The next day, Winter woke up with a headache and she did not know where she was until she remembered getting knocked out during a spar with the Arc person, when she looked around, the room looked cosy, the bed seems to be better than the bed she used to sleep in when she still lived in the Schnee manor.

When she left the room, she smelt the same wonderful smell of food just like she had before she had the spar, so she headed to the kitchen area to see if she can have something to eat, and when she got there, she saw all the shacks residents, eating happily with everyone and having a nice conversation, including Weiss. Winter was envious of her sister, when she went to Atlas academy, she was hoping to gain some friends but, the school made people act like soldiers, it was the reason she decided to just become a specialist. She sat next to Weiss, but Weiss moved away from everyone and Weiss asked her to follow.

"Winter! Good morning, come seat and have something to eat," Weiss said.

"The food looks delicious," Winter said.

"Winter, the food here is always delicious, I can't even remember a day that the food was not," Weiss said.

"So, Weiss, what do you have on your agenda for today?" Winter asked

"My team are heading on to the two-on-two, and I was chosen and I will be working with Yang, after that, we plan to have fun in the fairgrounds, see if there is anything fun to do," Weiss said.

"Weiss, you are not neglecting your schoolwork are you, you and your team seem to have fun a lot," Winter said.

"Oh, heavens no, if I was to neglect my studies, Jaune would have forced me to study, like when Ruby did not finish her homework once, Jaune made her study for eight straight hours in the weekend," Weiss said.

"That's good, but eight hours straight, that must have been torture for her," Winter said.

"That it was, and it is for that reason, why it was punishment for her. Jaune knows all of us, if he punishes someone, it is a punishment that will make them remember never to do it again," Weiss said.

"He seemed very responsible, tell me when are you going on a date with him," Winter asked Wiess.

"It will be after the Vytal Festival, I don't know what he has planned, but knowing Jaune, it will be wonderful," Weiss said.

"You know, I am quite envious of your position, to be able to find a man like him and friends like them, is something I never had growing up, I am glad that you were able to find your own happiness," Winter said.

"You can be happy too, Winter. All you have to do is find the right place and the right people. You know when I first met Jaune, I was a bitch to him, flaunting my name as a Schnee, he berated back then, told me that I am now in Beacon, in Vale at in Atlas, that here, with everyone, the name Schnee means absolutely nothing, and I am glad that it means nothing to them, because of that I made friends for a lifetime, what about you Winter, are you happy in your position as a Specialist," Weiss said.

"Being a specialist is an honour, it is my duty to protect the people, but no, no I am not happy, sometimes the general makes a decision that I have to follow even if I don't agree with it," Winter said.

"Then why stay, there are other things that will help Atlas, other than being a specialist," Weiss said.

"Because I am afraid, afraid that if I leave the military father will have me in his grasp again, and that is not something that I want, I may not be happy in the military but at least I am not miserable due to father," Winter said.

"You know, if I asked Jaune for help regarding dad, he will willingly help," Weiss said.

"Weiss Schnee! Are you suggesting to ȧssassinate your own father!" Winter shouted.

"That is not so bad, but no, what I was referring to is ask Jaune a way to force dad out of the company or put him to prison, after all, he has done a lot of illegal activity," Weiss said.

"I have been in the military for a long time, Weiss, I have tried finding evidence to send father to prison, but no matter how hard I try, there is no evidence I can find," Winter said.

"Yes, you can't find anything on him, but I am going to bet that if we asked Jaune for help, he will be able to find something on him easily, I have seen Jaune do a lot of impossible feats," Weiss said.

"There are other problems Weiss, like who will be the one to control the company, I don't want to do it, and you are not old enough to inherit it," Winter said without knowing that Jaune was close by.

"You can always ask your mother to take over the company," Jaune said.

"Jaune! When did you come close to us?" Weiss asked.

"A few seconds ago," Jaune said.

"What do you mean our mother can control the company?" Winter asked.

"While looking for employees to hire for my headquarters here in Vale, a came across an old article about one Willow Schnee, it is said that when it came to business she was just as brilliant as her father, Nicholas Schnee," Jaune told them.

