In Ozpin's office, team RWBY are being briefed on the mission that they have taken, they are being given instructions on what they must do and who they must meet.

"As you all have been informed, this is a high-class mission, taken by those who are in their third and fourth year, but due to a recommendation from Ms. Goodwitch you are to be allowed to take the mission, tell me, are you sure you are ready for this time of mission." Ozpin informed them and then asked, Ruby looked at her team and they all nodded at her, indicating that they are sure they can take on the mission.

"We are ready." Ruby replied to Ozpin.

"Well then, the mission that you have taken will be monitored by Dr. Oobleck, the mission is to liaison with an informant that we have been working with, two of you are familiar with him, he happens to be Torchwick." Ozpin said.

"Why would you be willing to work with some like Torchwick, he is a terrorist, and he is currently working with the Bloody Fang." Blake said.

"We know that he is working for the Bloody Fang, Ms. Belladonna." Ozpin said.

"Then why would you work with him if you know that he is working with active terrorist." Blake asked.

"We also know, Ms. Belladonna that he is working with them not because he wants to, it is because he is being forced to work for them, so we made a deal with him, he helps us take them down, and we make sure that his niece is safe and won't be charged for her crime." Ozpin said. After hearing what Ozpin said, Blake let it go since he was aware of the situation more than her.

"Now, continuing what I was going to say, you are to meet with Torchwick and his ally, and help him detain all the Bloody Fang that will be around, and you all will be responsible to stopping anything else they have planned, after you will also be capturing Torchwick, sine the person threatening Torchwick according to him has another plan that will involve him being captured first, but even he does not know what he is supposed to do after being captured." Ozpin said.

With team JNPR, they are being briefed by Glynda about their mission and what they need to look out for.

"Your mission is to clear out two dozen Grimms that have been spotted quite close to the settlement in Domrémy, and if you have any questions about the settlement, then the best person to ask will be your team leader, since he grow up there, and lastly, like the other teams you will have a licensed huntsman to shadow you since you are first year, and since Jaune is a professor and a licensed huntsman it will only be the three of you, Jaune will be monitoring your performance while he watches in the side and will only intervene when necessary. Any questions?" Glynda said while looking at Nora, Ren and Pyrrha.

"Is there anything we need to look out for." Ren asked.

"None if all the information regarding the mission is accurate, but it is best to always keep an eye out, since mission details aren't always accurate, anything else." Glynda said.

"What time do we leave for the mission." Pyrrha asked.

"You will be expected to depart in an hour, but since you won't be using a bullhead, it will be up to your leader to decided when to leave as long as you arrive in the settlement by tomorrow at ten in the morning." Glynda said, they all nodded and left the office along with Jaune.

"So, Jaune-Jaune, can you tell as what Domrémy is like." Nora asked.

"Domrémy is a small place having less than three hundred residents, but people in Domrémy all have a familiarity with one another and they give off friendly vibes especially to my father since he is the only Huntsman protecting everyone in the settlement." Jaune said.

"So, Jaune, what is your family like." Nora asked.

"Well, I have seven sisters, and both my parents, and like I said earlier my dad is a huntsman, but my mom is just a regular housewife who loves her children, while my sisters are all good at what they do, whether it is music, art or anything that they fancy, they will learn it the best they can and be the best in it, at least they are in my eyes." Jaune said, but he saw that Nora was sad.

"Nora, what's wrong?" Jaune asked.

"It's just that I did not have any parents growing up let along siblings. I did not know my parents and have been living alone for a long time before I met Ren and that meeting wasn't good, since it was a day of tragedy, it was the day that me and Ren had to take care of one another, the only family I have is Ren." Nora said, nearly in tears due to remembering such a tragic memory. Ren was about to console Nora but Jaune said something that made even his smile.

"That's where you're wrong Nora, Ren isn't your only family, you have me, Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Penny. To me you are like my eighth sister, and I bet that when you meet my family especially my younger sisters, they will be very welcoming to you since they will see you as an awesome pancake loving older sister." Jaune said to Nora while hugging her and smiling at her.

"Do you really mean it, when you say that I am like your eighth sister." Nora asked hopefully.

"Yes, Nora. I promise that I am not lying, and I even see Ren as the brother I never had." Jaune said, which Ren was very grateful as he sees Jaune as a brother as well.

After taking for a few more minutes, Jaune told his team to pack what they believe they will need, even if he already pack, Jaune wanted them to be able to learn what to pack for themselves since there is a chance that will go on a mission without him. It did not take long for Nora, Ren and Pyrrha to pack, and went to the port where Jaune's Quinjet was waiting for them, Jaune already informed Veronica to get the Quinjet ready, and set a flight path to Argus since he will be the one flying the aircraft since he has yet to repair the autopilot, luckily, he was able to easily fix the scanners.

When they arrived in front of the Quinjet, he called out to Veronica and this shocked the rest of JNPR since they have yet to use their suits, they did not know about the A.I. even if the A.I. in the suit is less advance than the ones Jaune have.

