After the Festival, Jaune and company went back to their base to celebrate, Jaune and Summer cooked dinner for everyone, they planned to also continue the celebration the next day, Yang wanted to celebrate by going to the club.

When Jaune went to bed, he was relaxed and started to have a nice dream, until everything just went black, this darkness was very familiar to Jaune, it was the same darkness that he met GOD, and when he looked behind him, he saw GOD.

"O-oh My God! I died again! this suck so much, how did I even die," Jaune said.

"Calm yourself, Jaune, you're not dead, I merely called you here, you're entirely alive," God said.

"Thank God? Thank you? I will just thank you since you are god," Jaune said.

"I just called you here because I wanted to talk with you," God said.

"Sure, no problem, it's the least I can do for you since you fulfilled my wish and even gave me other wishes," Jaune said.

"I just wanted to inform you that I have connected Remnant to all-other Universes," God said.

"What?!" Jaune said.

"It means that you are free to travel to those universes that you have read or watched, you have free access to them, and the best part is that I made it so that only you and those you wish to bring will be able to enter or exit those world… there are worlds out there that need your help Jaune… it is up to you if you help them or not," God said.

"I will do what I can to help them when I do decide to enter their world, but do you mind if I ask you a question?" Jaune asked.

"I already know what you want to ask, and you don't have to worry about the twin gods of Remnant, they are already dead, the world created them to bring life, but with a single mistake, they wiped out life, Monty Oum, the true God of Remnant killed them centuries ago, before he, himself died, and I also know why you wanted to ask that question, you plan to erase Salem's curse," God said.

"Yeah, I mean, she might have been the cause of the first generation's death, but it was not completely her fault, her whole life she was stuck in a tower, and when she finally got her freedom and fall in love, fate spits in her face and her love died due to sickness, and she just wanted to ask the god of life one thing to be happy but it refused, and when the god of darkness agreed, the god of life threw a tantrum because he did not get what he wanted, her whole life was a tragedy, then after a very long, the god of light, the same god who talks about balance break its stupid balance when it brought Ozma back, Salem was not even doing anything wrong, she was just living in a broken-down house," Jaune said.

"I know, and it was also the reason why Monty Oum himself destroyed the twin gods, they were nothing but hypocrites, a mortal just ask for such a simple thing, and refuses, I would understand if the god truly cared for balance, but he, himself broke that balance," God said.

"So, does that mean that I can remove her immortality with no consequences?" Jaune asked.

"Yes, and now it is time for you to go back, and I enjoyed our interaction, and you don't have to worry, I don't watch the things you do, I did not reincarnate you as entertainment, I reincarnated you due to your merit, so go back and enjoy your life, Goodbye and Good luck on your future journey," God said.

In the next moment Jaune woke up in bed, he remembers everything God told him, the death of both Gods, and the death of the Legendary Monty Oum.

"I was always afraid of helping Salem with her immortality due to the twin gods, but now, now that I know they are dead, I can finally help her so that she can find her true happiness," Jaune told himself, he got up from his bed and he resolves himself to finally help Salem.

Headed into the kitchen and he was met with Summer who was waiting for him so that they can start cooking, Summer's cooking has improved by leaps and bounds, in just a few more months, she will just be below Jaune in cooking. When they finished cooking, people started pouring into the kitchen table, and in no time, everyone was at the table, which includes Salem.

"Jaune, yours and mom's cooking is always delicious, but why did you cook a lot, are we celebrating something," Ruby said.

"For one, we are celebrating Pyrrha's victory in the Vytal Tournament… Congratulations Pyrrha… and second it is regarding Salem," Jaune said.

"Me, what about me… I swear I haven't done anything wrong!" Salem said.

"I know, Salem. I have good news for you," Jaune said and whisper to Salem what he wanted.

"C-can…C-can you get rid of my immortality," Salem said to Jaune, everyone heard and Jaune nodded.

"Wait! She's Immortal! But why would you want to get rid of it?" Ruby said.

"If your whole life was like mine, stuck in a tower, not able to do anything you want, and when you finally have your freedom only to suddenly lose it due to a disease or sickness, then you would understand, especially when the gods refuse to help," Salem said.

"Wait! Are the gods real?!" Ruby asked.

"Haaa… I guess I will tell you guys a tale, a tale as old as time." Jaune said and he proceeded to tell them about the history of Remnant and who Salem was.

