In the Lounge, Jaune, Glynda and Ruby are sitting across the Prime JNPR and RWBY, just like Jaune, Ruby and Glynda have their face obscured, they were sitting while eating a snack that Jaune made for them beforehand, Ruby didn't even hesitate to eat the cookies on the table, but after she finished eating it, she started crying.

"Ruby, are you okay?" Yang asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that those cookies tasted like Mom's," Ruby P said. Yang calmed Ruby down, and Jaune was smacking himself in his mind.

"I'm sorry about that," Jaune said.

"You don't have to apologise, you did nothing wrong, I was just feeling a bit nostalgic… can we just move on, please," Ruby P said.

"Okay, first of all, the reason why I asked you all to come here is that all of you are important to the survival of Remnant, you all have a role to play in the coming future, and the world of Remnant will fall into chaos if nothing is done about it," Jaune said.

"That's got to be a joke, right? We are currently in a time of peace, if anything, I think Remnant will prosper in the coming future," Weiss said.

"That's where you're wrong. Remnant hasn't been in peace for a long time, there is a war that has been going on for centuries without people even knowing. One side that is trying to protect Remnant from an old evil, but is starting to fail, the other side, the side that is trying to destroy all that has been created for peace," Jaune said.

"But why would anyone do that! For what reason would they destroy the peace?!" Ruby P said.

"For many reasons really, but mainly out of anger and power," Jaune said.

"And how exactly do you know what will happen in the future? What proof do you have?" Weiss asked.

"Do you want to see the proof of what I said? Because once I show it, you will never be able to unsee it, and this is regarding Ruby and Pyrrha," Jaune said sounding saddened. He waited for them to answer, but the most important answer will be Pyrrha and Ruby's, as it was them that will die in the coming future.

RWBY and JNPR were talking about whether they should see this evidence or not, but they wanted to see it, so they looked at both Pyrrha and Ruby.

"Ruby, what do you think?" Yang asked.

"If there is something bad, then I think we should see it, no matter what it is," Ruby P said.

"What about you, Pyrrha? What do you think we should do?" Jaune P asked.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that whatever it is, it is bad. The way he said it made me think that something horrible happened to both me and Ruby, and his voice showed sadness, but I think that we should see it," Pyrrha said and Jaune P nodded at her, Jaune P looked at Ruby and she nodded as well.

"We have come to a decision…and we would like to see this proof," Jaune P said.

"Ruby, Pyrrha, do you want to see it, once you say yes, there will be no turning back," Jaune said.

"We understand," Ruby P and Pyrrha said.

"Alright then," Jaune said.

Jaune used his Arc of Embodiment to project the scene that he saw, it showed a massive horde of Grimm, Beacon and other students from other Academies fighting the Grimm, a massive Wyvern Grimm that is leaking ooze that is making more Grimm, they also saw so many people die, whether it be Human or Faunus, they saw Yang lose her right arm to a bull Faunus, and lastly, they saw Pyrrha and Ruby turn into dust by a woman on top of a tower.

Suffice to say, JNPR and RWBY were horrified. Ruby was crying that she died and that Yang lost her arm, Yang was angry at the woman that killed Ruby, Weiss was angry that once again the White Fang caused another bloodshed, Blake was horrified that the person that she ran away from has found her and caused one of her friends to lose an arm, Nora and Ren was crying that they once again were not strong enough to prevent the death of someone they care about, Pyrrha was crying just like Ruby, and lastly, Jaune, he was blaming himself for not being strong enough to be by Pyrrha's side, or strong enough to stop her from doing something stupid.

"Is that…is that our future?" Nora asked.

"Yes, it is…it is the reason why I am here to help you get stronger, strong enough to face any problems in the future, to be able to protect all that is important to you," Jaune said.

"Why? Why help us? What's in it for you?" Weiss asked.

"Honestly…nothing, except for a clear conscious. I saw a vision for your future, I can't just ignore it, especially if I have the ability to help you," Jaune said.

"Then I accept your training! I may not know who you are but if it can help prevent that future, then I am willing to even sell my soul to the devil!" Jaune P said, still blaming himself for not being strong enough to aid his partner.

