"Wait-wait-wait, you are telling me, my boy, Jaune is dating nine girls at the moment, and is going to be a father, with the child being his and Terra's, his sister-in-law, and that both Terra and Saph are two of the nine people that he is dating," Amarilla said.

"Yeah, when he was talking to all the girls that are interested in him, I happen to walk by and I may have eavesdropped a bit and heard him talking about having a baby with a girl named Terra and all the girls were a bit shocked but they said they were okay with it." Nora rumbled and this caused Amarilla to be delighted to hear that her son is finally showing some sėxuȧŀ attraction to someone.

"That is wonderful! I got to go and talk to my son." Amarilla said, with a massive smile on her face and headed to the living room where Jaune was, while Nora, Pyrrha and Ren just shrugged off her excitement, convinced that it is just the way it is for a big family like Jaune's.

Meanwhile, Jaune was having a good time catching up with his younger sibling that just got home, not knowing that his mother is making a b-line to him as he speaks.

"Jaune Arc! Why did you not tell me that you are going to be a father." Amarilla shouted at Jaune, which caught him off guard.

"Uhm, it never came up," Jaune said, sweating bullets as he looks at his mother who is angry that she was not informed of very important information.

"Knowing you, Jaune, I can accept that… if you come shopping with us for baby stuff and do you know the gender of the baby." Amarilla said.

"Sorry, Mom, we decided to wait until the baby is born to find out the gender since we wanted to be all there together," Saphron said.

"And you Saph, why did you never tell me that I was getting a grandchild soon," Amarilla said.

"Uhm, I was busy taking care of Terra, I had to take her to the doctors, had to attend to her needs, and many other things," Saphron said.

"Fine, that is understandable, I know what it is like to be pregnant after all," Amarilla said and she turned to Jaune, and just from looking at her eyes, Jaune knows his mother was going to ask a bunch of questions.

"So, Jaune, care to tell me about all the girls you are currently dating, because according to your bubbly friend in the kitchen you are dating nine girls, three of those girls are right here in this house," Amarilla said.

Jaune proceeded to tell his Mom everything about Glynda, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Penny, and Pyrrha, after a Saphron also talked about how she had feelings for Jaune for a while now, and Terra also said how she started having feelings for Jaune after living with him in the past two years, but she was also still in love with Saphron.

After a long while of talking about Jaune's love life, Amarilla asked Jaune why he was in Domrémy, and Jaune explained that his team is currently on their first mission and he's the huntsman that is shadowing them and evaluating their performance.

"I'm happy for you, Jaune, I am, when you were younger, I asked your father why he refused your plea for training, he told me that because of the story of your great grandfather he believed that you don't properly understand what it meant to be a huntsman and that your decision to be a huntsman was just a phase, but after seeing you now a professional huntsman, I can one hundred per cent say that it was never a phase," Amarilla said.

"Thanks, Mom. How about I cook lunch for everyone, just like how I use too before I left for Argus." Jaune said this got his Mom and sister excited since they haven't eaten his cooking for over two years, and Beryl was excited the most since she wanted to show her older brother just how much she has gotten better at cooking.

"Can I help you cook, Jaune, Please," Beryl said, pleading to let her cook with him to show her cooking skills and ask him how to improve it further.

"Sure, why not, I also want to see just how much you've improved in the past two years," Jaune said with a smile.

"Yay! I will show you my cooking skills." Beryl said.

Jaune and Beryl headed to the kitchen to make lunch for everyone and they saw Pyrrha, Ren and Nora, having a conversation while eating pancakes.

"Hey, guys, why don't you head to the living room and wait there while I make lunch with my sister for everyone," Jaune said and they nodded, Nora wanted to talk to his Mom more, she enjoyed it and to her, it felt like she was a part of his family.

"Oh, and Pyrrha, if you go to the living room with my Mom, there is a high chance that she would ask you a bunch of question about our relationship," Jaune said, this caused Pyrrha to stiffen up, but Jaune got her to relax.

Jaune and Beryl made lunch for everyone in the kitchen and it was at this time that Jaune's father came home, he was surprised to see both Saphron and Terra, and even more surprised to see three people that he did not know in the house, but he just shrugged it off since he thought it was just a friend of his daughters.

"Ari, how was your day, and who are our guests," Giallo said.

"My day was great! especially the news that I have heard today, I'm going to be a grandma!" Amarilla said in excitement.

