Crowds are cheering in the stands, visitors from all over the world. In the field of volcanic earth and icy glaciers below, Ruby fires and swings her Crescent Rose at Bolin Hori, as Blake exchanges blow with Reese Chloris, the blades of her Gambol Shroud colliding with the hoverboard of her opponent until she flips away, she readies herself once more, and charges in again. Behind her, Weiss Schnee waves her Myrtenaster as the sound of her glyph is heard, and finally Yang Xiao Long dodges the explosive force of Arslan Altan's fist before returning fire with her own Ember Celica.

In the commentator stand, we see Oobleck and Port making comments on the fight.

"Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor," Port said to Oobleck.

"It's Doctor! And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four-on-four round of the tournament!" Oobleck said to the microphone.

"For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum! If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules," Port announced enthusiastically, and both Port and Oobleck listed out the rules of the tournament.

"Now, let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon, and Team ABRN, of Haven," Port said.

We see Blake fight with Reese, and just like a cat playing with a mouse, she is currently playing with Reese, she can end the fight very easily, but she didn't want to show everyone what she can do just yet, she wanted the final fight to be the most impressive, and the rest of her team agrees with her after all the top two teams will get to fight Jaune. Blake charge at her and summoned a clone and they just wailed on Reese; she did not even have a chance as her Aura shattered from Blake's heavy but quick slashes.

With Weiss, she is currently fighting with Nadir Shiko, no matter how much Nadir fires at her, she was able to deflect every bullet, and when Nadir saw this he decided to fight headed on, he transformed his gun into a sword and charged at Weiss, but that was a big mistake on his part, as Weiss used her Lambent Light to stab him in the same pace multiple times, and it easily shattered his Aura, Weiss did not even need to use her Mother Rosario technique.

For Ruby, she is currently engaging Bolin Hori. Bolin believed that since Ruby has a massive Scythe, that it would slow her down, his deduction would have been correct for anyone else, but Ruby was trained by Jaune, making her stronger and faster than she looks, and that wrong deduction caused Bolin big time, as he charged Ruby with staff transformed to have blades on both ends, Ruby just watched his slow movements and countered his 'quick manoeuvres', until she got bored and just brought out Blue Rose and shot him, now, normally Bolin should be dead after getting shot by Blue Rose in such close proximity, but Ruby learned how to lower the output of the weapon, but still strong enough to shatter Bolin's Aura with ease.

And lastly Yang, she is currently playing around and taunting Arslan, no matter what Arslan did whether she goes for a straight, an uppercut, a high kick or a low kick, Yang was just easily dodging them as if she was made from paper, this irritated Arslan, so she used her semblance to create a fireball and hurled it at Yang, but she just dodges that as well but jumping in the air multiple times, this shocked Arslan as she has never seen anyone down in the air and jump again to change directions if she was not so shocked, she would have realised that Yang only a foot away from her, with her both hands outstretched, using a very powerful technique that shattered her Aura and tossed her outside the ring, what Yang used was Rokuogan, Yang might not have mastered all the Rokushiki techniques but she is familiar enough with it that she was able to find the secret technique, all on her own.

"Oh! And that's the match, with Team RWBY being the winner, with absolute ease," Port said.

"What would you expect, Team RWBY was trained by Beacon's youngest huntsman, and let me tell you, he is one hell of a fighter, I saw him punch a Goliath once, and he send it flying as if it was as light as a rubber ball," Oobleck said in a very fast manner, but slow enough for everyone to understand.

"Ah, yes. Mr Arc, he is an exceptional young man, he is not just a great huntsman with a story to tell, but he is also incredibly smart as he teaches, Mechanics and Weapon Crafting, he is also the owner of a well-known Company called the Arc Industries, from civilian appliances to huntsman gears, they have it all, but if anyone wants to see just have strong Mr Arc is, then stay tuned as the top two will have the privilege of fighting him," Port said.

"That would be one amazing fight, I would like to see if the top two will be able to beat him, now that would be entertaining," Oobleck said.

Back on the stage, we see Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang celebrating their win, with Weiss being very humble at her win, Ruby was making comments on how awesome their team was, Blake agreeing with Ruby, and Yang dancing while making bad puns.

"Hey, guys. Are you ready for your match?" Ruby asked.

"That we are! There is no way we will lose and be called team lose-ifer!" Nora shouted

"Hey! Why don't we eat here, I mean we all love Jaune's food but, sometimes I like to eat regular foods as well, rather than luxury homemade food made by Jaune, each special for us." Ruby said before she started drooling at the notion of eating Jaune's special made cookies for her.

