A week ago.

After being teleported away from danger, the Queen of Grimm arrived in a cave, it is the same cave that Summer was residing in when her soul manifested itself as a silver rose, how ironic, that the very same being who made Summer retreat in the cave is now retreating in the same cave to recuperate.

The Grimm is severely injured, both legs have already disintegrated, one arm was also nearly gone, the other arm is showing some severe burns but otherwise is intact. Every move the Queen makes causes it immense pain, pain which caused the Queen to get angrier, it's too bad, Queen is not the hulk or else the anger should have made it stronger, well it did a bit since it was producing an intense amount of negativity, but it was also causing nearby Grimm to head to the cave it was staying on.

It did not take long for Grimm to arrive in the cave because of Queen's negativity, when it spotted was spotted, the Grimm pounced on it, but even in its condition, it was still a lot stronger than most Grimm, the Grimm tried to devour it but instead, Queen devoured them, the more Grimm Queen devours, the faster it was regenerating, but it was still not enough, the residual energy of Excalibur was still in effect and is slowly still kill it.

"Mark my words, Jaune Arc, when I recover, I will kill you and everything you cherish, and nothing is going to stop me, not even if the God of Darkness returns, I shall devour you," Queen said to itself, it slowly moved by dragging itself on the ground with its one functional arm, any less Grimm that comes close to it was devoured for Queen's survival.

The knowledge of Salem over the years before she was parasitised by the Grimm was completely copied by Queen, even her magic was absorbed, Queen did not leave anything Salem has untouched, whether it was her magic or her memories, it was copied.


Salem was in a bed in Beacon, she was strapped in the bed that she was laying on, it was a percussion just in case she woke up and tried to escape. Salem started to stir, and the doctor that was responsible for keeping watch on her immediately went and message Ozpin, informing them that Salem was about to awaken soon.

Ozpin, when he received the message contacted Summer, Tai, Jaune, and Glynda, since they are the ones in the know about everything, he informed them to meet him in the infirmary. When Jaune got back from his week break, Ozpin told him everything about Salem, from when they first met until now, this was also shared with Tai, Summer and Glynda, but no one else, the reason for him informing them of the whole truth was because they saw just how much hatred he had for Salem, just being near her was causing Ozpin to go berserk, but they were able to keep him calm enough to not explode.

When Salem was brought to Beacon, Ironwood was asking questions about who Salem was, but luckily, he didn't have any clue on what the Queen of the Grimm looks like, and they just told him that she was a friend of a family and that Ozpin was doing them a favour by looking after her until they find a way to help her. The reason why Ironwood was not informed even though he was part of the inner circle of Ozpin was that Ozpin himself believes that he would overreact and might call more reinforcement from Atlas and cause panic to the public, Ozpin wanted to avoid any of that drama since he knows that it would just attract Grimm.

Ozpin himself was heading to the infirmary to talk with Salem, he wanted to know all her plans, to find a way to end the shadow war that they have both been a part of, to finally end the bloodshed, but Ozpin knew that it would not be easy to get any information from her, but what Ozpin did not know was the fact that he would not get any information from her not because she was keeping it as a huge secret but because of something even he would not be able to guess.

When he arrived in the infirmary, he saw Jaune, Summer, and Glynda, but no Tai, so he decided to ask him where is.

"Hmm, where is Taiyang, I believe that I sent him a message as well," Ozpin asked.

"Oh, he is currently with Qrow, he thought that Qrow could use some help with spotting the mole that was feeding information to the ȧssociate of the Grimm Queen or the Queen herself, so he is currently in Mistral with Qrow." Summer said.

"Alright then, shall we see what we can find out about her plans to take over Remnant," Ozpin said.

