Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

081 Li Xiu In The Mirror! The Whole World Is Shocked! (4K Fourth Update!)

That figure was naturally Li Xiu.

After examining the inside of the green dragon fruit, he flew to Gotham.

Soon, he entered the territorial waters.

Over the territorial sea.

A fighter plane is patrolling.

This is the result of Li Xiu flying over the territorial waters.

Crossing territorial waters in six seconds.

Send a wave of fear to Air Force headquarters.

So they sent fighter planes to constantly patrol this sea area, trying to find some traces of cobweb horses.

However, they did not find a clue.

It stands to reason that these fighters will continue to patrol.

However, just now, they saw Zod's video again and heard the news that Superman had lost.

After hearing the news that the world was about to be destroyed, these fighter pilots completely lost the mood of patrolling.

Headquarters is also in despair, and there is no time to manage this patrol.

So everyone is preparing to return to the voyage, go home to reunite with their families, and spend the last time together.

The result is at this time.


A deafening explosion sounded in my ears.

They recognized it, it was a sonic boom.

"What's the situation? Who accelerated to supersonic speed?"

"No! Our fighters are all in normal condition!"

"No! Look! That's a person!" A person in a fighter plane saw a figure flying in the distance.

A white line was drawn across the sky not far away at a terrifying speed.

When the pilots on other fighter planes saw the flashing figure, their pupils shrank instantly.

Someone achieved supersonic speed with physical flight!

A group of people were shocked.

The next moment, that figure directly turned into a black dot and disappeared from the sight of the drivers.

"My God! In an instant, he disappeared in front of his eyes! How many times his speed is Mach?"

"Oh my god, the fifth generation machine can't keep up with this speed! Damn it! Is that a human?!"

"Damn it! Could this be the unknown flight device that our base encountered before crossing territorial waters in six seconds?!"

"The unknown flighter is a human?! Fark!"

"Crossing the territorial sea in six seconds, how fast is this? This man's strength is too terrifying!"

"Who is this? I have a familiar feeling, and I suddenly have a premonition...We still look like we can be saved..." A flight member's voice trembled.

Just at this time.

The rushing voice of the base came to their ears.

"Just found an unknown aircraft passing by your surroundings! It crossed our territorial waters again in six seconds! Did you see that?!"

The lead flight crew quickly replied: "We saw it! That's not a flight controller! That's a person! He's heading... Gotham!!"

"What? It's not a flight device? It's a person? How can a person reach such a fast speed?!" There was a sound of gasping from the base.

There was a slight voice from the base, and it seemed that someone else was talking.

"What did he say? That man is flying towards Gotham? Could it be those aliens?"

"Damn, we should have thought, who else could be so fast except those aliens?!"

"It's ridiculous that we are still patrolling the sky looking for clues, but in the end it's nothing but nothing!"

At this time, the voice of the base sounded in the ears of the flight crew: "Your fighter planes have top-level military cameras, and the flight route of that figure is some distance away from you.

The camera should have captured something and sent it over. "

Some flight attendants laughed wryly after hearing this.

"What's the use? Look at the appearance of aliens? Hey.

"What's the point of these things, it just makes us more desperate."

"These aliens are so fierce, it seems that the heavens want to destroy us!"

The flight member who had a hunch quickly saw that the information from his ear had been transmitted to the base.


There was a sound of gasping for air.

There was a stuttering sound at random, and there was an unbelievable sound in the sound.

"This this.….."

"What's going on... this is..."

"I go!"

The flight crew heard that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong.

They immediately asked questions.

"What's going on? What's your tone, what did you see?!"

"Oh my god! You guys, what did you see?!"

"Can't talk, can you? Talk halfway, want to rush Deadman?!"

In the atmosphere of doomsday.

The flight crew are not as completely obedient as they used to be, and their tone and attitude are quite free and easy.

At this time, the voice of the base sounded in their ears: "The ones flying to Gotham are not those aliens, but a person from Earth! It's someone we all know!"