"Uhm…Ruby, you're drooling," Blake said, and this caused Ruby to exit her trance.

"What! No, I'm not! You're the one drooling!" Ruby retorted back to Blake.

"Anyways, are we eating here?" Yang asked.

"Might as well, I don't have time to cook lunch for everyone, since NPR will be having a match in half an hour, it would take me at least an hour to cook for everyone," Jaune said, and they agreed, so they sat down on the seat for Simple Wok, and the shopkeeper asked them what they would like.

"I will have a spicy noodle please, as hot as you can get," Nora said.

"I will have a plain bowl of noodles," Ren said.

"I will have what Nora is having," Pyrrha said.

"Plain bowl of noodles," Ruby, Weiss and Yang said.

"I will have a sweet and spicy noodle with tuna fish on top," Blake said.

When the food came, Weiss gave her card to the shopkeeper, but it was declined, and she knows why, it was because she has been ignoring her father.

"You don't have to worry, Weiss, I got this, but do you want to talk about it later," Jaune said.

"Yeah, but can we wait until after the Vytal Festival, I just want to enjoy it with everyone," Weiss said and Jaune nodded and hugged her and they started eating the food and, in their opinion, it was good, but it did not even come close to what Jaune cooks.

"I mean it was not the best, but it did hit the spot for a few seconds," Yang said.

"Yup, still prefer Jaune's cooking and Ren's pancake," Nora said.

"By the way, we should get going, Penny and Neo's match is about to start and I don't want to miss it," Jaune said.

"Well, what are we waiting for! To the Colosseum!" Yang shouted.

With that, they headed for the Colosseum to watch Penny's fight, and it was amazing, with just her and Neo, they were dominating the fight, the other team underestimated them because they were both female and did not have a complete team, but when the fight started, well, they had to eat their words, as Penny and Neo danced around them, as if they were but a child, the fight even made them cry because Neo broke their weapons with Hush, she did this because she got angry when they tried to make fun of Penny, lucky for them, Jaune was not the one with Penny or else, the broken weapon will be the least of their problem.

"Woah! Way to go, Penny!" Ruby shouted.

"Yeah, that is how you deal with Sexist Fuck!" Yang shouted.

"Yang! Swear! You have to put a lien in the swear jar." Ruby said.

"What, but you heard Jaune swear multiple times before, how come he doesn't get to put money in the swear jar," Yang asked.

"I may see Jaune as family, but he isn't fully family… yet. Maybe in the future, but not right now." Ruby said, and Yang reluctantly put Lien in the swear jar that Ruby took out her suit's storage space.

"Jaune, what did you think of Penny and Neo's performance," Pyrrha asked.

"It was a brilliant fight, their teamwork is coming along just great, Neo's utilisation of her semblance is phenomenal and how she uses it to aid Penny, overall, I would say that if they were able to create more combined attacks, they would be able to get me a bit more serious than usual," Jaune said.

"Damn! I know that they were doing good, but not that good, damn, they will be competitors for the top two, but then again the last matches are singles, so, maybe we will do just fine," Yang said.

"Yang, what did I say about being ċȯċky, it is okay to be confident, but to underestimate your opponent is something you should never do, because you never know, what tricks they may be hiding, you should always be vigilant," Jaune said, and she apologised, and an announcement for the next fight was announced.

"Woah! It's our turn to kick buŧŧs! Jaune do you think it will be okay if I 'accidentally' broke someone's legs?" Nora asked.

"Nora! No breaking legs! If you do that, I will tell Ren that you are banned from eating pancakes for a month, and I will also not make you any food, just frozen food for you," Jaune said in a serious tone.

"No! I promise…I promise I won't break any legs in the tournament!" Nora said hastily, she can't live without pancake for a month and no food from Jaune as well was torture for her.

"Good, because I don't want you getting in trouble for excessive use of force for no reason," Jaune said while looking at everyone, and they just nodded in acknowledgement.

Nora, Pyrrha and Ren, are now heading into the arena, in the crowd, a lot of people were chanting Pyrrha's name, she looked at her team and apologise to them, as she forgot that is a celebrity, but they just shrugged at it, they did not care what those people think anyway, only the opinion of their friends and family is what they care about.

"Now, we have team JNPR of Beacon except no J as he is not allowed to compete, and we have team BRNZ of Shade!" Port announced, and the crowd cheered.