The four of them entered the infirmary to see that Salem was still asleep but she was indeed stirring and was about to wake up, they didn't want to leave and so they waited for her to awaken, they had to wait for an hour before she woke up, and in that hour Summer, Jaune and Glynda were working hard to make sure that Ozpin doesn't just go up to Salem and start Strangling her, eventually she woke up, and when she awoke from her sleep, the first thing she saw was Ozpin and she tried to stand up and strangle him but she couldn't do it due to the restraints that they have placed her in.

"Ozma! I'll kill you for what you did! I'll make you pay!" Salem shouted.

"Pay for what I did! You caused the death of millions! Because of your dėsɨrė to replace humanity with your own, you actively hunted people that would oppose you, innocent people!" Ozpin said angrily.

"I have done no such thing, Ozma! I have no recollection of such events, the last thing that I remember was you causing the death of four children, our children, even if it wasn't me that you were interacting with." Salem said this caught Ozpin off guard, he did not understand what Salem meant about not interacting with her.

"What do you mean that it was not you that I was interacting with, I clearly remember that it was you, albeit you showed the characteristic of Grimm," Ozpin said.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! When I emerged from the Grimm pool, it was no longer I that was in control, the moment that I jumped in the Grimm pool, I was hoping that it would kill me. If the fountain of the God of Light gave me immortality, then I thought that if I jumped into the Grimm pool, then it might negate my curse and kill me. But I was wrong, I just became a prisoner on my own body, the Grimm pool invaded my body and used it as a vessel, it copied my memories and used my magic, all I could do was watch everything it did. Then you came along, you gave me hope, I thought maybe you will realise that it wasn't I that you were interacting with, but I was wrong. When our first girl was born it gave me hope that I might be able to find a way to beat the Grimm and finally gain freedom, I kept trying and trying until that faithful day, the day that you got our children killed. The despair that I felt, the sadness, the anger, the wrath, the Grimm used it to strengthen itself, and it used my negative emotion to lock me up deeper into my mind, if before I could see what it was doing, now I could not even see a speck of light, until a recently." Salem said with different emotions.

"No! No… no… I…I… I slept with a Grimm; I'm going to be sick!" Ozpin said while trying to stop himself from hurling his stomach content.

"How… how do we know that everything you said was true, for all we know you could just be making those things up." Summer said.

"She is not, everything she said was true, not a single thing she said was a lie," Jaune said while holding a cube in his hand.

"Jaune, you had the lie detector with you the whole time," Glynda asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean we can ask her a bunch of question and she can answer all of them, it does not mean that she would tell us the truth, that is why I brought one with me." Jaune said.

"Oh… my… Oum! I need some air!" Ozpin shouted having lost all hope about not sleeping with a Grimm all those years ago.

"Hah, I'm going to go and check on him," Glynda said, she was still the deputy headmistress after all, and also, she did not want to be the one to clean up his bile so it was best to prevent it in the first place.

"Soooo, what was life like when the Gods were around." Jaune awkwardly asked, and all he received was a glare from Salem and a stare from Summer that looked as if it was asking if he was stupid.

"I wouldn't know much, all my life I was stuck in a tower, and when I finally got my freedom and fall in love, the person I love dies, and eventually I was turned immortal and all life on Remnant died due to my mistake, and my hatred for the Gods," Salem said.

The next few minutes, Jaune, Summer and Salem were just in the room with awkward silence, and that silence was only broken by a door opening and revealing Ozpin and Glynda.

"You okay there, Oz," Summer asked.

"I'm fine, I finally calmed down, but I have some questions for Salem," Ozpin said.

"Then ask your question," Salem said, and Ozpin took out the lie detector that Jaune gave him.

"Tell me Salem, do you have any dėsɨrė to harm the people of Remnant," Ozpin asked.

"I do not, all I want is to be left alone, just like the way you found me in the tower," Salem said, and the lie detector blink green twice, one for each of the things she said.

With Ozpin's questions answer, he determined that Salem is not a threat, at least at the moment, for a while Ozpin was lost on what to do.

"Why not just let her leave, I mean she doesn't seem to be a threat, and it's not like we can just kill her since according to you she is Immortal," Jaune said.