"Really! Is Saphron and Terra having a child." Giallo said.

"Yes, and you won't believe who the father is," Amarilla said.

"Why would the father be important, won't he just be a spėrm donor," Giallo said confused why his wife is excited about who the father was.

"Normally that would be the case and I would not care about the father, but, since the father is Jaune, I am very giddy about it," Amarilla said.

"Wait, our boy Jaune is the father, our son who has not even once shown interest in sėxuȧŀ activity, our Jaune." Giallo said shocked.

"Yup, and not only that, according to his friends, they are the three in the leaving room, is even dating multiple girls," Amarilla said.

"Ha-ha, that's my boy! So where is Jaune right now." Giallo said.

"In the kitchen with Beryl making lunch for everyone," Amarilla said, Giallo just nodded, went to his and his wife's bedroom to change to normal clothes, and after that, he had a conversation with his wife and he learned about how Jaune was a huntsman but he wanted to talk to Jaune about it later. Giallo used this chance to talk to Jaune's team about how he was at Beacon and just ask questions about things his son has done.

After Jaune and Beryl finished cooking lunch for everyone, Jaune saw his Dad, he smiled at him then he continued to set-up the table with the food he and his sister cooked. During lunch, he had a talk with his family about everything he missed when he left for Argus, and his sister is more than happy to tell him about everything they did, from boring days to exciting days, from slow days to days they thought went by quickly.

After lunch, Giallo called Jaune into the training room in the house, Jaune nodded and told his friends to just wait for him in the living room, as he should be back shortly after talking to his father.

"Is there something you wanted to talk to me about, Dad," Jaune asked.

"Your Mom told me that you are a professional huntsman now and is even a professor at Beacon, tell me Jaune, do you truly know what it means to a huntsman?" Giallo asked Jaune.

"What do you want me to tell you, the generic bullshit people spout or what I truly believe what a huntsman is, Dad," Jaune said.

"I want to know if you understand the responsibility you now have, I know that when you were younger the stories of your great grandfather is what made you want to be a huntsman, but you have to know that the Arc Legacy is not something to be proud of at least not in my opinion," Giallo said.

"What do you mean about that, Dad," Jaune asked.

"Because I also saw the Arc Legacy as a hindrance more than anything, the heroism that our ancestor achieved was not because they embodied what it meant to be a huntsman, it was always about outperforming the other big huntsman family, if there was a mission that was not going to give the family any recognition then the Arc family head could care less if the people died or not, the family legacy to me is disgusting, that is why when you were younger, after hearing your great grandfather's stories, I did not want you to follow in his footstep, that is the way I refused to train you to be a huntsman, at least until you stop idolising the Arc Legacy, but for the whole year that you have asked me to train you, it was always because you wanted to continue the Arc family legacy," Giallo said.

"Was our family really like that, did our family never cared about the people, was everything they just cared about was the fame that comes with being a huntsman," Jaune said angered that the story of heroism that he heard from his great grandfather was nothing more than them seeking fame and fortune, rather than being a hero for the people.

"Everything I have told you is real," Giallo said.

"If that is the case, then fuċk the Arc Family Legacy, I will create my own that will overshadow everything that they have made, to me being a huntsman was never about the fame, the glory, or the fortune, it was always about the people, to never see a family broken apart because the Grimm targeted a village, I became a huntsman because I wanted to protect the people that could not protect themselves, out there in the wilds I have seen people that believe in the strong lives and the weak die, but I don't, because if we live that way then we are no better than animals," Jaune said to his father with the bottom of his heart, and his father felt his determination and was happy that he did not end up like his grandfather who only seeks fame, Giallo headed towards Jaune and hugged him.

"I'm proud of you, Jaune, I truly am," Giallo said.

"Thanks, Dad," Jaune said.

"Now, I want to see everything you have learned, and the strength that you used to be recommended by the headmaster of Beacon to be a professional huntsman." Giallo.

"Are you sure about that, Dad, I can kick your ȧss, easy," Jaune said.

"Well then, why don't you show, rather than tell," Giallo said.

"Oh, how do you want to do this," Jaune asked.

"No weapons, just hand to hand, we don't want to break the house or else we will have to deal with your mother," Giallo said.

