In the coming days, Jaune trained Prime JNPR and RWBY, at first, they thought that it was going to be easy, they thought wrong, Jaune brought out a suit that they all had to wear, it was a suit that looked like a wetsuit, they argued about wearing it, but Jaune was able to convince them to put it on.

It turns out that the suit has a built-in gravity control, whenever the training seems to be going smoothly, Jaune would increase the gravity of the suit, and they would start to struggle once again, the only one not suffering is Nora (P), she seems to be adapting to it very quickly every time.

Currently, Jaune set the gravity to one point four, while they were instructed to do one-hundred sit-ups, one-hundred push-ups, one-hundred squats and a ten-kilometre run around the training room, everyone was complaining that they can't go on, but it was mostly Ren (P) and Weiss (P).

"I-I can't go on, I am just not built to run for long period on time," Weiss (P) complained.

"If that's the case, then I won't tell you the secret to how the Weiss in our world has such a great body," Jaune said.

"NO! I can keep going!" Weiss (P) shouted, after hearing those words she got very motivated.

"Good! Then keep those feet moving! And don't stop until I tell you too!" Jaune shouted.

"Understood!" Weiss shouted, she continued running as if her life depended on it.

This was their training for the week, they even started showing signs of growing stronger, albeit they each have their flaws that need to be fixed. Ren (P) had very little stamina, Nora (P) doesn't know how to fully utilise her hammer, Ruby (P) doesn't have any hand-to-hand ability, Weiss (P) over relies on Dust, Yang (P) has extreme anger issues, Blake (P) seems to always run away, Pyrrha (P) was over-relying on her Semblance, and Jaune (P) doesn't have any training at all, luckily Jaune knows how to deal with their shortcomings, and he knows how to motivate each of them.

For Yang (P), all it took was for Jaune to show her the best shampoo that makes sure her hair was protected from battle damage while keeping it fresh, silky and smooth.

For Wiess (P), it was the secret of having the body proportion of her counter-part, Jaune even explained that it would make her taller as well.

For Ruby (P), it was the idea of getting more of the cookies that she ate when she first came to the base, she told him that she would train harder than she ever trained if she can get more of those cookies and Jaune immediately gave her some.

For Nora (P), it was a promise to cook her some of his speciality blueberry pancakes, and he had to make sure that he has some of the sap from Forever Fall.

For Blake (P), it was the simplest one, all he had to do was show her his version of Ninja of Love, it turns out that although the Ninja of Love of Prime Remnant was good, it did not have the twist that he had, there was even no foreign beauty that would challenge Kumiko for Nobuyuki's affection.

For Pyrrha (P), it was chocolate that she wanted, so Jaune baked her a chocolate cake, and he promised her that if she was able to complete her training, he would cook her the best chocolate cake she would ever eat in her life.

As for Jaune (P), he did not have to do anything, he was determined to better himself the best he can, he did not want to waste the opportunity that he got, and also, he did not want the future he saw come to fruition.

Overall, the training was going well, but Jaune has to leave their training to Glynda for a week, he wanted to head over to the Grimmland to try and see if he can somehow save the Summer of this Remnant, as Ruby (P) will need her to help her learn to activate and use her Silver Eyes, but he did make a backup just in case he was not able to save Summer, he planned to search for Maria Calavera.

"Ruby, are you ready to head to the Grimmland?" Jaune asked.

"I am. I'm a bit nervous, but all is good," Ruby said.

"Good. Because once we get there you can't show any fear or feel any fear, that will just attract more of them to you," Jaune said.

"Jaune. Do you think that we will be able to save the Summer Rose of this world?" Ruby asked.

"I don't know, but it is worth giving it a shot because they will need every help they can get to get through their dark times," Jaune said.

With that Jaune and Ruby took off to the Grimmland, once they arrived, Jaune stored the Quinjet in his storage, this is to make sure that if he needed a quick escape, he can just use the Yamato to open a portal to Beacon without living behind his Quinjet.

"It feels different, the one in our world had a very strong ominous presence, this place has it but it isn't as powerful," Jaune said.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"The presence that Ancient Grimm gives is absent here, it's like they don't exist here at all," Jaune said.

