After everything that happened, Jaune decided to get up and do his usual morning routine, but this time he saw that Summer was not around, he remembered that Summer told him the other day that she and Tai were going to go back to Patch to have some alone time, Jaune knew exactly what that meant, so he continued his morning routine.

When everyone went to class besides him and Pyrrha, Jaune has been thinking about everything that happened when he was asleep, but he stopped himself, today was about spending time with Pyrrha and her Mom, although it should have been the next day instead since they were not feeling the effect of the hangover, Jaune thought today was a good day to meet Pyrrha's Mom, Dalia, plus it would distract him from the images he saw from his dream.

"Hey, Pyrrha, are you ready to spend some time with your mother?" Jaune asked.

"Yes, I have been excited to see my mother again, she would be delighted that you would be spending time with me and her, she liked you when she first met you, so I was hoping that you can get to know more about me and my family," Pyrrha said.

"That's good, when I met her, she seems to be a great mother, she took care of you after all, and you grew up amazingly," Jaune said.

"Thanks," Pyrrha said while scratching the back of her neck.

Jaune opened a portal to Argus, and they walked to Pyrrha's house, but Pyrrha suggested that they meet with Saphron and Terra first, to see baby Adrian. It hasn't been long since Saphron and Terra moved back to Argus, but they were settling back just fine, and Adrian is a well-behaved baby, although he does tend to climb on furniture, other than that he was a sweet and smart baby boy.

"Saph, Terra, Are you home? I brought a guest with me," Jaune said.

"In the kitchen! And Terra is in Adrian's room!" Saphron said.

"Hey, how have you guys been doing?" Jaune asked.

"You know, you are here every day, besides last night, you always come here to check on us," Saphron said.

"I know, but it is only polite to ask, how you're doing," Jaune stated.

"Hah, you know sometimes, I think that we made you too much of a gentleman, but I guess that's better than being a douchebag, well, anyway, you usually come at night, why the early visit?" Saphron said.

"Pyrrha and I are planning to spend some time with Dalia, Pyrrha's Mother," Jaune said.

"Ah! Getting to know your future in-laws early, ha, Jaune," Saphron said.

"You could say that I have been planning a future with all you girls in it," Jaune said, this caused Pyrrha to blush, knowing that Jaune wants to be with her in his future is making her imagining some very kinky stuff. Hah! And people think that Blake is the perverted one.

"If that's the case then you should get going, Terra and I are just fine here, besides the end of the year is coming soon, and with that, you will be able to see Adrian a lot more," Saphron said.

"Okay, but let me just take more picture with Adrian," Jaune said.

"Fine! You know, you're quite a doting father to your son, I can't imagine what would happen if you had a daughter," Saphron said.

"We will find out in the future," Jaune said.

Jaune and Pyrrha went to Adrian's room, the room was decorated nicely, luckily Adrian was not asleep, he is playing with Terra, and when Adrian saw his father, he became very active, and was holding his arms out asking Jaune to pick him up, and Jaune complied.

"Who's a good boy," Jaune said to Adrian and he started to chuckle. Jaune played with Adrian and took pictures for two hours before he and Pyrrha headed to Dalia's place.

The place was homely, the atmosphere shows just how much the place was taken care of, in the walls were pictures of Pyrrha, this caused Pyrrha's face to turn red, she has forgotten that she had baby pictures put up on walls, and they were quite big.

"Wow, damn. Just how much baby pictures of you does your Mom have," Jaune asked.

"A lot, every time I did something new, she would take a picture of it, everything you see in the walls of the house isn't even a fifth of her collection of pictures," Pyrrha said.

"Pyrrha! Jaune! It's good to see, what are you kids doing here, don't you have classes at Beacon," Dalia said.

"Hey, Mom. The winners of the Vytal tournament gets to have a week off, and Jaune promised to spend time with me and you, so here we are, I hope we aren't disturbing anything," Pyrrha said.

"Nonsense, Dear. You can come and visit me anytime," Dalia said.

For the rest of the day, Dalia would tell stories of Pyrrha's childhood, for example, when Pyrrha was a toddler she hated wearing anything, another example was Pyrrha acting insane when she would see a clown on tv, such stories were told all day, but Jaune decided to share some of the embarrassing stories of his childhood to stop Pyrrha from being too embarrassed, and let Dalia and Pyrrha get to know him a little bit more, just like how he got to know more about Pyrrha.