"Li Xiu!"

this moment.

Li Xiu's name exploded in the flight crew's ears like a thunderbolt.

They definitely know Li Xiu.

Li Xiu, is the guy who is a coward and avoids fighting.

Definitely, everyone understands him too.

After all, facing a group of Superman, only despair.

However, the reality seems to be somewhat unexpected.

Li Xiu didn't seem to avoid fighting, but left before, and now he has rushed back.

Definitely, that wasn't what shocked them the most.

The most shocking thing is Li Xiu's speed, crossing the territorial waters in six seconds, this speed is amazing.

Is this still the Li Xiu they know?

In their cognition, Li Xiu is the existence that condenses the energy giant and then crushes the island with absolute strength.

In terms of speed, nothing too surprising.

As a result, now, this Li Xiu has exploded with terrifying speed.

It seems to indicate that Li Xiu has hidden his strength before, but his actual strength may be far beyond imagination.

Moreover, Li Xiu still dared to fly to Gotham at this time, doesn't this show that Ji Xiu has confidence.

Most importantly, Li Xiu is still flying to Gotham at this time, why?

Definitely beating aliens!

At this moment, hope emerged in everyone's hearts.

Just at this time.

They looked at the screen.

On the screen connected to the external network, Zod had just finished speaking, and then an accident appeared.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, and at the same time they felt the hairs all over their bodies stand on end.


Li Xiu tore through the sky.

Gotham City ahead appeared in Li Xiu's field of vision.

At the same time, the flight controller over Gotham is also particularly conspicuous.

Let Li Xiu notice it at a glance.

He was going to go home, but when he saw such a thing hanging in the sky, his attention was immediately attracted.

He took a look.

It turned out to be something familiar.

A spaceship like a three-legged octopus.

With such a special spaceship, Li Xiu instantly understood what it was.

Kryptonian spacecraft.

Immediately, he understood that Zod had come to earth.

It's just that he never expected that the place Zod chose to land turned out to be Gotham.

Dude, this is going to stand on his head and take a shit.

Zod's spaceship can have its own world engine, if the other party turns it on.

The houses below will be destroyed.

And down there is the new apartment he just bought for a lot of money.

There are many alloy sculptures in the new apartment, all of which are his private property.

Can Zod destroy it?

For Zod, Li Xiu has no fear at all.

First of all, he comes with non-Death God power and healing power, which can be used casually.

Furthermore, his strength has skyrocketed just now, so he is not afraid of a Zod who has just arrived on Earth.

At the moment's Zod and others have just landed on the earth and have just begun to evolve.

Although the strength is strong, it is far from reaching the level of abnormality.

Like At the moment's Superman, still very immature.

Superman has officially grown up, and it's all about the Justice League period.

At that time, Superman had evolved to an astonishing level, and he was the new God Steppenwolf.

Now this group of Kryptonians can't catch up with Li Xiu, and it will be even more impossible in the future.

After all, Krypton needs time to absorb sunlight as it grows up.

And Li Xiu, every month, will draw a disciple, get a new ability, and metamorphosis once in strength.

Compared with Li Xiu's growth rate, the Kryptonian's growth rate is simply slow development.

Since Zod came to his house.

As the host, Li Xiu naturally wants to entertain.

At this moment, Li Xiu doesn't know what just happened in the whole world.

He didn't know that at this moment, Zod was forcibly invading the global screen and just plunged the world into despair.

He also didn't know that Superman, in another state, was being beaten violently at the moment.

He just wanted to talk to Zod, so that the other party would not break Gotham.

After all, this is where he lives.

In Li Xiu's view, communication is necessary, otherwise it will be Zod's habit.

Maybe after a while, the world engine will be turned on and his house will collapse.


All eight doors open.

The twelve divine powers are fully activated.

Li Xiu turned into a bolt of lightning and shot directly in front of the Kryptonian spacecraft.

The speed was so fast that the weapon system of the Kryptonian spacecraft could not keep up with Li Xiu's speed.

