Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu
Episode 67: Troubled by useless people
In a dark forest lined with tall trees, a huge yellow heavy machine is throwing out black smoke, rolling logs and digging out the roots of the trees.
The vibration transmitted to the rattling and sheet, the skillful lever 8.
"I'm a veteran, too. When I get back to my old world, my license might be full."
But it's all upscale. The guy whose parents were driving heavy machinery at the farmhouse said he'd find out in one shot because he had a weird habit.
"" "Ooh!" "" Awesome! It'll take half a day to dig up dozens of people like this.
I can hear that voice from the outside, but even if there were hundreds of husbands, wouldn't it have been a job in time without Mr. Ko?
What happens if the construction is delayed? I asked the lady a little about that.
It is natural to think that Menz is crushed and narrow in King's Land, but sometimes the territory is confiscated due to budget cuts or suspicion of ruling ability.
Then it will be absorbed and merged into other territories or another nobleman will come and rule.
The Viscount Eupatrium will be a useless elephant nobleman. Noble territory has been inherited from generation to generation, so there are few vacancies.
When I hear that the Vicomte is suddenly being summoned to King's Landing - maybe someone is trying to take over the Vicomte's territory by forcing them to create a vacancy there.
Well, it's certainly the Vicomte's crisis, but for that - it still doesn't feel like it lacks a sense of crisis.
After digging up the roots of the trees with Mr. Ko 'Tsu, it's time for the item BOX.
Place the roots in the item BOX and place them away. Neither labor nor labor is needed at all.
The cut tree rolled down and left it there. In order to put a carriage here, we need to build a road, and even if we take it 100 kilometers from here, we can't get it back.
If you cut it to 10 meters, it will enter the item BOX... but they won't tell me to carry it, so I'll keep quiet.
More extra work.
"Is this the item BOX?" "It's chaotic." "But there aren't many people who have it."
After listening to the wives' secrets, he went back to the heavy equipment seat again - an authentic job of digging a waterway.
And now it's a huge rock on the waterway.
I tried a little, but it seems impossible to put the item in BOX as it is. It appears to be recognized as integral with the soil.
There are also hands that crush with hydraulic breakers - considering the hassle of replacing attachments, it seems easier to dig out the surroundings and separate them from the soil.
The head is on the soil, but the body seems to be buried in the ground. You can dig under the ground from the rock body and roll.
Ko ○ tsu can dig about 9 meters below the ground, so I think he can afford it.
― ― However, like an iceberg floating in the sea, if a giant body of more than 9 meters was hidden, it would be out.
But when I dug about 4 meters, I saw it under the rock. Dig further down.
"Oooh! Can you push it from there?
"I understand!
After dozens of men gathered, the logs were inserted into the huge rock and started to move according to the Teko principle.
I will also hook the claws of the heavy equipment bucket onto the rock and assist a little.
After a while of fighting, the mossy rock was peeled off the ground and fell into a hole dug by Ko ○ tsu.
"These iron claws are amazing! How deep can you dig? We had to make a detour.
Oh, yeah, I should have taken a detour.
But if you don't straighten it up, the water flow will shred the channel and make the tortuosity worse.
If the rock was so big that I couldn't dig it up, I had to scrape it up.
But where did this giant rock come from? Did you roll from the cliff?
It was a lot of moss, so I think it was buried a long time ago...
The item BOX was rocked and rolled away from the waterway.
"" "Ooh!
Every time I use the item BOX, I get it from the ladies - well, at first, it'll just make a scene with rarity.
Don't let it out, you can put it in the trash, but it's hidden from everyone in the family.
When she tried to board Ko ○ tsu again, the lady brought the on-site supervisor.
She's still wearing the navy dress I gave her. I guess it's hard to move in a dress.
When they talk about it, they say they don't have enough axes. I tried to buy it from a merchant, but it looks like it got caught pretty good.
Well, if I try to buy it in a hurry, I'll be able to see my feet. Unfortunately, I gave him an extra 10 axes and about 10 grindstones.
Afterwards, the rotting soil of the forest was dug up smoothly, and it went about 200 meters into the forest.
If it were 200 meters a day, it would be 5 kilometers a day in 25 days - I think we can handle it. Without a rock like today, we could dig more than 200 meters.
It's getting dark, so go back to base camp.
At home, soup had already been made. The fast legged beasts were sewing between work breaks, bringing in the prey that would be the ingredient of soup.
"Did all the beasts come together?
"Oh, it's not for sale as a material, then we can handle it. You don't have to hurt your guts."
Anemone gave me freshly baked bread. A bite of cheeks stretched.
"Delicious! Did Anemone help you dismantle it?
"Yeah! There's no place to throw away my guts, so I magically dried them and then burned them. I also use it to make soup."
Well - if you lose moisture, you may burn well because you have a lot of fat.
We can't do this without everyone's help.
The finished soup will be served by the ladies, but of course it will be our meal.
The Countess is also helping Primura and the others, but there are a number of unfamiliar women.
"Where are they?
"Oh, these are my maids. My carriage has finally arrived."
