Jaune is currently seating on a roof close to a Saber and a Lancer, he was enjoying the show, when he got here, he saw Shiro summon Saber by accident.

Jaune is currently in the Unlimited Blade Works of the Nasuverse, he wanted to test what it was like to enter a world, not of his own, and he felt… nothing. It was just like going from one room to the next, except this time it was from one world to the next. He was planning to head back but got curious when he saw a bright light, and when he got there, he saw Lancer, Shiro who was on the ground, and a knight, which happens to be Saber.

He watched them fight, oh and what a fight it was, it was already amazing to watch it on the screen, but to watch it in person was exhilarating, the moves that they perform was great, Jaune can go beyond even them, but what makes it breathe taking is the fact that just a single wrong move from either one of them could mean death. Jaune is in no way a battle maniac but he does appreciate intense battle.

Saber seems to be the one that is on the offence and Lancer seems to be on the defensive, but when Saber made him jump back, he stabilised himself before going for the offensive, but his spear was easily countered by Saber.

Saber then continued on the offence which made Lancer go back on a defensive stance, Jaune continued watching the fight, he even took out popcorn from his storage to enjoy the show, because he knew what was coming next, Lancer was going to use his Gae Bolg.

When the Noble Phantasm was utilised, he saw just how amazing Saber's instinct was, she was about to change the location of her but it was too late to block, but she was able to stop it from hitting her in the heart, instead, she was struck in the shoulder.

Jaune saw them talking, but then in a split second, he felt a presence behind him that wasn't there before, and then a second before the attack was about to hit, the presence appeared, he was able to block it but he was sent off the roof and landed in between Saber and Lancer, Jaune could not feel Archer in his spiritual form.

'What the hell! Wasn't Archer and Rin supposed to arrive after the battle is over, what are they doing here already,' Jaune thought to himself.

Archer wanted to kill Jaune because he thought Jaune was a regular person and bore witness to Servants fighting, and he wanted Jaune eliminated just like how Lancer tried to eliminate Shiro when he witnessed their fight, but he didn't think that Jaune was going to be able to block his attack, then he thought that Jaune might have been a Servant as well, as humans don't have the power to contend against Servants, so he went for the kill, and he was almost successful…NOT! His noble phantasm was not going to harm Jaune in any, it doesn't have the power to break Adamantium. And the next thing Archer felt was being kicked twice in the back in quick succession.

"Oh! That's got to hurt!" Jaune said loudly.

"Who the hell are you?" Lancer asked while taking a stance.

"Name's Jaune, Jaune Arc, and you don't have to mind me, I am not a part of the holy grail war, nor do I have a dėsɨrė for the holy grail," Jaune said.

"If you know about the Holy Grail, that must mean you are either a Magus or a Servant, and by seeing how you were able to easy dodge and kick Archer, you must be a Servant," Lancer said.

"No, I'm not. Again, I am not participating in the holy grail war, I am just a spectator," Jaune said.

"I don't believe, who sent you?" Lancer said.

"Dude, nobody sent me, I came here because I saw a bright light and wanted to see what was happening," Jaune said.

Archer got out of the rubble, and he was pissed, he charged at Jaune once more, and Jaune just dodged him once more.

"Dude can you stop," Jaune said.

"At first, I thought that you were just an ordinary human because I could not feel any magical energy from you, but after what you did, I'm sure now that you're a Servant, but what class Servant are you?" Archer said.

"Uhm…I'm not a Servant," Jaune said.

Rin on the other hand just arrived at their location, she was confused when she saw Jaune because just like Archer, she could not feel any magic energy from Jaune, and she saw Archer trying to engage Jaune.

"Archer! What are you doing!" Rin shouted.

"Master! Stay back!" Archer shouted.

"Archer what is going on!" Rin asked.

Lancer took this chance to leave, while Shiro was still on the ground, not knowing what is going on.

"Hey! Hey you, with the twin tail, can you please tell your Servant to back off, I haven't done anything, and I kept telling him that I am not a Servant, I was just enjoying the fight that I stumble on, I have no dėsɨrė to fight with anyone… Well, I may want to fight her but not right now since she is currently weakened," Jaune said and pointed at Saber.

"There is no way that you're not a Servant, I have never since any person to block an attack from a Servant especially when they went for the kill, and the amount of strength that you just exhibited when you kicked me was at least a rank C, and your speed was at minimum a B, so tell me, in what way are you not a Servant," Archer said.

