Back at Beacon, Jaune went to Ozpin's office, h wanted to tell him that he was successful at the retrieval of the maiden's power, and he also told Ozpin that he wanted a favour from him.

"Thank you, for, getting the power of the maiden back, I don't know what I would have done if the full maiden powers were used by the wrong people, such as Queen," Ozpin said.

"No, problem, besides, I wanted to help Amber, she is a friend, and I can't just do nothing while she is hurting," Jaune said.

"What was the favour that you wanted? Tell me and I will see what I can do," Ozpin asked.

"I just want a meeting with Ironwood, I want to make a deal with him, for the release of Roman Torchwick, and one other personal deal," Jaune said.

"Alright, I will speak with James and see if I can get him to meet you privately, can I ask why you want the release of Roman Torchwick?" Ozpin asked.

"Oh, I am opening an HQ for my company here in Vale, and I believe Torchwick has the skills I am looking for," Jaune said.

"I see, you want his expertise at handling money, but can't you just hire someone more qualified?" Ozpin asked.

"I can, but with a great incentive, I can have Torchwick work for me, and he will be able to easily tell if someone is doing illegal activities with the company accounts, and he does have some contacts that could be useful," Jaune said, Ozpin nodded in understanding.

"Alright, I can get you a meeting with Ironwood tomorrow in the afternoon, he doesn't have much to do anyway since he is here in Vale," Ozpin said.

With that, Jaune left Ozpin's office, he headed for his base, he needed to talk to Blake regarding her schedule for the movie shoot.

When he got in his base, Jaune saw Neo raiding his fridge for his Neapolitan ice-cream, but unfortunately, he already ran out, he only made seven buckets, after all, Neo already ate five buckets the other day and two buckets for breakfast.

"Neo, what are you doing?" Jaune asked.

"I'm just looking for more ice-cream, it was the best ice-cream I have ever eaten, can you tell me where you got them, I want to buy a truck full." Neo signed.

"You won't be able to buy it anywhere since I make them here, all the food in this base is homemade by me," Jaune said which caused Neo to pout in sadness, and this caught Jaune by surprise, he didn't think Neo can be any more adorable, and then he sighed.

"Fine, I will make you three buckets worth, but no more after that," Jaune said, Neo continued pouting in hoping that Jaune will increase the number but she was not successful.

Jaune did not have to do anything for the rest of the night, so he decided to make Neo her ice-cream, but first, he headed to Blake's room, he needed to talk to her, since the filming will start next week, and since she was a student, her only real available time was the weekend and so is his.

"Blake, can I speak with you," Jaune said, and Blake opened her door, and Jaune saw that her whole team was in her room and so are Nora and Pyrrha.

"Jaune, is there something wrong?" Blake asked.

"No, I just wanted to tell you that the shooting for the Ninja of Love movie is next week on the weekend, I just wanted to remind you that we both need to be there since we are both playing the main lead," Jaune said and Blake nodded at him.

"Woah, Woah… hold up, are you telling me that Blake is playing as Kumiko, Blake why didn't you tell us, that is big news, we should be celebrating… wait, Jaune did you just say that both you and Blake are playing the main lead… damn that means that Jaune is Nobuyuki, maybe I should have applied for the role," Yang said.

"Wait a sec… Yang how do you know who the main leads of Ninja of Love are, I thought you said that Ninja of Love is just smut." Blake questioned.

"Well, duh, obviously I will tease you, I can see read that book everywhere you go, you poorly disguise it all the time, and besides, I will never mistake Ninja of Love book cover, I love that series," Yang said.

"You…you read the book…wait, raise your hand if you read Ninja of Love," Blake said, and what happened next surprised her, everyone in her room raised their hands, Blake may understand Weiss, but Ruby, innocent Ruby is not so innocent after all.

"What the… Ruby, you read Ninja of Love, when did this happen." Yang asked.

"Uhm… back in Patch, I was curious at the book you were keeping under your bed…so, I kind of snuck into your room and took it, and after reading a few chapters, I kind of got hooked in it, I mean the story between Kumiko and Nobuyuki is amazing, then there is the foreign beauty Esmeralda that saw Nobuyuki and it was love at first sight for her, I am hoping that all three of them end up together," Ruby said while daydreaming about the love triangle of Ninja of Love.

"Well… damn, dad is going to kill me when he finds out that Ruby is reading pȯrn because of me," Yang said.