"Really, our mom, drunk mom?" Weiss asked.

"You know, you shouldn't be bad-mouthing your mom, Weiss, I did some research on her and found out that she has done so much for the both of you, without you even knowing, just like how you Weiss are here in Beacon, she was the one to really convince your father that it will be good for you to stay in Vale, to find new connections to families such as the Winchester, she used that as an excuse, and your father the idiot he is did not realise that Willow was trying to help you leave his control," Jaune said.

"I…I did not know that every day, all I saw her was a neglectful drunk mother, I never thought that she would be helping me," Weiss said.

"She has done more than that for the both of you, she drinks because she is in pain, she just wants to be happy, that was the reason she married your father in the first place, she thought that he was in love with her as well, but it turns out, all he wanted was the power of the SDC," Jaune said.

"I have to… I have to apologise to her, for all the hateful things that I have said to her face, I…I didn't know, I have to call her, no, I need to go back to Atlas, I ne-" Weiss did not complete what she was about to say due to Jaune putting a finger on her lips.

"Calm down, Weiss. I suggest dealing with your father first before you return to Atlas, and if you both let me, I will look for the evidence you both need to take him down," Jaune said, and she hugged him.

"Thank you, Jaune… Winter what do you say, want to bring dad down," Weiss said.

"I…I…Fine, but tell me, how long do you think it will take you to find the evidence we need, if you can do it in less than a month, then I will be able to help take him down," Winter said.

"A month, I only need a few hours… Veronica, I need you to search for everything regarding Jacques Schnee, legal or illegal activities, find them… there it should be done in a few hours," Jaune said.

"Was that an ȧssociate of yours?" Winter asked.

"Not exactly, Veronica is an A.I. that I created to help me with a task that may take too long to complete," Jaune said.

"Come on, we got to go, the tournament will start soon, and I don't want you to miss your fight, it would be a shame to lose because you were tardy," Jaune said.

With that everyone headed to the Amity Colosseum, they took Jaune's Quinjet to get there, rather than having to wait for a bullhead to get them there. Just like the previous day, the Amity Colosseum id packed full of people from all over Remnant, whether it be Vacuo, Atlas, Mistral or even Vale, they were all there, Jaune was not happy that Menagerie was not in the crowd of people, no one was wearing anything that resembling their clothing, this just motivated Jaune to make Menagerie a part of the four kingdoms and he has a plan for that, and hopefully it will work. The cheering of the crowd of people brought Jaune out of a trance and he saw, Weiss and Yang on stage, against Flynt Coal and Neon Katt.

"Weiss, You're from Atlas. What could we expect?" Yang asked.

"Well, seeing as their Kingdom, academy and armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fi… Or whatever they are." Weiss said then pointing at Flynt Coal and Neon Katt.

"You're Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress." Flynt asked.

"I am," Weiss said.

"I take it you're pretty good with Dust, then?" Flynt asked.

"I am, but not as good as I wish to be," Weiss said.

"Yeah, my dad was good too. Owned a little Dust shop of his own, till your father's company ran him out of business." Flynt said.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I truly am," Weiss said sadly, to be faced with someone her father destroyed is hard for her.

"Sure you are," Flynt said sarcastically.

"Hey! Why don't you-," Yang was trying to stop the personal fight but was stopped by Flynt's partner Neon.

"Hey! Why don't you? That's what you sound like!" Neon said trying to mock Yang.

"Okay??..." Yang said confused.

"Hey! Where'd you get your hair extensions?" Neon said.

"This is just my normal hair," Yang said.

"Ooh, really?" Neon said.

"Yeah! Is that a prob-" Yang once again cut off by Neon.

"You should try rollerblading sometime! It's super fun! It'd probably take you a while, though, since you're so... you know, top-heavy." Neon said mocking Yang's body.

"Not really, Weiss is in my team, you need to know how to ice skate if you are in her team, she always turns the floor to ice, so skating won't be any different for me," Yang said, which annoyed Neon since she was not able to taunt Yang.

The field opens around the four combatants, and up rises the volcanic area, sandy desert, steaming geysers, and ruined buildings. Port announces the beginning of the match and both teams started.

