"How the hell are we going to fight her, you just zapped her with the biggest lightning I have ever seen and she did not even flinch, and the worst thing is the fact that she just healed in less than a second!" Qrow said with panic to Jaune.

"If that amount of power did nothing, then why not hit her with something stronger," Jaune said while raising Stormbreaker in the air and lightning striking with a flash of light blinding everyone. After the light show, Summer, Tai and Qrow saw that Jaune is now in a new set of Asgardian armour and a red cape. Earlier Stormbreaker was just covered in a spark of lightning, but now its lightning looks like a blue flame indicating that it's producing more power than before.

"Qrow, Summer, you have the weapons that may be able to kill her. Qrow you have Harpe and Summer you have the power of the silver eyes, Tai and I will try to make an opportunity for the both of you to try and use it, and you may only each have one shot." Jaune said, and they all charged towards Salem.

Jaune hurled Stormbreaker but was dodged by Salem, Tai kept shooting light balls towards her but was not making much damage, while waiting for Stormbreaker to return, Jaune was in melee combat with Salem.

The fight was intense since Salem kept blasting them with magic and they had to keep dodging, Jaune was not even remotely tired but Tai was starting to get exhausted and his Aura was starting to get low, but with a combined effort Jaune used his lightning to stagger Salem and Tai used Beowulf's light to blind her enough for Qrow to use Harpe to cut her head off.

Salem's body fell to the ground unmoving, and they believe that they have just won, and they approached the body to inspect it but before they even came near a flash of golden light surrounded Salem's body and then she started to stand up.

"No matter what you do, no matter what weapons you use, you don't have the power to stop me not even that Damn silver eyes can stop me," Salem said to them and they started to fight once more.

No matter what they do, it was not working, but Jaune took note that Salem took longer before she healed and there was a flash of golden light which was similar to the body of the god of light. While fighting, Jaune was thinking of a way to defeat Salem, but he can't think of anything that may work, Jaune did not want to use Excalibur since he was not sure if it was going to work, and showing your trump card when you are not sure will even affect the enemy is stupid.

It took Jaune a few minutes of thinking before he thought of something to stop Salem, he doesn't know if it was going to work, but it was worth a shot.

"Guys, I am going to test something out, but I need you guys to leave the area along with everyone and go inside the barrier, Veronica should let you all in," Jaune said in a serious manner.

"What! Jaune we are not leaving you here alone, against her, the four of us could not do anything, and you going against her alone is worse, I don't know what you are planning but we are not leaving here without you." Summer said.

"You have too! What I am about to do is very dangerous… and I don't know what kind of repercussions it will bring in the immediate area, an explosion…or an implosion, I don't know, but it is the only thing that I think might work, and I don't want anyone else to get hurt with what I am about to do." Jaune said.

"Kid, whatever it is you are going to do, make sure that you get her real good, I don't know what it is you are doing, but I will trust you for now since you haven't given me a reason not to," Qrow told Jaune before looking at Tai and Summer.

"Jaune, if you die here and your death makes Ruby or Yang cry, I will make sure you regret it," Tai said before he decided he will do what Jaune asked.

"Alright, I will go, but promise me that you won't get yourself killed, Jaune." Summer said.

"I promise, I will not die here, if I think what I am doing is not working, then I will leave," Jaune said. With that, Summer, Tai and Qrow left, they also asked everyone to head into the barrier.

"Mom, where's Jaune," Ruby asked.

"He's fighting a very powerful Grimm, he told us to leave since he said that he is going to do something that might be able to beat the Grimm." Summer said, and Giallo was looking at her to make sure that she was not lying.

'Jaune, whatever you are thinking, please be safe, your Mom and sister will kill me if anything bad happens to you.' Giallo thought.

"You don't have to worry, Ruby, Jaune did promise, and you know that he is an Arc, they never go back on their words." Summer said to Ruby, it helped her daughter clam down a bit but was still worried for Jaune.

"Damn, if only there is any way that we can see what is happening," Yang said.

"Maybe there is a way, the A.I. of Jaune might be able to show us what is going on," Pyrrha said.

"Yeah, but Jaune's A.I. is currently in the sky maintaining a barrier, how are we going to ask it for help," Yang asked.

"Our suits have their own A.I, albeit a simpler version of Jaune's, but maybe we can use ours to contact Veronica," Pyrrha said.

"How are we going to do that?" Yang asked.