"You know… it kinds of hurt, when you call my book pȯrn in front of me, BECAUSE IT IS NOT PORN, IT IS EROTIC LITERATURE," Jaune said with a scowl on his face.

"Your book. Jaune are you the writer of Ninja of Love." Pyrrha asked.

"That's right, I made the first book when I was fifteen, I needed money for my training, so, I decided to write a book, and well it became one of the most popular books out there, it's even getting a movie adoption since people are hoping to see it in the big screen, and you know most of the money from the books is the one that I used to open my company," Jaune said.

"Ohh, so that's where you got the money, I have always been wondering where the money that you used to start your company came from," Weiss said in realisation.

"Did you think I did something illegal to open my company?" Jaune asked Weiss.

"Well, a bit…It's just that I have never seen you have the attitude of a high class, ever. So, I ȧssumed that you may have gotten your money from some unsavoury individual, such as a loan shark." Weiss said.

"Okay, then, I'm glad that everything was cleared up, anyway, Blake make sure you don't forget," Jaune told Blake who was just smirking at Yang, and Jaune knew that Blake will have her payback.

"So…Yang, you are a fan of Ninja of Love, did you know that a new book was coming out?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, I can't wait for the fourth book to come out, according to news sources, it will be released before the movie comes out," Yang said, and Blake came closer to her to whisper some spoilers to her, and Yang's eyes grow as big as a saucer.

"Blake! Where did you get that information, and why would you spoil the next book for me…? I thought we were friends…Noooo… why oh why will you spoil the next book for me… you're a monster." Yang said with sadness, really sadness not some act, yet all Blake did was smirk at her.

"That's what you get for teasing me for reading Ninja of Love when you are a fan as well," Blake said, Yang moved towards Jaune.

"Can…can you let me read the next book…I am just too curious of what Blake spoiled for me…I can't wait for a long time to find out how such an outcome came to be," Yang said sadly and what Jaune told her next just increased her sadness.

"Sorry, Yang. But I am only allowed to give one copy to one person and I gave it to Blake, she is the only one who has an early copy of the book." Jaune told her.

"Blake…Please let me read…I just want to know so badly." Yang wailed.

"Fine, but you have to make a promise to me, that you will never tease me about reading Ninja of Love every day," Blake said.

"I promise to leave you alone when you are reading, or tease you about what you are reading…just please let me understand how it happened," Yang said.

"Okay, I will lend you the book…after I finish reading it." Blake said, at the beginning Yang as delighted that she will be allowed to read the book but was in horror when she had to wait for Blake to finish the book.

The next day, Jaune is currently finishing his class, since he did have a meeting with Ironwood thanks to Ozpin, he also finished the production of the E-11 Blaster Rifle, which he would be using as a way to negotiate with Ironwood. Jaune also contacted Dr Polendina for a bit of help with Ironwood which he did without hesitation.

Jaune headed to the meeting room that Ozpin set up for, and when he got there, Ironwood was already waiting for him.

"Arc, what do you want, and make it quick, I don't have much time, I have a lot of work to do," Ironwood said.

"You don't have to lie, according to Ozpin, since you arrived in Vale, you did not have much to do, but I digress, the reason why I am here is that I wanted to make a deal with you, which is regarding Roman Torchwick and Penny Polendina," Jaune said.

"I understand you want to make a deal about Torchwick, but why add Polendina to this?" Ironwood asked.

"You know what Penny is, and I know what Penny is, now the deal I want is for the release and immunity of Roman Torchwick and release of Penny Polendina from her servitude to Atlas Military, and in exchange, I will make an E-11 Blaster Rifle for your military, you can even reverse engineer it if you want, the technology will be yours, and I will produce ten thousand units as well," Jaune said.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT PENNY! Who told you?!" Ironwood demanded Jaune.

"OH, why would I tell you that, and does it matter how I know, after all, no matter what you hide, I will be able to find," Jaune said.

"What do you want… ARC!" Ironwood asked.

"I already stated what I wanted, the release and Immunity of Roman Torchwick and the release of Penny Polendina from Atlas Military Servitude," Jaune said.

"I can do Torchwick but not Penny, I don't have any power for her release," Ironwood said.

