Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu
Chapter 68 Construction Completed Successfully
"Black wolf!!
I jumped out in the dark to scream from the outside.
When they hurried out, the ladies had already held the firewood in their hands and solidified in a circle.
I put out an LED light from the item BOX to illuminate the darkness.
I can see about 20 to 30 black things, but there might actually be more.
You can see countless red eyes lit by the light. I can't believe we have over a hundred people here, but I didn't think they'd attack us.
I bought 10 cutlery blades and hand axes from Item BOX and the missing ones from Shangri-La.
Let the Beasts have the weapons that come out of Gashagasha and prepare for battle. Ask them to use the axe they use for logging.
The Beast will be able to wave with one hand. And a shield. Hand them the polycarbonate tower shields and bucklers that were in the item BOX.
"Everybody, use this! The unarmed one goes inside the circle. Get the girls in my house!
Even a wolf-shaped monster can't smash through the walls of a house.
"Nyah! Kenichi! I want my weapon out! Give me your weapon, too!
Hand over Compound Bow and Crossbow to Murray and Nyamena. Even in this darkness, they will see.
As soon as Murray raised his arrow, he threw himself into the darkness.
"Gain!" "Gain!"
The screams of the beast echo in the darkness.
"Ah, fool!
What did you think - a young man shook his sword in the darkness and ran away by himself. The knights of Madame's guards.
I don't think she's wearing armor because she was asleep, but if she's a guard, I'll keep her safe...
"Summon Yubo!
In these times, it is better to go around and use Yu ○ bo. Besides, he's got headlights.
Start the engine quickly and use the headlights to illuminate the front.
And then, of course, the men surrounded by black beasts. A blonde man is bitten in the arm by a beast.
I stepped on the foot bar and pushed Yubo forward. As I approached the Shura area, I took out the firecrackers from the item BOX and threw them.
A flash and a loud explosion roar. My attack exploded where the Black Wolf was frightened.
"Yu Bo Tak!
With a steel bucket strike, the beast flies in half from his back.
Further into the herd, Katapira stretches out a long arm to the ground wrestling and rotates the body.
"Oops! Yu ○ bo big rotation!
"Gawang!" "Cang!
One black wolf after another is thrown into a bucket that is approaching at a high speed and rolls down.
We're here too!
"Husband, please share the prey with me!
I came with Murray and Nyamena, but the black shadow jumped out from behind.
A windy bell penetrated into the swarm of black wolves and bit one of their necks.
One of the monsters screamed and soon silenced. Probably died right away.
A forest cat smashes a black wolf on the ground with its mouth sucked, staring at the enemy. With her bravery, the black wolves began to retreat.
"Go on, Forest Cat!" Uh-oh! - Whoa!
Then the beasts cut into the black wolf herd and slaughtered their enemies one after the other.
"The forest cat will follow me! We're not gonna lose!" Ha ha! Exactly!
It's true that the forest cat is believed among the beasts.
The black wolf herd, which had an unexpected counterattack, quickly gathered the herd at the call of a boss-like individual, and took a short distance.
However, I am asking you to keep a certain distance without leaving. I don't think I'm giving up.
"Mmm, blast magic (exploration)!
A blue flash runs along with a high voice, turning it into a red blast flame, illuminating the dark forest with orange light.
The blast knocked down a few giant trees, and a shock wave wound up the fallen leaves hit us.
The black herd of enemies seems to have been silenced by one of Anemone's magical shots. Even though monsters are resistant to magic, this will work.
The monster who tortured me when I came to this world was magically shot.
"Awesome..." "Oh, my God."
Anemone's incredible magic silences the beasts. However, the enemy was cleared and the rest of the enemy began to flee.
"Phew... I'm going to bed."
Do you want me to go to bed too ~
But Anemone pushed my body back.
"I can smell that woman!
Yeah, will you? I can't figure out how to twitch my body.
"Husband, what about the Black Wolf materials?
One of the beast's husbands asked me that.
"Ah, you can do whatever you want! I don't need it."
I think I want some ~
I don't need you.
Nyamena seems to strip, but I sleep.
"If there's a fire left, turn it off."
I tried to give the Beasts two shovels, but they said they had them. Well, it was digging a waterway.
