The previous day when team RWBY was about to leave on their mission, they were currently waiting for Dr Oobleck on the bullhead port, they heard a student shout and got curious, so they headed to where the student was shouting.

"Hey! Team CFVY is back." A student shouted, while other students gather around to see the return of team CFVY, team RWBY approached them.

"Velvet, are you okay," Blake asked.

"I'm fine, we were all looking out for one another out there." Velvet said looking fatigued.

"Wasn't your mission supposed to end a week ago, did something happen," Weiss asked.

"Nothing happened, it was just we were bombarded with so much Grimm, which I guess, you first year would not have to worry about yet since harder missions are reserved for older students." Velvet said, which caused team RWBY to look away from her, which she then looked at them with a questioning look.

"Well, the thing is, we are going on a mission to Mt. Glenn to subdue a group of Bloody Fang members," Ruby said.

"But that kind of missions are normally reserved for a third and fourth year, even team CFVY has never been on such missions, how did you get a mission like that," Velvet asked.

"We could take the mission since we were recommended by Ms Goodwitch to take the mission since we've met all the requirements besides being on the third or fourth year," Ruby said, and Velvet just nodded since she knows that Ms Goodwitch was not going to recommend someone that she knows is not capable of doing the task.

"We are currently waiting for Dr Oobleck to arrive since he is the huntsman that will be monitoring our performance and be the one to make sure that the mission goes smoothly and that we complete it," Weiss said.

"Good luck on your mission, what about team JNPR, are they going on a similar mission to your team," Velvet asked team RWBY.

"We are not sure. Jaune did not tell us anything about the mission he chose, but knowing Jaune, I think his team should be able to complete the mission quite quickly." Ruby said, while they were talking Dr Oobleck arrived and was telling them to follow him, they said goodbye to Velvet and followed Oobleck.

"Why, hello girls! Who's ready to fight for their lives?" Oobleck asked.

"We are!" RWBY said.

"Come now, children, according to my schedule, we are already three minutes behind schedule!" Oobleck said.

"But you were the cause for as being late," Weiss said.

"Yes, well I was busy packing for equipment that we may need since we will be fighting against known active terrorist, so I had to bring a tool to keep them restrained when we capture them," Oobleck said, and team RWBY had an understanding look since they did not have anything on them to keep the captured Bloody-Fang restrained.

After talking for a few minutes, they head into the bullhead that they are using to head to Mt Glenn, team RWBY was a bit nervous since they won't be going against Grimm, but instead, they will be going against Faunus kind, the feeling of fighting people and Grimm are different since they know that Grimm is just soulless creature that acts on their instinct to kill Human and Faunus kind, while the Bloody-Fang are people who are just like them in many ways, but they know that in the future they will have to do similar things so they wanted to experience it with a huntsman with them to make sure that they don't make any mistake or to correct them when they make a mistake.

It did not take them long to arrive in Mt Glenn, what they saw was a former city that is now desolate, wherever they look it was destroyed, the building, the roads, there was nothing to see but ruin. Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang were shocked to see such a horrid sight, a city just like Vale destroyed, with Grimm everywhere they look, Goliath, Creeper, Taijitu, and Deathstalker, they saw the Goliath gathering nearby the walls that separate Vale and Mt Glenn.

"Ladies! You still may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntresses has begun! From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say! Do you understand?" Oobleck told RWBY to get their attention, and they nodded in response.

"So, what are your orders, Doctor?" Blake asked.

"Ah, yes, straight to the chase. I like it! As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hot spot for Grimm activity. Now, there are several possible explanations for this behaviour, one of which being the Bloody-Fang. There are several reasons why Grimm will congregate in this area, the most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity: sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harbouring ill intent." Oobleck said.

"So, what do we do now," Ruby asked.

"We set up camp, and wait for the liaison to arrive and get the information we need to take down the Bloody-Fang safely and efficiently," Oobleck said.