Can't even aim.

Li Xiu stretched out one hand, directly opened the door of the spaceship with brute force, and shot in.

Came directly to the innermost super-large main cabin door.

At the moment's Zod has just finished speaking to the camera that the world is about to end.

Just made the whole world feel extremely desperate.

He is preparing to end the mandatory global broadcast.

At this time, Li Xiu walked in slowly and greeted with a smile: "Hi, hello.


The sudden sound startled Zod.

At the same time, it also shocked the whole world.

.Why are people still saying hello to Zod?"

"Does my family need to say hello like this? Is it so special?"

"Not one of us, is it a stranger? Can strangers enter Zod's battleship?"

Zod heard the sound and hurriedly looked in that direction.

I saw a strange man appeared in front of me.

The camera also followed Zod's line of sight and focused on Li Xiu.

Thus, a famous scene that shocked the world appeared.

When everyone fell into the abyss of despair.

Under Zod's shocked expression.

A man suddenly broke into the scene that originally belonged to Zod.

This scene shocked everyone instantly.

Li Xiu's sudden appearance shocked the whole world!

It was a mandatory global broadcast, so everyone on the planet saw it.

See Li Xiu.

Some people know Li Xiu.

But most of them don't know each other.

After all, the scope of Li Xiu's influence is the most profound than Gotham, which radiates the most to the US emperor.

He has not reached the point of world fame.

However, after this moment.

But what will happen next, Li Xiu's face and voice will be engraved in the hearts of everyone in the world.

The people who were most shocked were the people of the US Emperor.

Because many people know Li Xiu.

Know Li Xiu.

At this moment, Li Xiu's sudden arrival caught everyone off guard.

Especially the people on this vast continent under his feet.

"This...what's the situation?!"

"Why is he here?!"

"Didn't he hide?!"

"Damn it! What the hell happened!?"

"Li Xiu! Li Xiu actually appeared in Zod's spaceship!!"

"So...what the hell happened?!"

At the same time as Li Xiu entered the main cabin.

A siren sounded.

"Alarm alert! Someone violently broke open the ship door! Illegal intrusion into the spaceship!"

"Alarm, alert! Someone violently (good Zhao) broke open the ship's door! Illegally invading the spaceship!"

Li Xiu's speed was so fast that he had already reached the main cabin from the ship's door as soon as the alarm sounded.

When Zod heard the siren, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This alarm was too delayed.

The enemy had already entered the interior before the alarm sounded.

At the same time, Zod's pupils shrank slightly.

This speed is amazing.

No one was more shocked than everyone in front of the screen when they heard the siren.

"Li Xiu violently broke into the alien spaceship?!"

"Is Li Xiu so fierce?"

"Is Li Xiu so courageous?"

"Why would he dare to rush in?!"

Zod looked at the stranger who suddenly broke in, and a hint of danger flashed in his heart.

He subconsciously turned on his thermal vision.

The eyes glowed, and two blazing beams of light flew out.

Seeing this, Li Xiu directly used the human-dragon form.

A dragon's horn protruded from his forehead.

On the forehead, there are small but inconspicuous blue dragon scales, but they are all covered by hair.

The body muscles are knotted, and the infinite strength is gushing out, directly supporting the clothes.

Dragon scales sprouted from under the clothes.

Nails become sharper and firmer, more like nail dust from animal claws.

At this moment, Li Xiu looked even taller and majestic.

Human-dragon form, eight-door armor, twelve divine powers, and the devilish energy of fire.

Vast and boundless power surged in his body.

(ps: This is to make up for yesterday! This update was written at two o’clock last night and I haven’t finished it yet. I couldn’t bear it at the time and fell asleep. I got up this morning and finished it. Today’s guarantee is four o’clock

Fifth watch! Ask for everything!

Push friends book "I, Dark Killer, Make Dark Zeta at the beginning", the author is an old driver, push down the monster girl, if you like it, you can go and read it. ).

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