"No, I didn't think Master Canaan was doing this."
"Even though we're not worthy, Kanan-sama....."
The maids, wearing dark blue maid clothes and white front pockets, were staring down at the lady.
"Don't get me wrong. I do what I like."
I assure you, Madame's face is bright. In contrast, it is the young knights who are escorting the lady, looking angry a little further away.
It seems I can't stand her doing such a shameful job. Well, you think I'm forcing you to do it.
The female magician who accompanied us when he first came to us was not accompanied.
It seems to have been stuck for a month in the middle of nowhere.
All the cooking was prepared by the Primuras, so there is no place for me at all.
There is also yakiniku, so I decided to eat it with the sauce of yakiniku that I bought at Shangri-La at the end.
I'd love a white meal, but Annemone baked me some delicious bread.
Everyone is serving yakiniku sauce or eating it with salt and pepper, but it seems that beasts who were not good at soy sauce have become a little used to sauce lately.
The commercial sauce contains spices and garlic, so I may not be concerned about the smell of the base soy sauce.
"Nh! Today's food is also delicious! I don't know what kind of meat it is. This sauce is also delicious."
The lady is laughing, but I think it's probably a big rat or a big lizard.
It is a material that is eaten normally in this world, so there is no problem.
But behind Madame, the maids are warming up.
Maybe you think your husband is eating something bad - that's not true.
"Besides, aren't spices used to cook? Master Kenichi has it?
"Yeah, it's not for sale in the city, so I use it personally."
"I see... the sauce is also delicious, but the combination of salt and spice is simple but really delicious. Besides, today's soup is a little bitter, but it's also appetizing."
"Well then - the arrival of Master Canaan's ministers means that you will be off today."
When I heard that, Madame's movements stopped sharply.
"You're kicking me out because I'm in your way?
She peeks into my face.
"I don't think so."
"Well, then, let's make it a problem."
"If that's what Kanan-sama says, but...."
"Or do you say I'm in the way for the couple and their mistress? If that happens, there's no problem. You can mix it with me."
Primura and I are watching her conversation.
"Hahaha, Master Canaan seems to like jokes."
"I'm tired of riding so badly...."
The naive character is fascinating, and this may be aristocratic - Marie Antoinette, the French queen, says she fled from Paris after the revolution, loading luxurious carriages, furniture, utensils, and wine barrels.
I've finished eating, but because of the lack of water, I take a bath about once every three days.
If you don't want to go in, wipe your body - this can't be helped.
However, because there is no water nearby, the ladies do not take a bath for a month. To the extent that I get water and wipe my body - I work hard to sweat.
Some husbands like pretty beasts, they don't even look dirty, and I wonder how they wash their bodies.
When I poured a cup of the usual shochu - I listened to a beautiful beast lying in front of the fire.
"Can I have this liquor?
When he woke up with black and white spots, he received alcohol with both hands.
"Oh, you like beasts pretty, don't you? I was wondering how you clean your body in a place like this."
"Hehe... oh! Hmm! It's strong, but it's a delicious drink."
"Are you running to Kazura Lake in neighboring territory?
I used to go there every day at first, but I found a fountain in the woods.
He says there is a fountain about two kilometers into the woods.
There is a large dent in the cut of the trees, and it seems that there is water accumulating there. Is groundwater gushing out?
In that case, if you dig a big hole with Ko ○ tsu, you'll be able to secure the water...
"Beautiful water?
"Yes, of course. Come on."
It is said that the lake in the neighboring territory is more than 20 km one way. Two kilometers is not a big deal for a Wesen leg, but it's a little tough for a normal person.
If there is a beautiful spring nearby, it would be better to ask the Beast to secure the water than to move Ko ○ tsu.
"Wow, beasts, can you make a little money for the liquor?
As they lay down, the beasts wake up naked and stare at us.
I removed a 20L white poly tank from Item BOX.
"When I bring water to this container, I'll have a glass of wine. This man is drinking now, but it's delicious."
"Whoa! Strong, really delicious liquor."
The beasts are gathering around me.
"How many things are there?
Well, about 120L in one bath... 240L in two. 20 20L poly tanks would be enough to use a lot of water.
"I have 20, so I'll drink to 20 people."
When I bought 20 poly tanks from Shangri-La, a white plastic container came down from the rattlesnake and black sky.
"Come on!" "Give it to me! - It's me, you idiot! - I haven't had a drink in about five days.
Wine is provided for meals, but it's like water to them.
The alcohol and knobs sold by merchants are expensive. It's like an underground kingdom where you can use the Peika that appears in a cartoon...
Besides, there's a mobile whorehouse here. The money is just leaving.
The beasts are like Jankens, and when they decide to deal with a polytank, they disappear into the dark forest.
With their legs and night eyes, it would be easy enough to get water and come back.
Maybe I'll be back soon, so I'll need 20 cups and a drink.
About 10 minutes after I prepared the liquor, one by one the beasts came back with a polytank.
"Okay, put them in order."
Pass the shochu in the cup to the Beasts in exchange for a poly tank.