"How long do you think we have to wait for this ȧssociate of Roman," Blake asked.

"I don't know, but it should be sometime in the night since they wouldn't want to risk being caught leaving the base of operation and being questioned where they are heading and being followed," Oobleck said.

Oobleck and team RWBY set-up camp to wait for Roman's ȧssociate, while waiting Oobleck decided to ask the team of Huntresses why they wanted to be a huntress in the first place, what drove them to pick such a dangerous profession.

"Tell me, girls, why did you choose this line of work?" Oobleck asked them, and the first one to answer was Yang.

"In the beginning it was because I was a thrill-seeker, being a huntress will give me that adrenaline rush that I yearn for, and helping people along the way was just a bonus, but after meeting Jaune, a person whose dream is to be a hero and just help as many people as he can, changed my objective and priority, he inspired me to be a better me, a person who chooses to help people for the sake of helping because I can, rather than for myself interest of having that short adrenaline rush," Yang said, which got Oobleck to nod.

"What about you girls," Oobleck said while looking at Ruby, Weiss and Blake, but Weiss was the one that went ahead and told her reason of choosing to be a huntress.

"I'm a Schnee. I have a legacy of honour to uphold. Once I realized I was capable of fighting, there was no longer a question of what I would do with my life, but after a while of being in Beacon, I realized another thing, my name as a Schnee isn't much outside of Atlas, in places such as Beacon, it means nothing, being a Schnee isn't much especially outside the walls of the kingdom, being a huntress doesn't change that but at least I will know that I did the right thing by helping people that I can, not as a Schnee but as Weiss." Weiss said, Oobleck smiled at Weiss, to be something you don't put heart into will just cause oneself to one day self-destruct, being huntress for the sake of continuing a family legacy is a good thing but if you do it out of obligation rather than for oneself will bring about that person's early death or cause them to be depressed and frustrated at not following what they truly wanted for themselves.

"How about you, Miss Belladonna. Why did you choose to be a huntress?" Oobleck asked.

"There's too much wrong in this world to just stand by and do nothing. Inequality, corruption... Someone must stop it. I decided to be a huntress because of two things, redemption for my previous action and second because being a huntress will allow me to inspire change within people, to show them that being a Faunus is not something to be ashamed about, and to show humans that we are not so different, that we are more alike than they realise, that both humanity and Faunus kind are not so different, both Faunus and Humans are being hunted by Grimm without any care and that both bleed the same red blood in the end." Blake said, Oobleck nodded and looked at Ruby.

"And Miss Rose, what about you," Oobleck asked Ruby.

"I'm trying to become a Huntress because I want to help people. My parents always taught me and Yang to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it!, but it was also because I wanted to follow in my mothers' footsteps, if there was a Grimm to be exterminated she would be there and kick buŧŧ, but went she went missing my objective did not change but something was added to it, it was the second reason why I wanted to be a huntress, to make sure that kids will not have to spend their childhood like mine, a child should never live a life without both their parents there to guide them, I just don't want to see a child cry because they lost their mom or dad to the Grimm." Ruby said.

"Why did you want to become a Huntsman, Dr Oobleck," Weiss asked.

"Look around and tell me what you see," Oobleck asked team RWBY.

"Ruins," Weiss said.

"A lot of old streets," Yang said.

"Old and destroyed building," Blake said.

"Ah, lots of Grimm," Ruby said.

"I see lives that could have been saved. As a Huntsman, it is my job to protect the people, and although I can do it with traditional weaponry, I believe I can make a much larger impact if I do it with my mind. As a teacher, I'm able to take knowledge, the most powerful weapon of them all, and place it in the hands of every student that passes through my classroom. I look at this wasteland, and I see lives that could have been saved, but I also see an opportunity, an opportunity to study these ruins and learn from this tragedy, and therefore become stronger, people may say that knowledge is power but without a way to back up that knowledge, it just becomes another useless information without any use. I am a Huntsman because there is nothing else in this world I would rather be." Oobleck said.