Right as it starts, Flynt raises the instrument to his lips and blows, issuing forth a sound wave that failed to blow both Weiss and Yang back. Weiss created a glyph under her to summon her Arma Gigas using the firestone, Yang looked around but doesn't see Neon with Flynt, from what she can gather, Neon seemed to have ridden the sound wave caused by Flynt, and she was right, Neon was riding the wave and after that, she used her semblance to propel herself to Yang, it was a big mistake on her part, as all Yang did was slightly dodge her and kept her foot in a way that Neon did not see, and it was a success as Neon tumbled out the arena due to the speed of her semblance.

As for Flynt, he was struggling with Weiss's summon, it was bombarding him with heavy slashes, and it was very quick too, he tried to ȧssist Neon earlier but because of the Summon he couldn't, he tried to head in her direction but he was smacked by the Arma Gigas sword and his Aura shattered, and a buzzer was heard, indicating that the match was over.

"WHAT!? We lost? We lost? Team FNKI lost? That was... that was... amazing! Oh my gosh, you guys were super crazy awesome! We should definitely party together sometime, right Flynt?" Neon went to Flynt and spoke.

"That was one hell of a Summon you got there Schnee, I dig it," Flynt said.

The rest of team RWBY and their friends went towards Weiss and Yang to celebrate their victory.

"You both were Awesome!" Ruby said.

"You did wonderful out there, Weiss, and congratulations on gaining control over your summoning, I remember the day you told me that you were having problems with your summons, now, I see you have mastered it," Winter said.

"Thank you for your praise, Winter," Weiss said.

"Yang! It was hilarious how you beat Neon with her own Semblance, it was absolutely hilarious." Ruby said while laughing hysterically.

"You did well, Yang. You so an opportunity to take her out and you took it, and I am happy that you did not let your anger get to you," Jaune said.

"Anger, I was more confused, I was thinking that she was trying to compensate her small bȯȯbs with her insults," Yang said. Which made Jaune laugh.

"Oh, Yang, you have come a long way, if this was before we met, you would have blown a fuse at her insult, especially to your hair," Jaune said.

After that fight it was Nora and Ren's turn, against Sage Ayana and Scarlet David, the fight was so one-sided, that Ren did not even lift a finger, Nora just went ahead and bombarded the arena with her bomb while laughing maniacally, and Scarlet and Sage was just running around trying to dodge the freaking grenade, they decided to wait until Nora runs out of ammo, but they did not know that Nora never has to reload Magnhild, courtesy of Jaune's Arc reactor, for a solid five minutes Sage and Scarlet was just dodging until they run out of steam and was hit by over fifteen grenade explosions. Then they were out of Aura.

The crowd was just shocked that Nora was able to continue shoot grenade not stop for five minutes but they started cheering for Ren and Nora's victory, all the crowd chanted 'Renora' over and over again.

"Well, that was fun! I want to do it again!" Nora said.

"You'll have to wait until we get back to the base before you start firing your Magnhild again," Jaune said.

"Ohh…," Nora whɨnėd all the way back to their base.

Once they got there, Veronica told Jaune that she has completed compiling all the data she could gather about Jacques Schnee, and it was brutal, according to the data, Faunus workers who have died from a mine explosion, their family was not compensated for their death, in fact, Jacques so this as an opportunity to kidnap the children who no longer had any parents, and use them as a free child slave labour, and if they don't do as they are asked then, their Faunus feature were destroyed by the mine supervisor. Many more files similar to it are compiled in a single folder. Everyone in the room with Jaune can sense his anger, no one wanted to approach him, but Weiss did anyways.

"J-Jaune, w-what's wrong?" Weiss said shaking on her boots. When Jaune saw just how much she was shaking, he calms down as he did not want to scare them any more than he already has, it is moments of anger like this that Jaune's immense magic would strike fear at people and suppress them in place.

"I am so sorry, Weiss, everyone, it's just that all the files that Veronica found on Jacques were brutal, it is inhumane, children Weiss, he kidnaps the children of Faunus who die due to an accident in the mines, and if they try to rebel the supervisor will cut off or destroy their Faunus feature, with permission from Jacques," Jaune said.