As each team readies their poses, a circle of holographic roulettes starts spinning frantically through various symbols and colours before finally landing on a green pine tree and grey thunderstruck mountain. With these random selections, half of the field opens to reveal a tree-filled forest, while the other raises a small rocky outcropping to fill in the circle.

Nora, Ren and Pyrrha agreed that using their team combo was a bit too much for this fight, so they decided to fight the other team individually. Nora got Nolan Porfirio, Ren got May Zedong, and Pyrrha got both Roy Stallion and Brawnz Ni.

Nora smacked Nolan to the secluded mountain area, Ren used the grapple of Stormflower to drag May in the forested area as that would give her a hard time to spot him due to the trees and his clothing's. As for Pyrrha, she just charged straight at Roy and Brawnz.

Pyrrha did not have any trouble at all, the moment Roy stallion ejected his saw blades at Pyrrha, she just used her semblance to toss it far away from him, and she proceeded to perform a low kick and then followed by a round kick which sent Roy hurling out of the ring. Next, Brawnz throws a punch, but she was able to parry it with her sword, she pushes it away and she bashed him with her shield Captain America style and caught her shield when it returned this manoeuvre was strong enough to shatter his aura.

Nora was having fun with Nolan, the poor sap just had to zap Nora over and over again, which just made her stronger, and when Nora had enough fun, she turned Magnhild into a grenade launcher and started firing at him, this made Nora's excitement to increase once more, and she started playing with Nolan, just narrowly missing him each time since she was not allowed to break a leg, she will release her frustration on some poor innocent sap named Nolan Porfirio, but after two minutes, she decided she was satisfied and transformed Magnhild back to a hammer and just smash Nolan in the solar plexus and sent him flying outside the ring.

And lastly, we have the fight between Ren and May, the fight was exciting, Ren was using his grappling hook as a way to manoeuvre around the forest like spider-man, but unlike Nora, Ren wanted to end the fight as soon as possible so when he spotted May, he went behind her, and with Stormflower, he spun himself and smacked May in the back of the neck, knocking her out.

"With that, we have a winner, team JNPR of Beacon, with what we saw, team BRNZ did not have any chance at all, Miss Valkyrie was just making Nolan dance around with her Magnhild, Ren did splendidly, using the environment to his advantage, and Pyrrha Nikos showed her immense skills, team BRNZ did not even have a chance to show what they are capable of since team JNPR ended the fight very quickly," Port said.

"Anyway, for now, this ends the first day of the Vytal Tournament, I hope you all enjoyed it, and we wait for your participation once more in the next round, which will be a two on two, Oobleck signing out," Oobleck said

After the fight of team JNPR, Weiss and company were going to congratulate them, but in the sky, Weiss saw a ship she believes that her sister uses to travel, and she got excited, she pulled Jaune and Ruby with her to the Bullhead port with excitement, Jaune knew what was happening, so, he decided to scroll message everyone that he will meet them in the base, and he will cook them a proper meal.

"Weiss! What is the big deal!? Who is it? Who is she!?" Ruby asked, but Weiss did not answer her at all, she just continued looking forward, but after seeing then the person she wanted to see, she finally answered Ruby.

"Winter," Weiss said with a smile.

"Wait…Winter, your sister?" Ruby said, while Weiss ignored her again and opting to shout towards her sister.

"Winter!" Weiss shouted, and her sister looked at her, Ruby and Jaune.

"Hmm," she hummed to herself.

"Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh... Your presence honours us." Weiss said being formal all of a sudden.

"Beacon... It's been a long time. The air feels... different, it feels more vibrant," Winter said.

"I mean it is fall, so, eh, it's probably colder," Ruby said, still being her goofy self.

"Ruby, I don't think that's what she meant," Jaune said.

"What?! What else could she mean?" Ruby said.

"She was talking about the atmosphere, Ruby," Jaune said.

"The sky… what about the sky, it's always vibrant," Ruby said.

"Ruby… that's still…" Jaune was able to explain until he realised the smirk on Ruby's face.

"Pfft, I'm messing with you, Jaune, I knew what you meant when you talked about the atmosphere," Ruby said.

"You know what, I am so going to get you for this," Jaune said before looking at Weiss interaction with her sister.

"So, what are you doing here?" Weiss asked her sister.

"Classified," Winter said.

"Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?" Weiss asked.

"Classified," Winter said once more.

"Of course," Weiss said while nodding in agreement.

"Well... this is nice... I think." Ruby said feeling a bit awkward due to the interaction of Winter and Weiss.