While talking, Oobleck and team RWBY heard a sound reminiscent of a glass shattering, Oobleck along with team RWBY readied their weapons and what they saw was a girl that is shorter than Ruby, she had pink and brown hair with the pink hair having a bit of white, she wore white cropped wide, broad-tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single gold buŧŧon and large pink cuffs, brown pants with a dark belt that has a grey buckle and an additional narrow belt under it, under her jacket is a brown corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hɨps. Oobleck moved in front of team RWBY to protect them, before questioning the person in front of him.

"Who are you?" Oobleck asked, Neo in response took out a signpost with writings on it.

'I am the one that Roman asked to meet with the people from Beacon, name's Neopolitan.' Neo's sign said, when Yang read it she wanted to make a pun but decided to hold off on it since they are currently on a serious mission.

"I see, then that means you are the one with the information on the Bloody-Fang activity here in Mt Glenn, tell me how many of them are we dealing with," Oobleck asked, Neo took out another sign.

'There are seventy Bloody-Fang members who are not much of a threat, but they have twenty stolen Paladin from Atlas, and they had time to figure out how to properly use them, and lastly, the right-hand man of Adam Taurus is here, they refer to him as Elder, he wields a massive chainsaw and would go on a rampage if he sees princess over there and the cat Faunus over there.' Neo's sign said while she pointed at Weiss and Blake.

"Hah, I understand why he would hate Weiss since she is a Schnee but why me," Blake asked, Neo then took out another post.

'As I wrote earlier, he is the right-hand man of Adam Taurus, he is loyal to him and his cause, and your betrayal of him is something he did not like.' Neo's sign said, and this got Blake to understand the hatred of this man referred to as Elder.

'Oh, and before I forget, all the dust that Roman has stolen is being put in a train compartment filled with bombs, the fire bitch that is threatening both I and Roman wanted us to blow a hole in Mt Glenn using the train heading to Vale and cause a breach to cause panic.' Neo's sign said.

"Why would anyone want to do that, it doesn't make any sense to cause panic in a city like Vale, it would attract Grimm and potentially cause a Grimm invasion," Ruby said.

'I and Roman don't have a clue either, she only wants us to know what we need to know when we need to know, other than that she is quite tight-lipped.' Neo's sign said.

"And who exactly is this fire bitch as you call her Miss Neopolitan," Oobleck asked.

'If the headmaster did not tell you about her for this mission then I don't think he wants you to know now, it is best to ask him when you return from your mission.' Neo's sign said.

"I see, well then, to planning!" Oobleck said.

The plan was simple, Ruby and Weiss were to take out the Paladins since they have abilities and weapons to deal with the Paladins, Weiss used her Semblance to summon her Arma Gigas to destroy the Paladins while Ruby used her speed and the technique that Jaune taught her to take down the Paladins with her scythe, Both and Ruby and Weiss did this as quickly and quietly as they can. Next was both Blake and Yang who teamed up to defeat as many Bloody-Fang members as quickly as possible while being ȧssisted by Neo, and Oobleck was behind them to restraint all the downed members to make sure that they don't escape. After defeating all the people in the vicinity, they went over to the train and checked all the compartments to disable all the bombs but the last member of the Bloody-Fang nearly took the head of Oobleck if he noticed the man a second later, but luckily, he was able to dodge the man's chainsaw in time and he smashed him with his Antiquity's Roast easily knocking the man known as Elder out.

After they disable all the bombs, they went to the engine of the train to see if Torchwick was there, and he was, Roman also explained that they had to bring him in as the person he was 'working' with wanted him to be captured, and that Ozpin was the one that told him to pretend to continue the missions that the 'fire bitch' was giving him and inform him if he finds their location, and Oobleck decided just to do that, but first he decided to make a call to Ozpin.