"Those stories of Pyrrha were amazing, who knew well-mannered Pyrrha had a rebellious stage, I would have loved to see it," Jaune said.

"I also enjoyed stories of your childhood, Jaune. And respect for your mother for giving birth to so many children, I wanted to have more kids, after my husband passed, I never felt the same feeling towards another like I felt for him, but I was happy that he was able to gift me such a wonderful daughter," Dalia said while smiling towards Pyrrha.

"She is precious, isn't she," Jaune said.

"Tell me, Jaune, do you have any plans for the future and do those plans involve my daughter?" Dalia asked.

"I have made plans for the future, and yes, it does involve Pyrrha, and all the other girls that I am going out with," Jaune said.

"Ah, yes. Pyrrha has told me that you are dating multiple girls, tell me, Jaune, do you care about Pyrrha as much as you care about the others?" Dalia asked.

"That, I do. I will do anything to protect them, be there for them when they need someone to lean on," Jaune said.

"I see, then I am happy to leave Pyrrha in your hands… and Pyrrha, I want at least two grandkids from you," Dalia said.

"Mom! We haven't even gotten to that stage yet, at least wait until a little later," Pyrrha said.

"Oh, hush dear. You need to be more ȧssertive on your advances, you are beautiful, but you lack the confidence when it comes to romance, but at least you already found someone that cares for you," Dalia said.

Jaune and Pyrrha stayed over, and when it was time to go to bed, Dalia refused to let Jaune stay in the guest room, she insisted that Jaune was to sleep in Pyrrha's room, in her bed with her. Jaune did not have much problem with it and neither did Pyrrha, but the red-haired amazon could not stop getting perverted thoughts about Jaune, so, she decided to make conversation with him.

"Hey, Jaune. Is it true that you think about the future with me in it?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yes, but not just you, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Glynda, Penny, Terra, Saphron and Adrian, I want to have a future with all of you, you may call it selfish but it is what I want to have in our future, and someday I want to expand it with our children, in a world were Grimm are no longer a threat, a world where Faunus is viewed as an equal, but I also want to explore another world alongside everyone in our little group, to have an adventure before settling down completely," Jaune said.

"I see, you have truly been making plans for the future," Pyrrha said.

Until Midnight, Pyrrha and Jaune were talking about what they wanted to do in the future, and the idea of travelling to other worlds intrigued Pyrrha a lot, especially when Jaune told her about what kind of worlds could be out there, she wanted to see as much as she can, and she wants to do it alongside Jaune, and the friends that she made during her stay in Beacon.

Eventually, the two fell asleep, comfortable sleeping beside one another, and at some point in the night, Pyrrha ended up cuddling with Jaune. The next morning, Dalia went to Pyrrha's room to wake them up since they have overslept, and when she got there, she was shown an adorable scene, she did not waste time at all, she took a lot of pictures of Jaune and Pyrrha cuddling, which woke them up.

In the past few days, the images of Pyrrha and Ruby's death have been playing in Jaune's head over and over again, so he decided to finally head to 'Remnant Prime'. Remnant Prime was the name Jaune gave the world where he met Monty, he called it prime because it seemed to be the exact world from the show, except for the death of Pyrrha and Ruby.

Jaune wanted to head over there, but he wanted to bring someone that can help him train the group of people while he is away doing something else. The best person he can think of is Glynda, she is a professor after all, and she specialises in combat.

Jaune was thinking of one more person to bring, but he can't think of anyone that will be able to help, then I hit him, Ruby will the best person to bring, since she can pretend to be the Ruby of Remnant Prime to help him lure Penny, and from there he can help Penny as well.

With the people he wanted to bring with him decided, he messages them on their scroll to meet him as he needs their help, this was met with an immediate response due to a misunderstanding. In the door of Jaune's office, Ruby and Glynda burst through it, they thought that something was wrong, as Jaune always never needed help, and the last time he asked for help was when he had to face a horde of Grimm.

"Jaune! What's happening? Is it a horde of Grimm again?" Ruby shouted.

"Do I need to call in the other professor for help! How many are there? Is it another three thousand Grimm horde?" Glynda asked.

"Woah, you both need to calm down. There is no Grimm, I just wanted to talk to you about something important, and I would require your help as well," Jaune said.

"Jaune you are always ready to help us, so, whatever it is that you need help with, I will do my best to ȧssist you," Glynda said.