"Why, why would anyone do that! What is wrong with them!" Ruby shouted, Jaune handed all the files Veronica gathered to Winter, for her to see.

"He has gone too far! This needs to stop! Grandpa Nicholas did not make the SDC be this…this vile thing, when he was the one running the company, the SDC was a beacon of hope for the Faunus race, a way for them to earn money just like every functioning people of society, not this garbage child slavery and torture!" Winter said with immense anger at what her father has done to her grandpa's legacy.

"Winter… we need to stop him…Jaune, please tell me you will help us stop him?" Weiss asked Jaune.

"Oh, Weiss, after seeing what he has done, even if you did not ask me for help, I would have done it myself and killed him, but since he is your father, I will beat his to an inch of his life if I ever get my hands on him," Jaune said with anger present in his words.

"In all honesty… the idea of killing him, does not sound bad at all," Winter said.

"Winter, are you suggesting that he kill father, I mean I don't care…especially after finding out this new info and evidence," Weiss said.

"I-I'm not sure… I want to kill him for everything he has don't…but at the same time he is our father, I am not against killing him, but is that the right thing to do," Winter told Weiss while also questioning herself.

"If both of you don't want to kill him then so be it, with the evidence I gave to you, Winter, it should be enough to bring him down and send him to prison and rot there, but if for some miracle he was able to walk free then I will be the one to end him," Jaune said still angry at what Jacques did, especially now that he is a father, he doesn't like the fact that a child abuser and torturer is on the loose.

The next day was the match for on-on-one, and to no one's surprise, the final contenders were Coco, Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Penny and Neo.

The matchup was.

Pyrrha vs Neo.

Yang vs Nora.

Blake vs Ren.

Penny vs Coco.

Ruby vs Weiss.

The first match was Pyrrha and Neo, the match was not even close, Neo with her semblance was quite unpredictable in combat, but the problem was that Pyrrha took the pills Jaune gave her, making her stronger, faster, etc… if that was taken out of the equation, Neo would have won, but because of Pyrrha's heavy blows, Neo's aura shattered within ten minutes of the match. This match shows Jaune just how strong Neo can be, she was able to contend against Pyrrha for ten minutes, far longer than anyone has ever gone against her, at least the ones who haven't taken the pills.

Yang and Nora's match was quite close, they were both people who are a fan of brute strength, but unfortunately, it's Nora's lose, Yang was able to utilise her Rokushiki, even if she was mediocre at best, Yang is talented in Rokushiki, it is why she was able to use Rokuogan without the help of Jaune, but in the end, she still hasn't mastered them, but was enough to gain an edge against Nora, who hasn't even come to performing Nine-Lives.

Ren and Blake's match were a battle between speed and control, but Ren lost, although he has amazing control over his Aura and some of the gentle fist, it was pointless, since he couldn't catch Blake and her shadow clones, as soon as he thinks he got her, it will turn out it was a clone, that is why in the end Blake was able to chip away at his Aura, even if the fight lasted for thirty minutes.

The Match between Coco and Penny was no competition at all, Penny dominated Coco with her floating, Coco was able to brilliantly use the different forms of Pandora but in the end, Penny was able to hide the floating array in parts of the arena, and use it when Coco was close by, and as an eliminating attack, Penny charged her floating array using four of them, then blasting Coco square in the ċhėst, sending her out the arena and shattering her remaining Aura.

The fight between Ruby and Weiss was similar to Ren and Blake's fight, but for then it was Glyphs vs Speed. Weiss can increase her movement speed with the time glyphs, but it was not fast enough to catch Ruby who is capable of travel three hundred miles per hour thanks to the technique Jaune taught her, Weiss even tried to use her ice stone to make Ruby slip, but Ruby was able to combine her semblance and Accel Turn, making it a flying technique. And with that Ruby won against Weiss.

The crowd was going wild, they were all cheering loudly for all the participants, they were enjoying the match, and they could not wait to also see what the youngest huntsman of Vale is like. The matchup for the next match was made.

Seeded Yang Xiao Long.

Ruby vs Blake.