"Hello, Headmaster," Oobleck said.

"Ah, Bart, how is the mission going," Ozpin asked.

"The mission is doing quite fine, I just called to ask about what I am supposed to do with Roman Torchwick, and to ask for Bullhead back to Beacon that is big enough to hold a hundred people aboard since there were more Bloody-Fang members than we thought," Oobleck said.

"I see, then I will inform the port to send a bullhead big enough to your location in about an hour, and as for Roman, he is to be put into the custody of Atlas military since that was what the person he is working for wants, therefore I will send him to the Atlas military to continue spying on his employer and find out what they have planned," Ozpin said.

"All right, will do, Headmaster," Oobleck said disconnected the call, he looked at team RWBY, Roman, and Neo.

"All right girls, help me bring all these people back on the surface, there we will wait for the bullhead that the headmaster has sent us for about an hour or so, then we will be handing Mr Torchwick to the Atlas Military, as for Miss Neopolitan, the headmaster did not give me any instructions on what to do with you so, do what you please, just don't do anything criminal," Oobleck said.

By the time they were finished brining all the Bloody-Fang members back to the surface the bullhead that the headmaster got for them was already waiting for them not to far away, but they had to signal the bullhead to come closer since they had a lot of people restrained, and the pilot complied, they loaded all the Bloody-Fang members in the bullhead and they left back to Beacon, all the stolen dust that they retrieve are stored in the suits of team RWBY, which fascinated Oobleck since he hasn't seen such technology, to be able to cram a lot of things in such a small space, which caused the ride back to Beacon to be quite exhausting since Oobleck kept asking them questions about the storage they have, which they threw Jaune under the bus since they know nothing about it, and let Jaune feel what they felt in the ride back to Beacon.

Back to Jaune, in front of his parent's house with Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, Saphron and Terra. He knocked on the door and, in a few seconds, he heard a voice calling out who it was on the door, in which Jaune said that it was him, and the person in the house quicken the pace of opening the door knowing that it was Jaune who was at the door.

When the door opens we see a girl who is slightly shorter than Ruby, she had blonde hair and blue eyes just like Jaune, she was wearing a beautiful green dress and had a flower tiara on her head. When she saw that Jaune was in fact at the door when she opened it, she tackled and hugged him since she missed him so much especially when she had a question about plants or herbs.

"Jaune, it is you, I missed you a lot!" Olive said not letting her brother go, afraid that he would just suddenly disappear.

"I missed you too, Olive. How have you and the others been?" Jaune said still hugging his younger sister.

"Well, everyone misses you, but no one misses you more than me of course, Beryl misses the time both of you would cook together but she is still working hard in trying to surpass your cooking, Cyan is making some wonderful music now but when you left, she would make this depressing music from time to time but after a while, she started making a lot more a beat music that we all enjoy, Jade is currently in her dance class, you know when she first started going to dance classes she would often complain that the teachers were not as good as you but she continued going to class anyway in hoping that when you come home she would be able to show you just how much she has improved," Olive said.

"So, how about you, Ivory and Viridian, how have you been doing since I left," Jaune asked his younger sister.

"Well, Ivory and Viridian are doing well, they were the ones to help me when I was really sad when you left, they explained to me that you were leaving the house to follow the path you chose for the future, at first I did not understand what they meant since it was always your dream to be a huntsman that they have forbidden you from doing, and it was not a few days later that I realise that it was the reason you left in the first place since you can't achieve your dreams if mom and dad are always monitoring you and I went to Ivory and Viridian if that was the reason you left, and they told me that it was since they saw just how determined you are to be a huntsman, and they told me never to mention it mom and dad, so I didn't and I just continued pursuing what I loved doing just like you and learn everything I can about plants, flower and herbs," Olive said.

"Thank you, Olive, for not telling mom and dad, and I want to thank Ivory and Viridian later for not telling them and letting me pursue what I always wanted to be," Jaune said smiling at his younger sister.

