

Kent Farm.

Superman is standing on the farm.

Calmly looking into the distance.

At this moment, Superman's pupils are two or three times larger than ordinary people.

This is what happens when Superman turns on Super Vision.

In Superman's view.

In the distance, a spaceship flew rapidly.

He vaguely understood in his heart that the spaceship should be looking for him.

He has no hesitation.


The whole person shot out, like a terrifying shell fired at the spaceship.

He didn't want to run afoul of these people on the farm.

Because in this case, his adoptive mother may be accidentally injured.


He was in front of the spaceship.

The spaceship also stopped.

The hatch opened.

Two figures flew out.

The high-floating spacecraft and people are naturally particularly eye-catching.

The nearby town immediately recognized the man in the sky.

"My God! That's Superman! Look! That's the spaceship, it looks like a spaceship from that battleship!"

"Olixet! The people in the spaceship can also fly!"

At the moment, they hadn't heard Zod's speech, and they didn't know that the people inside the spaceship were Superman's kind.

"Superman meets the spaceship! Hahaha! Superman is about to shoot!"

"Finally, Superman is about to make a move! kb them, Superman!"

"Nice, Superman! Beat 'em up!"

"01 Hahaha! I hope Superman can quickly get rid of this spaceship! And then completely destroy that mothership!"

However, the battle they were looking forward to was not imminent.

The two sides in the sky seem to be communicating with each other.


Zod's female assistant, Fiora, looked at Superman and said calmly, "Are you going with us?"

Superman looked at each other and said, "What are you trying to do?"

The female assistant Fiora said: "Revive Kryptonian civilization."

Superman's eyes narrowed slightly: "Krypton has been destroyed, and the few of us cannot revive Kryptonian civilization.

Fiora shook her head: "No, we can recreate a new Krypton, and then breed more wounded planets.

We also have a breeding room. As long as we have Kryptonian DNA, we can revive Kryptonian civilization. "

Hearing the other party's words, Superman frowned:

"Rebuild a new Krypton? What do you want to do?"

Fiora said: "Make this planet a new Krypton, just fine."

Hearing this, Superman's eyes turned sharp: "This is impossible! This will kill all the gods on this planet!"

When Fiora heard this, her face was cold: "This is the only way to revive Krypton. We wandered in the universe looking for a suitable planet, and the result was dilapidated and dead everywhere.

Until the appearance of this planet, this planet is the best planet, and it exists entirely for the rebirth of Krypton. "

Superman looked solemn: "This is impossible, I will not let you do this.

Fiora sneered: "It's up to you."

Just at this time.

The voice inside the spaceship sounded in the helmet.

"Adjutant! We finally detected Kal-El's ship!"

Fiora's face turned cold: "Where is it?"

"It's in that farm ahead!"

Superman has super hearing, so he can naturally hear the conversation of the other party.

His expression changed.

Fiora was about to leave.

Superman immediately stood in front of them: "I didn't tell you to go!"

Fiora sneered: "Do you know how many battles we have experienced?

Fighting is engraved in our genes, we are not comparable to flowers in a greenhouse like yours.

After speaking, Fiora started.

As the top fighter of Krypton, her body has begun to adapt to the environment of the earth, and her body has already undergone metamorphosis.

Although he hasn't fully adapted yet, and his body has just begun to evolve, he is already able to erupt with terrifying power.

Definitely, if Fiora stays longer and absorbs more sunlight, she will evolve to a more powerful level and burst out with stronger power.

But at the moment, she was enough to walk away in Dihuang.

She punched Superman nonchalantly.

Under the astonishing fist power, the air burst on the spot.


Superman was directly blasted away!

It smashed into the wilderness outside the town.


A big hole was smashed out.

The sound was like an explosion, extremely loud.

Seeing this scene, everyone covered their mouths.

"Superman... got kicked out of the air... oh my god... is this true?"

"One punch, how is it possible? How can the opponent be so strong?"

"Is Superman weaker?"

"No, the opponent is too strong." Someone stood on the roof looking at the big pit in the wilderness, with a trace of fear on his face.

Facing Krypton's top fighters, they possess unimaginable fighting skills.

Superman at the moment is clearly no match.

Just when Fiora was about to leave.


The Superman on the ground bursts up.

Grabbed Fiora and pushed her far away with brute force.

Boom boom boom!

The two fell to the ground at the same time.

A deep ditch was plowed on the ground by the bodies of the two.

Superman punches Fiora.

Fiora dodged the attack with her head turned to one side.


A punch punched a hole in the ground.

While Fiora dodged the attack, she also shot.


Superman was punched flying!

Rush to the sky.


Fiora rose from the ground, cracking a big hole in place.

In an instant, Fiora came in front of Superman, raised her leg and chopped down.


Superman smashed into the wilderness again, the sound was booming.

Fiora fell to the ground: "I said, you are not my opponent.

I have experienced countless battles, and even my genes are fighting type.

Most importantly, I have no moral constraints, my fist will be harder than yours.

You are afraid of hurting people in this world, and you have been restraining your own strength.

You dare not use your full strength at all.

You have no determination to win.