"Because… I'm… not," Jaune said in a way that made Archer look stupid, Archer was about to attack him again but was stopped by Rin.

"Enough Archer, I don't know what happened but I can tell you, that he is in no way trying to attack, so back down," Rin said.

"Fine… but if he attacks, I'm going to say 'I told you so'," Archer said with a scowl before getting rid of his swords.

"Nice swords by the way," Jaune said.

When Jaune thought that he was finally done with people trying to kill him, Saber just had to open her damn mouth.

"Why, why do I feel the same power of my sword from you," Saber asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Jaune feigned ignorance.

'God damn it! Why can't I catch a break, first Archer now Saber, maybe I should just eliminate them, it's not like they are going to die anyway,' Jaune thought.

"Don't lie to me! I can feel my sword and sheathe on you, which should be impossible because I can feel two of the same sheathe, one inside you and the other inside him," Saber said, while pointing at Jaune then Shiro.

Normally, Saber should not have been able to feel Avalon when implanted on someone, at least not right away, but Jaune's Avalon and the Avalon on Shiro for whatever reason was resonating with each other, this resonating energy was what Saber felt and she recognised it's energy, as Avalon was with her for a long time.

"Look calm down, okay. I'd rather not fight since I have no reason to, you may be a great swordswoman, but I am no slouch in using a sword," Jaune said.

Saber was noble and calm, but Jaune just ticked her off, she doesn't know why but, she got pissed, so she got her sword ready, she took a stance and charged at Jaune. Jaune himself just sighed and took out his Excalibur in its Invisible Air form, just like Saber and charged at her, and just to piss her off, Jaune made the armour of Proto Saber using his magic, and this made Saber open her eyes wide in shock, someone she's never seen before was able to make armour out of magic similar to her.

In reality, Jaune did not even need to wear armour made from magic, he already has his nanite suit activated, and it was the reason why Archer's Kanshou and Bakuya did nothing to him, the swords were not strong enough to break through adamantium.

After clashing for five minutes, Jaune saw the damage being done in the surrounding, so he decided to back away a bit.

"Damn, the damage can be fixed but I don't like people getting caught up in this," Jaune said before a glass-like portal in front of him opened and suċkėd everyone in it, this was the Mirror Dimension, the same Mirror Dimension from Dr Strange.

"Where did you bring us! what is this place?" Rin said.

"Calm down, this is the Mirror Dimension, in here no people exist, in here I and Saber can fight to our heart's content, but I know for a fact that she is weakened at the moment…so here, this should bring you to your prime," Jaune said while sending Saber a huge amount of magic, this awakened her dragon core, making her magic soar.

"How! That should be impossible! The amount you just gave me is beyond something even I could produce in a week, just how many units can you produce," Saber said.

"A lot," Jaune said with a deadpan face.

"Why did you give me that much magic in the first place, and how do you have invisible air?" Saber asked.

"One, I wanted to fight you at your best, two, why don't you beat me and find out," Jaune said.

With that Saber used her Mana Burst to get to Jaune at blinding speed, and Jaune just copied her movements, no matter how she attacked he would parry it. Jaune was having fun, he has never fought someone with an extreme instinct that was near clairvoyant, Jaune hasn't been serious in the fight, but he was having fun trying to bypass Saber's Instinct with a strength that was similar to hers. The fight in the Mirror Dimension has been going for ten minutes now and no one was relenting, Saber was still on the offence with Jaune was sort of on the defence, he was just blocking or parrying her attacks, he was not actively going for the offence.

Saber saw that her enemy is stronger than her so she decided to remove the invisible air on her sword, she used the Air Strike to propel her forward, when Jaune saw what she was doing, he did the same, when they met in the centre point that was between them, they slash their sword at each other causing sparks to fly. Saber was shocked at what she was looking at.

"I was right! You have an Excalibur with you! But that should be impossible," Saber said.

"Yeah, well, Whatever, are we going to continue fighting or not," Jaune said.

"I don't know where you got that sword but let us see if that sword is real or an imitation, I have seen others give their sword the name Excalibur," Saber said then jumped back.

Jaune knew what she was going to do, so he did the same, they both charged their sword, Saber did a high guard, while Jaune did a tail guard. Archer, Rin and Shiro who was also brought to the Mirror Dimension were running as far as they can, two overpowered swords were being charged, Rin recognised Saber's sword, and she also heard that Saber mention Jaune's sword being the same as hers.