"Well, Jaune-Jaune did say that we should explore the features of the suits, maybe it is one of the features that we have not even known about," Nora said.

Team RWBY and NPR decided to look at all the features of the suits, and lo and behold, Nora found the flight mode of the suit, and Ruby found what they were looking for.

"Guys, I found it, it says that it is a simple command, and all I have to do is say 'Connect to Veronica'," Ruby said, and while saying the command she got connected to Jaune's A.I. Veronica.

"How may I help you, Ruby Rose?" Veronica asked.

"Uhm, Jaune is currently outside the barrier fighting and asked us to leave, but we wanted to know how he is doing, is there any way to see what is happening?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, I can help you with that… I have now set up a camera drone in Jaune's location… and I have now set up a holovision in front of everyone so they can all watch." Veronica said, she set up a sort of holo tv that is connected to the camera, and the holo tv is big enough for everyone to see what was happening, they all saw that Jaune was fighting against a humanoid Grimm.

With Jaune, he no longer was dawning an Asgardian armour, he did not even have Stormbreaker in his hand, instead, he had Yamato in his hand, the plan that Jaune thought of is to separate the cause of Salem's immortality and transfer it elsewhere, but since Yamato is technically a demon sword, he did not know what would happen if it makes contact with a power that came from a God, and a God of Light no less, which is the opposite of Yamato.

Jaune was using the Dark Slayer Style of Vergil to slice and dice Salem, he would teleport above her or beside her to try and use Yamato's power but she was being difficult, Jaune may be very strong but Salem has thousands of years of experience and hone instinct, she can easily feel where Jaune would teleport and counter it, Jaune has been trying to catch her off guard but to no avail.

'Shit, the years of experience that she has gained over the years is insane, and to top it all off, her instinct is just as bad, she's able to instinctually react to my attacks without even looking, how the hell am I going to use the power of Yamato if I can't even get a clean hit.' Jaune thought.

Jaune, proceeded to change his fighting style, he combined the Dark Slayer Style with Accel/Tempest Turn, he needed to catch her off guard, so he used his tempest turn to confuse her instinct since Tempest Turn is not a clone but is sort of a speed mirage, and along with Accel Turn it is capable of being in multiple places at once.

The combination of Accel/Tempest Turn with the Dark Slayer Style was successful, the instinct of Salem is going haywire, and she is having a hard time pinpointing Jaune's next attack, and when Jaune saw this, he decided to take his shot. Jaune was able to successfully slice Salem in half and use the power of Yamato, and in no time a massive force of wind came from Salem causing a massive dust cloud. After the dust cloud cleared, Jaune saw that whatever he did was successful but not in a way that he thought.

"Eh?!" was all Jaune was able to say.

Laying on the floor was Salem's human form, and a few metres away from her was a Grimm that looked like Salem in her Grimm form except this one resembles Grimm a lot more, its face is covered in a thick white bone plating, and the arms have sharp bones protruding from it, it also seemed to be bigger and taller.


"You… look… so… Fucking Ugly!" Jaune shouted at the Grimm which infuriated it, the Grimm has been with Salem for a long time and has taken some human habits such as getting angry when their looks are badly criticised.

The Grimm charge towards where Salem is, Jaune knew what the Grimm was doing, the separation is not stable yet, and Jaune knew that, so when he saw the Grimm head towards Salem, on instinct, Jaune opened a portal under Salem and sent her inside the Barrier.

During the fight of Salem and Jaune, when Jaune cut Salem in half, the camera that was watching them was hurled far away, and then the dust cloud was still blocking the view, so

Salem landed flat on the ground behind everyone in the barrier scaring them when she appeared, Summer even took out Osiris to try and defend everyone, but what they saw confused them, the person that came out of the portal looked the same as the Grimm that Jaune was fighting, albeit less veiny and less Grimm.

"Holy shit! Is that…" Qrow said but was interrupted by Summer.

"Salem." Summer said.

"What the hell did Jaune do!" Qrow shouted.

"Mom, who is she, and why does she look similar to the Grimm that Jaune was fighting?" Ruby asked.

"I can't tell you who she is as it classified at the moment, as for why she looks like the Grimm that Jaune was fighting… I don't know, we will have to wait for Jaune to get some answers.

"Hey, Guys! The holovision is back on! And you won't believe the Grimm that Jaune is fighting, it looks so ugly… whoa the Grimm Jaune is fighting looks like her, except it is bigger, taller, and bulkier and more Grimm like with bone plating and all." Nora said to everyone while pointing at Salem who was on the ground and they all started looking at the holovision, but first, they decided it was best to restraint Salem, just in case she suddenly wakes up.