"You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it!? I-," Weiss said before she was interrupted by her sister.

I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came…Leave us." Winter said before ordering her soldiers.

The androids backed off and the soldiers left their vicinity, once they were gone from earshot, Winters's attitude change, it was more welcoming.

"How have you been, Weiss?" Winter asked her.

"Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring class! And the rest of my studies are going wonderfully, too! I'm-" Weiss said before she was smacked in the head by Winter, which made both Ruby and Jaune to chuckle.

"Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?" Winter asked.

"I am doing fine, I am indeed eating properly, Jaune makes sure of that, I have taken a hobby, I like to read novels, and I have indeed made plenty of friends…this here is Ruby Rose, my best friend and team leader, and this here is Jaune, he is my boyfriend but still unofficially as we haven't gone on a date yet, since we were busy preparing for the Vytal Tournament," Weiss happily said, and Winter looked at Jaune.

"So, you're the Jaune Arc, I have heard many things about you from Weiss and General Ironwood, Weiss praises you a lot when she sends her letter to me and tells me about the great things you have done, while general Ironwood complains about you, just like a few weeks ago, you blackmailed him into releasing Torchwick and the removal of Penny from Atlas Academy," Winter said in a stern voice.

"Yeah, well, Penny wanted to attend Beacon, and as for Torchwick, well I find his skills quite useful," Jaune said not backing down at Winter's glare.

"Oh, and what kind of skills can a criminal like Torchwick, be valuable to you?" Winter asked Jaune.

"Well, for one, he is good at handling money, and he has a lot of connections," Jaune said.

"What makes you think that he would not still from you?" Winter asked.

"With the type of payment, I offered him… even a life of crime stealing from the rich won't even come close to my offer, and what I offer is clean, meaning he no longer needs to go in hiding, he can spend great days with his niece," Jaune said.

"Hmm, you seem to have the mind of a businessman, tell me, Mr Arc, does your family own a company of their own that is similar to the SDC?" Winter asked.

"No…No they do not, but I own one, the Arc Industries, the current company that is pushing the SDC down," Jaune said.

"I…see, so you are the reason why my father has been more stressed than ever," Winter said.

"Is that so, but trust me, your dad will be even more stressed when I release even more product in the next month that will replace vehicles that use dust for fuel, my company will even offer to take in your old vehicle for a fair trade," Jaune said, and Winter understood the implications of this, the SDC makes money from people buying dust for everyday use, and vehicles, are one of the biggest sources of income they get since it uses a lot of Dust to power it.

"I see, what do wish to accomplish with that move Mr Arc?" Winter asked.

"Well, for one, I believe that have better uses than being a fuel for homes and appliance or vehicles, they are our source of weapon against Grimm, I believe that dust should just be used for that purpose and that purpose alone, after all, Dust is a finite resource, and second, my alternative energy is by far more environmentally friendly, and lastly, my technology can eliminate the increase of waste product, as all materials are recyclable," Jaune said.

"Well, then. Our father will have to work a lot harder, to be able to compete with you, if everything you just said here was true." Winter said.

"It's true, Winter. Everything he said is true, as I have seen the vehicle that he created, it is faster, more durable, and more reliable as it won't suddenly run out of dust while in the middle of the road, he even has some of them in the place we are residing in," Weiss said, this confused her, isn't Beacon's dorm similarly sized to Atlas, how can a car fit in it.

"I would like to see your place of residency, but I have to leave for the meantime since I have to meet with General Ironwood…I will see you later, I still want to see your room," Winter said before heading to the residence of Ironwood.

"I…I am so sorry about my sister, Jaune," Weiss said.

"Don't be, big sisters, will always be big sisters no matter what, trust me, because I will do the same thing if my younger sister brought home a boy," Jaune said with a smile.

"Well, come on, everyone is waiting, they keep complaining that they are hungry… well it's mostly Nora but I guess it's better to cook her something to eat," Jaune said, and they all started to head back, Ruby was quite annoyed that she was ignored.

"Hey, don't ignore my presence, I wanted to talk to Weiss sister as well but you just had to challenge her didn't you, Jaune," Ruby said.

"Don't worry, Ruby, I have a feeling that we will meet again very soon…so come on and move your legs back to the base," Jaune said while laughing at his interaction with Winter, even as a soldier, she still has her older sister instinct to try and bring Jaune down a peg.