Penny vs Pyrrha.

The fight between Ruby and Blake was not very exciting, but the crowd still cheering, with Ruby's new found flying technique, she was able to easily outmanoeuvre Blake, her shadow did not do much since Ruby can just easily destroy them, it was bȧrėly even effective, the fight was over very quickly when Ruby used her new technique to get behind Blake, and shot her with Blue Rose, but one shot was not enough, so Ruby increased the output and shot her two more times before her Aura was in the red and the buzzer went off, indicating that Blake has lost.

Penny and Pyrrha's fight were intense, to say the least, if Pyrrha's semblance worked on Penny's weapon's then the fight would have ended a lot faster, but thankfully Jaune made her floating arrays with Vibranium, which is not magnetic with Pyrrha's semblance, Jaune doesn't know why, but he has a theory, his theory is that any material made from his magic is not magnetic at all, after all, it is not really metal. Pyrrha won, but not by much, her aura was dropped by Penny to only twenty-five per cent remaining, as Pyrrha was caught off guard by one of Penny's charged floating array.

And finally, the fight between Pyrrha and Yang will take place in a week's time, they are given a week to prepare and heal, to make sure that they are in their best shape, everyone was excited to watch the match between the best huntresses of Beacon, and final the fight against the youngest huntsman. Yang and Pyrrha decided to ask Jaune to train them, but Jaune refused and told them to train on their own for the finals.

"I won't be training either of you, to make it fair I want you to show me what kind of training you can come up with, how hard you train on your own for this week will be up to you," Jaune said.

So, for the past week, Yang and Pyrrha were excused from classes, they were allowed free time for the whole week. Yang was training her Rokushiki while Pyrrha was master the usage of her shield, both were training hard, that they nearly collapsed, and Jaune punished them for not taking care of themselves,

And now they are back in the Amity Colosseum for the second to the final fight, it is the finals, but there is still the fight between the top two teams vs Jaune, and the crowds were excited, they were chanting Yang and Pyrrha's names, it was reverberating in the entire colosseum.

"Sorry, P-money, but I will have to beat you, I really want to have Jaune to myself for one day," Yang said.

"Well then, no hard feeling when I beat you, I want to spend time with Jaune and my mother together," Pyrrha said.

When the fight started, Pyrrha transformed Milo into its rifle form, she sent fire to Yang, and in response, Yang sent her own using Ember Celica, the fight was intense, especially when Yang was finally able to reach Pyrrha for melee, Yang was careful not to hit Pyrrha's shield too much or else it can backfire since the shield can absorb energy, whenever Pyrrha would come close to slash Yang, Yang would use Kami-e to completely dodge them, and if she does fail to dodge she would block with Ember Celica.

The fight continued to rage on, Yang would sometimes forget not to hit Pyrrha's shield too much, and she would just wail at them until Pyrrha uses the charged shield to send her flying and this caused her to lose quite a lot of Aura with just one hit, if she was not careful, the fight would end, so she became more attentive on what she was hitting. Pyrrha was being careful as well, she nearly got hit when she was caught off guard with Yang's Soru, she disappeared very quickly and got behind her so fast that with just a millisecond of losing concentration she would have been eliminated.

The fight went on for ten more minutes before they both decided to end the fight with the next move, Yang use Soru to get behind Pyrrha and she used Rokuogan, but that was a big mistake because Pyrrha was anticipating the attack, she blocked the attack with Akouo and it absorbed the kinetic energy of the attack and sent it back to Yang, and that one move was enough to send Yang flying out the arena and shatter her aura, and then the buzzer rung indicating the elimination of Yang, and people cheered for Pyrrha's Victory.

"Well, there we have it! Our winner for the fortieth Vytal Tournament is Pyrrha Nikos!" Oobleck announced and people cheered even louder.

"That was a splendid fight, wasn't it professor Oobleck," Port said.

"It's Doctor! And yes, it was, either one of them could have lost if they lost concentration for even a second, in fact, Pyrrha Nikos nearly got eliminated due to losing a millisecond of concentration," Oobleck said.