Giallo tried to analyse and see what type of Martial Arts Jaune is using but he could not find anything about the style, so, he moved carefully. He stares at Jaune hoping that he makes the first move but he can see that Jaune seems to have endless patience, so he made the first move, he tried to test Jaune's defence and reach first but the moment his arm came close to Jaune it was quickly deflecting with a loud bang that caught the attention of the people in the living room who quickly went and checked what was going on, the whole family headed to the training room, what they saw Giallo who was sent flying when Jaune hit his arm, but only a few seconds later Giallo was up and ready to continue fighting.

Jaune's entire family and his team are now watching Jaune and Giallo sparring, and Giallo was tossed across the room, but easily got back up. Giallo repositioned his stance once more, and this time he plans to keep his aura empowering him rather than use it when necessary because if he did not use his aura in time during Jaune's counter he would have broken his bone, so he is playing it safe, he once again went for the attack, but this time he was ready for Jaune's counter and the amount of strength that he used. Giallo would occasionally use feints to try and catch Jaune off guard but Jaune is watching him like a hawk and keeps getting countered, and that was when it hit him, no matter how he attacks Jaune never truly counter attacks, he just counters to push him back and nothing more even if Jaune had enough room to get a clean hit.

Giallo, when he realised what Jaune was doing decided to go all out, he even used his semblance to increase his strength, but no matter what he does Jaune is easily able to block it, but a few seconds after his full-frontal ȧssault Jaune decided he would end the fight in the next attack of his Dad, and the moment came when Giallo tried to go for an uppercut got his attack redirected and then Jaune made a feint with his left hand which successfully work against Giallo and Jaune used his right hand to perform a piercing attack directed in Giallo's solar plexus which hit and easily shattered his aura and causing him to faint.

"Crap, I think I went a bit overboard on that one," Jaune said then he got startled when he heard her shout at him.

"Jaune! Language." Amarilla said sternly.

"Sorry, Mom," Jaune said.

"Now, why don't you bring your Dad to our bedroom, where he can rest," Amarilla said.

Jaune complied and carried his father on his back to bring him to their bedroom which he has to climb the stairs to get too, he doesn't mind the weight of his father, but he hates stairs, after dropping his father in the bedroom he went back downstairs to talk with his team about the mission since the person they were supposed to meet for more information is currently incapacitated.

An hour later, Giallo finally woke up. At first, he was looking around as he does not remember sleeping on his bed, it wasn't until a few seconds later that he remembered getting knocked out by his son, with a single hit. This caused him to laugh out loud which caught the attention of his family and guest.

"Giallo, are you okay." Amarilla who was in the living room a few seconds ago asked.

"I'm okay, I just remembered the spar I had with Jaune." Giallo.

"We watched the fight, and it was amazing how Jaune was able to go toe to toe with you," Amarilla said.

"Wrong, Jaune was not going toe to toe with me, he was holding back a lot, during the spar, what he mostly did was just deflect my attack with ease," Giallo said.

"Jaune's that strong?" Amarilla asked.

"He's stronger than what he showed," Giallo said.

With that talk they went downstairs, to meet with Jaune and the rest of his family. He wanted to know what the mission Jaune was on since he doesn't remember posting or sending a request to any of the kingdoms for aid and he also doesn't have any information on any of the resident sending a request either since, if a huntsman is present all information regarding Grimm or requests goes through them first before asking aid from the kingdoms, especially if the huntsman is a permanent resident. When Giallo got downstairs Jaune was already waiting for him since Jaune also wanted to talk to him about the information regarding the mission.

"Jaune," Giallo called with a worried expression.

"Dad, are you okay, you look worried," Jaune said.

"It's about the mission your Mom told me you were on," Giallo said.

"Oh, that's right, I wanted to talk to you about it as well since I need to know about the type of Grimm that has been spotted to formulate a plan for my team to eliminate them," Jaune said.

"That's the problem, Jaune. I don't remember getting informed about getting a request sent to the kingdoms for aid." Giallo said.

"What, but according to the information I received that the mission was approved by a headmaster before it was sent to Beacon," Jaune said now slightly worried that something is wrong since Glynda did not inform him which headmaster approved the mission.

"I don't know what to tell you, Jaune, but when a mission is sent and approved, either the chief/mayor of the town is informed or the resident huntsman, but I was just in the meeting with the town mayor and he never said anything about a mission and I certainly did not receive any information about it either and I know that there are no missions currently made by Domrémy," Giallo said.

"Okay, I need to make a call, I'll talk to you later, Dad," Jaune said and then left so that he can make a call to Glynda and ask who approved the mission.