Before going to bed, I pulled the knights who were busy toward the house and hit them with one blow.
Baron Northpaul, who fought in Shaga's crusade, was far more capable than these guys.
It's the cost of the treatment.
The knight's upper arm was bitten by a black wolf and was severely torn.
Looks like she was wearing a knitted rag, but she was hit from above.
Remove the veil and remove alcohol from the item BOX to disinfect the wound. Apply petrolatum on top and wrap around the bandage.
This is all I can do now. There are several others who have been injured, so give them alcohol to disinfect.
"It's alcohol, but don't drink it. And this is an antihemostatic ointment."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But I threw up right away.
"Oops! What the hell!
"It's medicine. There's a guy who drinks without a weird taste, and that's what's happening."
It's ethanol, so it shouldn't hurt to drink it.
"Hahaha, there's a guy like my brother."
"'Cause if you hear about alcohol, you're gonna drink it."
That's not true.
Fortunately, there are no serious casualties.
Officials - hiding in carriages and trembling - are useless.
The Countess is fainting in the cabin.
Haaa ~
All I can do is breathe. Well, I'm the one who did it, but even if I woke up, it wouldn't have helped...
"Um... Master Wizard"
"Hmm? Me?
"Will you stop bullying women nearby? I can't sleep because I'm uneasy."
"Whoa, me too. Thanks to me, I've had a lot of trouble with the Black Wolf.
Apparently, Madame's voice was out of the box for the deaf beasts. I did something bad.
"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just tonight. I'll buy you a drink tomorrow night as an apology."
"Really?" Hehe, you got it. "
When it gets brighter, check the situation and decide whether to transport the wounded to the city.
--And in the morning.
The grumpy countess has been eating breakfast at the table since morning and wrapping her pipe around it.
However, his face is a tight-faced one.
"I've never been so humiliated! I've never been so humiliated to be blamed with weird magic tools, played with in pieces, and left without using a man's things!
"Dear Canaan, that dialogue is like this:" It's annoying! But I can feel it! It's twitching! "
"Well, you can't say such a shameful dialogue!
I took a piece of paper out of item BOX.
"What are you going to do with my testimony?"
Yes, this affidavit, which Madame signed last night, states that she will never disobey anything I say.
"Nothing I can do."
Lie to me! You will earn money by lying to me at night and wandering the city with filthy, lowly men!
I've said enough embarrassing lines...
"What? What are the specific examples?
"Eh? No, um..."
I flickered the testimony and asked her questions - apparently my husband didn't take care of me, he held his body, and he read such books very well.
Speaking of which, my grandfather, who trades in manuscripts, also said that there are many such books.
Millions of erotic books... but the contents of those books don't change anything in the world.
"Basically, there are many better ways to make money."
"Well, then, for what..."
"To keep you from doing anything."
"Don't kill me like that! Come on, what am I supposed to do? This body is free!
Rub your chest from the top of a dark blue dress and pull it up.
"I don't need it. Just stay out of our way."
When she drops her tension, she looks like the end of the world.
What the hell are you thinking?
"... and I understand. Thank you for your dedication to exterminating the monster last night."
I also do work that seems to be the lord's wife.
"It is an honor to have such words from the Countess. We'll have to see how the wounded knight looks and see if we can get him to the city."
"I'll leave it to you....."
Yes, sir.
As usual, I put freshly baked bread of anemone on my cheeks, but it was more like a sauce than usual...
The anemone is in a bad mood. Well, I can't help it because it's my fault.
"Husband, please put my share in the item BOX."
"Okay, how many are there?
"Four of them, only me and Kurosuke took out the arrows, so I figured it out right away."
She said she didn't want Murray, so I think she got Nyamena's too.
"All right, let's cash in when this job is done."
"But the magic of Miss Anne was torn apart or something. That won't be a material, and it can't be used for meat either."
The meat of an animal that has been successfully dismantled and does not drain blood well is not stinky enough to eat.
It seems that the other Beasts will sell the loot to the merchants who accompanied the construction.
If you want to buy it, you can put it in my item BOX.
Once you're back in the city of Astrantia, bring it to the Adventurers Guild and they'll buy it for a decent price.
Well, why don't we gather the bodies and bury them with the Summoners later?