"Oh…My…Oum! That thing is huge, can you see the bȯȯbs on that thing." Yang said, and everyone just stared at her.

"YANG! What the hell, can you be serious right now." Blake shouted.

"What, I am serious… Fine! You guys are no fun, I was just trying to lighten up the mood." Yang said while crossing her arms.

With Jaune's fight, the Grimm is very angry and would not allow him any space to properly manoeuvre, and he was being thrown like a rag doll, but it was not harming him at all, his aura is so massive that it is completely blocking an attack as powerful as a train full of people moving at three hundred mph and he is not even feeling it, or shattering his aura. After a while, Jaune got bored of his fight, so he decided to end it, and Excalibur was rearing to kill the Queen of the Grimm.

"Let's end this fight, I am already bored with it," Jaune said in a very bored tone, luckily the people watching could not hear, or else they would have facepalmed at Jaune's words.

The instinct of the Queen of Grimm was warning her of a dangerous attack but did not know where it would come from since Jaune has yet to call it out, so to protect herself, she ordered all the two hundred remaining Grimm to attack Jaune all at once to overpower him, but all Jaune did was take out a sword that was shining in gold.

Jaune took Excalibur out, and he powered it by sending his magic to it, and Excalibur was excited and gladly absorbed it, and shone in gold light, Jaune put Excalibur to his right getting ready to make a sweeping motion, Jaune saw a horde of the remaining Grimm in the area charge at him, but he just continued to charge Excalibur.

Everyone who was watching what is happening in the holovision was in awe of the power of the sword that Jaune pulled out, and when Jaune started to send magic to it, the residual energy was felt by everyone, it gave them hope, all the fear they felt was gone, they felt the warmth produced by Excalibur, and they started to cheer for Jaune.

"Go, Jaune! Show that stupid Grimm just how strong you are!" Ruby cheered.

"Come on, you can do this, end that stupid Grimm!" Nora shouted. Other similar remarks were made by everyone, whether it was team CFVY, Team RWBY, Team JNPR or even the Professors present, they were all cheering.

Jaune finished charging Excalibur, and was ready to be released, any Grimm that came close to Jaune was decimated without him doing anything, the light of Excalibur was so strong that strong Grimm was being killed just being close to it.

"EX," Jaune shouted getting the sword ready to be swung.

"CALIBUR!!!" Jaune shouted the rest of the name of the sword.

The light that was gathered onto Excalibur was now racing towards the Queen of Grimm, the closer the light came, the more pain it felt, the sheer amount of pain that the Grimm was feeling was immense, and it got even worst the closer the light came.

The light of Excalibur that was travelling to the Queen of the Grimm killed any Grimm in its way, whether it was a Goliath, Deathstalker, Sphinx, etc… it did not matter they would get decimated, and finally, it reached the Queen and it exploded in a pillar of light that was burning it, slowly its body started to disintegrate, the pain it was feeling as so immense that the magic that it absorbed from Salem instinctually activated to save it by teleporting, but the amount of damage it sustained was severe, arms and legs were nearly disintegrated and its body was badly burned.

Everyone in the Barrier could not see anything ever since Jaune swung Excalibur, all the camera was able to capture was light, a lot of it. But it did not matter because in less than a minute a huge pillar of light could be seen in the sky, and they also felt the massive force behind it, they saw the trees in the forest get uprooted, the Grimm they can see in their view disintegrate due to the light, and most of all their aura seems to be increasing at a massive rate, the light of Excalibur was increasing the power of their soul, whether it was temporary or not they did not know.

And finally, when the light died down, they saw the forest in front of them to be completely decimated, trees upon trees were destroyed, if one were to have a bird's eye view, they would see a massive crater without nothing on it but a single person standing with a sword in hand, but a second later that same person disappeared.

"Hey guys, what are you watching?" Jaune appeared behind everyone and asked.

"AHHH!!!" Everyone shouted, startled at Jaune's appearance.

"Jaune! You're okay!" Ruby said and she ran towards him and hugged him.

"Hey, I did say that I would be fine, besides I made a promise to my little sister, and I will never break a promise," Jaune said with a smile on his face.

"Jaune, what are we going to do with her," Qrow asked while pointing at Salem.

"Uhm… bring her to Beacon and have Ozpin deal with her," Jaune said.