"Don't play with me, Ironwood, I know for the fact that you handle everything regarding Penny, where she sleeps, who she is allowed to interact with and many more. It is either you willingly release her or I release to the public that you created a synthetic human and is treating it as a slave, I can even release to the public that she has a soul, and is the reason why she can produce Aura, what do you think will happen if I release that." Jaune said.

"You… you would cause a public outcry for a robot, why do you even care, you bȧrėly know her," Ironwood said.

"I know her enough, enough to know that she wishes to be free, to be just like any other humans, so, what is it going to be Ironwood, are you going to release her on your terms or to the terms of the outraged people, it is your choice," Jaune said.

"Fine! I will release her and Torchwick to you, but you have to show me the E-11 Blaster Rifle first and it has to be superior to our current rifle, and I want a hundred thousand ammunition for the weapons. If you can do that you have a deal, but you are not to say a word about Penny Polendina to anyone or the involvement of Atlas for her making, and it will be up to you to convince her creator to leave her with you." Ironwood said.

"That is a deal then… Come I will show you the E-11 Blaster Rifle in action." Jaune said, and he brought Ironwood to the shooting range of Beacon to showcase the E-11 Blaster Rifle, and Ironwood was impressed with the weapons performance.

"Tell me the capacity of the Blaster," Ironwood said.

"The original power cell contains a hundred shots, but a plasma cartridge contains five hundred shots," Jaune said.

"Alright, I see that it is leagues above our pulse rifle, ours only have a capacity of fifty shots, this E-11 Blaster is a great addition to our armoury, Fine… you got a deal, I will release Torchwick in the morning and the paperwork for Penny will be done in a few hours, that is the fastest I can get it completed since Torchwick has a lot of petty crimes and thefts, but Penny will only take a few hours since she was a secret project in the first place, and I will have to inform her creator," Ironwood said.

"Alright, I will be waiting," Jaune said and he shook hands with Ironwood, indicating that they have agreed to the deal.

With that deal over, Jaune returned to his base to talk with Penny and tell her the good news, with this Penny would no longer need to switch between human and robot body, even if she was just using a neural link to control the synthetic body, but first, he needed to get to his class, which would be starting in twenty minutes, so he hurried to class, after all, a lot of the students are waiting for him.

After classes, Jaune received a message from Ironwood that Penny has no longer any affiliation with the Atlas Military, he smiled and headed to his base right away to tell Penny his news, and he quickly found her in the kitchen trying to look for something to eat.

"Hey, Penny, what are you doing?" Jaune asked.

"Oh, hey Jaune, I am just looking for something to snack on, since I am famished on controlling my old body, I hope you don't mind," Penny said.

"Not at all, everything in this base is for you to use or eat, just not my lab or workshop… and I have good news for you, Penny, I made a deal with Ironwood regarding you," Jaune said.

"What is it, Jaune?" Penny asked.

"From today onwards, you are finally your own person, Penny, you are no longer owned by Atlas, you are free, you don't have to return to Atlas or use your synthetic body anymore, you are free," Jaune said.

"Is…is this true…am I really free… can I finally leave the base in my own body?" Penny asked.

"Yes, you can Penny, you can finally really be with your friends, whether it is in class or in Vale, you are finally able to have fun with us outside the base," Jaune said, this caused Penny to cry with tears of happiness, her dream to be human was fulfilled but she could not enjoy it with everyone outside, only in the base was she allowed to stay and be her otherwise she just controls her old body. It took a while before Jaune was able to calm Penny down.

"So, Penny. Now that you are free, what do you want to do first outside the base." Jaune asked.

"I always wanted to have fun in an arcade, I heard that is where friends go to have fun," Penny said.

"That is semi-true, friends do go to an arcade to have fun, but it is not always arcades, it depends on the person, others like to go to clubs, others like going to the skate park, and so on and so on, but I don't mind going to the arcade, it has been a while since I had been in one," Jaune said.

"Yay, I will go and change my clothes and I will go and invite everyone." Penny happily said before dashing into her room, Jaune just sighed at her antics, now he is looking for Neo.

It was not that hard to find her, she was in the lounge just like the other day, filling herself up with Neapolitan ice-cream.

"Neo, I need to talk to you, it is regarding your Uncle Torchwick," Jaune said.

"What happened, did the Atlas Soldier do something to him." Neo signed.

"No, I made a deal with Ironwood, and he accepted, Roman should be free to walk tomorrow, has an immunity to all his petty crime and thefts," Jaune said.