"Jaune's right! I will do anything to prevent that future," Ruby said.

"If Ruby is in, then I'm in," Yang said.

"So am I," Ren said.

"I don't want to lose any more people that I care about, so, I'm in," Nora said.

"I agree with Jaune, I will also accept your training," Pyrrha said.

"Before I agree, how do I know that you aren't white fang? From what you showed us, the White Fang seemed to be attacking people before the Grimm started attacking them as well, how do I know that you aren't White Fang?" Weiss asked.

"I can strip down if you want, in that case, you will see that I don't have any Faunus feature at all," Jaune said, this made Weiss blush that someone in front of her was willing to strip to show proof.

"Ahem…never mind, I'll just…" Weiss mumbled.

"What was that?" Jaune asked.

"Nothing!" Weiss shouted.

"What about you, are you planning to accept my training or not?" Jaune asked Blake.

"On one condition, you take off the thing that is obscuring your face," Blake said.

"I will accept that condition, but I have a condition of my own, you take off your bow," Jaune said.

"I-I, I can't do that," Blake said.

"Blake, what the hell, all you have to do is remove your bow, and we get trained to stop that future, and we get to see the person behind that cover," Yang said.

"Yeah, whatever is under that bow, we promise that we won't laugh at you or even judge you… is it a bald spot, is that why you don't want to remove your bow?" Nora said.

"You don't have to worry, no one here will judge you, and if Weiss does, I will knock her out," Jaune said.

"Hey! Why did you have to single me out!" Weiss shouted.

"Come on, Blake, whatever it is we are still your friends," Ruby P said.

Blake was reluctant to remove her bow, but after her friends reassured her that it will be fine and that they won't act differently towards her, she removed her bow. Ruby wanted to run towards her and touch her ears but was stopped by her sister. Yang was thinking of so many cat puns in her head, Nora, Jaune and Pyrrha did not care if she was a Faunus, but Nora did want to ask her about letting her touch her ears. The only problem was Weiss, when she saw that Blake hid that she was Faunus her idiocy started to show.

"All this time! I was living with a Faunus! I can't believe it, there was one under my no-" Weiss was saying before Jaune knocked her out, Blake mouthed a thank you towards Jaune.

"ohmygod,canitouchit,cani,cani," Ruby P said very fast.

"Ruby calm down, you're making Blake uncomfortable," Yang said.

"Sorry!" Ruby shouted.

"I took off my bow, now it's your turn to take off whatever that thing is," Blake said.

"Fine, but don't be too shocked alright," Jaune said, he took off the face changer, and they were shocked, I mean shocked, in front of them was Jaune, another Jaune, more handsome Jaune.

"Uhm, Jaune, you never told us that you have a handsome twin brother, a very handsome twin brother," Yang said.

"That's because I don't, I have seven sisters, I'm the only male in my family other than my Dad," Jaune P said.

"You have seven sisters! I have trouble with one Yang, imagine if I had seven of her! I probably would have run away from home, fake my transcript to Beacon if I did not get accepted, wait…no, since Yang is going to Beacon, I probably would have faked my transcript to Haven! If we were the same age." Ruby P said.

"Ha-ha, yeah totally," Jaune P said while scratching the back of his head.

"Who the hell are you! And why do you look like fearless leader!" Nora said.

"Nora's right! Hah, that was not a word I thought I was ever going to say, but she is right, why do you look like our, Jaune, except more handsome," Ren said.

"That hurts, Ren, that hurts," Jaune P said.

"You all have to calm down and let me explain," Jaune said, then he nodded to Ruby and Glynda to remove their covers as well.

"Wha… now there is another me… me that is very well developed…that's so not fair! How come you have a better body than me!" Ruby P shouted.

"Woah!" Jaune P shouted while ogling Ruby, Yang punched him and knocked him out.

"No ogling my sister!" Yang said with her eyes red.

"Renny look! She looks like Miss Goodwitch! Except, she looks less strict and a lot younger!" Nora shouted.

"I can see that, Nora," Ren said, it was at this moment that Jaune and Weiss woke up.