"Yeah, Jaune. If I can help then I will," Ruby said.

"Good, but what I need your help with is something very important…I had a vision of another Remnant that is dying… then I met its creator, who asked me to help it in any way that I can, so, I plan to head over to that world and train the RWBY and JNPR of that world to be able to take on the challenges the world would throw at them… Ruby, I would need your help in luring the Penny of that world so that I can help her, and Glynda, I would need your help in training them when I am away, you two are the best person that I can think of to bring with me," Jaune said.

"Wow, that is bigger than just fighting a horde of Grimm," Ruby said. Shocked to hear that there is a Remnant that is dying.

"I see, but why must it be you that has to help that world?" Glynda asked.

"I don't know, but I promised to help that world, and the fact that I don't want whatever I saw happen… to see the death of both Ruby and Pyrrha was too much for me to ignore," Jaune said.

This shocked both Glynda and Ruby, to know that a version of a person that you care about die is not something that one can easily imagine, but for Jaune to see two people that he care about die must have been traumatizing, this immediately made them understand why Jaune wanted to head over to the other Remnant and help.

"I'm in, I will help you with whatever it is you're planning to help them," Ruby said with determination, she knows that it's a huge responsibility to help an entire other world but she was determined to give it her best to help them.

"Alright, I'll help you, but you have to promise me that you won't do anything that would risk your life, I don't want to see the first person that I fell in love with die, especially for something stupid," Glynda said knowing that Jaune will end up doing something stupid, just like how he blackmailed General Ironwood.

"What? I haven't done anything stupid before," Jaune said.

"Then what do you call blackmailing the General, or trying to use yourself as a fake Amber to try and capture the false maiden," Glynda said.

"Hey, they worked, didn't they," Jaune said.

"Yes, but there are less stupid ways of doing it," Glynda said.

"That may be, but it would have been the less efficient way," Jaune said.

"Look, Jaune. I know that you are strong and you can take care of yourself but you have to remember, some people care about you, we will never stop worrying about your safety no matter how strong you get, we will always worry," Glynda said.

"I understand, and sorry that I worry you guys so much," Jaune said.

After a few more minutes of talking, Jaune told them that he would inform everyone that they were leaving, this was to make sure that they don't worry about them going missing if they tried to look for them. It wasn't long until everyone came to the base, this included, Summer, Tai and Qrow.

"Uhm, Jaune, why do you look so serious," Blake said.

"Yeah, you look like you just witness someone die," Nora said.

"In a sense, yes. A few days ago, when we came back from the club when I went to bed..." Jaune explained the whole thing to them, and what he plans to do about it.

"How long are you planning to stay in that version of Remnant," Blake asked.

"About three months, six months max, you don't have to worry, to us it might be six months, but to you guys, it would only be nine to eighteen hours," Jaune said.

"Who are you bringing with you?" Summer asked.

"I'm bringing Ruby and Glynda, at first, Summer, you came to mind, but after thinking about it,

it would be cruel to them to see you, then you had to leave," Jaune said.

"You're planning to try and save the Summer in that Remnant, aren't you?" Summer asked.

"If there is a chance to save the Summer from there, then I will try," Jaune said.

"When do you plan to leave?" Weiss asked.

"Tomorrow, early in the morning, so that we can return before Ruby has to get to class," Jaune said.

"Oh, come on! Can't I skip class for just one day!" Ruby said.

"Ruby, you will be skipping class for three to six months," Yang said.

For the rest of the night, Jaune, Ruby and Glynda were packing everything they may need, whether it be clothes, weapons, food, or equipment, they packed it, Jaune told them that they can just buy it but they said it would have been a waste.

The next morning, they were ready to leave, everyone was waiting for the three of them in the leaving room. Glynda already informed Ozpin that she would be gone for a few days, and he allowed it since Glynda was giving him a look at says 'Accept it or I will make you suffer'.

"Are you guys ready to leave?" Yang asked.

"Yup!" Ruby said.

"Yes!" Glynda said.

"But first, here, Glynda this is for you," Jaune said while handing over a necklace with her crown emblem on it.

"What is this?" Glynda asked.

"It's a nanite suit, similar to the one I use, but this one is designed for you," Jaune said, he also instructed her how to use it, she puts it on and activates it, Jaune also asked Ruby to activate hers, and then he activates his.

"Now we're ready!" Jaune said.