"Wait Tohsaka! What the hell is going on! Those two can't be human, there is no way ordinary people can do the things that they just did." Shiro said.

"We'll talk later Shiro, we got to get away from here," Rin said.

"Why, what's going on?" Shiro asked.

"Those two are releasing their Noble Phantasm, and from what Saber said, the both of them have the same weapon, that means when the force of both swords hit each other, it will be bad news for us, so we have to go," She said while increasing her running speed.

And just like Rin said, the moment Jaune and Saber's Excaliblast hit each other, the two power created a massive explosion that it destroys a massive area, luckily Rin, Shira and Archer were already far away from the blast zone, but they still felt the force of both swords.

"What the hell!" Shiro said.

When the light of both Noble Phantasm died down, they saw Jaune approaching them with Saber on his shoulder.

"That can't be, you used a lot of Magic Energy to bring Saber to full capacity that brings her to her prime, and you released a powerful Noble Phantasm, but you aren't even winded, how is that possible?!" Rin said.

"Because I can," Jaune said.

"Is she okay?" Shiro asked.

"She will be fine, but she would need to rest, she exhausted all the magical energy that I gave her, so, she will not wake up until she replenishes enough," Jaune said.

"Can't you just give her more just like you did earlier?" Shiro asked.

"I can, but I don't want to," Jaune said.

And with that, Jaune took them all outside the Mirror Dimension, originally, they can't leave the Mirror Dimension without a sling ring but Jaune can bypass it with AoE. They were back at Shiro's house and Jaune repaired the damage done when Saber and Lancer fought, and also the damage done by him and Saber, the place looked new, as if it was just newly built.

When the three were not looking Jaune left the place undetected, he wanted to see the world, he kind of misses his original world, so he explored the Nasuverse since it was close to his original world except for the addition of Magus and Servants.

"Wha?! Where did he go, I thought he was with us just a few seconds ago, how did I not realise that he left," Rin said.

"I told you, Rin. I don't know what class Servant he is, but he is a Servant, no Magus is strong enough to fight a Servant, I can imagine maybe beating a Caster, but not a Saber, at least not a Saber with her calibre," Archer said.

The next morning, Jaune was back on Remnant. The previous day when he was still on the Nasuverse, Jaune couldn't leave until he at least got some Starbucks, it was quite hard to find one that was open since it was very late, but he was able to find one near the red-light district of Fuyuki.

He started making breakfast for everyone when he woke up, everyone was still sleeping. When Jaune returned to Remnant, he realised that when he left, the time of the world slowed down, he left Remnant for a few hours, but he returned with only a minute has passed.

With this Jaune thought of something nice, why doesn't he take his girlfriends on a date in different worlds depending on their taste, it would be a nice change for them, and they will get to see other worlds.

Everyone woke up a few minutes after they smelt Jaune's cooking, when they got into the kitchen, they saw that Jaune had a huge smile on his face.

"What got you smiling there, Jaune?" Yang asked.

"Well, now that the Vytal festival was over, I was thinking of finally giving you the date you deserve, and I have an idea where to bring you girls," Jaune said.

"Oh! Can you tell us where you will be bringing us?" Ruby asked.

"Nope! But I can tell you that the places I will bring you to will all be unique to what you like," Jaune said.

"Jaune, just a little bit more hint would be appreciated," Blake said.

"Nope! I want it to be a surprise! I want to see your reaction when I bring you there," Jaune said.

"Hah! Fine. But next time can I pick the location," Blake said.

"Sure, I would like to see the things that you like," Jaune said before facing Pyrrha.

"Uhm, Jaune. Why are you looking at me?" Pyrrha asked.

"Well, I have a promise to fulfil to you," Jaune said.

"Hmm, I don't remember you promising something," Pyrrha said.

"The bet that you guys did, I promised that I will do what the winner wants for a day, so, what do you want to do," Jaune asked.

"Well, as I said, I want you and I to have some bonding with my mother, and luckily the tournament winner gets a week off, so we can do that after we celebrate after all Yang said she knows a good club, and I have never been in a club before, I am excited about it," Pyrrha said.

"Uhm, Pyrrha. There might be a problem with that, I am still a Professor, I need to teach my class," Jaune said.

"Not true, you should see your schedule, in mine, all Mechanics and Weapon Crafting is cancelled for the next week, I won the main tournament, but you won the showcase, meaning that you also have a week off," Pyrrha said.