"Hah?" Weiss said. She saw two Jaune's, and then images of two Jaune's serenading her caused her to collapse once more.

"Ohh…my head. What the hell hit me?" Jaune P said.

"Yang!" Everyone shouted.

"Fair enough," Jaune P said.

"So, who are you, and why do you three look like Jaune, Ruby and Miss Goodwitch," Blake asked.

"That's because we are them from a different Remnant," Jaune said.

"What do you mean from a different Remnant," Ruby asked.

Jaune proceeded to explain the multiverse theory to the Prime JNPR and RWBY, luckily Weiss was already awake as well, but Jaune strapped her into a chair and gagged her, to make sure she doesn't start shrieking, Yang even helped, and Blake had a gag with her, this made everyone look at her weirdly.

"So, that means that there are other worlds like ours?" Ruby P asked.

"That's right, but you won't be able to enter it without that worlds True God," Jaune said.

"Then how did you enter our world?" Blake asked.

"With this," Jaune said while showing a symbol in the back of his hand.

"What is that?" Ruby said.

"It's the symbol of this worlds True God," Jaune said.

"Hah? You said God, but I thought that Remnant had two Gods, at least that's what I have read," Blake said.

"You're wrong, Remnant has two Gods, the Twin Gods of Light and Darkness, but this world only has one True God," Jaune said.

"What's the difference?" Jaune P asked.

"A God is made from a world, in this case, Remnant, that would be the Twin Gods, but, a True God is born from the universe, in this case, the universe that Remnant resides in, and a True God is so much stronger than a God," Jaune said.

"One more question," Yang said.

"Sure, go ahead," Jaune said.

"Why do you, Ruby and Glynda look very close?" Yang asked, this got Ruby to blush, while Glynda was trying to avoid eye contact.

"That's because they are both my girlfriend," Jaune stated.

"EHHHHH!" Everyone shouted including Weiss who is currently gagged, Ruby P and Yang blocked out. Ruby P out of embarrassment and Yang out of shock.

When Yang awoke, she was met with her teammates Weiss and Blake, but for some reason, in her head, she did not see Weiss being gagged as weird.

"Hey, guys, I just had the weirdest dream, we met a Jaune from another world, then we met a Ruby and Glynda from another world, it turns out that Jaune, Ruby and Glynda were all dating, it's insane, can you believe that Ruby and Miss Goodwitch both are dating the same person," Yang said.

"Uhm, Yang. That was not a dream." Blake said while pointing behind her were Ruby, Jaune and Glynda were sitting.

"Hah? That was all real! What the hell! Dad's going to kill me! He told me to make sure to scare all the guys that are interested in Ruby!" Yang said shouted.

"Calm down, Yang. That's not even your Ruby, that' a Ruby from another world," Blake said.

"You're right! Oh, Oum, that nearly gave me a heart attack," Yang said.

"Okay, now that, that's done, we need to talk, Weiss," Jaune said why ungagging her.

"What is there to talk about! Blake is a filthy Faunus! I bet she is a part of that wretched White Fang!" Weiss shouted.

"Was, Weiss. I was a part of the White Fang, but after seeing just how bloodthirsty they became, I left, I joined Beacon in hoping that I can make a difference some other way, but I was afraid that people will judge me for just being a Faunus, just like what you did, it was the reason why I wear my bow, I wanted people to know me for who I am not what I am," Blake said with her cat ears folded down.

"You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood." Weiss explained.

"Do you think that you are the only one suffering? Faunus workers in your Father's company are always being treated as if they were nothing but trash, they are being paid bȧrėly anything, they spend most of their time in the mine being abused by Humans and when a problem occurs, they blame the Faunus workers, because it is very easy for them to do that because if the Faunus was to fight back against the Humans it would make no difference, they will be just seen as an animal for fighting back. So, don't go thinking that only your people are being killed, because as we speak, there are probably more Faunus workers being abused and killed," Blake said.

"And more of my families Dust are being stolen as we speak!" Weiss said.

"What kind of a huntress-in-training are you, you see the dust more important than the lives of others, I can see that you are just the same as your father, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all," Blake said in a very condescending way.