"Alright then, I let her leave, but she will be your responsibility since it was your idea… okay then bye," Ozpin said extremely fast before dashing out of the room.

"Wait, you fuċker… what am I supposed to do with her, come back here!" Jaune said, but Ozpin did not even listen to anything he said.

"Well, it was your idea to let her leave, so, she's your responsibility now," Glynda said with Summer nodding at her words.

"You can't be serious, right. I mean what Am I supposed to do, watch her twenty-four-seven, I don't have that much free time, I still have to head back to Domrémy to see my son." Jaune said.

"Well, tough luck… Bye!" Summer said before dashing out just like Ozpin.

"Glynda, you won't le-" Jaune was trying to say something to Glynda but she was nowhere to be seen.

"If you are looking for a blonde female that went after Ozpin earlier, she left just a few seconds after that one with the red and black hair," Salem said.

"Soooo… what do you mostly do in your free time," Jaune asked very awkwardly since he did not know how to speak with someone that he thought was a villain, well she is kind of a villain, she did cause the death of the first generation of humans, even if it was the stupidity of the gods, to punish everyone for the mistake of a few.

"All I had was free time, I was stuck in my own body, with no way to escape and nothing to do," Salem said.

"Okay then, how about we go out and watch some movies, I bet you haven't watched the latest Spruce Willis movie, right," Jaune said, Salem just rolled her eyes due to Jaune's stupidity.

In the end, though, we see Salem and Jaune sitting in a movie theatre, with the title 'Try Hard 2: Try Harderer', and they seemed to be enjoying it, albeit Salem was more intrigued about the technology more than the movie itself.

A few hours before Jaune and Salem went to the movie.

"Ozpin, are you going to leave her with Jaune?" Glynda asked.

"I don't have a choice, even after finding out that she was not the one that caused the suffering of millions of people, when I look at her, all I can see are the people that fought to stop the Queen of the Grimm. I feel immense hatred for her, being near her right now would just cause issues that can be avoided, and I know after every impossible feat that Jaune has done, that he can stop her if she decides to cause harm to anyone in his vicinity." Ozpin said.

"You know, maybe, after you settle your anger, you could get back together with her, after all, she mostly did nothing wrong," Glynda said.

"Unfortunately, any love I had for her died a long, long time ago, I can never feel that love for her ever again, even if she did nothing wrong," Ozpin said.

"Do you think she is a threat at all?" Glynda asked.

"No, I don't believe she is, but that doesn't mean that I trust her, who knows, maybe being fused with a Grimm for a long time might have influenced her in some way, so, I would still keep an eye on her just in case she does something," Ozpin said.


Salem and Jaune are currently exiting the theatre, they both seemed to enjoy the movie.

"Tell me, did that man truly did everything in the film?" Salem asked.

"Hell no, look a movie is a story that was made to entertain people, not everything you see are real, those stunts that they perform aren't always real, I mean some of the descriptions of Aura they talked about are false," Jaune said.

"Well, I did enjoy it, I guess it did its job," Salem said.

"We still have sometime before I have to return to Beacon to teach my class, what do you want to do?" Jaune asked.

"I was hoping to go somewhere that can help me teach me about the history of Remnant," Salem said.

"I just have the place you can go to when you need books to learn, I have collected thousands of books, whether they be fiction or nonfiction, documentary or school books, I have them in my library," Jaune said.

They headed back to Beacon, when they arrived, they headed straight to Jaune's library, and when they entered it was a massive library, it was categorised into different sections to make it a lot easier for people to find what they are looking for, or they can just use the computer to direct them to the book that they are looking for.

Salem started browsing the books that she found interesting, such as the founding of the four kingdoms, the great war, the creation of the four huntsman academies, etc…, anything she found interesting she took a book for it. Jaune had to leave Salem since he had to get to class but he asked Veronica to watch Salem, to make sure that she doesn't do anything suspicious.