"Yes, I saw that too, well now, it will be a break until the next match start, which will be the most spectacular fight during this tournament, teams RWBY and JNPR will be fighting alongside team CFVY to fight against Mr Jaune Arc," Port announced.

"Wait, I thought that only the top two teams would be fighting against Jaune, why suddenly three?"

Oobleck asked.

"It simple really, Team RWBY and Team CFVY are a tie for the top two, therefore all three teams will be fighting against Mr Arc," Port said with a smirking on his moustache.

"Well, I can't wait for the fight, I would love to see how those three teams work together to defeat Jaune, well there is nothing else to do but wait for the fight," Oobleck said.


In vast darkness, there is only one light source, a massive light source, this was the same God that reincarnated Louise Graham to Jaune Arc, it has been seventeen years since he sent Louise to Remnant.

"Hmm, it has been seventeen years…let's see how he is doing," God said.

He saw the things that Jaune has done in the short seven years since he got his memory, he helped Menagerie, gave hope and opportunities to the Faunus people, prevent thousands of people from dying during the fall of Beacon, and most of all he was no longer alone.

"Hmm, I indeed chose the right person, even with immense power, he hasn't been corrupted, and still strive to help people, but… there are other worlds out there, that need his help," The God said before using his power to connect Remnant's universe to all other universes, such as the Marvel, Fairytail, Danmachi, DxD, Nasuverse, Detective Conan, Doraemon, and other similar worlds, but he also made sure that no one but Jaune and the people he chooses to notice the connection, not even beings such as Great Red, Zeno, Zelretch or the One-Above-All from Marvel, the God scoffed at the being called One-Above-all as that being can't even make him sure his index finger and the pinky is overkill enough to wipe him out.

"I hope you like my surprise, Jaune Arc, and I know you will want to explore all the universes… Hmm, I guess I'll go and meet him in a bit," God said before he disappeared.

Back with Jaune.

We hear loud cheering from the crowd, people excited for the final fight, they were curious just how strong the youngest huntsman is when three teams are allowed to fight him at the same time.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen! Human and Faunus! We welcome you back to the end of the Vytal Tournament, and as a celebration, we have RWBY, CFVY, and JNPR! On one corner or one whatever a corner of a circle is called, and on the other corner, we have the youngest huntsman Jaune Arc!" Oobleck said.

We hear the cheering increase for every in the arena, comments about having Ren's, Fox, and Yatsu babies were heard from the crowd, this caused Coco to laugh, Nora to hug Ren, RWBY was planning to make those huskies scream, Pyrrha and Glynda were stopping themselves from using their Semblance and toss them out of Amity Colosseum which was floating in the air, while Penny and Neo who was in the crowd just cheered with them. Summer, Tai and Qrow were curious how far the three teams would push Jaune, the three of them have tried to force Jaune's hand before during sparring matches in the training room.

"So, are you guys going to give it everything you have?" Jaune asked.

"That we are, Jaune, we may not be allowed to use our suit during this competition, but you never said that we aren't allowed to use the weapons you have given us," Pyrrha said and proceeded to take out her Adamantium Goo, Ren took out Kanshou and Bakuya, Nora took out Artemis, Yang took out Ifrit, Ruby took out Blue Rose, Blake has Tensa Zangetsu, Weiss, well she has already been using Lambent Light, Coco is using Pandora, Velvet with her Copy Cat, Yatsu with his Grimm Arc, and Fox Gilgamesh.

"Damn! You guys plan on going all out…Then show me what you can do," Jaune said with a cheery voice then switched to a more serious tone.

"For this match, there will be no extra terrain, just the flat stage, so that everyone can enjoy the fight to the fullest!" Oobleck said.

"The match will begin in 3…2…1! Begin!" Port announced.

Nora fired her Artemis at Jaune after she locked on to him, but with simple footwork from Jaune he was able to dodge it, he waited for the last second before he dodged the blast so that it will not have time to fly back towards him and hit the ground instead. While Jaune was distracted with dodging Artemis shots, Ruby got behind Jaune and Yang approached him as well, they wanted to cover his front and back and try and catch him off guard, but Jaune already sensed Ruby behind him so when Yang went for a straight, Jaune caught her hand, then Jumped, spun while holding Yang and slammed her to Ruby who was behind him.