While Jaune was walking out of the house, his team saw him and they realise that something must be wrong, so they approached him to ask what was wrong.

"Jaune, is something wrong?" Ren asked and Pyrrha and Nora were beside him.

"I don't know yet, but according to my Dad, there was no mission posted by the mayor or him, there was no mission in Domrémy at all according to him, that is why I am heading out the house to make a call to Glynda and ask her more information about the mission and who it was that made the request," Jaune said, and his nodded in agreement since it was better to be sure than be blindsided by misinformation.

As soon as he got out of the house, Jaune was already contacting Glynda, luckily, she answered right away.

"Jaune, is everything alright?" Glynda asked on the other end of the phone.

"Glynda! I need to know who was listed as the requestee for the mission on Domrémy." Jaune said.

"Give me a second to check… Ah, here we are, according to the paperwork it was a huntsman named Giallo Arc, I believe he is your father." Glynda said.

"That can't be right, Glynda. I just had a conversation with my father, and according to him there are no missions sent by Domrémy, Glynda which headmaster approved of the mission." Jaune asked.

"It's Headmaster Lionheart of Haven Academy, and according to his notes, it was sent to Beacon due to the fact that it was a mission suitable for first and second years and because of the Vytal Festival, most of the lower year will be at Vale for the tournament, so it was sent to Beacon," Glynda said.

'Not good, Lionheart has been working for Salem for who knows how long, he was also the one responsible for the decline of Mistral huntsman since he is sending them to be ambushed.' Jaune thought.

"Glynda, do you mind staying on the phone while I scan the area for Grimm," Jaune asked.

"I don't mind," Glynda said worriedly about the information that she just got from Jaune about the mission that he received.

After Jaune heard Glynda said that she would stay on the phone, he called Veronica and asked her to use the scanner in the Quinjet to scan the whole of Domrémy and past it about twenty miles, and what he got from Veronica was shocking, to say the least. Jaune is strong, incredibly so, and he is capable of fighting hundreds of Grimm without any issue, but he number that he received from Veronica, a horde of three thousand Grimm were heading their way, and they did not have time to evacuate the town to safety.

"Glynda, you there," Jaune asked Glynda on the phone.

"I'm here, Jaune. What's wrong." Glynda asked worriedly.

"I need you to tell RWBY to meet me at the port of Beacon, and try to ask any available team and professors who are willing to fight to meet me at the port like team RWBY, I did a scan of Domrémy and there is a horde of three thousand Grimm heading our way and we don't have any time to evacuate the resident of Domrémy, according to Veronica the Grimm will arrive in less than thirty minutes," Jaune said in a worried voice.

"Ok, I'll try and get as many people I can to help, but in such short notice and the fact that most teams are out on missions, I don't think I will be able to gather that many people to fight," Glynda said.

"That's fine, I'll do what I can to bring down the number of the Grimm," Jaune said.

"Alright, I'll call you as soon as I gather them in the port of Beacon," Glynda said while sending a message to team RWBY that Jaune needs back up, then she got up and hurriedly headed to the PA system of Beacon, to announce to the students and teacher who are available and are combat-ready to head to the port as there is an emergency, and she after making the announcement headed to the port.

With team RWBY, they were having a relaxing day before they all received a message on their scroll from Glynda stating that Jaune needs backup and to ask for anyone willing to help fight to go with them, Summer, Tai and Penny happened to be with them at that moment, and when Summer saw both her daughter's panicked looks, she got worried.

"Ruby, Yang, is there something wrong?" Summer asked.

"I just received a message from Miss Goodwitch about Jaune needing help to protect the town of Domrémy, and she stated that it was a horde of Grimm numbering in the thousands and that I should ask for anyone willing to help fight the Grimm to head to the port," Ruby said, Summer and Tai were going to tell her that they were going to help but was beaten to it by Penny.

"Alright, what are you waiting for, lets head to the port, I'm Combat Ready!" Penny said since she was not going to just stand by when her boyfriend needed help, and everyone in the room just nodded and got combat-ready in less than two minutes and they all headed to the port, but the moment they came out of the base that they were staying in they heard the PA system mentioning the same thing that they got ready for so they made haste and headed straight to the port, and Tai seemed to be contacting someone as well.

When they arrived in the port, they saw team CFVY, Glynda, Oobleck and Port with their weapons, and Ozpin was there as well but he did not have any weapon with him. Ozpin wanted to go with them but he was reminded by Glynda that if he came there will be no to look after the Amber since Qrow is out on a mission at the moment investigating.