"Maybe there aren't any, maybe that is one of the differences between our world," Ruby said.

"Maybe, but it is best to proceed with caution just in case, I don't want to suddenly be ambushed by a Grimm that can hide their presence," Jaune said.

"Alright, but how are we going to tackle finding this world's, Summer Rose?" Ruby asked.

"I think it would be best to search in the same place that Qrow, Tai and I found her, and if she isn't we will go from there," Jaune said and Ruby nodded in acknowledgement.

"I can't run anymore! She's worse than Jaune, just the slightest mistake and I had to run a ŀȧp, she is insane!" Yang said.

"You know if she hears you, that's another ŀȧp, right?" Weiss said.

Yang ġrȯȧnėd and continued running to complete her ŀȧp. The reason why Yang was running a ŀȧp was due to her anger, the simulator 'accidentally' damaged her hair, and she blows up, Glynda told her to keep her anger in check but she couldn't, so, she was punished for it.

As for Weiss, the reason she was running a ŀȧp was that Glynda told her to not use her glyphs, yet she keeps using them. The purpose of the exercise is to make her a better swordswoman that doesn't rely on her semblance to land a powerful blow.

"You know, I think that she has it out for us," Yang said to Weiss.

"I don't think so. If there's somebody she's out to get, it's Jaune, just the tiniest of a mistake on his form and he was made to run, just the slight overuse of Aura, he is made to run, I think that she is taking it easy on everyone else," Weiss said.

"Damn! It sucks to be Vomit Boy right now…What do you think the other Ruby and Jaune are doing right now," Yang asked.

"I don't know. They're dating, right. Then maybe they are doing something that only people who are dating are doing," Weiss said.

"Do you think other Ruby is already at that stage with other Jaune," Yang said.

"Yang? What do you think I was talking about?" Weiss asked.

"You said something that only people who are dating are doing, you mean sėx right," Yang said.

"What! No! I mean that they're probably on a date in Vale," Weiss said.

"Oh! My bad, I thought you were thinking they might be having sėx," Yang said.

"No! I don't think that world's Ruby is ready for something like that, she seems to be just as innocent as our Ruby," Weiss said.

"YOU TWO! Enough chit-chatting and more running!" Glynda shouted.

"Yes! Ma'am!" Weiss and Yang said before quickening their pace.

For the whole week, Weiss and Yang were always running a ŀȧp, but slowly Weiss realised that her stamina has increased exponentially, and Yang is more in control of her anger, not a lot but is an improvement nonetheless.

Jaune and Ruby headed to the cave that Tai, Jaune, and Qrow found Summer, but was disappointed, the place doesn't exist in this version of Remnant.

'Damn it! The place doesn't exist in this world, that must mean that she either was killed elsewhere or something, I need to search this place before I can say that she really is gone in this world,' Jaune thought.

"Jaune, is this the place where you found my Mom?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, but it was supposed to be a cave," Jaune said.

"That means that she went somewhere else or she really is gone," Ruby said with a saddened voice. The Summer that they are looking for may not be her mother but she wanted this world's Ruby to experience life with her mother.

"I don't know but we can keep searching, I've noticed that our worlds have differences from one another, so, it is possible that she was able to escape in a different location," Jaune said.

"I guess we have a lot of places to look," Ruby said.

Jaune and Ruby spent three days searching the Grimmland, but to no avail, so Jaune decided to make a tool with his magic, it was a tool to search for a person as long as the soul's still on Remnant, the Remnant that the device is on.

"Uhm…Jaune? What's that?" Ruby said while pointing the compass on Jaune's hand.

"A compass that will help us find what we are looking for," Jaune said.

"And how will that help us?" Ruby asked.

"Because this is a special compass that should be able to look for the person that we are looking for," Jaune said.

"I don't know how something like that works, but I hope it helps us," Ruby said.

Jaune used the device and it worked, it was pointing in a direction that Jaune was hoping was not the case, it was pointing at the Castle of Salem.

"Damn, I guess we have to head in that direction," Jaune said. But before they can start heading that way, the pointer of the compass slightly went away from the castle, but it was pointing at a mountain beside the castle instead.