"I am nothing like my father!" Weiss said.

"You could have fooled me," Blake said while trying to leave but was stopped by Jaune.

"Okay enough! You both are not going resolve your issues here and now or I am going to smack your ȧsses!" Jaune said.

"Wha-, how dare yo-" Weiss was about to say but was shut up by Jaune's glare, she has never felt such fear before, her instinct was telling her to run as far away as she can but her body refuses to move, fear of being killed ones it moves.

"I understand that you have issues with Faunus, that your family have been attacked by the White Fang, but you can't project your hatred of the White Fang to every Faunus you see, that's just racism, you have to understand that the White Fang hates your family because they are the ones that are spearheading the practice of underpaying their Faunus employee, they are the ones that are causing the issues, that is why they are the target of the White Fang in the first place. But I also believe that what they are doing is stupid, it is not going to amount to anything," Jaune said.

"You seem to know a great deal about the White Fang, what, next you're going to tell us that you personally know the White Fang High Leader, Sienna Khan," Weiss said.

"I mean…I do, but it is not what you are thinking, and I know Sienna in my world because I made a deal with her regarding the White Fang," Jaune said.

"Ohh, and what deal was that?" Weiss asked.

"Call all the White Fang around the four kingdoms back to Menagerie, and I build them a city that is safe from Grimm and dangerous wildlife," Jaune said.

"And did she agree?" Blake asked.

"She laughed at me and said 'If you can do that, I would even gladly marry you', but I just saw that as a joke, well it only took me a few days to build a whole new city, and she did call back all White Fang," Jaune said.

"That can't be true! How can a whole new city be built in a few days? That's got to be a lie!" Weiss said.

"He's not lying. We even have pictures of the city of Arc En Ciel…here look," Ruby said while she showed them her scroll. Blake was amazed at the city, the structure looked amazing compared to Kuo Kuana, the buildings were tall and designed beautifully and the city was huge, she can see that in the images from Ruby's scroll.

"Is that city really in Menagerie?" Blake asked.

"Yup! It's beautiful, isn't it! We go to Menagerie quite a lot when we want to relax…and there is even a statue of Jaune in the centre of the city, but Jaune doesn't know that, so don't tell him," Ruby said while whispering the rest.

The fight between Weiss and Blake lasted another hour before they made a truce, they by no means aren't angry at each other, but they decided to tolerate each other since they have a more pressing matter at hand, they had a future to prevent. Jaune told them that it was time for them to leave, since their curfew as soon, and they did not want to piss off their Glynda Goodwitch.

"Hey, guys. What kind of training do you think we will be doing? I bet it is some intense one like lifting a ton of weights on our back or something like that," Yang said.

"Hmph! I don't care if he is some Jaune from another world, it's still Jaune, it can't be that hard! I bet he is just like our version," Weiss said.

"Uhm, Weiss, you know you froze when he glared at you, right, because I did as well, so I don't think that Jaune is like ours, my instinct wanted me to get away as far as can, but my body was afraid to move," Blake said.

"Hmph! That just because it's you!" Weiss said.

"Well, whatever training it is, I will show him that I will conquer it with ease!" Yang said.

They all headed back to their dorm, imagining what the training will be. Meanwhile, with Jaune, Ruby and Glynda, they were planning the training for the Prime team.

"How are we going to do this, Jaune? We don't have a lot of time, and they don't even seem to be strong enough to stop a small Grimm invasion, let alone a massive one that is to come in the future," Glynda said.

"From what I can see, they are about as strong as we were before we met Jaune, we are only as strong as we are now because Jaune helped us," Ruby said.

"I was planning to slowly increase the difficulty of their training each day, not too much at first, but it will be over time, that way their body will have time to get used to intense training, doing it hard, in the beginning, will not be good for their body," Jaune said.

"Do you plan to give them the same pills you gave us? I know you said that their ingredients are rare but, I know that you probably have more of them," Glynda said.

"I do, but I won't give it to them until, after a month of intense training, I want to see their dedication to training before I give them something that can boost their strength," Jaune said.

"This is going to be a long six months isn't it," Glynda said.