"It seems that these are the only available people, I hope that Jaune will be able to lower the number of Grimm just like he said," Glynda said before giving Jaune a call to tell him that she was able to gather some people, but not a lot since the others, whether they are teachers or students are out on a mission, and it did not take long for Jaune to open a portal in his location, all those that have gathered entered and they were met with Jaune and his team, along with his family.

A few minutes before Jaune opened a portal.

Jaune headed inside the house and he was met with everyone, and they all saw that he was worried, but they waited for him to speak about what was happening.

"Not good, I called Glynda and she told me that the person who made the request was Dad, but that just did not make sense, so I did a scan of the area," Jaune said.

"What was the result?" Giallo asked.

"Around three thousand Grimm are heading in our direction," Jaune said and this earned a huge gasp from everyone.

"Then we need to evacuate everyone!" Giallo said.

"There is no time, according to Veronica, the Grimm will be arriving in less than thirty minutes," Jaune said.

"What are we going to do?" Amarilla asked her husband.

"I don't know," Giallo said.

"Jaune, do you have any plan?" Pyrrha asked, even during such a situation she was staying strong because if there is anyone who can do something about it, she believes that it would be Jaune.

"That I do, I will use my nanite suit to make a barrier around Domrémy, and I have asked Glynda to gather anyone available and willing to fight head to the port of Beacon so that I can open a portal for them to head here, but she said that she might not be able to gather that many people," Jaune said.

"Do you think that would be enough to kill all the Grimm," Nora asked.

"No, I don't. That is why I am th-." Jaune was about to say something but was interrupted by a scroll call from Glynda, and then they saw Jaune used his sword to open a portal and people started coming to the house.


"Jaune, I'm afraid that this won't be enough to fight off all the Grimm," Glynda said.

"I know that is why am currently thinking of something to help us," Jaune said before thinking to himself.

'Think Jaune, think. Is there something I could use to lessen the amount of Grimm, I could use that Bow and Arrow, but that would not be enough.' Jaune thought and then it hit him, in his old base, before he was able to make the nanite suit he did make a legion of Ironman suit.

"I got it! A way to increase our number." Jaune said.

"How?" Glynda asked.

"Here in Domrémy, I have a warehouse I used to use before I headed to Argus, I can get Veronica to access it and activate the House Party Protocol," Jaune said.

"Jaune! We do not have time for a party, we are in a serious situation." Amarilla said.

"Ah, but we are in need of a party! Veronica, I need you to access my warehouse." Jaune said.

"Understood… Warehouse detected… access code required please recite the abbreviated word EDITH in its complete form." Veronica said.

"Even Dead, I'm The Hero," Jaune said.

"Jaune what the freak was that," Yang said.

"It was the Access Code," Jaune said.

"Access Granted, all protocol accessible to Jaune Arc, what protocol do you want me to activate," Veronica asked.

"Activate the House Party Protocol!" Jaune said.

"Protocol activated, ETA one hundred and twenty seconds, all suits active," Veronica said.

"Thank Oum, that the protocol is still there," Jaune said in relief, at least they have more fighters now.

"Jaune, what was that, and what is the House Party Protocol," Blake asked.

"Why don't we head outside and find out, it should be here in a minute," Jaune said, so they all headed outside the house to see what it was, and they were shocked, in the sky they saw fifty robots heading their way, and even more so when it all landed a few feet away from them.

"Those are so… Cool! What are they!" Ruby asked.

"They look to be more advanced than the Atlesian knights," Oobleck said and noted.

"They are the predecessor of the nanite suit that I have given you. Before I was able to make nanotech to the level it is now, this was all I could do to make a suit of armour, they are bulky but they have a range of different weapons, watch this, Arc Legion do a weapon check." Jaune said to Ruby, and the Ironman suits did a check on all its weapons, whether it be the repulsors, lasers, missiles, and unibeam, they all saw it and they were impressed at how advanced it was since they haven't seen anything like it besides the Atlesian knights, but those were not very advanced at all and they carry ordinary weapons, but no one is more impressed than Ruby Rose.

"They are so, Cool! How do they fly, and how do they remain stable in flight, how many weapons do they have." Ruby said very quickly and only the people that have gotten the pills from Jaune can keep up with her.

"I will tell you all about it later, Ruby. Right now, we have a horde of Grimm to kill." Jaune said.