Jaune activated the symbol on the back of his arm, it glowed and a portal opened, they said their goodbyes to everyone and entered it. It took did not take long for them to arrive, the portal was different from the portal that the One True God gave Jaune, this one was like a vortex, while the other one was like walking through a door.

When they exited the portal, the first thing that Jaune realise was that they were in Forever Fall, and not far from them was a Jaune killing an Ursa Major.

"Hah, this worlds Jaune seems to be untrained," Glynda said.

"Yeah! And did you see that he did not kill the Ursa Major, I think it was this worlds Pyrrha controlling Jaune's sword using her Polarity," Ruby said.

"Well then, we have our work cut out for us," Jaune said.

They proceeded to follow the group of students from afar, to make sure that they aren't spotted. Jaune was already formulating a plan in his head how to bring them to the emerald forest where he plans to set up a base, it will be similar to his base back on his Remnant.

It is now evening, Jaune is watching his counterpart talk with Pyrrha on the roof, the same roof that Cardin heard them talking about Jaune P's fake transcript, you would think they learn not to talk in the open but, apparently not, they went back to the same place Cardin eavesdropped on them.

"Pyrrha... I'm sorry. I was a jerk! You were only trying to be nice, and... I had all this stupid macho stuff in my head-" Jaune P was saying before Pyrrha stopped him.

"Jaune! It's okay! Your team misses their leader, you know. You should come down! Ren made pancakes! No syrup, though… you can thank Nora for that!" Pyrrha said.

"Wait! I know I don't deserve it after all that happened but... would you still be willing to help me, to help me become a better fighter?" Jaune P said, this made Pyrrha turn around and smirk, she turns around ones more to face Jaune P and she pushes him to the ground.

"Hey! What was that for! I know I was a jerk for the past few days but do I deserve being shoved to the ground?" Jaune P asked.

"Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground. Let's try that again." Pyrrha said while giving Jaune P a hand to get up. At that same moment, Jaune dropped down from his observation spot.

"You know, I can offer to train you both," Jaune said.

"Who the hell are you!? And how did you get here without us noticing?" Jaune P shouted.

Jaune P can't see Jaune's face due to the fact that he was wearing face cloaking tech that Jaune gave to Penny, but this time instead of changing his looks, it completely obscures it.

"Pyrrha Nikos, you are quite strong… for a huntress in training, but against a fully trained huntress, you don't have what it takes to match them… and as for you, from the looks of it, you haven't been trained at all," Jaune said.

"Who are you? And how did no one detect you? Beacon has one of the highest securities on Vale," Pyrrha said while getting herself ready to fight if it becomes necessary.

"You can relax, I am not here to fight or harm you, I am here to offer both of you and your team the opportunity to get stronger since you will need it in the coming future," Jaune said.

"What does that mean? Are you threatening us?" Jaune P said.

"Threatening you, if I wanted to harm you in any way, I can easily do that, and no one will be able to stop me, but then again, as I said, I am not here for that," Jaune said.

"When you said that we need to get stronger, does that mean something is going to happen in the near future?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yes, but I won't say anything until I believe that you are strong enough, because if I say something now, you might just do something stupid," Jaune said.

"Can't you, you know, give us some hint," Jaune P said.

"Nope!" Jaune said.

"Oh, come on! First Ruby says that word a bunch of time to me last night, now even you are doing it!" Jaune P complained.

"If you want to know more about what it is, I am talking about…Meet me in the Emerald Forest tomorrow in the morning, and bring team RWBY with you if you want to feel safer," Jaune said before disappearing.

"Wait! Damn, where in the Emerald Forest, are we supposed to meet him!" Jaune P said, then he received a scroll message stating that he will be given the location tomorrow.

"Jaune, what are we going to do?" Pyrrha asked Jaune P.

"I don't know, but I think we need to discuss this with Ren and Nora, and we might ask team RWBY for help as well since the person did mention them coming with us as a back-up if we wanted to feel safer," Jaune P said.

"Then let's go back to the dorm, I think that everyone in team RWBY is still awake, we can ask them of their opinion on this matter," Pyrrha said.

"Alright let's go!" Jaune P shouted.

Meanwhile, Jaune was still on the roof with them, he was watching everything they did, it was a good thing that he created a sound barrier around them, he didn't think that they would be loud. Jaune received a scroll message from Glynda asking him if he was done with what he needed to do, and he responded telling Glynda that he was done and heading back to the base in the Emerald Forest.