Coco then used Pandora's Jealousy form to gain Jaune's attention, to distract him from seeing Ren and Pyrrha's attack. Pyrrha hurled her Shield and Ren threw Kanshou, this was done in Jaune's blind spot, or what they think is Jaune's blind stop. Jaune immediately sensed it and dodged it, he was able to dodge both shield and sword but he did not notice a very small adamantium goo beside both Milo and Kanshou, and Pyrrha used her semblance to redirect it and hit Jaune in his face, but it was not enough to make him step back, all it did was move his head about two inches back.

Weiss summoned her Arma Gigas with a lightning stone and Blake made four shadow clones, they all went towards Jaune, Weiss started to use Mother Rosario on Jaune while Blake and her shadow clones will try and hold him in place, this was unsuccessful, but Ruby saw her opportunity to take a shot, she used Blue Rose and shot Jaune, since was busy repelling the Shadow Blake, he did not sense the incoming bullets of Blue Rose and it was strong enough to push him, and lower his aura by five per cent.

When Fox and Yatsu saw this, they took this chance to get close to him and engage in close combat, Fox jumped in the air and activated the saw blades of Gilgamesh's boots and used the Gauntlet's thrusters to increase his speed, while Yatsu was aiming to swing his Grimm Arc at Jaune's feet, all Jaune did dodge their attack was to jump in the air and straighten his body horizontally, making both Yatsu and Fox's attack useless.

Velvet made a copy of Coco's Gianduja, she looked at Coco and they both nodded to each other, and they opened fire to Jaune, and Jaune had to move away, then Yang charged at him, when she reached him, she swung her arms to use Ifrit's flame to create a dome, and said dome exploded once it came in contact with Jaune (looks like Neji's Kaiten, but red and made of fire, Yang is in the centre). He was sent back about twenty feet, but when he was about to stabilise his footing and he did not see Weiss Arma Gigas, the blade of the summon sent him flying into the air, Nora took this chance to open fire with Artemis and it was successful, it took another ten per cent of Jaune's Aura.

"Well, I can say you guys have one hell of a teamwork, but it is not enough to defeat me, and sorry but I am going to be slightly more serious now," Jaune said after he dropped onto the ground.

Jaune used Bo-Bup to get behind Yang, and she turned around to block Jaune's attack but was too late, the moment she turned around Jaune used Arang on her, a strike that sent a shockwave throughout her entire body, it took more than forty-five per cent of her Aura, but she was not down yet and Jaune saw this, so he followed up with Baek Rok to Yang's chin, sending her into the air, again it was not enough to shatter her aura, so for the final time Jaune jumped in the air where Yang was and with both his elbow he used Fang and sent Yang into the ground with immense speed and the impact shattered her aura. A buzzer was heard, indicating Yang's defeat.

"Uhm…guys, what the hell just happened?" Ruby said.

"I…all I saw was a blur, I think Jaune just combo'ed Yang and eliminated her," Blake said.

"Daaaamn! I know my team hasn't trained with you guys for long, but I thought maybe I have some grasp on his strength, but now, I know I was still underestimating him," Coco said.

"Guys! He is approaching us… what are we going to do?" Ruby said.

"We give it our all!" Pyrrha said.

"She's right, just because we can't beat him, doesn't mean we should just give up, we will fight him till every one of us is eliminated, and we will go down with a bang," Blake said.

"You know…If Yang was with us, she would have said, go out with a Yang, eh, eh…" Ruby said, and everyone looked at her with a deadpan face.

"You don't have to give me that look! I know how bad it was!" Ruby shouted.

And while they were talking Jaune was now in front of Yatsu, he jumped and used his knee to deliver a Baekdu to his face and sent him out the arena, and when everyone in the arena saw this, they scattered, this was a big mistake since now Jaune can just pick them off one by one.