"Jaune, even with this, I don't think we have enough to kill three thousand Grimm," Giallo said.

"I know, that is why I plan to use this before we head to the battle with the Grimm," Jaune said while showing a bow and arrow.

"But Jaune-Jaune, I thought that you said that Bow and Arrow are extremely dangerous," Nora said.

"It is, that is why I am hoping that with it, I will be able to hopeful kill half of the horde," Jaune said.

"Wait, half the horde could be killed with that weapon… Now I know why you were reluctant to show us what that weapon can do, at least I will be able to see how dangerous it is now." Nora said, happy to finally be able to see what the weapon can do.

"Alright, all those that are going to fight, ready yourselves, and those who are not fighting please head back inside the house and wait until everything is over," Jaune said.

"Jaune! I don't want you to fight the Grimm, I don't want you to go." Olive said while clutching onto Jaune.

"Hey, now. Olive you know I have, it is my job to eliminate the Grimm, and because I want to, to protect you and everyone here I have to fight, but I promise to you that nothing bad will happen to me, okay." Jaune said to calm down his sister and she did, but not as much as he wants.

"How do you know that you would be okay, I know that our family never breaks our promises, but how do you know that you will be okay," Olive asked and Jaune went closer to her ear to whisper.

"Because I still have people that care about me, and no matter what I will come back to them and you," Jaune said and this got Olive to calm down and she just nodded and headed to their mother.

After he was able to convince Olive to head into the house, Jaune called Veronica and asked her to use the nanite suit to create a Wakandan Barrier around Domrémy, and everyone watched as a barrier was formed around the town, it was gold in colour and they formed a dome with a honeycomb design around the whole town.

"Jaune, what about you, what armour will you be wearing if you used it to make a barrier," Ruby asked.

"I'll be fine, Ruby. Besides, I have a buŧŧload of Aura." Jaune said, and then he heard a scroll ring and realised that it was Taiyang's scroll.

Tai was speaking to someone on the scroll and when it ended, Tai walked towards Jaune to speak to him.

"Jaune, I just received a call from Qrow and he said that he wanted to help and that he is currently in Argus on his way to Haven, he asked to tell you if you can open a portal in Argus so that he can be here to help," Tai said, Jaune proceeded to open a portal in Argus, and a few seconds later Qrow exited the portal.

"Kid, I heard from Tai that you needed some help," Qrow said.

"Yeah, we are dealing with… around three thousand Grimm, but I think that I can drop it at, about half, with everyone here and the Arc Legion, I believe that we can eliminate them all without any casualties, but it will be hard, but at least we don't have to worry much about the civilian since I erected a barrier that will be hard for the Grimm to breakthrough, although it is not perfect as it can fail if too much Grimm were to attack it at the same time," Jaune said.

"Hey, kid. What is an Arc Legion?" Qrow asked.

"Look behind you, Qrow," Jaune said while pointing behind Qrow.

Qrow for the most part was not even surprised as he had to deal with Ironwood and his Atlesian knight, so seeing a bunch of robots was not that surprising.

"Didn't know that you had one of those Atlesian type robots," Qrow said.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, that's funny, the Atlesian knights are nothing but a piece of crap compared to the Ironman Suits. Unlike the Atlesian knights my Arc Legion does not need to carry their weapons by hand as they are installed in the suit itself, and my Ironman suits can be worn by people that I set up the coding for, the Atlesian Knights are not even capable of flight, and the Ironman suit can." Jaune said while laughing and listing a few things that the Ironman suits can do that the Atlesian Knight could not.

"Wait, that's not a drone, I thought that it was automated, that is so cool, can you show us, Jaune, Please," Ruby said.

"Sorry, Ruby, but maybe later since we are in a tight situation in our hands right now," Jaune said, and Ruby nodded, and then Jaune heard a notification from Veronica, even if the suit is not on Jaune, he has a small device in the back of his ear that he can use to communicate with the A.I.

"Sir, Grimm horde ETA two minutes, and there seems to be someone commanding them," Veronica informed Jaune.

"Veronica, is the Grimm commanding them an ancient Grimm?" Jaune asked.

"Negative sir, it seems to be a humanoid Grimm that resembles very closely to humans, she has pale white hair in a half bun with six offshoots, she is wearing a black short-sleeved robe with red trimmings," Veronica said.