"You're right, she's Ozpin's problem now," Qrow said with a laugh.

With all the Grimm eliminated, Jaune decided to bring down the barrier, and repair the damage that Excalibur did in the forest. It took him a while to clean up but he was eventually able to do it, so after a long day, Jaune and everyone just decided to go and have a nice sleep, Jaune even brought out a spare base that only has rooms, since it was only meant for missions, not something that they are supposed to be lived in.

The next morning, Jaune heard a loud shout coming from Saphron and Terra's room and he hurried to their location, it turns out, Terra's water just broke, so Jaune went and called the local doctor that can help deliver their baby.

After coming home with the doctor, Jaune has been phasing around the living room like a Nora on coffee, he did not know what to do, he has never gotten anyone pregnant in his previous life, he did not even go out with any before Glynda, so, Jaune was very nervous since he did not know what to do.

"What do I do, what do I do?!" Jaune mumbled to himself but was loud enough for everyone in the immediate area to hear.

"Jaune, son, relax, she would be fine, I was just as much of a mess as you when Saphron was about to be born," Giallo told Jaune.

"Your father is right, Jaune, you have to calm down, your pacing around is just making everyone uneasy," Amarilla said.

"Sorry, I am just very nervous, what if something goes wrong, what would I do," Jaune said.

"Jaune, relax, let the doctors do their job, now sit and relax, everything is okay," Amarilla said.

"Fine… but if there is anything wrong, I will bust down that door," Jaune said.

"What are you worried about anyway," Giallo asked.

"Well, for one, Terra went into labour the moment her water broke, doesn't it take like up to twenty-four hours before she goes into labour, and second, I just don't want anything to happen to Terra," Jaune asked.

"Jaune, tell me, when Terra got pregnant, was your aura already active or not," Giallo asked.

"Oh, it was already active," Jaune said.

"Well, there you go, when one of the parents have an aura, the biology changes, as you already know, the baby takes less time to develop, and it also takes less time for other things, such as the mother going into labour a lot earlier, so everything is fine and normal, you don't have to worry about it," Giallo said.

A few hours later, Terra successfully given birth to a healthy baby boy, he has Terra's skin colour and Jaune's eye colour.

"Jaune, look, he has your eyes," Terra said.

"Not only mine, but his eyes are mine and Saphron's, so, what did you girls decide to name him," Jaune said.

"We decided to name him… Adrian because of his sea-blue eyes that he got from you and Saphron." Terra said.

"Do you mind if I hold him," Jaune said.

"Here you go, Jaune, next time you don't have to ask permission to hold him, he is your son after all," Terra said handing Adrian over to Jaune.

"Hey little guy, my name is Jaune, and I'm your father, from here on, I promise you that I will always be there for you when you need me, I will also be there to watch you grow up into a splendid young man," Jaune said with a smile on his face while holding Adrian's head and body with both hands, making sure that he supports it properly.

"Saph, do you want to hold our son as well," Jaune asked Saphron.

"If you don't mind," Saphron said while taking Adrian in her hand just like Jaune.

They spent an hour with Adrian before they had to leave since Terra's exhausted from giving birth, so they let her rest, the whole family was now in the living room.

"Jaune, now that Adrian is born, I think it is time we go shopping for his clothes," Amarilla said.

"Where can we buy clothes for him, I did not see anything here that sells baby clothes, and besides I wanted to make them for him," Jaune said.

"To buy baby clothes, we would need to go to the next town, but since you want to make his clothes for him, then I think that would be better," Amarilla said.

"Mom, do you have any advice to give me on taking care of a baby, I mean you did raise as all," Jaune asked.

For the rest of the day, Jaune listened and took notes on everything his Mom has to say about taking care of a baby, then it continued onto taking care of a child, then onto taking care of a teenager, she told Jaune all her experience, and what she had to do to make sure that she did not burn herself taking care of the kids, it was very enlightening for Jaune to hear everything that his Mom had to do to make sure that they all grew up healthy before they knew it, it was already dark out, and it was time for dinner, so they ended their conversation and made their way to the kitchen to cook for the family and all their guest from the other day.

The next day, Jaune sent everyone back to Beacon and told Glynda to tell Ozpin that he will not be back for a week, since he wanted to be there for his baby boy, and Glynda agreed. Next, Jaune started on making clothes for Adrian, and everything that he would need now, and in the future, be it more clothes, shoes, cradle, nappies, etc… he made it.