When he got back, Ruby and Glynda are waiting for him.

"Do you think they would come? I mean the way you met them was sketchy," Ruby asked.

"I believe they will. After all your counterpart is quite adventurous just like you, Yang is a thrill seeker so she is not going to waste this opportunity, Weiss and Blake will probably be dragged alone, Pyrrha and Jaune are curious, while Nora will use this experience to make up a new story, while Ren will be similar to Weiss and Blake, he will be dragged along by Nora," Jaune said.

"When they arrive here tomorrow, are you planning to reveal who you are?" Glynda asked.

"We are going to have to, it will be the best way to gain their trust, especially Weiss. If we keep our face hidden, she will be very suspicious and think that we might be white fang, and she might report us to this worlds Ozpin and Glynda," Jaune said.

"But wouldn't it be better to tell Ozpin and Glynda about us trying to help them?" Ruby asked.

"No, it would not. Ozpin will just think that we are working for this worlds Salem," Jaune said.

"Okay, then why not help stop this worlds Salem, just like how you help the Salem in our world," Ruby said.

"If I did that, they will never have the strength to stop other threat that might occur, it is best to train them to get the strength they need to protect themselves and the world, after all, we are not staying here forever," Jaune said.

The next morning, team JNPR and RWBY are up early, they all took a shower and headed to the catapult that was used during initiation.

"So, Jaune. Where in the Emerald Forest are we supposed to meet them," Yang asked.

"I say that this whole thing is suspicious! if not, then why the Emerald Forest, why not meet somewhere in Vale?" Weiss said.

"According to the message that I received, it said that we will be able to find them in the place where we found the relic that was used to determine teams," Jaune P said.

"That's quite far from here," Pyrrha said.

"Then we better get going! On to the adventure!" Nora shouted while running in the direction of the Emerald Forest.

"Nora!" Ren shouted before he followed suit, and everyone else did as well.

When they arrived at the location, all they saw was a small shack, but one thing they noticed was, there were no Grimm nearby, they ran all the way to the location, but not once did they encounter a single Grimm.

"Guys! Did you notice that there were no Grimm at all when we ran all the way here?" Jaune P said.

"I did! I tried to look for an Ursa to ride but there was nothing," Nora said.

"That's strange, Emerald Forest is supposed to be filled with Grimm, even if they are of the weaker variant, there is no reason for the Grimm to not show," Weiss said.

"That would be because of me," Jaune said.

"AHH!" Everyone shouted.

"Who the hell are you!?" Yang said while getting her Ember Celica ready.

"I was the one that Jaune and Pyrrha spoke to the other night," Jaune said.

"So, tell us what we want to know," Yang said.

"Why don't we go in first, then we can talk," Jaune said.

"Go inside where… in there?" Weiss said while pointing at the shack.

"Yes," Jaune said in a deadpan face, not that they can see it anyway.

"Ha-ha-ha! Good one," Yang said.

"I was not joking," Jaune said before he entered.

"How are we supposed to fit in there," Weiss said.

"I don't know, but we might as well enter," Jaune P said.

"That's stupid! One person can bȧrėly fit in it, let alone nine people!" Weiss shouted.

"Come on team! Maybe it's like a trick room, it looks small outside but is kind of big on the inside," Ruby said.

"That's stupid, you dolt! That is normally done on stage, not in the middle of the forest!" Weiss shouted.

"Geez, calm down, Ice Queen," Yang said.

"Guys! Can we just enter already?" Ruby said.

"Fine!" Weiss shouted, and they entered.

They were gobsmacked, Weiss was going crazy, she headed outside to look around the entire structure, but just like earlier it was small, then she entered the inside again, and it was huge, she did this over and over again until Yang stopped her.

"Weiss can you please stop that, you are making us dizzy," Yang said.

"But-but…How! How can it be bigger on the inside than the outside?!" Weiss asked loudly.

"That is a secret for now. What took you guys so long to get in?" Jaune asked.

"Ice Queen over there refused to enter," Yang said.

"Can you please stop calling me with that stupid nickname," Weiss said.

"How about, nope!" Yang said while putting both her hands in the back of her head.

"Follow me, we have quite a bit to talk about," Jaune said.

They followed him, and they were shocked at the sheer size of the structure, it even had a massive pool, a training room the size of Beacon.. Jaune brought them to the lounge area, where he, Glynda and Ruby can talk to them.

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