"It doesn't have to be, while we are here, we might as well enjoy the world and see the difference between our world," Jaune said. With that, they ended the day by eating dinner that Jaune cooked.

The next morning, Jaune made breakfast, they ate and then they continued to make plans for the training of Prime JNPR and RWBY, they thought long and hard, but they had a problem, they don't know the limit of the Prime team, so they decided to first test them before they continued with the training.

"Jaune, does this base's training room have a simulator, like the one you set up in the combat class at Beacon?" Glynda asked.

"Yes, it does, but since this base was made as a backup, it's not as advanced, the hologram isn't physical, so I will have to first upgrade it," Jaune said while thinking about something.

"If that is the case, why not make a hologram of our version of team RWBY and JNPR as a way to test them, and from there we can figure out what we need to teach them," Ruby said.

"That's actually a good idea! This way, they will also be able to see the difference between the team in our world and them," Glynda said while Jaune was still thinking about something, this caught Ruby and Glynda's attention.

"Uhm…Jaune, are you okay?" Ruby asked.

"Hah…Oh! Yeah, I'm fine just thinking about something," Jaune said.

"What were you thinking about?" Glynda asked.

"I was thinking about going to the Grimmland…to see if I can save the Summer of this world, but I don't know if she will be there like in our world," Jaune said.

"If you're going there, then I'm coming with you," Glynda said, Jaune was shaking his head.

"No, you have to stay here and train them, it will take me a week max to search the Grimmland, and if the week is up, then I'm heading back here," Jaune said.

"Then what about me, I am not really good at teaching anyway, why don't I come with you?" Ruby said.

"Alright, but you have to promise me that when we get there, you're to stay close to me, don't wander off, I know that you're strong and can protect yourself, but the Grimm in Grimmland is much more powerful than the Grimm you are used to fighting," Jaune said.

"I understand and I promise to stay close to you," Ruby said.

"Jaune, are you going to tell this world's Ruby about you going to the Grimmland to try and save Summer?" Glynda asked.

"I won't, I don't want to bring her hopes up, then it turns out Summer is already completely gone in this world, I don't think I will ever be able to face her if I did that," Jaune said, and Glynda and Ruby understood.

Later that evening, around seven, team RWBY and JNPR arrived in the base that was situated in the Emerald Forest, they were eager to see what kind of training they will be doing, they were disappointed when Jaune told them that he wants to see what they were capable of, they thought it will something like the combat class that they just had in the afternoon, but when Jaune told them that they will be fighting a hologram version of themselves that was designed to mimic their otherworld counterpart, this got them excited.

"The first person will be Ruby (P), since our world's Ruby is here, you will be facing her. Ruby (P) you will be allowed to use everything in your arsenal, Ruby will not be allowed to use any weapons, but she will be allowed to use her techniques that I have taught her," Jaune said.

"Isn't that unfair, our Ruby (P) is allowed to use weapons but yours is not, and I know that Ruby is not good at all when Crescent Rose is not in her hand," Yang said while Ruby chuckled.

"I was that way before I met Jaune, but after meeting him, I was able to learn multiple martial arts, and that will be the one that I am going to show off today, and if you want, Yang, I can fight you bȧrėhanded as well," Ruby said.

"Ohh! Is that a challenge? If that's the case, then I accept." Yang said.

"Alright then, after Ruby (P) vs Ruby, we will be having a Ruby vs Yang later, now, are the combatants ready?" Jaune asked. Both Ruby's got into a fighting stance, Ruby P with her Crescent Rose and Ruby with a Tai Chi stance.

"3…2…1! Start!" Jaune shouted.

Ruby (P) immediately charged at Ruby, she did not even plan an attack, she just swung Crescent Rose at Ruby using its weight and momentum, and this was a huge failure, Ruby used the exact same thing, she used the weight and momentum of Ruby's (P) Crescent Rose to flip her on her back, and Ruby did not waste the shock of Ruby (P), she used this to completely separate her from her weapon. Ruby P was shocked at how easily she was disarmed, she looked up at Ruby and she felt hopeless.

"Okay, enough. That was good, I saw everything that I need to see," Jaune said.