"Really, but why, you already got what you want, when he worked with you to stop Cinder, what is your motive in getting my Uncle released," Neo asked in sign.

"Your uncle has skills that I find useful and connections that could help in the future, I want to hire him to be the one that deals with the accounts for my company, I am willing to pay a high price, but if he decides to not accept it then that is fine too," Jaune said.

"If that is the case then, it will be up to my uncle, and I think he will accept, before Cinder came along, he was prepared to retire from a life of crime, but that fire bitch ruined his plans for retirement, and his capture caused all his accounts to be seized meaning he has nothing, if he accepts your offer, it will be better than having to steal again," Neo signed.

With that Jaune left her to do what she wants, he looked for Salem, apparently, she bȧrėly leaves the library, except for food and using the toilet, but other than that she just reads.

"Hey, Salem, we are heading to Vale to go to an arcade, do you want to come with us and have fun," Jaune said.

"Hmm… if it is anything like watching that movie then sure, I would like to see new things for myself rather than in books." Salem said.

"Alright then, let's go, you can continue reading when we get back, it's not going anywhere," Jaune said, and Salem nodded.

With that they headed to the arcade, Penny was able to ask everyone to go to the arcade with her, and they could not say no, since this will be the first time Penny will be in Vale as a human and without anyone watching her in the background, so they agreed to go with her, and they were glad they did because to them it was worth it to make Penny smile.

The next day, just as the agreed deal, Torchwick was released, and the first person to see him was his niece, and he was happy to see her as well, and she was happy that he will not spend the last day of his life in Atlas prison.

"Well, kid. I don't know how you got me released but I thank you for that, and Neo has told me that you have a proposal to me regarding a job," Torchwick said.

"That is right, I wanted your skills in handling money, since I am opening a headquarter for my company here in Vale, and I need someone who is good with numbers and knows how to easily spot any problem regarding it if you accept then I will willingly pay you quite a sum of lien," Jaune said.

"how much are we talking about?" Torchwick asked, and Jaune whispered his offer to Torchwick.

"What do you think?" Jaune asked.

"That is a lot of money, more than I can steal in a year, and it is clean money, fine, you got yourself an employee, but I want a favour, I want Neo enrolled at Beacon, she has the skills to be a huntress, but because of me she never got a chance to fulfil her dream, if you can do that, I will accept your offer," Roman said.

"I will have to talk to Ozpin about it, and I will see what I can do," Jaune said. He was about to continue but he heard Ozpin's voice.

"That won't be necessary, Jaune. I was planning on inviting her anyway, according to Bart, she is one hell of a fighter and with your training, you might be able to bring her to new heights." Ozpin said.

"Well then, Kid. You can consider me hired." Roman said.

"Alright, then, Neo, I would like to welcome you to Beacon Academy…wait, Ozpin, what team is she going to be on," Jaune asked.

"Ah, yes. She will be partnered with one Penny Polendina, I already got Penny's transfer to Beacon in order, you're welcome." Ozpin said.

"Thanks, Ozpin," Jaune said.

After that talk, Roman went to his hotel that Jaune booked for him, Jaune offered a place to stay but he said that Beacon is just not his place, being in the presence of a lot of huntsman and huntresses are making him too anxious, so Jaune offered him a hotel and he happily agreed since he has no money.

Neo, on the other hand, a room was prepared for her, it was beside Penny's room and Penny was delighted to have a new partner, her previous one was… well she was more like a caretaker than a partner or friend so she was happy to have a new partner. Neo on the other hand was a bit apprehensive, according to her, it is impossible for someone to be that happy to have a new partner, the way Penny was acting was like a person who just won the lottery, in this case, getting a new friend is like winning a lottery for Penny.

After getting a room ready for Neo, Penny wanted to have a bonding time with her new partner, so, Penny dragged her to her room, but it was a few minutes later that Penny left her room since she realised that Neo can't talk, so she went to Jaune to ask him to teach her to sign language and Jaune agreed but for now, Jaune said that she would have to read what Neo writes in her post, and she was okay with that, so, she returned to her room to continue her chat with Neo.

The two did not leave until dinner time, the two hit it off, Penny loved Neo's company, Neo like her bubbly personality but not hyperactive, they even bonded their friendship through ice-cream, Neo loved Neapolitan and Penny loved mint chocolate, they even made plans to go to as much ice-cream parlour as they can in the weekend.