Back in the base, we can see everyone enjoying a wonderful time, they are all situated in the lounge room watching Ruby and Yang have a gaming match on who's a better player, meanwhile, Jaune and Summer are in the kitchen preparing dinner, it is early for dinner but since they had a 'hard fight' they deserved an early dinner.

A knock on the door was heard, and Pyrrha said announced to them that she would get it, but when she saw who was at the door, she didn't know what to do since she did not know who the person was, so she asked.

"Can I help you?" Pyrrha asked.

"Ah, yes. I am looking for my sister and Penny Polendina, according to headmaster Ozpin, this is where she resides, I still don't understand how more than one person can fit inside this…this shack," Winter said.

"Hold on, I need to tell Jaune to give you access," Pyrrha said, she went to Jaune and told her that someone wanted to meet Weiss and Penny and that she doesn't know how to give others guest access, Jaune nodded and in less than a minute, Winter was given access as a guest.

Pyrrha went back to the door to let Winter in, and when she got in, she was shocked to see how big it was, she even went back outside to make sure that the thing is small, she walked around the entire damn thing and it was indeed small, but the inside was bigger than the outside.

"How?! The inside is bigger than the outside!" Winter shouted.

"Beats me, I don't understand the techno mumbo jumbo," Pyrrha said.

With that, Pyrrha brought her to Weiss, who was currently playing a guy against Nora and was being beaten mercilessly since she doesn't have experience at playing games before, which frustrate her because Pyrrha did not have any experience as well but is good at it. When she looked up, she saw Winter.

"Winter!" Weiss exclaimed.

"Hello, again, Weiss, I see that the place you're staying in is just as luxurious as the Father's manor," Winter said.

"Actually, I consider this better, back home, no matter how much you increase the temperature it always left cold, and I always felt lonely, here, I feel warm and I am surrounded by friends," Weiss said with a smile on her face.

"I see, I was wondering where Penny is?" Winter asked.

"You know, Penny?" Ruby asked.

"Why, yes I do, I was the one who used to look after her before I was reassigned a different duty," Winter said.

"Well okay, I will go and call her, she is in her room taking a shower," Weiss said.

"What?! How?! I was led to ȧssume you knew of Penny's origin, at least it was from my understanding from what The General told me," Winter said.

"Oh that, yeah we know about Penny being synthetic, I mean her body is over there in the corner," Weiss said.

"What?? I thought you just told me that Penny was in the shower, is she charging?" Winter asked.

"Charging??... Oh, you don't know, well damn, I don't think you were supposed to know that." Weiss said and then mumbled the rest.

"Know what, Weiss?" Winter asked.

"She is talking about Penny no longer being synthetic, we just keep the old robot body as a memento, for Penny to never forget how a wish of her came true," Jaune said.

"Oh…and what wish is that, Mr Arc?" Winter asked.

"She wishes to be human," Jaune said.

"That's impossible!" Winter said.

"For Atlas, maybe, but not for me, Well, if you want to meet Penny, you'll have to wait for a while since she loves taking long showers or baths," Jaune said.

And wait Winter did, but that wait was not long for her, since so many things were going on in her head, the shack being bigger on the inside, Penny being human, things like that were going through her head. But she was brought out of her trance when Penny went towards her and hugged her.

"Winter! I mean Specialist, Schnee," Penny said.

"You are no longer a part of the Military Penny, you may call me Winter," Winter said.

"Alright then, Winter. It's so good to see you again," Penny said.

"Tell me, Penny, how is life here in Beacon going for you?" Winter asked.

"It's Sensational, Jaune is such a great boyfriend, he cooks food for everyone every day, whether it is for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner, he never misses it, and I am even having fun being surrounded by so many people that I can call my friend," Penny said cheerfully.

"Wait… did you say that Jaune is your boyfriend, I thought that he was supposed to be dating my sister, Weiss," Winter said.

"Oh, he is. He is also dating Glynda Goodwitch, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Pyrrha Nikos, Me and Weiss, and two others," Penny said.

"Thank you, Penny, and if you don't mind, I have a bone to pick with someone," Winter said.

"Hmm… why would you go bone picking with someone??" Penny asked Winter curiously.

"It's an expression, Penny," Winter said before, heading to the kitchen where Jaune was.

She saw that Jaune was finished cooking dinner for everyone, and was setting up and table with a person that closely resembles the Rose girl, that Weiss introduced to her.

"You!!" Winter shouted to Jaune.

"Who? Me," Jaune said.

"Yes, you! I have a bone to pick with you!" Winter said.