"Jaune look the compass is pointing at the mountain over there," Ruby said pointing at a nearby mountain.

"Alright, now let's head in that direction," Jaune said.

They started heading towards the direction of the compass, and they reached a cave with signs of someone that lived on it for a while.

"Do you think this is the place where we'll find her?" Ruby asked.

"Only way to find out is to go in," Jaune said and they entered.

Meanwhile back at Beacon, the Prime team are in combat class, they are watching Ruby (P) have a match with Cardin, and she was running him in circles, it was quite funny to see a huge guy chase a small girl and fail.

"Stay still you stupid bitch!" Cardin said.

"What kind of a villain will stay still for you to hit them?" Ruby (P) said.

"The stupid one like you!" Cardin said.

"But you are the stupid one to think that they will stay still long enough for you to hit them," Ruby (P) said.

Ruby (P) then hit Cardin with the Crescent Rose on his head which brings him to the ground like a sack of potato and got knocked out.

"And that's the match, Miss Rose is the victor…Would team CRDL please bring their team leader to the infirmary," Glynda (P) said.

While waiting for the next match, Yang started talking to her partner, who, at the moment is reading her book, and is not really paying attention in the class.

"Hey, Blake. Did you notice that I prefer our Glynda over the Glynda from the other Remnant, this Glynda is saner," Yang (P) said.

"Yang, you're only saying that because the Glynda of the other Remnant is always punishing you to run the whole training area," Blake (P) said.

"No I'm not," Yang (P) said while crossing her arms.

"Whatever you say," Blake (P) said.

The next match started but none of the Prime team was interested, the fight was mediocre at best, for ten minutes both fighter were just squaring each other up while not even coming close to each other. Eventually, the match ended when they ran out of time with nothing happening.

"That was lame," Yang (P) said.

"Come on! We need to head to the base in Emerald Forest since our classes are over!" Ruby (P) said.

"You're really excited for this training aren't you," Blake (P) said.

"Yup! Ever since we started the new training my semblance is getting better, and I'm not even using as much aura to use my semblance!" Ruby (P) said.

"That's great! Meanwhile, some of us are sent to run again and again," Yang (P) said.

"That's your fault in the first place, every time something happens to your hair, you just blow up," Blake (P) said.

The group head over to the Emerald Forest to get started on their training, some looking forward to it, but others not so much. Ruby (P) was looking forward to the training since she has shown some drastic increase, while the others aren't showing much like Yang (P), but she is improving, she just doesn't see it.

Back with Jaune and Ruby, they entered the cave and it was dark, Jaune took out a lantern to light the way, but all they can see is rocks.

They kept walking and finally, they see a light in front of them, what they saw was a clear sign of someone living in the place for a short while, but luckily, Jaune recognized a familiar silver rose.

"I guess, the Summer Rose of this world really is gone," Ruby said.

Jaune went closer to the silver rose, he wanted to make sure that it was indeed Summer, and according to the compass, it is Summer Rose, Jaune went and touched the rose and he was able to confirm that it was Summer.

"Well, the thing is…promise me you won't tell anyone," Jaune said.

"Okay, but why?" Ruby asked.

"It was the same for our world, Summer was technically dead but her soul was still intact and I made a new body for her," Jaune said.

"WHAT! But how? People can't just bring other people back to life…can they?" Ruby said.

"They can't, and I'm not bringing her back to life, she isn't dead in the first place, she just doesn't have a physical body, her soul is still here in the physical world meaning they are sort of half-dead," Jaune said.

"How did you make a body for my Mom?" Ruby asked.

"Magic!" Jaune said.

"You can do magic! That's cool. Can you teach me how to use magic as well?" Ruby said.

"I can but that's for the future," Jaune said.

"Okay," Ruby said.

Jaune went to work, he needed to find the body of this world's Summer, he couldn't just use the same one in his world, plus he already wiped it out of his mind. The body was just a few metres away, the body was in better condition than the Summer from his world, the body of Summer in his world showed signs of being crushed around the arm and leg area, but this body did not show any sign of it. From a single glance, one can tell that she didn't die quickly.