A few days later, it was time for Jaune and Blake to meet up for the movie shoot of Ninja of Love. They are in a bullhead heading to Vale, and from there, someone will be waiting for their arrival to bring them to the studio where the movie is going to be shot.

"Mr Arc, Miss Belladonna, I am Roux, I will be the one that will be picking you up every weekend for the movie shoot," Roux said.

"Alright, lead the way," Jaune said.

The car ride was not long at all, only five minutes. Blake was ecstatic to be at the set of Ninja of Love, finally, she will be able to be one with Kumiko, she always wanted to act out scenes of Kumiko. And to perform it with Jaune as Nobuyuki, just made her even giddier. The shoot took seven hours to do, at least they were able to do quite a few scenes, they were able to go up to chapter five in one day, and there are only twenty-five chapters remaining.

After the movie shoot, Blake and Jaune decided to head back to Beacon, Blake wanted to have a cold shower, since the scenes that they did, caused her to be hot and bothered. She was doing everything that she can to not pounce on Jaune again like last time, she herself also wanted to go on a date with Jaune before they get down and dirty, so for now she will settle with a cold shower.

As for Jaune, he just wanted to walk Blake back to Beacon before he plans to head over to Domrémy, to meet with his son, just like he does every day. Adrian was starting to crawl, apparently, his mom also had to deal with the same issue since his dad was a huntsman therefore the baby develops faster, but after having a few babies of her own, she knew how to deal with it. Saphron and Terra were even planning to head back to Argus soon since they wanted to show their baby his home.

Another week later, Qrow and Tai returned with a beaten-up Lionheart, apparently, when he found out that Qrow had a lie detector with him, he thought he could cheat it but failed, and immediately attack Qrow and Tai punched him in the face but he continued to fight until he was no longer able to, and he was beaten up pretty badly, he lost a few teeth, a broken arm and a broken leg, when Nora saw what happened she gave Qrow a thumbs up for breaking the man's leg. They kept him in a cell just like Cinder, but they don't know that they are quite close by, Ozpin could not get anything from Cinder and her minion but he was hoping that Lionheart will spill the bean after all the man over the years became even more cowardly. The only person that they got from Lionheart was a man named Arthur Watts, but according to Atlas records, he was supposed to be dead, and that was when they realise why they were having a hard time looking for one of Salem's minions, they did not think to search for a Deadman.

Qrow was planning to go and search for any clues for Arthur Watts, but he was stopped by Summer, who told him that he should rest for a while since the Vytal festival was starting in a week, he should stay in Vale and watch the performance of his nieces, and he reluctantly agreed, and then he remembered that he did not have to worry about anything, with the ring that Jaune gave him, he did not have to worry about causing bad luck to the people that he stays with.

As for Amber, she was fully recovered, after the maiden's power and the remainder of her soul was returned, she started feeling better, and due to the pills that Jaune gave her to strengthen her soul, her aura capacity was five times larger than before, it was near the same as Jaune's own reserve, and her semblance mutated as well, Ozpin was currently personally seeing to her training to make sure that she will be able to fully utilise her powers in the future.

As for team RWBY, team CFVY, NPR, Penny and Neo, they are getting ready for the Vytal Tournament, they even made bets, the winner gets to order Jaune around for a day, and Jaune agreed since he did not mind, this caused everyone to be very competitive.

Nora wanted Jaune to make her a buŧŧload of blueberry pancakes when she wins, Ren wanted Jaune to make him some healthy smoothie, Pyrrha wanted Jaune to spend some time with her mother, Penny wanted Jaune to go sightseeing with him in Menagerie since it was the only place that she did not have much information on, Neo wanted to Jaune to make more Neapolitan ice-cream, Ruby wanted Jaune to bring her to a cool weapon expo, Weiss wanted Jaune to go ballroom dancing with her, Blake wanted Jaune to perform a certain chapter of Ninja of Love but told him that she did not want anything, as for Yang she wanted Jaune to go clubbing with her, Coco wanted Jaune to be her shopping gofer and clothing judge for a day, Velvet wanted Jaune to bring her to a beautiful place where she can take a lot of beautiful pictures, Yatsu and Fox did not really want anything.

The Vytal tournament has finally arrived, who would win between all the people that Jaune has trained, the professors of Beacon have already placed their bets, now it was just a waiting game.

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