"It's okay, Jaune. We know just how much you wanted to be a huntsman." Ivory said who Jaune saw arrived a few seconds ago.

"And just like Saphron, who probably was thinking the same thing as us and was the reason why she invited you to live with her and her wife because she was afraid that you might do something stupid and get into trouble." Ivory said who was just right behind Viridian.

"Does everyone think that I would do something as stupid as all of you are thinking of," Jaune said, Saphron, Viridian and Ivory looked at one another and nodded their head in tandem and looked back at Jaune.

"Yes." The three older siblings said at the same time, Jaune looked somewhat dejected since he did stupid things when he was younger.

"Look can we all just come in and have a nice reunion inside the house rather than on the porch," Jaune said, and they went in, NPR who was behind Jaune saw his childhood home for the first time, and they were greeted with warmth, the place is homely and from the first glance, they know that it was a very welcoming place meant to make its resident feel safe and welcomed, Jaune gave his team a tour of his childhood home.

The house was quite large, there were three floors, the first floor/ground floor which consists of the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, a door to the backyard, and a toilet room, the second floor consists of the master bedroom, Olive's room, Jade's room, Cyan's room, and Beryl's room, the younger sister's room are closer to the parent's bedroom so that if they had problem's their parents will be able to ȧssist right away, the third floor consists of Jaune's bedroom, Saphron's bedroom, Viridian's bedroom, and Ivory's bedroom.

"Say, fearless leader, can we see your bedroom," Nora asked hoping to find some blackmail material to tease her leader/professor. When Jaune saw the way Nora was looking at him, he was suspicious of why she wanted to see his room, but he knew that there is nothing that she can use to make fun of him, so he decides to agree in showing them his room.

When they saw the room it was a normal room, Pyrrha was hoping to see some of the amazing things that Jaune created when he was younger, Ren was surprised when he felt the room to be very calming, the room had a very good aura to it due to the Feng Shui, all the things in the room is arranged in a very particular why that Ren recognize is following an ancient Mistralian geomancy, he was not that surprised that Jaune knew about Mistralian geomancy as Jaune practice meditation, as for Nora, she was hoping to find a dirty magazine in Jaune's room and tease him about it but nothing even came close to it, she even looked under his bed but only found a box that contained a bow and arrow.

"This room has amazing Feng Shui, Jaune. Do you often meditate here before you went to Beacon?" Ren asked.

"I used to meditate here before I headed to Argus, I left my family house to move in with my sister in Argus when I was fifteen," Jaune said.

"When we get back to Beacon, would it be okay to ask help from you to help make my room have a better Feng Shui," Ren asked.

"I don't mind helping, as I said before if you need help with anything, all you have to do is ask and I will gladly help as best as I could," Jaune said which got a smile on Ren.

"Hey fearless leader, why is this bow and arrow under your bed," Nora asked while showing Jaune a box with a bow and arrow.

"That would be because it was the first and also most dangerous bow and arrow that I have ever created, the bow and arrow individually is just a normal weapon but when you use them together with a special chant then it would be extremely dangerous, but luckily only I know what the chant is, I also made a lock to the chant, when you chant the words you must understand what it means and what it represents, if you don't understand it then, it would be useless," Jaune said.

"Can we see you use it, please," Nora asked.

"I can't do that, Nora. First, I only have one arrow, and second I clearly said it is extremely dangerous." Jaune said, and Nora stopped trying to get Jaune to show her since she knows that when Jaune says that the weapon is dangerous, it means that it is a very dangerous weapon, and for Jaune to call it extremely dangerous is something that he has never heard him say and that caused her to not even try to ask once more as a shiver went down her spine, so she decided to change the topic.

"Hey Jaune, where are your parents," Nora asked, hoping to forget the shiver she felt a few seconds ago.