"Uhya! Whoa, whoa! - That's a tough drink!" This is good. "
This shochu was popular with Daria's crowd. It seems that there is no distilled liquor in this world.
With the magic tool that separates the liquid I bought, the alcohol concentration can be increased, so there may be strong alcohol somewhere.
In the meantime, I don't think I'll have any trouble with the water. You can also wash dishes.
I opened the lid and checked the contents, but the water was clear. If it boils, it can be used for cooking as well.
Uses people well.
"There's nothing serious about me. My wife Primura is much more user-friendly."
The officials here are too useless for me to be good at.
Then on the 10th, I was working about 2.5 kilometers into the forest.
The base camp also goes into the forest, where everyone sleeps.
Even though the wives are tired after work, walking outside the woods with tech for about 40 minutes is a hassle.
There seems to be no danger so far, but I'm taking turns watching.
There are only a few fights - we have more than 100 wives here, so the monsters will not attack.
Besides, there are streets running nearby, so it's not that dangerous.
Still, merchants and mobile whores evacuate the woods as soon as they finish their work.
If I get the truck out of the item BOX and transport the piston, it will be possible to move, but there is no reason to do such a thing.
The Beasts borrowed some of my stuff and started selling water from the spring to the other ladies. It's a bit of a part-time job.
Ladies and gentlemen are also at increased risk of skin diseases and infections if they are not a little more beautiful.
We're all living together in a place like this, and there could be a group infection. If that happens, the work will be delayed more and more.
Officials who manage the site do not plan such countermeasures at all, even though they work in remote areas away from the city.
Now we're not going to be able to make progress.
The Countess has her own carriage, and she's sleeping with us over and over again - what's so funny...
"It must be fun! Delicious food, delicious wine, and interesting stories about a country I've never heard of. He's a really smart guy."
"Please give me a break, Canaan. How long do you feel like playing? Besides, the officials that Master Canaan brought in were totally useless, and Primura did most of the work on his behalf."
Yes, the completely useless officials were at the merchants' behest, and they didn't work at all because they were bogged down, and the strange Primura began to take their place.
The situation changed when a young, veteran merchant Primura, who had been educated in English since childhood, entered.
If I can't deceive and the merchants complain, I can turn around the supplies from Shangri-La.
If the purchased supplies are not sold at all, they will also be in a big deficit. They tended to lower the price and started selling it at the right price, and they started listening to us.
"There's a Primula on the books!
Unexpectedly - I bought 'Soroban' from Shangri-La, but she immediately used it.
Of course (of course), there are calculators, but you have to remember the Arabic numbers, and there's too much technology in this world.
According to Madame, a calculator similar to Soroban is coming in from the Empire.
Um, Kenichi. I like to keep books..... "
That's not what I'm talking about.
"I'm sorry...."
Primura's words made me happy. It's not her fault.
"No, I'm sorry. It's not that Primura's fault. It's all because of us, because of the ineffectiveness of the Vicomte."
Madame's maids are helping with the cooking because she is filled with hands on behalf of an official.
-They 're annoying, but they seem capable.
"No, I'm sorry about that."
Madame is unusual and dull.
"If you really think so, you should get a little more decent people, regardless of your status."
The usual young knight, who was listening to the story behind him, hung on.
"Dear Canaan!"
I'm sick of this. I took the firecracker out of the item BOX and lit it and threw it at the knight.
My family, who knew what it was, closed their ears at once. Flashes and explosions resonate in an already dark forest.
In a sudden event, the men fled the scene, and the young knight threw a sword and stuck his butt.
This is embarrassing - if the knight takes the sword away from his hand, it is a loss of will and the most disgraceful thing.
Adventurers throw swords, but knights don't.
I took the Cutlass Sword out of Item BOX - and the knight who was pointing at it nodded on his knees.
Kill him.
Back off, Kitter! But it's a man! You're a knight. Who gets the price when he's a man?
"Well, then, listen to everything I say."
I suppose you're right to remain silent. I mean, it's okay to be killed.
"Now, don't talk about what I do. Don't do anything."
Make sure the other knight who lost his war, his maids, and his officials keep their promises.
There's really nothing more terrifying than the incompetence of a worker.
For example, suppose you have a job that ends in five days. If we devise a way and work hard together, it will end in three days, and it will increase to one week to ten days, no matter how wasteful.
There were a lot of good people in Daria, so I thought it was the default in this world, but it wasn't.
That's what Primura thought of Count Asclepios as a decent category.
That's why croton-like officials are spreading.
When I put the sword in the item BOX, the lady with rough nose suddenly hugged me.
"Kenichi! The stronger you are, the harder you are, the more you penetrate me! Hahaha"
"Where and why is that?!
I tried to pull her away, but it was surprisingly persistent.
"Ah ~ I knew this would happen."
As I thought.
The Beasts are stunned, but Anemone is staring at me.
Got it! If that's what you're talking about, I'll give it to you! Enough already. "
Primura seems to have understood what I'm saying.
If you want to do it that much, let's do it plenty.
That night, in the dark woods, in the cabin, far from the house, the cries of the lady continued all night.
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