"That's great! When do you want to go?" Jaune asked

"I would say in two days, that way we have time to recover from our hangover which I know we will have due to Yang," Pyrrha said.

"What? I would not get you that wasted… Okay, Yeah, I probably would," Yang said.

With that they went to class except for Jaune and Pyrrha, they were both in the lounge playing games, but after two hours of playing Pyrrha fell asleep on the couch so Jaune took out a blanket from his storage and put place it on Pyrrha and left to let her rest. Jaune went to his Office to think of what world to bring the girls to, it was going to be hard since there are so many to pick from.

The current place Jaune was in right now was loud, the music was deafening, and people were 'dancing', Jaune scoffed at this, to the people what they are doing can be called dancing, but to Jaune who had to learn actual dancing due to his sister, all he can say is they are just jumping, they are not even dancing to the beat of the music.

Team JNPR, CFVY, and RWBY are currently in a club that Yang brought them to. When they arrived the workers nearly shot at them due to them seeing Yang, but luckily the owner was nearby and stopped his people from opening fire, from the looks of it, Yang knows the owner, but not in a good way, but everyone was let in as long as Yang was to behave.

The group was sitting down after dancing for a while, Yang ordered alcohol for everyone to drink, she also made sure Ruby did not have any alcohol on her drinks, for herself she ordered Strawberry Sunrise, while she got whiskey for everyone, Jaune didn't stop her, he wasn't going to get drunk anyway, and if the others got drunk, he can just make them drink the special alcohol that he made to bribe Qrow with two years ago.

"You know, Jaune, when we came here, I thought you would stop me from ordering too much alcohol," Yang said.

"I would have if I didn't have a solution for it, but with this, it should get rid of everyone's drunken state, it was the very same alcoholic drinks that I used to bribe Qrow into training me," Jaune said.

"What is it?" Yang asked.

"It is an alcohol made from special herbs, it is capable of clearing someone's drunken state, it can also give a person that buzz that they want from alcohol, but if the person needs to concentrate it disappears," Jaune said.

When Weiss heard that the alcohol Jaune made was capable of making someone who was drunk clear-headed, she did not want to waste this opportunity, she wanted to get some from Jaune to give to her mother, she wanted to help her mother with everything that she has done for her, and if that means helping her get rid of her alcoholism then so be it.

"Jaune, do you mind if I buy some of that alcohol from you?" Weiss asked.

"Why would I sell it to you? I can just give you some of them. Weiss, I know that we haven't done on a date yet, but you are technically my girlfriend, if there is something you need from me, don't hesitate to ask, I am always willing to help you with things that are important to you," Jaune said.

"Thank you, Jaune. I want to show mother just how much I love her, and that I am sorry for not thinking about her feelings even after she has helped me so much," Weiss said.

"It's good that you are willing to admit your mistake, I have seen people who, even after finding out that they were in the wrong, would not admit that they were in the wrong, they would push the blame to the other person and say that they did nothing wrong," Jaune said.

"I have thought about everything that I found suspicious about my fathers' action regarding me, the times he suddenly changed his mind about a decision that he has already made, the time he would try and use me as a bargaining chip with other businesses but sudden was pulled back, it was then I realise that mother has done so much without Winter and I knowing, we always just saw her as a drunk and nothing more," Weiss said.

After talking about it, Jaune and everyone once more went back to the dance floor and started 'dancing', this irritated Jaune, so he went up to the DJ and told them to play music from his scroll titled 'Billie Jean'.

When the music started playing everyone from the dance floor stopped dancing, all eyes were on Jaune. They were not familiar with the song; all they know was that someone requested the DJ to put it on, the music did not have any lyrics on it, the one singing will be Jaune.

Jaune was strutting into the dance floor, his body was moving in rhythm with the music, while he was snapping his finger. He wanted to show everyone how to truly dance.

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene

I said don't mind, but what do you mean, I am the one

Who will dance on the floor in the round?

She said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene

Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one

Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do

And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

And mother always told me be careful of who you love

And be careful of what you do cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

For forty days and forty nights

The law was on her side

But who can stand when she's in demand

Her schemes and plans

Cause we danced on the floor in the round

So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice

Jaune was moving with the music like it was natural to him, the people who were on the dance floor started to cheer for Jaune, this just made Jaune dance even better. Yang, Weiss, Coco and Pyrrha were the most shocked in the group, Jaune, the one who is always training or making new gadgets, is on the dance floor, singing and dancing, like there is no tomorrow, they were looking at each other thinking that they might have had too much to drink. And when the music ended a new one was started, again it was another music that no one knows about, and they saw that it was Jaune who was singing again, they cheered, they have never had a live singer in the club before.