"Jaune, who was that." Pyrrha asked.

"Who." Jaune asked.

"The person you were just talking too." Pyrrha said.

"You mean Veronica, she is my personal A.I. she does things I ask her, she is connected to most of my things, such as my computer, my lab equipment, etc… she ȧssist me in things I need to be done right away, how do you guys not know about the A.I. your suits have them albeit a bit simpler since you don't have much use for it." Jaune said.

"Our suits have it, Cool." Nora said.

"How do you not know about it." Jaune asked.

"That's because you told us not to use it unless we go on a mission, and also told us not to use it during training." Ren said.

"I also told you guys to explore the features of the suit, I guess that is the reason why I haven't seen Nora flying around." Jaune said. Nora's ears perked up with the word flying.

"Wait, did you say fly, we can fly in our suit." Nora said.

"Maybe, if you want to find out, then you will have to explore the features of the suit." Jaune said, which caused Nora to deflate since she did not want to figure it out herself.

"But, what if I accidentally break it or something." Nora said.

"If that was to happen, Nora, then there is nothing I can do since I don't have any more materials to repair the suits since they are made from very rare materials that cost billions." Jaune said, and Nora is even more deflated since she needed to be more careful when she tries to experiment with the suit.

"Nora can't really break the suit right." Ren whispered.

"Hell no. if she manages to break it then I will show her the suits other special feature such as the food fabricator." Jaune whispered to Ren.

"Wait, the suit has a food fabricator." Ren asked.

"It does, but it is not the best, the food it makes is good, but sometimes it's bland." Jaune says, and Ren nodded in understanding.

"So, Jaune are you the one piloting this aircraft." Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah, since there no one else trained to fly my Quinjet." Jaune said.

"Oooh, fearless leader is it okay if I take the co-pilot seat." Nora asked.

"Sure, why not, as long as you promise me that you won't touch anything that I say not to touch." Jaune said.

"I promise, Jaune." Nora said.

"Okay then, everyone take a seat, we will be departing in a minute." Jaune said.

"So, Jaune will we be heading straight to Domrémy." Pyrrha asked.

"No, we will first be heading to Argus to pick up my sister and her wife." Jaune said.

"Is it also okay, while in Argus for me to meet my mom, I haven't seen her since I went to Beacon." Pyrrha asked.

"That's fine, Pyrrha. It's always good to stay in touch with your family, I always at least talk to my parents and sibling once a month, even if they don't know that I am now a fully licensed huntsman." Jaune said while the last bits were muffled since he did not want them to hear it.

"Thank you, Jaune." Pyrrha said.

"Anyway, are you guys ready to leave." Jaune asked, and they all nodded.

The Quinjet took off and they are now headed to Argus, they were all excited to finally go on their first mission, except for Pyrrha since she is quite nervous to meet with Jaune's sister and her wife, that is why she decided to meet her mom so that Jaune would also be meeting with her mom.

The flight to Argus was very relaxing, Nora did as she promised, which was not to touch any of the buŧŧons, she was so well behaved that Jaune even allowed her to take control of the Quinjet, Pyrrha was on her scroll looking at her mom's contact info, while Ren was meditating. Pyrrha wanted to call her mom to inform her that she will be visiting her in a few minutes but since there were no CCTS she could not send her a message or so she thought since she did not know about the Satellite, since to contact someone across the continent they had to go to a CCTS in person. Jaune left the control to Nora and headed to outside the ċȯċkpit where Pyrrha and Ren are, he saw that Ren was meditating so he looked at Pyrrha and saw that she was on her scroll.

"Hey Pyrrha, can I ask what you are doing." Jaune said.

"I am waiting until we are close enough to Argus to be able to send a message to my mom that I would be home in a few minutes." Pyrrha said.

"Why, you can send it now if you want." Jaune said.

"Jaune you can't send a message across the continent without going to a CCTS in person." Pyrrha informed Jaune which got him confused until he realised that he did not inform anyone that they can now communicate across the continent with just their scroll.

"Oh My Oum, I forgot to tell you and everyone from team RWBY that you no longer need to go to the CCTS to talk to people across the continent since the CCTS of Beacon has already been shut down and that a satellite system has been put in place, and can be used to communicate all around Remnant." Jaune said, apologetic that since he forgot to mention to NPR and RWBY that they can speak to their family even in the comfort of their rooms, they haven't talked to their family members, and when Jaune thought about it, he realised why whenever Blake wanted to talk to her parents she asks him to send her to Menagerie instead of just making a scroll call.

When Pyrrha heard what Jaune said, she decided to test it out and just like Jaune said it worked without any issue and was glad that in the future she would be able to talk to her mother anytime she wanted.

Within thirty minutes they arrived in Argus, Jaune messaged Terra and Saphron that he was bringing guests over since they are heading to their mission destination when they leave once more. Meanwhile, Pyrrha was talking to her mother about visiting her in a few minutes since she was already in Argus, she told her team that she would meet them in a few minutes after she meets with her mother, while Jaune, Ren and Nora are headed to Saphron and Terra's house, when they arrived he knocked on their door and the person who answered the door was Jaune's sister Saphron.