"I don't know, let's head downstairs and ask my older sibling where they are and ask about my younger sisters as well," Jaune said and they headed back to the living room where Jaune's older siblings were talking to each other about Terra's pregnancy and how they are doing.

"Hey Ivory and Viridian, where's mom, dad, Beryl, Cyan and Jade," Jaune asked.

"Dad is out patrolling, while mom, Jade Beryl and Cyan are out shopping for groceries to cook for lunch and dinner later," Viridian said.

"When do you think they will be back," Jaune asked.

"Mom and the girls should arrive in half an hour to an hour, but dad might be a little later," Viridian said, Jaune nodded and he decided to take some drinks in the fridge, bring them to the living room and have a conversation with his older sibling since it has been a while since he has talked to them in person.

"So, Jaune, Vi and I have been trying to ask if they know who the spėrm donor of their baby is, but they won't tell me, do you know who it is." Ivory said, which caused Jaune to spit out all the drink that was in his mouth.

"W-why would I know, I-I mean, I did live with them but, I-It is not like a know everything they do," Jaune said stuttering while looking at Saphron and Terra in front of him.

"If you don't know then why are you looking at Saphron and Terra and acting weird. That just tells me that you know." Viridian said, then was about to say something but was cut off by Ivory's sudden realisation.

"That look, I know that look in your eyes Saph, Oh My God Saph! is Jaune the father?!" Ivory said she was able to deduce it very quickly since she is quite analytic and she remembers all the look on her sisters face whenever they are asked something incriminating, Saph would always look away or at the person that was responsible when she tries to hide something, and Saph looking at Jaune just gave it away.

"Oh damn, Jaune's going to be a father, Mom is going to go ballistic, Saph, Terra, Jaune, you three better be prepared, since Mom is going to drag you shopping for baby clothes, especially when she figures out that Jaune is the father," Viridian said.

"Wait, why especially because of me," Jaune asked.

"That was because when you were younger, you did not show any sign of interest in the opposite gender or at anyone, so, Mom thought you were one of the people that are Asexual." Ivory said.

"What the hell," Jaune shouted.

"Yeah, you showed more interest in learning new things, rather than interacting with people, and when you were around people you would show no sign of interest in them, then you turn fifteen and Mom was hoping during puberty that you would finally show sign of interest but nothing, but after a while, she just decided that was fine and at least you were enjoying your life." Ivory said.

"At least now I know that Mom would not care about it if I decided to not have kids, well not like that will come to be, since I am having a kid," Jaune said.

"Well enough about that, tell us how it's like to study at one of the most prestigious Huntsman Academies," Viridian asked.

"I wouldn't know, the people you should ask is Nora, Ren and Pyrrha," Jaune said.

"But I thought that you go to Beacon," Viridian asked.

"I do just not as a student," Jaune said.

"What?!" Viridian and Ivory were confused, while Terra and Saphron were just laughing at their confused look.

"I guess I haven't told you about it yet, I am a professor at Beacon," Jaune said while showing his professors access and huntsman licence.

"H-how, how did you manage to be hired as a professor at Beacon, I remember reading that Beacon has a very strict hiring process, even some of the best huntsman are rejected, let alone a seventeen-year-old as a professor," Ivory asked.

"Well to find out how I was hired, I should also tell you how I was given a huntsman licence in the first place," Jaune said, so he went to tell his sibling about how he met with Ozpin before initiation, then he was given a test which was to defeat the current deputy headmistress, recommended to be a huntsman and then invited to be a professor.

"Woah!" both Viridian and Ivory said at the same time after Jaune told them the story.

After talking a bit more, half an hour passed and their Mom and younger sisters arrived, at first, they were spooked to see an unknown man cooking what seems to be a pancake and two women in her kitchen, one eating a pancake and narrating a story and the other listening and laughing at the story of the shorter girl, but then she heard Viridian and Ivory talking to people in the living room so she thought they might have been friends of her daughter, then she saw the shorter girl approach her.