A few hours later, Jaune finished his class and headed straight to his training room to continue training team RWBY, NPR and CFVY, but first, he went to check on Salem, when he got to the library, he saw her, she looked peaceful, content at what she was reading, he went and approached her.

"How was your day reading?" Jaune asked.

"It was well and intriguing, to be able to make a complex weapon such as a Mechashift in just about eighty years is incredible, from simple swords, spears and other simple weapons to guns, to blasters to multi-weapon design, it is enlightening to see what human ingenuity can achieve," Salem said.

"Ah, yes. But I would say weapon back from the age of the twin gods is far more amazing, to be able to break the laws of physics, and bend to the will of its user is more amazing than Mechashift weapons." Jaune said.

"Perhaps, but you have to understand, in that day and age, what we had was gifted to us by the twin gods, rather than our accomplishment, magic, after all, originated from them," Salem said.

'That is not true at all, magic never came from the gods, it came from the world itself, the gods themselves was a product of the worlds will, they were beings created by the world to create new forms of life when they destroyed the first generation of humanity and left, Humans eventually was born from the world itself alongside the Faunus, the world is still full of magic but with no knowledge to use it, it was left to gather, eventually it started to condense into Dust, not even Ozpin knows that the world is filled with magic, nor Salem, since they were born with magic from the gods, they never used the worlds magic energy, nor do they know it exists.' Jaune thought.

Jaune used his magic to look at the creation of Remnant, and the Gods were created after the world, they did not make the world, he even saw their creation, but there were parts in the history of Remnant that he could not see, it was blocked or hidden by a very powerful being, possibly the twin Gods. He did not push it since he did not want to attract the attention of the twin, Jaune believes that he can take down the Gods, but the problem is that there will be a lot of casualties, and he did not want that, so, he decided to just let it go, this happened three years ago when he was still living with Saphron and Terra in Argus.

"That might be, but it was the people of that age to create weapons with their magic or weapons to ȧssist them to control their magic, it was their ingenuity that got them to create such tools, even if magic is a gift from the gods, they made ways to wield it," Jaune said.

After talking for a while, Jaune left Salem again to her own devices, he headed back to the training room, he continued the three teams training along with Penny, the easiest person to teach was Velvet, thanks to her Semblance Photographic Memory, she can easily memorise the movement that Jaune was teaching her and Jaune did not want to waste her talent so he decided to teach her multiple different martial arts and weapon mastery.

After training, Jaune decided to cook dinner for everyone, but he heard a scream from Blake, he and everyone that heard the scream rushed to get to her, she was headed to the library, so Jaune thought that something might have happened to her due to Salem, but when he arrived in her location she was still squealing, but nothing seemed to be wrong.

"Blake, are you ok?" Jaune asked

"Yeah, we heard you screaming, it sounded like you were being murdered," Ruby said.

"Pfft, it sounded more like she was happy to hear about news regarding her favourite book," Nora said, and everyone just looked at her.

"What?" Nora asked.

"Nothing," Weiss said to her.

"I'm okay, I don't know how Nora can tell, but she was right, it was because I just heard the best news, my favourite book is being turned into a film, and they said that the writer will be in Vale during the production of the film, I can't wait to meet him, maybe I can get his/ her signature," Blake said.

"Wait, I know that book that you love so much, isn't it that smut that you are always reading when you think no one is watching you, I saw you reading it during your free time in the library," Yang said.

"IT'S NOT SMUT," Jaune and Blake said at the same time and they looked at each other, while the others stared at them.

"Wait, Jaune you read that book as well," Yang said.

"No, I don't," Jaune said, technically he is not lying, since he was the one who wrote the book and its sequels.

They continued pestering Jaune about him reading Ninja of Love, since there was nothing wrong, Everyone headed back to the kitchen to cook dinner for everyone, he even messaged both Summer and Glynda that dinner would be ready in an hour. When the food was done everyone was patiently waiting for the foods, even Salem who was in the library smelt the food and her stomach growled in hunger, since the only thing that she ate was theatre food, even if she did not need to eat, she does anyway, especially when the food smelled so good.