'Oh… my… Oum, that is so hot, his voice is amazing, those moves, they are exquisite… maybe I can put on a concert with Jaune and I performing, that would be amazing,' Weiss thought to herself.

'Holy shit! Look at those hɨps go, maybe I should have brought him to a club sooner,' Yang thought.

'I wonder what else kind of move he has, preferably alone with me and in bed,' Pyrrha thought.

'Damn, if I was straight, then Jaune would be my first choice, too bad his not a girl, then again maybe I could experiment, I am still young after all… Nah! I think I will stick with girls,' Coco thought.

At midnight, they all headed back to Beacon, Jaune had to make Yang and Coco drink his special alcohol since the two of them decided to have a drinking competition against Jaune, everyone in the club who heard that they were competing all decided to watch, and they were shocked by just how much they can drink, there was over a hundred bottles of alcohol that was consumed in less than an hour, it turns out, the more Aura one has, the more they have a resistance to alcohol.

When they arrived back at the base, they all headed to their room, they were exhausted, especially Jaune, when he finished a song and dance routine, the people would always ask for an encore, and he would comply, he did not go to clubs much and he wanted to have fun with everyone, and the fact that it was always Yang who was instigating the encore.

When Jaune went to bed, he had a strange dream, the scene from the RWBY show, was being shown to him, but there were some changes to it, on the top of the tower, it was not only Pyrrha who died, Ruby who got in time to help Pyrrha was also killed, and because Ruby's silver eyes did not activate and froze the Grimm, it started to create lesser Grimm, and in the end, the whole city of Vale was destroyed, Jaune also took note that all the White Fang was killed alongside everyone in Vale.

This scene jolted Jaune awake, or so he thought. He was currently floating in space, or what he ȧssumed is space, he looked around and he saw a man, it looked similar to the late Monty Oum, Jaune can tell that the person was dying.

"Hello, are you okay? Do you need any help?" Jaune asked.

"Hmm? Jaune Arc, how is it that you are here…No, you are not the Jaune Arc of my world, you are from another… the question is why are you here or how are you here," the man said.

"Who are you? And what do you mean the Jaune Arc of another world? As far as I know, I have never tried to enter a parallel Remnant," Jaune said.

"That you did not, and you are not really here…but I can feel that you have a connection to my world, a strong connection, it is as if you already know what would happen to it," the man said.

"Your world? Who are you?" Jaune asked.

"I am Monty Oum, or at least what remains of me. I am but a mere fragment of who I was once was, I am already dead but, I left a piece of me to find a person who is capable of helping my dying world…and if you are here, that must mean that you are the one I am looking for," Monty Oum said.

"Dying world? Is there something wrong with your world?" Jaune asked.

"My world has deviated from its path, I killed the twin gods as a punishment for what they did, they created life but never cared for it, they see them as nothing but toys. After I eliminated the twin gods, I brought back humanity, but because I have grown week, I could not eliminate the curse that they have put on Salem. The God of light, as a last resort made a fragment that created the four relics and brought back Ozma from the dead, he told Ozma that the relics were a way to summon him and his brother when humanity is in peace, but in reality, the relics were only created to absorb the magic from within Remnant to bring him back to life, he needed someone to protect the relic, and the person he chose was Ozma," Monty Oum said.

"I see, then want do you want me to do about it, I don't belong in your version of Remnant, I may be able to travel within a different universe from my own but not a parallel," Jaune said.

"You can't normally, but I have the power to allow you to enter, and I don't ask much of you, I just simply want you to help those that can stop the horrible future that is to come, and you already know who the people that can stop it," Monty said.

"Alright, I will help, when do you want me to go to your world," Jaune said.

"The choice is yours, once I give you the power to enter my world, it will be the end of me… so, I just want to say, thank you for your willingness to help my world, and good luck," Monty said.

A bright light engulfed Jaune, and his right arm was a symbol, it was a circle with what seemed to be birds, and after Jaune looked at the symbol, Monty was gone, and he started falling. The next moment he was on his bed, lying down.

"Was that just a dream… it can't be, it felt so real," Jaune said to himself.

He stood up from his bed and looked in the back of his hand, and sure enough, the symbol of Monty Oum was on it.

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