I've already collected it.
Well then, why don't we have dinner?
There is a danger of attracting new monsters, and leaving them to rot is not good for hygiene. Work is still going on.
Some hands can be dried and burned with anemone magic, but if you do it grand, it could cause a fire.
"Nh, I don't know much about money, but this kind of work makes me black?
Murray seems worried about making money doing business like mine.
In fact, the second-hand antique furniture in the Duchess' Mansion alone is a big deficit.
But that's something nobody knows about Shangri-La's buying assessment, so I'm keeping it a secret.
"Yes, by my calculations, and Primura will charge the Vicomte plenty."
"Ugh... soft hands."
"No, I'll definitely just take it."
"The best reward for this job is my body, right? That's why they refuse....."
"I don't need anything like that, and personally, the magic book of the supreme barrier (high protection) is black enough. I thought it was the only job I did, but it was useless, and my navel boiled tea."
"Hesso? What is it?"
"So, 'Horses laugh too'?"
Primura taught me a word that looked like that.
If you don't have the money, you can transfer the land we used to live in for a short period.
"I'll tell the Vicomte."
I'm sorry.
"Then, Primura. When you get back to the city, look at the finance of the Vicomte. I feel absolutely awkward (first). Of course, for a fee."
"I understand."
Now that I have finished eating, I will go and see how the injured person is.
The injuries to the beasts are not serious. It's covered in fur and thick skin.
But the knight with the arm bite seems to be getting a little fever. He couldn't sleep well because of the pain.
"I've disinfected it, so I don't think it's going to pus... should I take it to the city?
There are people who can use healing magic when they return to the city. A knight would have that much money.
Take this medicine.
"Hey, what's this?
"Antipyretics and analgesics. For now, pain and chills are easier."
"I can't help it....."
You're totally sloppy. I don't know where that prestige went.
I could have let them take their carriage home, but Primura wanted to see what happened to her shop, so I decided to take my car to the city.
The schedule of the work is still fine and there is room for it.
After using Ko ○ tsu to dig a big hole and bury the monster's body...
A little fuel is refilled when the rakurup is removed from the item BOX. We decided to take the wounded knight to the city.
--Sing Suzhou night songs in the car.
I also taught Primura, so she sings too. The rear seat is full of knights.
But it seems to be much easier whether the medicine worked or not.
"Absolutely not - it would be more profitable for us to get all the business done."
You're absolutely right.
If I get a public utility from the state and use heavy machinery to do my job, it won't take me a day or two. It's a full profit.
Well, I don't intend to do such a job.
Nothing happened, about an hour and a half later, we arrived in Astrantia.
"I can't believe it, in such a short time... is this really an Astrandian city?
"Oh, no doubt, get off now. You're okay because you can walk, right?
"I can't help it....."
Remove the knight from the car and head to Primura's shop.
People around the city will see it as a jirojiro, but ignore it.
Primura's shop seems to be going well and there seems to be no problem. I hear that I will replenish each store with the stock I supplied.
There seems to be no retaliation from the merchant who was harassing the branch office.
But it's still annoying that our enemies are doing business there.
Even if you want to do something about it, if you force things to get rough, you'll be in trouble at Primura's shop, which went around very well.
Well, this place is heavy.
--Ten days later.
The waterway was safely connected to the waterway in the neighbouring territory of the Count of Tumbegia.
The waterway in the neighboring territory is already complete and empty. Looks like we were really the only ones that were late.
Well, that would be satisfactory... and in addition to that, the Lord is absent.
The lady said that the lord had been summoned to King's Landing suddenly, but if the construction had been completed sooner, there would have been no problem.
It seems that a few days before the connection, a messenger was sent to the neighboring city of Akimenez to perform a ceremony.
For the aristocrats, these events were important, and the lord of Tumblgia appeared with several carriages from the neighboring city.
is wearing a blue top and bottom with gold thread embroidery A short, fat man in a belly blue hat with bird wings.
Her face is red and her blood pressure seems high...
"Congratulations, Countess Eupatrium, on completing your request for a waterway from His Majesty the King."
"However, according to a report about a month ago, I was still in front of the forest and I was told that it was impossible to make a general request to cross the forest...."