Meanwhile with Cinder and her cronies.

We can see Cinder talking to Mercury, Emerald and Neo about their new Beacon infiltration plan, she plans to use Neo since she believes that no one in Beacon knows about her.

"Neo, the plan is plain and simple, with your semblance you should be able to get the fall maiden and bring her here, after that everything will be up to me, remember, if you fail, Roman will be the one to pay for your failure." Cinder said, and all she got was a nod from Neo.

"Are you going to entrust her with the mission to retrieve the maiden," Mercury asked.

"We have no choice, as going to Beacon personally is very risky, at least with Neo and her semblance she will be able to move a lot easier, and besides if she fails, it would not be linked to us, since she doesn't know much about us, and she doesn't know about our whole plan." Cinder said.

"So, what about us, what do we have to do," Mercury asked.

"You do nothing, but as for me, I will be dealing with the Bloody-Fang, they decided to cut ties due to what happened in Mt Glenn, but with a bit of persuasion, I should be able to get their co-operation once more." Cinder said while showing off her half maiden powers.

The next day, we see Jaune on a Broadway stage holding audition for the male and female lead for his upcoming movie, Ninja of Love. It has been a few hours since they started and they haven't found anyone suitable for the role, most of the actors and actresses that applied for an audition did not capture the emotion of the main characters, and how they convey them, they were all so generic, none of them understood what the characters were going through, so he kept rejecting the people that showed up, that was until a raven-haired girl arrived in the audition floor.

"Next, Blake Belladonna, please step into the stage." A judge announced.

"Wait?! What, Blake, what are you doing here." Jaune asked.

"What am I doing here, what are you doing here," Blake said.

"You do know that you have to be eighteen to be able to audition for this role, right," Jaune said.

"I know, I turned eighteen last month," Blake said.

"What! Why didn't you tell us? We would have thrown you a birthday party!" Jaune said.

"I knew that you would, but, I don't really like parties in the first place, too loud for my taste," Blake said.

"Well, alright then, the stage is yours," Jaune said.

Blake started reading the lines that she was provided with, the things that Jaune was looking for, for a perfect Kumiko, was something that the performance of Blake embodied, and all the other judges agreed, when her performance was over, Jaune and the rest of the people watching either stood up or stopped what they were doing to clap at her performance.

"Blake, your performance was wonderful, you conveyed the feelings that Kumiko was feeling, her love, her disgust for the current shogun, it was beautiful, do you want the role, because if you do, then you have it," Jaune said.

"Thank you, I won't let you down, I will be the best damn Kumiko the world will ever see," Blake said enthusiastically.

"Okay, then. Now we just need an actor for the male lead Nobuyuki." Jaune said.

"Jaune, we already said, why not you, you understand the character best, besides we saw just how good you are in acting, what are you holding back for anyway." One of the judges said.

'Imagine me and Jaune performing one of the scenes from the book, one of the steamy chapters between Kumiko and Nobuyuki, how he held her in his arms before he took her chastity.' Blake thought, nearly drooling.

"Fine, but we already talked about the fact that the movie will concentrate more on the plot rather than the steamy scenes," Jaune said, and they agreed, they wanted to show more of the characters development rather than just straight-up pȯrn.

Blake and Jaune are on a bullhead back to Beacon, Blake was curious as to why he was one of the judges for the role of Kumiko and Nobuyuki.

"Jaune, can I ask you a question?" Blake asked.

"Sure, go ahead," Jaune said.

"Why…Uhm, why were you one of the judges for the audition, for the Ninja of Love movie," Blake asked and Jaune smiled.

"That's quite simple, I wrote all the Ninja of Love series, and a new book is even coming out soon," Jaune said, and this nearly got Blake to squeal but she held it in.