Just like in his world, Jaune used the structural analysis to the max and traced every single history the body had, just like in his world the stress due to the amount of information was starting to overwhelm him but it suddenly stopped, around his body was marking similar to that of Avalon, it was in his entire body. Jaune wanted to see what it was but he decided to just complete his task and figure it out later, he continued with tracing Summer.

Ruby on the other hand was staring at Jaune, he was glowing gold, and she knows that it's not his aura since Jaune's aura was white, then she saw the gold and blue markings appear on Jaune's body, she went towards him and tried to touch him, that did not work, the light repelled her, it prevented her from touching Jaune, pushing her out. When she realises that it wasn't going to work she stopped, but she wanted to ask Jaune later what it was.

After Jaune completed the tracing he used Arc of Embodiment to recreate the body, but unlike the last time, he did not faint and saw the entire process. Cells upon cells were created until it formed the shape of Summer Rose, Jaune made sure to cover up with some clothing, Ruby was just watching behind Jaune, and she was excited in the prospect of learning magic from Jaune in the future.

Summer Rose was finally back to life, she looked around and saw Jaune and Ruby.

"Ruby, is that you?" Summer (P) asked.

"I am Ruby, but I am not your Ruby," Ruby said.

"Hah? What does that mean?" Summer asked. Jaune and Ruby had to explain that they are not of this world and that her daughters were at Beacon.

After explaining everything, Jaune used Yamato to open a portal back to his base in the Emerald Forest, when he entered the base, he saw an exhausted Yang on the floor. When she looked up, she saw Summer and was shocked.

"Mom!" Yang (P) shouted. Even in her exhausted state, she stood up quickly to hug her mom and make sure that she is real.

"Hello, Yang, sweetie," Summer (P) said.

"You're here! You're here!" Yang said repeatedly.

"Yes, I am. Thanks to this two right here," Summer (P) said while pointing at Jaune and Ruby.

Yang (P) went towards Jaune and Ruby and hugged them.

"Thank you, thank you. You don't know how much it means to me and Ruby to have our mom back," Yang (P) said in tears.

"Hey, remember, we are here to help, besides, it was the same in our world," Jaune said.

"Was it also you who saved the Summer in your world?" Yang (P) asked.

"Not only me. Tai and Qrow were with me searching the Grimmland for Summer," Jaune said.

"Yang, I think it's best if you introduced Ruby to her mother, don't you think?" Ruby said.

"Oh My Oum! That's right! Mom, you got to meet Ruby, she is so much like you!" Yang (P) said while dragging Summer to the kitchen where the rest of her team and team JNPR is.

"Jaune, you are a sucker for a happy ending," Ruby said.

"That I am, it doesn't hurt to help people get their happy ending," Jaune said.

When Yang (P) brought Summer (P) to meet Ruby (P), there were tears everywhere, Glynda had to postpone the training, they caught up with each other, there was a conversation that Summer (P) got pissed at, it was about Tai's (P) stupidity of letting his depression nearly get Ruby (P) and Yang (P) killed if it was not for Qrow (P) saving them.

"I'm so sorry for everything that you went through after my disappearance," Summer (P) said.

"It's okay, at least you're here now, not like my other mother," Yang (P) said with a little venom in her voice when she said her mother.

While they were talking and having a reunion, Jaune, Ruby and Glynda were talking about how the training was going.

"How was their training going while I was away?" Jaune asked.

"Great for the most part, Ruby is getting better at using her semblance, Ren's stamina is increasing, Pyrrha is still working hard on her semblance, pushing it to her limits, Nora is, well, Nora, is doing better than the others, Yang's anger seems to lessen each day, Weiss is better at using her glyphs but no near enough to do a complete summon, Blake is starting to open up a lot more now, and lastly Jaune, I don't know makes him go to extreme length but only a short training and he is starting to catch up, the only problem seems to be his fighting style, I don't think he is compatible with a sword and shield," Glynda said.

"I will see what I can do for him then, hopefully, if I spar with him, I can spot the reason why his swordsmanship isn't improving much," Jaune said.

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