Velvet replayed all the moves that Jaune used on Yang with her Photographic memory and copy it, so when Jaune was heading in her direction, she tried performing Bo-Bup, but her body was nowhere near ready to use such a technique and her body started to be in pain, this is the reason that Jaune hasn't taught other than Ruby the Accel Turn, their body was not ready, and Ruby can only perform it due to her Semblance. Jaune did not even have to do anything to Velvet, her Aura was shattered since it tried to heal the damages the technique she used made. Jaune checked on her, to make sure that she was okay, and he was glad that she was, she was only knocked out because she could not handle the pain that coursed through her body.

When Jaune saw that Velvet was fine, he used Bo-Bup to get beside Fox, he spun and performed a Hwechook to the ribs of Fox, he was able to block it with Gilgamesh but he was not strong enough to stop the force of the kick and just like Yatsu he was sent out the arena.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Coco, Ren, Nora and Pyrrha saw that being separated was not a good idea, so they reconvened behind Jaune.

Jaune saw this, and he used Bo-Bup to get beside Coco, and he performed a Nigawa Kick to her face sending her out of the arena, and then with the momentum he has after performing the Nigawa Kick, he stomped on Ren, effectively shattering his Aura. All that Remain was Pyrrha, Nora, Weiss, Blake and Ruby.

"Ruby, do you think you can use Blue Rose to send Jaune about twenty metres, because if you can, then maybe it will give me a chance to use Getsuga Tensho on him?" Blake asked.

"I can try, but you saw that it bȧrėly made his move earlier…but I increase its output, then maybe," Ruby said.

"It's worth a shot," Blake said.

"Alright!" Ruby said while increasing the output of Blue Rose while Blake was charging her attack.

"Blake, I want you to make a clone," Ruby said.

"Why?" Blake asked.

"I'm going to use it as a decoy," Ruby said and Blake complied.

Ruby picked up the clone and used her semblance to head to Jaune, she threw clone and fired Blue Rose, Jaune was then hit by the bullet and he was sent further than they needed, Blake asked for twenty metres, and instead Ruby sent him fifty metres, but hey Blake was not complaining.

"Ruby! Get out of the way!" Blake shouted and then she released the Getsuga, Ruby as able to dodge it.

When Jaune was getting back up, he saw a sea of fire like projectile that was black and Amber, this was the first time he was forced to take out his shield, he took out Captain America's shield and blocked the attack, but some of the power of the Getsuga was still able to get him, bringing his Aura down another five per cent.

But as soon as the Getsuga was gone, Jaune used Accel Tempest, to get in front of Nora, Weiss and Blake and with the speed clone, he performed an Arang on Weiss, a Goryo on Blake which was two consecutive kicks to her face, while he did an Axe on Nora, all three of them got their Aura's shattered.

Ruby used her Blue Rose once more to shoot at Jaune, but without a decoy it was useless. Jaune got in front of her and used a Hoe Grab on her neck while spinning and jumping at the same time, the technique then became a Dragon Catcher, and sent Ruby to the ground head first and made a crater, resulting in her knock out and shattered Aura.

And finally, one remains, Pyrrha was watching Jaune like a hawk, she was waiting for Jaune to come to her, but too bad Jaune did not instead he took a stance.

"Minimum Recoilless Kick!" Jaune shouted before performing a kick.

The kick was strong enough to completely cut the arena in half, and this was the minimum power Jaune can use to perform the technique, Pyrrha did not have a chance at all, she tried to block it with Milo but was too powerful, her Milo shattered, even when it was made from Vibranium, it was not able to absorb all the energy and, in the end, shattered, and the residual energy from the kick sent her out the arena and she hit the barrier and shattered her Aura. The buzzer rang and showing Jaune's face on the screen with the words 'Winner'

"And with that, we have a winner!" Oobleck announced. This got the crowd to cheer and chant Jaune's name.

Summer, Tai, Qrow, Ozpin and Glynda was shocked at the disparity of their strength compared to Jaune, the ones that have fought Jaune before, was thinking that they were never been able to force Jaune to fight serious enough to use such a powerful technique.

"We would like to thank you all for coming for the Vytal Tournament, but I am sad to say that it has come to an end and we would love to see all of you once more in two years, for the forty-first Vytal Tournament wherever it may be conducted," Oobleck said.

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