"Fuck Me! Shit, why is she here." Jaune said loudly, he was not sure if he wanted his team or anyone else right now to know about the queen of the Grimm, he was not sure if they are ready to know that the Grimm has a leader, but he also knew that they needed to know since they will be people that will lead Remnant into a brighter future. Everyone that saw Jaune slightly panicked was confused since they have never seen him like that, and they wanted to ask but they were beaten by Summer since she had an inkling as to why Jaune was panicked.

"Jaune, what's wrong?" Summer asked.

"Do you remember the things you told me when you were in my dreams about a certain Grimm?" Jaune asked.

"Don't tell, she's here, isn't she." Summer said and she received a nod from Jaune.

"Wait, you are not saying who I think you are saying are you," Qrow said.

"I am, but fortunately, there is a way to maybe stop her, or at least injure her enough to postpone her plans, whatever they may be, with Harpe," Jaune said, he was not sure if he can kill her, even with Harpe, since her curse was made by the Gods, and Harpe won't work if there is divine intervention.

Qrow did not know that Salem is immortal, he only believes that she is capable of healing at a rapid pace, no one in the group of gathered people knew that Salem was immortal.

"That's right, I almost forgot about that scythe that you gave me, I guess it's time to test out if this thing is real," Qrow said, thinking that maybe it can negate her healing.

"Let's hope that it works," Jaune said before Veronica once more informed him of the Grimm.

"Sir, Grimm ETA in sixty seconds," Veronica said.

"Team RWBY, team JNPR suit up!" Jaune told them and at that moment those who have not seen the nanite suit was amazed at what they saw, in front of them were seven individual who tapped on their emblem and their combat attire started changing with their V7 attire, but no one was more jealous than Coco Adel.

"Damn, I would give anything to have something that can change my outfit that quickly with no hassle," Coco said.

Pyrrha's new armour resembles her original, but her entire torso was covered in armour rather than the armour stopping around her brėȧst and leaving her ċhėst area exposed, her skirt is longer and is covered in a metal design.

"Good, now let's get started," Jaune said, and he proceeded to tell Veronica to open an area in the barrier for his arrow to leave, and when that was done, he proceeded to draw the bow with the arrow and started making a prayer.

"With my bow and arrows, I respectfully ask for the divine protection of the Sun God Apollo and the Moon Goddess Artemis." Jaune prayed, and the arrow started to glow and he draws the string of Tauropolos even further.

"I offer thee this calamity — Phoebus Catastrophe!" Jaune completed the prayer and let the string go and the arrow flew so fast that it only looked like a light.

The arrow went passed the sky and everyone was shocked at the display but was confused at how that was going to help them.

"Woah, that looked amazing, Jaune, but how is that going to help us," Ruby said and all everyone just saw Jaune smiling and looking at the sky, so they looked in the direction that Jaune was looking, and in a few seconds, they saw something they have never seen before.

The area that Jaune shot the arrow exploded, and then it rained arrows made of light and started decreasing the amounts of Grimm.

With Salem, when Jaune shot the arrow she was intrigued by it but that ended very quickly as arrows made of light started to rain down on the Grimms that she brought with her, Manticores, Elder Deathstalker, Goliath, Sphinx and other Grimm were being decimated by the arrows.

"Noooo! Go and kill them." Salem commanded her Grimm, and they obeyed without question since they have no will of their own, unlike ancient Grimm.

Back with Jaune, the people that were watching the light show had a shiver in their spine when they saw the rain of arrows decimate Grimm after Grimm and they imagine what would happen if that kind of weapon was used against the kingdoms, now they knew just how dangerous a dangerous weapon to Jaune is.

"Holy shit! What the hell was that." Coco shouted.

"A light show caused by an extremely dangerous weapon," Jaune said.

"No shit! I mean where the hell did you get something like that." Coco said.

"I didn't get it anywhere, I made it," Jaune said.

"Then why not make one more to eliminate the horde of Grimm," Coco said.

"She's right, Jaune, if you can make one more then we will be able to destroy the horde a lot quicker," Glynda said.

"I can't, it would take me three hours to make one of them and when I finish creating one, I would be unconscious for twelve hours," Jaune said, he was not lying, unlike making other noble phantasms, when he made the arrow for Tauropolos he was making an imitation of a power that is used by the Gods, namely Apollo and Artemis, even though Jaune has an unlimited reserve, it still takes a toll on his body when he uses massive amounts, especially when he is imitating the power of a God.