"Really, but the author's name is Luna Miles, I know I am no expert, but isn't Luna a female name," Blake asked.

"It's a pen name, a romantic book written by males are mostly not popular since a lot of people don't believe that they are going to be good at it, so I used a female pen name," Jaune said, Blake pulled out a copy of a Ninja of Love copy and asked Jaune to sign it, but he told her that he would not sign it, but when they return to Beacon, he would give her a gift for the Birthday that he missed, then he received a call from Ozpin.

"Hello, Ozpin," Jaune said.

"Jaune, there is someone here with information regarding our false maiden, she said that she will only speak to the person that captured her uncle," Ozpin said.

"Alright, I am headed back to Beacon anyway, I will be there in a few minutes," Jaune said

"What was that about?" Blake asked.

"It is regarding Torchwick's ȧssociate, according to Ozpin, she was only willing to speak to the person that captured her uncle… which happens to be me," Jaune said.

"I see, that means that Ozpin was asking you meet as soon as possible," Blake said.

As soon as they arrived, Jaune and Blake went in a different direction, Blake was headed to the next class that she has, it turns out Blake skipped Ports class, her excuse was that she is asleep for the whole class anyway, and for Jaune, he was headed to the top of Beacon where Ozpin's office is, but before he separated from Blake, he reminded her that he would give her the gift when classes end.

When the elevator door opened, Jaune headed to the huge double door which happens to be the entrance to the Headmaster's Office. When he entered, he was met with a diminutive sized girl that is just as tall as his ċhėst, Glynda and Ozpin.

"Jaune, this is Miss Neopolitan, she said that she wanted to speak only with you and it is regarding a plan that our little faker has in store for us," Ozpin said, and Jaune nodded at him.

"Now, Miss Neopolitan, this is Jaune Arc, he was the one that captured your uncle in the docks, during his operation to still a Schnee crate," Ozpin said to Neo.

'So, you are the one that gave my Uncle an out, well I am only here to say that the 'fire bitch' wanted me to use my semblance to kidnap your patient, I already talked to my Uncle and he said it was best to ask for you,' Neo's sign said.

"You can speak sign with me if you want, reading a sign isn't good for making conversation," Jaune said.

"That is better for me as well," Neo hand-signed.

"So, Ozpin, what do you want me to do," Jaune said.

"We could use this chance to find her and take back what she stole," Ozpin said.

"Wait, Neo, what is your semblance that she would willingly ask you to be the one to kidnap Amber," Jaune asked.

"Hyperactive Imagination, I can create a physical illusion that is extremely convincing, I can use it to change my and others appearance," Neo signed.

"If that is the case, the plan is very simple, you disguise me as Amber, and present me to Cinder, she would not know that I am Amber until it is too late," Jaune said.

"NO! Jaune that is very risky, what if she was stronger than you, what are you going to do," Glynda protested.

"I'll be fine, besides if I am in trouble, I can just open a portal that can either bring me to you or bring you to me," Jaune said, this got Glynda to sigh in agreement.

"When is she expecting you to deliver her Amber," Ozpin asked. Neo signed and Jaune translated.

"She said tomorrow," Jaune said.

"That is not a lot of time, we still need to find a way to return the power to Amber without killing her since she may have some information on all the puppets of the Queen," Ozpin said.

"Alright, I may be able to make something to extract the power from her, but I will need the help of Amber with this one," Jaune said.

"Alright, I will ask Glynda to help bring Amber to your base, and I also believe that may be the best place for her to stay in the meantime, since we know someone is now actively planning for her kidnapping, before, they were not acting on it, but now they seemed desperate, especially when they send someone that is not completely ȧssociated with them," Ozpin said.

"Then, I will go and work on a way to return the power to Amber, and hopefully, this will help her fully recover," Jaune said before he left and Neo followed him.

"Aren't you going back to your place of residency?" Jaune asked.

"None of the safe houses that Roman set up is safe, the bitch knows all of our go-to places." Neo signed.