I have. "

Superman roared angrily, shot out, and rushed towards Fiora.

The fist charged at Fiora like a machine gun.

However, there is no trick.

Belonging to the ability is full of brute force.

bang bang bang!

Fiora shot quickly, parrying and disarming all of Superman's attacks.

In the end, he grabbed Superman's neck with one hand and lifted him up.

The corner of Fiora's mouth curled up slightly: "What I said, Carl, you are not our opponent.

She throws it.


Superman crushed huge amounts of industrial chimneys nearby.

After a short arc, it fell to the ground.


Huge industrial chimneys collapsed.

The earth was trembling, and the rumbling sound resounded through the sky and the earth.

The sky was full of smoke and dust.

There is no way.

Fiora is the best fighting talent on Krypton, not to mention has experienced countless battles, [fighting skills have been honed to the point of perfection.

On the other hand, Superman, relying on his powerful racial ability, he has a crushing attitude towards other existences on the earth.

He has been in the greenhouse all the time and has not undergone any training. He completely crushes others by brute force and does not know any fighting skills.

In addition, the destructive power of the Kryptonians on the earth is too strong, and Superman usually keeps suppressing his own power.

This makes the previous Superman have little room for growth.

His growth potential is greatly limited.

However, Superman, as an existence that has been absorbing the young sunlight, his cells are stronger and more potential, and he has been evolving imperceptibly.

As long as you give him some time, he will grow up and become more courageous.

And then independently through the cultivation of the sun, he will definitely become stronger, and finally rely on strength to defeat Fiora.

After all, Fiora has the fighting gene, and so does Superman.

Because Superman has all the genes of Kryptonians, the book of power is engraved in his cells.

It can be said that Superman is immortal and Krypton will live forever.

But At the moment's Superman is too immature to be Fiora's opponent at all.

See this scene.

The hearts of all the people present were trembling.

Superman seems to have failed completely.

This undoubtedly impacted everyone's cognition.

After all, in their cognition, Superman is invincible.

"Superman... lost just like that?!"

"Why is this happening?"

"In the end what happened?"

Just at this time.

People in the town saw Zod's video again and heard his voice.

They instantly understood who Superman really was.

Superman is the same race as these aliens.

In an instant, they also understood why the opponent could fly Superman away with one punch.

Because, they are the same kind of people.

They are all Supermen!

A trace of despair climbed into their hearts.

All despaired.

Their invincible God of War, their savior in their hearts, Superman is just a member of this strange race.

Everyone of this race has such terrifying power.

at the same time.

When something happened here, other people also knew about it through the Internet.

Everyone saw the scene where Superman was being abused.

Human beings all over the world feel hopeless at this moment.

real despair.

"It's over, it's over! We're all over!"

"Superman lost too! We're all going to die!"

"Why is this? Why is there such a horrible race in the world?"

"I'm only a teenager, and I'm about to die! Wow! I'm not reconciled!"

"I just had a daughter, and you told me the world was going to end!"

"The end of the world in the movie has come to reality!"

this moment.

Almost everyone in the entire world is awake.

It's just that the light is lost in everyone's eyes.

Because 030, everyone has no future.


Everyone looked at these messages and Zod's speech.

Everyone's face is very ugly.

Hill was short of breath: "This group of aliens are all Superman...

Black widow looked at Fury: "What to do? Director."

Hawkeye frowned: "Is there no other way for us? Is there only destruction waiting for us?"

Fury fumbled at the pager in his pocket, frowning.

This pager is for calling Captain Marvel.

Fury looks at Phil Coulson's channel, and he looks at Thor in the video.

He said, "Thor, can you stop these fucking Falkers?"

Thor showed a hint of embarrassment: "I can barely try one, but a group... I really might not be the match...

Believe me, a group of Supermen can absolutely beat gods to shit. "

As he spoke, he embarrassedly covered half of his face with his hands, not daring to look directly at everyone.

Hearing Thor's words, the last hope in everyone's heart was cut off.

Black widow pulled his hair, his face was full of impatience.

Hawkeye was silent, gloomy.

Fury called Iron Man directly: "Hello.

Over there came Iron Man's voice: "What are you doing.

Fury said, "You read the news. Can you do anything? You're the smartest person on the planet!"

Iron Man sneered twice: "Don't put a high hat on me now.

Superman, one can crush my battle suit.

His body can also resist various shells from our company.

I'll hit you with my head?

Give me a while and maybe I'll be able to build something that counters Superman.

But now..." Iron Man sneered again.

He continued: "Not to mention, it's still a group of Superman.

I still have self-knowledge, and I go up to deliver food to people.

Well, everyone, get ready to die together, I'll hang up first, I'm going to drink the best wine in the family, and grow up with the most beautiful girl in the family. "

After finishing speaking, there was a burst of blind voice.

Fury's entire face darkened even more.

What used to be coal is now a black hole.

Fury touched the pager in his hand, frowning tightly.

It seems, it seems, to call Captain Marvel back.

Captain Marvel is Fury's last card.

He didn't want to use this hole card unless it was a last resort.

Just when Fury was about to press the button, a turning point came.


A figure in the sky tore through the sky and flew towards Gotham. .

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