"Sure. But my friend, the wizard, ran for me!
"The wizard?
"I'm sure you've heard of Countess Tumblgia. The name of the wizard Kenichi who crushed the villainous bandit Shaga in Daria."
Wait! What are you doing, this guy!
"What? I did get a report of that name...."
"Using his amazing magic pieces, Kenchi made a difficult commissioning!
"Mmm... I didn't know such a wizard was attached to the Eupatrium..."
After all, Murray talked to me as I watched the lady and the Vicomte talking from afar.
"There's a blue one on the nobleman's hat, that's the cocktail feather."
Is that it, huh ~
The feather tip is blue, the striped pattern is gradient, and finally becomes white - beautiful feathers.
However, when I looked at the other aristocrats, it seemed that the construction on our side would fail.
Well, I think I can tell by looking at Gudagda... maybe they're involved in a lot of schemes.
Even if the current lord turns his neck and a new lord arrives, I don't think it will affect where I live just by putting my head in it.
Besides, the construction went well and the crisis should be said to have left.
I think we can get Primura to the nobles and check the finances, so we can get rid of the problem.
The ceremony is over, and we're going back to the city. Everyone rides in my Ra Kurup Odd and aims for an Astranthia.
Only the lady gets into my car and the other officials and maids take the carriage home.
There are about four large empty carriages on the scene, and they take the ladies on board. But the Beasts don't use it because they run faster on their own legs.
It can run at about 30 km/h, so even as I hunt and eat on the way, I will arrive in the city by today.
But the marathon with more than 50 beasts lined up is like a race to run.
There are various types of fur, it's fun to watch, and it's kind of funny. The pattern looks exactly the same as the original world cat.
As I was driving my car and watching the beasts running in parallel - they also noticed and waved at me.
Instead, when Bell pulls his neck out of the car window, he leaves until he worships with his hands together.
"You don't have a man's triple hair, do you?
"Husband, you know very well."
That's right!
"But very rarely, there are three hairs of a man, right?
"That's right!
"But it's really unusual, you know, to be kept by a nobleman and turned into a spectacle."
That's pathetic.
It's the same pattern as the cat around here.
More than that....
"Hey, Master Canaan, why did you name me?"
"Well, that makes sense... if you have a great friend, you want to brag about it."
"I really don't have any friends."
"Hmm, noble friends are impossible. They're all enemies pulling each other's legs."
"You're killing me. Is that so? Primura"
"As far as I know, there are some friendly people....."
"Everything will be just the top!
Hi, Madame seems to be disillusioned with the aristocratic community.
"So, even if you're shaking Nico's hand on the desk, you're kicking each other's legs under the desk?
After this incident, my name was found in the neighboring territory. Will this accelerate the rumors?
In the meantime, I arrived in Astrantia.
Has it arrived yet? Absolutely, this Summoner is amazing!
"My friend manipulates amazing magic and Summoners! - Please don't brag to others, Master Canaan."
"Why not! As I mentioned earlier, if you have a great friend, you can be proud!
Madame comes to me and says that....
"I'm in trouble. If there's any trouble coming to me from anywhere, you'll have to leave the Vicomte's territory and go somewhere far away."
"No, that's not true. If I knew it was under the protection of the Countess, no other nobleman would come so easily."
"Still, it's coming in contact under the water? There are many bigger collars that are richer and offer better terms than the Vicomte, right?
"That way! You betray me for money when you say you're my friend?
"I don't think so. Come on."
"If only I had helped! I could have protected you!
"Isn't that the work of the lord, the husband of the lady, or the knight?
"Isn't that the word of love, hugging me?!
This one's my wife - she's got plenty of time, stories and realities.
I hope this lady is right and that the other nobles will give up taking action.
Primura, who was listening, looked a little stunned.
"Hah... this could have been the hand of Count Asklepios from the beginning."
"Aren't I the winner of such a great aristocrat?
"Primura, is that so?
"Yeah... well... Could I have made that choice before? - I told you, right? And yet, Kenichi runs away....."
"But I'm hearing stories about people in the city who hate nobility. Actually, that's what I was thinking- ahaha"
Neither Viscount Eupatrium nor this lady seems to be a bad person.
It seems a little unsuitable for politics (festivals).
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