"Fine, you can follow me, but you are not to touch anything in my base, if you even try to touch any of the valuable things, you will be zapped by electricity, whether you are planning to steal them or not," Jaune warned her, and she just nodded.

They arrived at the base and before they entered Jaune had to add Neo as a Guest, meaning there are a few places that she can go to without supervision, but otherwise, she is free to do what she wanted, and the first thing she did was enter the kitchen to look for a Neapolitan ice-cream, the one she found was a case with no markings but is obviously Neapolitan ice-cream when she tasted it her taste buds exploded with flavour, she started to eat the whole bucket of ice-cream, and in the end, she was satisfied with it and headed to one of the available areas for her, which happens to be the lunge room.

As for Jaune, he was waiting for Glynda's arrival with Amber, since he needed to pretend to build a device to absorb the power of the maiden and the other half of Amber's soul from Cinder, and after half an hour Glynda arrived with Amber in the air due to Glynda's semblance, it was the safest way to bring Amber since she was not capable of moving too much.

"Hey Amber," Jaune said.

"Hey, Jaune, Glynda tells me that you have a plan to get back the other half of the maiden's power," Amber said.

"Not just the maiden's power, but also the other half of your soul, and hopefully that would help you fully recover," Jaune said.

"Thank you, Jaune," Amber said.

"No problem, what are friends for right," Jaune said with a smile.

Jaune started to perform some test, but all he was testing was how healthy Amber is, it has nothing to do with the power of the maiden, all he did was give Amber a physical, nothing more, but he did other tests just in case she gets suspicious that he was just giving her a generic physical.

The tests were completed in an hour, and he told Amber that she can relax and have a nice rest since he already has what he needed, then he went to his workshop to make what he needed using his AoE. The result was a small canister like device that he has to stab into Cinder for it to absorb what he needed, it's very compact and easy to hide, it is no larger than a C02 canister used for airsoft guns.

The next day, all the preparations were done, all Jaune needed to do was look for Neo and tell her that they can begin the operation of capturing Cinder, when Jaune found Neo, she was lying down on the lounge couch with huge amounts of Neapolitan ice-cream buckets.

"Neo, wake up!... we need to start the plan," Jaune shouted and she jolted awake with Hush's blade in her hand pointing at Jaune's neck.

"Oh, it's you, why did you wake me up." Neo signed to Jaune.

"I already have what we need, we can now start the plan," Jaune said.

"But she isn't expecting us until late at night, so, we still have quite some time," Neo signed.

"Alright then, what do you want to do," Jaune asked.

"I can just stay here and eat more of your ice-cream." Neo signed.

"Alright then, do what you want, I need to take something from my workshop anyway," Jaune said.

Jaune then left, he wanted to pick up the books in his room that he plans to give Blake, he could not give it the day before due to having to pretend to make a device for extracting the power of the maiden, but now he can do it, and hopefully, Blake will love it. After picking up the books, he went ahead and made breakfast for everyone, including Neo, but she seemed to be satisfied with just eating the Neapolitan ice-cream. The breakfast was just like any other day, they enjoyed the cooking of Jaune, and they enjoyed a pleasant conversation on what they will be doing the whole day, but after breakfast, Jaune asked Blake to meet him in the lounge for a bit, since he wanted to speak with her.

"So, Jaune, why did you call me here, you know we have a class in twenty minutes," Blake said.

"Remember when we were in the bullhead yesterday, I said that I would not sign your book, that was because I wanted to give you this," Jaune said while handing over a Ninja of Love book, but was vastly different from the rest that you can buy, parts of the book were made in gold or what looks to be gold, the paper was not even paper, it was a very thin sheet of Vibranium, made to look like paper, the writing was written in Adamantium, overall, nobody knows just how valuable the books Jaune gave to Blake, not that it would even matter, no one knows how to work the metal anyways.