"S-so they killed everyone due to the mistake of a few, h-how is that Fair!" Ruby shouted

"Wait, Jaune. If you have what it takes to remove her curse, won't the twin brothers, or at least the god of light be pissed," Summer said.

"They probably would, and that is the reason why I didn't say anything about me being able to remove her curse," Jaune said.

"Then why now, what made you want to remove it now," Salem asked.

"Well one, I was planning to get rid of your immortality eventually, second I was given news regarding the twin gods," Jaune said.

"What? Who gave you information on the brother gods?" Salem asked and everyone got curious as well.

"Tell me, who believes that there are other universes," Jaune asked. Ruby, Summer, Pyrrha, Blake, and Nora raised their hand.

"What does our belief have to do with anything," Weiss asked.

"That's because they exist," Jaune said.

"What! Then is there a way for us to go to it?" Ruby asked.

"You can't be serious, Jaune, I know that you have done many impossible things, but to go to other universes is just insane," Weiss said.

"Oh! does that mean if I bring everyone with me to explore the other universes, you don't want to come," Jaune said teasingly.

"I did not say that," Weiss mumbled but they all heard it.

"Anyway, our universe is just one of the infinite worlds out there, and I was given access to it, by the One True God, we met before, anyway, he visited me last night, to tell me that he connected Remnant with the other universes, and when I went to ask him about the twin Gods, he told me that they have been dead for centuries and that the true god of Remnant, Monty Oum was the one to kill them," Jaune said.

"Ha, I'm confused, there are more gods," Ruby said.

"Let me explain it, the One True God is THE GOD, when he was born, there was nothing, no light, no darkness, not even emptiness, as there was no such thing as perception, emptiness is there because we perceive it as just that, emptiness, anyway moving on, when THE GOD was born, he created millions to billions of Universes, but those universes were empty… so to speak… and eventually those universes created a true god, in our case, the true God is Monty Oum, he created worlds upon worlds… but again those worlds are empty… until the world decided that it wants life in them, and it created the twin gods to bring forth that life, in the form of humanity, each world are connected to Monty Oum, so if the world is happy with the life in it, what do you think will happen when the twin gods decided to wipe them out of existence," Jaune said.

"Monty Oum got pissed that his world was saddened at the loss of its lifeform," Yang said.

"That's right, and what does a father do, when their child was hurt by a bad guy," Jaune said.

"They would confront the person that caused their child pain," Tai said.

"Now do you understand, but according to the god that I spoke with Monty Oum himself has already died as well," Jaune said.

"Okay we understand that but do you have any proof that those universes exist," Weiss asked, Jaune was about to say yes, but he remembered that he doesn't know how to enter those worlds.

'Just think of the world you want, and a gate should open,' Jaune heard in his head.

Jaune did just that and he thought of the world of Marvel, the MCU, and a gate opened, it was like a portal made from Yamato but is clear, they can see the other side, what they saw were cars that they were not familiar with, then they saw buildings that looks like building from Atas but was designed better, and most of all their scroll looked different.

"Okay, I believe you now," Weiss said.

"Can we go to that world, can we, can we, can we," Ruby said in a very fast manner.

"Not yet Ruby, but in the future, I am definitely going to bring you adventuring," Jaune said.

"Ohh…" Ruby pouted.

"Anyway, Salem, are you ready to get rid of your immortality?" Jaune asked.

"I am!" Salem shouted, and Jaune brought out a dagger, a weird looking dagger.

"Magic's principles, divine providence, the principles of the world... All creation... I will send back everything to their origins… RULE BREAKER!" Jaune chanted before he stabbed Salem in the ċhėst, Salem felt pain, but she thought it was worth it, to finally get rid of her curse and die in peace, she started to glow in gold, until the golden light crumbled to dust, showing that the curse of the God of Light was gone.

"Ha! I thought you were killing me?" Salem said.

"I said I will remove the curse, not to kill you," Jaune said.

"How can you have removed the curse if I am still here," Salem asked before Jaune poke her in the hand, and she bled, she was actually bleeding.

"Your immortality is now gone, you are finally free to live the life you always wanted, find someone to love once more and find your own true happiness because from here on out, you are free, free from the gods," Jaune said, Salem cried on Jaune, she was free from the gods, after a very long time, she was free.

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