For the next week, Jaune was busy taking care of Adrian with everyone, he would be there when he cried for food, to get his nappies changed, no matter what Jaune was there with Terra and Saphron.

Eventually, though, he needed to get back to Beacon, but since he has the power to open a portal at any time, he decided to go Adrian, Terra and Saphron every day, even if it is only a few hours, he will be there every day no matter how tired he gets, he will not miss a day of his baby boy growing up.

Back at Beacon, Jaune just finished teaching his class and heading back to his base, since it was time to train team CFVY, he could not do it before since they had to go on a mission. When he got into the training room, he saw that they were already getting ready to train for the day, and he was happy that they are serious about being a huntsman, before even asking Ozpin permission to train team CFVY, they were always training whenever they can.

"Well, I can say that you guys are really serious about being a huntsman and huntress," Jaune said looking at team CFVY.

"Of course, we are! We know how dangerous of a job being a huntsman can really be, and the horde of Grimm we fought a week ago, shows just how dangerous it can really get." Coco said.

"Good, because if you are not, then I would not have given you the gift that I brought with me today for your team," Jaune said.

"Oooh, gifts, I love gifts, what is it, is it new fashion designer clothes," Coco said.

"No, it is not… here… this is the nano suit that I have given to team RWBY and team JNPR," Jaune said handing over one necklace to each of the members of team CFVY, each having their symbol.

"Nano suit… as in the suit that just goes around your body that we saw during the horde of Grimm," Coco asked.

"Yes, they should help a lot during your mission, I have rules regarding the Nano suit. First, it is not to be used during training, second, do not give it to anyone…ever, three, you are to activate it thirty minutes before you arrive at your mission location." Jaune said.

"Understood, so, Jaune, what is inside the other cases," Coco asked.

"They are your new weapons if you chose to take it," Jaune said.

"Really, you made a weapon for all of us," Coco asked.

"That's right, Coco, for you, I made Pandora, it has 666 different forms but only a few are currently active, you have to get stronger to unlock them. Currently, you have Epidemic, an over-and-under, double-barrel bow-rocket launcher. Next, Hatred, a triple barrel, over-the-shoulder rocket launcher. Then we have Revenge, a large, steampunk-designed laser cannon. Next is Jealousy, a six-barrelled mini gun far surpassing your Gianduja, but I designed it to look like Gianduja. Those are your current forms available for you, in the future, I hope that you get strong enough to unlock the others."

"With my semblance, I will be able to put this weapon to good use," Coco said.

"Next is Velvet, I made this for you, I saw that when you were fighting last week, you aren't capable of using the same weapon after you switch, so I made this for you, I call it Copy Cat, it's a nanite shifting weapon, it is capable of storing over thousands of different forms of weapon that you come across, and the best thing is that you can keep using the same form over and over again, whenever you want, Copy Cat should also be able to connect with the suit I gave you," Jaune said.

"I… I don't know what to say… when I use Anesidora, I use a picture that I have taken, and it disappears after that, like a piece of memories just disappearing, but with this, I wouldn't have to worry about losing any of the pictures of memories I have taken." Velvet said.

"Next, Fox, for you I have Gilgamesh, it is a weapon similar to your own, there is nothing much to say about it, it has thrusters on both the greave and gauntlet, and it has drills that pop out of the gauntlets, while the boots have circular saw on them, Gilgamesh should be able to compliment your fighting style, and if you like I will even teach you the move set that I created for it," Jaune said, and all he got was a nod from fox since he bȧrėly talks.

"And lastly, for Yatsuhashi, I have a God eater, Caladbolg, it has the ability to emit lightning, but the most amazing thing about this weapon is its ability to devour Grimm, with you devour Grimm, it will temporarily increase your strength, but that is not all, it would also give you weapon extra property, for example, if you were to devour a Deathstalker stinger, it will allow your blade to have poison for a few minutes," Jaune said.

"This weapon is most intriguing; how does it do that," Yatsuhashi asked.

"In one of my research, I found out that Grimm is made from some sort of energy (magic), it is quite dangerous to people when applied to them, the devour function of the god arc would first purify the energy before feeding it to your Aura," Jaune said.

"That is interesting," Yatsuhashi said.

"Well, in these small boxes are pills that I will give you later, after training, so for now, it is time I start training you like the other teams, I hope you survive my training because my training is like walking in hell on Remnant," Jaune said with a creepy smile.

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