"Holy Shit! What kind of technique was that? She looked so slow but then suddenly Ruby (P) was already on the floor, then the next second, she got disarmed!" Yang said.

"What Ruby used was Tai Chi, it is different from most martial arts, it is not about being fast or strong, it is about precision and execution of the technique, Ruby timed her counter perfectly, she did not have to even use that much strength since she used the momentum and weight of Ruby's (P) swing against her, and while Ruby (P) was shocked she did not waste that opportunity and she disarmed her, it is not that hard to execute but it needs perfect timing," Jaune said.

"That was so cool! Will you be teaching me to do that as well, I know that I am not the best at hand-to-hand but I am willing to learn, normally I would say that all I need was Crescent Rose, but after that fight, I realise that just how hopeless and useless I felt when I lost Crescent Rose, and I don't ever want to feel like that again!" Ruby (P) said.

"Yes, I will be teaching you Tai Chi and other martial arts that I think will be good for you and the others," Jaune said.

"My turn! I want to see how I fare with your world's Ruby Rose, I got excited just watching her execute an awesome counter!" Yang said excitedly.

"Alright then, same rules, Yang you are allowed to use your weapon, but Ruby you are not, take your places on the arena…3…2…1, start!" Jaune said.

Yang was being cautious, after Ruby's (P) fight, she knew not to underestimate Ruby since she seemed to be accustomed to close combat, she slowly approached Ruby while having both her arms up in a boxing stance, when she thought that she had a shot she took it, she fired Ember Celica at Ruby, but none was making contact when that didn't work she got closer to Ruby, but in a split second, Ruby was gone, she tried to look for her but she couldn't find her and the next thing she knew she was kicked on top of her head which then slammed into the ground. What Ruby did was quite simple, but extremely hard to execute, when Yang was moving towards her, there was a very small window when Yang's arms are blocking her view, Ruby saw this as an opportunity to jump in the air, do a somersault and execute an axe kick to Yang's head.

"And that's the match!" Jaune announced.

"What the FUCK! I understand if it was Ruby that was easily knocked out since she isn't very good at close combat, she is great at long-range and mid-range, but to knock Yang out in a few minutes is insane!" Weiss said.

"Hah? That's the first time I've heard Weiss swear before," Ruby (P) said.

"Alright, who wants to go next?" Jaune asked and Nora raised her hand.

"OHH! Can I go next! And who will I be fighting!" Nora said.

"Yes, Nora. You can go next, as for your opponent…it will be the hologram version of you from our world like I said earlier," Jaune said.

"How about I fight you, fearless leader from another world!" Nora shouted.

"How about this, if you can beat the hologram of your counterpart, then I am willing to have a round with you," Jaune said.

The fight of Nora ended just like the fight of Ruby and Yang, her counterpart beat her very easily, Nora had brute strength but she did not have technique, al she does is smash and nothing more, but her counterpart has learned to efficiently wield her hammer and deliver blows that can immobilize her opponent quickly, the difference may not be obvious but there is a big difference between both Nora's.

"Next, Weiss please come in the arena, you will be fighting with your counterpart just like Nora," Jaune said.

"Am I allowed to use my Glyphs?" Weiss asked.

"Yes, you are, I want to see how you use it, and figure out a way to help you better it," Jaune said.

Jaune activated the Weiss Hologram, and this pissed Weiss off, the hologram was taller, more beautiful, and last of all had bigger bȯȯbs than her, this was infuriating her.

"Holy hell! Damn, Weiss from the other world is hot!" Yang said.

"Yang! Stop being a creep," Blake said.

The fight started and the fight ended, the whole time Weiss was fighting her counterpart, she was frustrated, in her mind she believed that Jaune changed the proportion of the Weiss from the other world to anger her, she did not believe that the difference between her and her counterpart to be that big, especially in the ċhėst department.

The rest of the fight ended the same, the Prime team were beaten quite easily, especially Pyrrha, her fighting style was relying on her semblance, and holo Pyrrha did not have a physical metallic weapon, making her semblance useless.. Jaune told them to rest and tomorrow their real training will start, and that they better be prepared because the training will be intense, something that they have never experienced before.

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