"Me! What did I do, I have been in the kitchen the whole time with Summer, cooking dinner for everyone?" Jaune asked.

"What did you do! You dare to say what did you do! I just learned from Penny that you are cheating on Weiss, according to her you are dating multiple people at once!" Winter said.

"What's the problem with me dating multiple women, polygamy is accepted especially in the hunter family, and I'll have you know that Weiss knows that I am dating multiple women, they live with her for Oum sake!" Jaune said.

"As if Weiss will be okay with her letting her boyfriend date other women," Winter said.

"You can ask her, she is right behind you," Jaune said.

"Weiss, are you okay with your boyfriend seeing other women?" Winter asked Weiss.

"Yes, we already talked about it, we would rather share him than fight over him, after all, he is one hell of a catch, we did not want to fight over him, besides the people he is dating are people I don't mind sharing him with, and I know they won't try to hog him for themselves," Weiss said.

"Wow, you have mȧturėd, normally I would have guessed that you would blow up if something like this was to happen," Winter said.

"Well, what can I say, people, grow," Weiss said.

"That they do, just like how mȧturė your body looks, compared to before you went here for Beacon," Winter said.

"Thank you for understanding, Winter," Jaune said.

"You! I want to know, if you have what it takes to protect my little sister, I can see that you have a good source of income, and have home skills, but I want to see if you have the strength to protect her when she is in danger," Winter said.

"We can do that after we eat, then we can have a spar, now, sit and enjoy your meal," Jaune said.

Winter was about to retort until she saw many angry scowls going her way, they looked like wolves that haven't eaten anything for days, so she back off, and ate with them.

'After we are done eating, I am going to make sure to bring you down a peg, Arc!' Winter thought.

And just like Jaune said, after eating they rest for twenty minutes to let the food digest a bit, and after that, they went straight to the training room. Winter got her sword out and Jaune, took out King Cerberus, he wanted to piss off Winter with Dante's fighting style when he uses King Cerberus.

"Woah, I haven't seen Jaune use those before," Ruby said.

"Weiss, you know, Jaune is going to beat your sister, right?" Yang asked Weiss.

"Unfortunately, yes. No matter how much I want Winter to win, I know from everything I have seen Jaune do, that he will come out the victor in this fight," Weiss said with a sigh.

"Aha, so who are you going to cheer for," Yang asked.

"Just because I know that Jaune will win, doesn't mean I won't cheer for my sister, besides, he has you guys to cheer for him, while my sister has no one, but me," Weiss said.

"Cool, then. Kick her Ass Jaune!" Yang shouted.

"What! Teach him some respect Winter!" Weiss yelled.

"That is the lamest cheer I have ever heard," Yang said, Weiss just stuck her tongue out and continued cheering for her sister.

Winter dashed at Jaune with blinding speed and she was going for a thrust but Jaune parried it by spinning King Cerberus, but Winter did not stop and continued going for a thrust to his head, but Jaune would just either move his head out of the way or use Kin Cerberus to parry it.

Winter jumped back as she saw that her ȧssault failed, then she looked at Jaune, and this pissed her off. Jaune was showing off some nunchuck moves and taunting her to come closer to him, and she has tried to ignore it but the way he was taunting her was getting to her, she resisted it until Jaune turned around and start slapping his ȧss in front of her, this really pissed her off, so she charged once more, but first she released her secondary sword

When Jaune saw this, he transformed King Cerberus to Sansetsukon, it looked like three long poles attached together with a chain. He parried all Winter's quick jabs and thrusts, and he even used the centre pole of the Sansetsukon to block her slashes. Winter, after seeing that her close-range attack was not working decided to use her summoning glyphs, to summon a swarm of nevermore chicks and sent them towards Jaune.

In response, Jaune changed King Cerberus back into a nunchuck and he spun it in front of him very fast that the summon could not go past it, when all the summon were gone, Jaune changed King Cerberus to a flaming Bō staff, he jumped in the air and on the way down he smacked King Cerberus to the ground cause the floor to split open with magma that was heading Winter's direction. She once more used her summon to summon a Manticore, but she did not see that Jaune was already behind her, and with King Cerberus back in a nunchuck, Jaune hit her with it, and with every hit, parts over body became covered in ice, which causes her aura to be put into overdrive to prevent that part of the body from being hurt, and after a few more hits, her Aura shattered, and she passed out.

"Well, Damn, that was the best fight I have seen all day… and Weiss, your sister is one hell of a fighter," Yang said.. And Weiss agreed with a nodded.

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