When Blake took the book from Jaune, she realised that it was heavy, not for her, but for ordinary people, it weighed about ten kilograms (22 lbs) each, she inspected the book and was happy with it, now she was angry at herself for not telling Jaune about her Birthday, then she saw three other books.

"Uhm…Jaune, are those other books for me too," Blake asked.

"Yes, they are. I wanted to give you the complete series, which includes the new book that is set to be released before the movie, and I hope you will love it," Jaune said.

If Blake already had the hots for Jaune, due to the way he is, his take on Faunus, and how much he has helped her, then him giving her a Ninja of Love book that can't be bought anywhere, and a new book that has not been released yet, this was her limit, due to her sheer happiness of receiving her gift, Blake pounced on Jaune, trying to kiss him, but Jaune stopped her.

"Save it for when we go out on a date, after all, we aren't officially dating yet," Jaune said and Blake nodded.

"By the way, what is this book made of, it is heavy," Blake asked.

"The book cover is made from Vibranium but thicker, the writings are made from Adamantium, the silverish blue metal of Vibranium goes well with the blackened Adamantium, the gold is not gold, it is still Vibranium, just changed the colour of the metal to fit what I needed," Jaune said.

"Wait a second… you made a book from two of the strongest metal in the world, why would you do that," Blake asked.

"I thought it was hilarious, besides, now you don't have to keep going to the library to hide what you're reading, since you can just ask the book to disguise itself, and no one will ever know," Jaune said with a smirk.

"I love it, thank you, Jaune, I will cherish it," Blake said nearly going for the kiss again, but she was able to stop herself this time.

"I believe it's time for you to go, classes will start in less than ten minutes, but I know you will be able to get there in time," Jaune said.

Nothing happened in the day, but later that night, we see Neo heading to a warehouse with a sack that seemed to be moving, inside of it is 'Amber' the false maiden. When Neo went into the warehouse, she was met with three familiar faces, being Mercury, Emerald, and fire bitch Cinder, according to Neo, she dropped the sack and out came 'Amber' and this put a smile on Cinder's face.

"Neo, I see that you have completed the task I asked of you," Cinder said before opting to ignore Neo and bringing her attention to the fall maiden, 'Amber' was squirming as she 'did not have Aura' at the moment, at least that is what Cinder believes since she technically damaged the fall maiden's Aura.

"You will not get away with this, they will find you, especially Jaune," 'Amber' shouted.

"Will they now, as far as they know, you are still in bed," Cinder said before taking out a white glove with the emblem of Salem, and she proceeded to steal the power of 'Amber' but when she tried, she started feeling immense pain, coming from her right arm before it spread to the rest of her body.

What happened was, when she tried to steal the magic from 'Amber' it caused a backlash, the power she absorbed did not find her worthy as the power was given by a higher being, higher than even the twin gods, the power was designed to be used by one person and one person only, so when Cinder tried to steal it, it started attacking her, then she saw Neo smirking at her predicament.

"What…what is happening…What did you do!" Cinder shouted.

'That is what you get for daring to threaten my and Roman's life," Neo's sign said.

"What…What is happening to me," Cinder asked.

"That is quite simple, the power that you tried to steal caused a backlash since the power was meant for me and me alone, I have always wondered for a while not if my power was vulnerable just like the power of the maiden, but with this, I have to thank you, because now, I know that people like you can never steal it from me, though, it's not like you will remember what is happening here." 'Amber' said while the illusion of Neo faded and was replaced with Jaune and two knocked out minions. Jaune is holding two silver canisters, one was to extract the power of the maiden and Amber's soul, the other was a neuralyzer, to erase the memory of what happened a few minutes ago.

Jaune went and extracted what he needed from Cinder, and he restrained all three culprits, after that he went ahead and woke up the two minions, and he proceeded to erase their memories. Unlike in MIB (Men in Black), Jaune did not have to replace their memories, they are just gone, and they can never recover them, no matter what anyone does.. After that, Neo and Jaune left the warehouse and returned to Beacon.

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