"Are you the mother of Jaune-Jaune," Nora said, while Pyrrha and Ren were looking at Jaune's mother and younger sisters.

"Yes, I am, and who might you be," Amarilla said.

"My name is Nora Valkyrie, the man cooking is my partner Lie Ren and the tall redhead is Pyrrha Nikos, we are not just friends of Jaune-Jaune, we are his team members at Beacon," Nora said, Amarilla heard her say that she was team members of Jaune at Beacon, but before she was about to say something her daughters moved towards Pyrrha.

"Are you the Pyrrha Nikos, 'Invincible Girl' of Mistral?" Cyan and Jade asked at the same time, Pyrrha just smiled and answered their question.

"Yes, I am that Pyrrha Nikos," Pyrrha said while smiling.

"That is so cool, we have a celebrity in our house. You know when we were younger there are times when Jaune would watch your fight but would sometimes say that you might be strong against tournament fighters and that your fighting style is supposed to only be used in a tournament rather than for real Grimms in the wild, as your moves are too flashy rather than efficient and quick." Cyan said.

"Yeah, and we would always tell him that you would probably kick his buŧŧ if you both meet," Jade said, this caused Pyrrha to blush since she hasn't once been able to even have a clean hit on Jaune during sparring.

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint but, your big brother Jaune, will be the one kicking my buŧŧ, I have fought him multiple times, I have gone all out and I have never been able to land a clean hit on him while he was not even taking me seriously," Pyrrha said.

"What?!" Cyan and Jade said shocked since they have never seen their brother train, and to beat 'The Invincible Girl' was not something they could imagine.

"Girls, do you mind going to your brother and greet him, while I talk to Nora, Ren and Pyrrha about your brother," Amarilla said, and the three young girls understood, they dropped the groceries at the table and left to go to the living room and meet their brother.

"Uhm, is there something wrong, Miss Arc," Pyrrha asked Amarilla.

"My name is Amarilla Arc, you can just call me Amarilla and no there is nothing wrong, I just wanted to know more about Jaune's attendance at Beacon," Amarilla said.

"What do you mean," Pyrrha asked.

"I just wanted to know if he gets along with the other students in Beacon, or how he is coping with classes," Amarilla asked, Pyrrha was going to answer but was too late as Nora answered before her.

"Well, Jaune-Jaune has a good relationship with the other students at Beacon, as for classes, Jaune does go to class like us since you know he is a professor at Beacon," Nora said happily.

"What? How can Jaune be a Professor at Beacon." Amarilla asked them confused at what Nora said.

"Hasn't Jaune told you about him being the youngest huntsman of Vale, and the youngest professor to be hired at Beacon," Pyrrha said.

"Can you tell me more about Jaune at Beacon, as much as you know," Amarilla asked, Nora happily told her all the things that Jaune has been doing at Beacon, how he was a team leader to two teams, how he opened his own company called the Arc Industries, how he went to the dance with seven girls, and lastly how he was going to be a father, meanwhile Amarilla was listening to the stories of Nora while Pyrrha and Ren corrected some things that Nora has exaggerate, she just laughed.

"I see, I guess Giallo was wrong about Jaune's dream of being a Huntsman," Amarilla said while chuckling.

"What do you mean," Pyrrha asked.

"When Jaune was younger, he would hear stories from his great grandfather about being a hero, the Arc Legacy, and when Jaune was nine, his great grandfather passed away, from then on, Jaune dreamed of being a Huntsman, he would none stop ask his father for training, but Giallo would always decline his request since he believes it's just a phase but now after hearing everything you said, I guess it was never a phase and he did achieve his dream of being a Huntsman," Amarilla said while chuckling and recalling all the stories that Nora told her about him being a team leader, opening a company and he was even going to be a father.

"Eh?!" Amarilla exclaimed after recalling all the stories that Nora told her and it was with Terra no less.

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