Atalanta's Noble Phantasm is neither the bow nor the arrow, her noble phantasm is the technique of nocking and shooting the arrow which sends a complaint message to the gods and they respond to her complaint which requires a calamity in exchange, therefore Apollo and Artemis protection is equated to the calamity of her enemy, this was what Jaune used as a base for the bow and arrow that he made with some tweaking, but nonetheless, the power is that of the Gods.

"Sir, the Grimm are coming," Veronica told him.

"EVERYONE READY!... CHARGE!" Jaune shouted and they all charged at the incoming Grimm outside the barrier, when they came close to the barrier Veronica open a way for them to use to reach the Grimm.

Jaune took out Stormbreaker, he charged it and smashed it on the ground eliminating the nearby Grimm, Ruby is shooting any Grimm she sees with her Crescent Rose in its gun form, Weiss summoned multiple different Grimm with different elements with her glyphs, Blake was shooting with her Gambol Shroud, and Yang was firing shots at the Grimm with Ember Celica.

Ren used Storm flower's grapple to get close to the Grimm and he would slice them or shoot at them, Pyrrha was using her Milo in its rifle form and she would switch to either sword or spear form when Grimm was too close to her, and Nora well she is was smashing the Grimm's legs before smashing it on the head and eliminating it, Penny was using her floating array to cut the Grimm in half.

Coco was having fun firing her Gianduja and using her semblance to increase its firepower, she does not have to worry about hitting anyone since the area was just forest and no civilian, so she was letting loose, Velvet was using a copy of Gianduja but hers was weaker than Coco's since she did not have Hype as her Semblance, Fox was using his Sharp Retribution to hit the Grimm and send them flying and exploding while also maintaining communication with all his teammates, and Yatsuhashi is slicing any Grimm that he comes across.

Giallo was using Crocea Mors to fight the Grimm, he was quite strong, his proficiency with the sword and shield was above Pyrrha's but below Jaune's, he was also using his aura to coat the blade and when he swung his blade a projectile is sent hurling towards the Grimm.

Summer is doing a similar feat to Giallo, but rather than coating Osiris with Aura she was coating Osiris with the power of her silver eyes, the projectile that she was producing was easily able to cut through Grimm but it doesn't end there, the projectile is also capable of exploding and damaging any Grimm in the area near it, Tai was using Beowulf to send a ball of light towards Grimm but he is also beating the shit out of the Grimm that comes close to him, he would even use Beowulf to produce a ball of light inside the Grimm and blow it up every time he punches one of them, Qrow is mostly using Harbinger in its sword form and is slicing any Grimm he comes across and he would also occasionally fire his shotgun on Harbinger.

Oobleck was using his Antiquity's Roast to either bash the Grimm or burn them, Port was using his Blowhard to cut the Grimm or fire a round on the Grimm, Port might make a lot of stories up but he was not a huntsman for nothing, Glynda was using her weapon along with her Semblance but one look from Jaune and he can tell that she was struggling, her Semblance was good but it does use a significant amount of Aura and her weapon is capable of making a projectile but it does not have a melee and she was struggling due to her weapon having no option for melee.

When Jaune saw that Glynda was struggling due to her weapon he brought out the weapon that he made just for her, it was a silver wand but had a purple glow.

"Glynda! Catch." Jaune shouted in her direction and Glynda immediately caught the item that Jaune tossed her.

Glynda used the new wand and she was delighted, she was able to telekinetically destroy multiple Grimm with ease, and as if on instinct she charged the wand with her aura and sent a compressed aura blast towards the Grimm killing it, and what was more shocking to her was that she bȧrėly felt her Aura drop.

"Jaune, what is this," Glynda asked.

"It is a weapon that I made just for you," Jaune said, this caused Glynda's heart to skip a beat, a weapon designed to be used by her and her only, she found that quite romantic.

The fight against the horde of Grimm was going well, there were less than two hundred remaining, that was until she showed up, she sent a blast of energy towards Jaune, but luckily, he was able to block it with a blast of lightning from Stormbreaker, but he did not stop there, he used Stormbreaker to control the weather and cause a thunder cloud to form, he raised Stormbreaker and then brought it down causing the lightning in the sky to strike Salem and completely charred her, but in the end, it did not even matter as she started to heal, Qrow, Summer and Taiyang went to ȧssist Jaune but what they saw was shocking to them, Salem stood back up and her body started to heal at a very rapid pace and in no time, Salem was healed as if nothing happened to her.

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