"Hello, Saph." Jaune said while Ren and Nora were behind him.

"Jaune! Come in, and are those two members of your team." Saphron said when she saw both Ren and Nora.

"Yup, the girl is Nora and the boy is Ren, they are indeed a part of my team, and just like I said the last time that I came here, we are heading to Domrémy for a mission." Jaune said.

"There are only three of you, I read that the teams made in a Huntsman academy were four, where's your other member." Saphron asked.

"Well, she lives here in Argus, so, she went to visit her parents, she told us that she would just meet us in a few minutes." Jaune said.

"When she arrives, I would love to meet her, and that goes to the both of you as well." Saphron said while facing Ren and Nora.

"How are you and Terra doing in the last few days?" Jaune asked.

"We're doing great, and we are both excited to meet our baby in a few weeks." Saphron said.

"I am also excited to meet the baby, so, do you and Terra know the gender of the baby." Jaune asked Saphron.

"We don't, were wanted it to be a surprise when the baby was born, since we wanted you to be there when the baby is born so that we all will be able to know the gender at the same time." Saphron said, then Terra arrived in all her pregnant glory, and when Jaune saw her, he immediately stood up and help her to the couch to have a seat.

"Terra, how are you feeling." Jaune asked.

"Oh, you know, pregnant." Terra said jokingly which got Jaune to laugh with her.

"Okay, I will take all the things you need to bring back home, while you guys just relax here and have a nice conversation, I'll be back in a few minutes." Jaune said to everyone in the room, but before Jaune left to pick up the stuff of Saphron and Terra, he received a message from Pyrrha asking him where he is now and he sent his sister's address to Pyrrha so she can meet with them, then he proceeded to go to the room where Saphron and Terra's boxes are.

Meanwhile, with Terra and Saphron, they are talking to Nora and Ren, they were asking questions regarding Jaune while he was at Beacon, and if they know the girls that are interested in Jaune. Nora was more than happy to tell them about RWBY, Pyrrha, Penny and Glynda, and as a thank you, Saphron asked her if they want to hear some of Jaune's embarrassing moments as a kid.

"There was this one time, when Jaune was seven, we dressed him as a girl and we even did his hair, and mom decided to bring him to nearby park to play with the kids and people really believed that he was a girl, he was so cute back then." Saphron said, and she continued to tell them as many embarrassing stories as she could before Jaune returned and the best part was that Saphron even had pictures and Nora made copies that she will later be shared to her friends back in Beacon.

"Is that really Jaune, OH MY GOD HE IS SO ADORABLE." Nora said while looking at the pictures of Jaune as a kid, and even Ren was showing an amused face.

"This is a side of Jaune I never thought I would see since he is always quite focused back in Beacon." Ren said, while Saphron just continued showing more pictures.

"Can you tell me more about what Jaune is like in Beacon." Terra asked.

"Jaune is amazing, he is one of the best teacher we can ask for, he is strict but not overly, and he has this certain air about him when he teaches, and whenever it happens no matter how boring the subject is, we can't help but be motivated to learn more, we never feel tired when we are in his class, and a lot of student even look forward to his lesson." Nora said, and Saphron and Terra nodded at Nora's answer, there are times when Jaune told them to do the cleaning themselves when they over-relied on him and during those time the air around Jaune changes and they can't help but follow his instructions.

After talking for a bit more, Jaune arrived back at the living room with them and not long after Jaune arrived there was knock at the door which Jaune decided to answer since Nora and Ren are guests while Terra was pregnant and not very mobile and Saphron was busy having a conversation with Nora and Ren. When he arrived at the door, he asked who it was and he recognised the voices, since the voice belonged to Pyrrha, but another woman was beside Pyrrha who Jaune believes to be a relative of Pyrrha.

"Come in, Pyrrha and-." Jaune said.

"Dalia Nikos." Dalia introduced herself, and Jaune just nodded.

"And I am Jaune Arc, please come in Pyrrha and Mrs. Nikos." Jaune said.

"You can just call me Dalia, Jaune, as long as you allow me to call you as such." Dalia said.

"If you insist Dalia, and I have no problem being addressed with my first name rather than my family name." Jaune said while he was bringing them in the living room when they arrived Jaune decided to tell them who as at the door.

"Hey guys, Pyrrha just arrived and she brought a guest along." Jaune said, and they looked at Pyrrha and the woman beside her, who they did not know.

"It's nice to meet you all, I am Dalia Nikos mother of this young lady right here." Dalia said while pulling her daughter beside her.

"I am Saphron Cotta-Arc." Saphron said.

"Terra Cotta-Arc." Terra said.

"I'm Nora Valkyrie." Nora said quite tame to her usual self since she was still looking embarrassing photo of Jaune.

"Lie Ren, but I prefer to be called Ren." Ren said.

"It is nice to meet you, and now which one of you are dating my daughter, she might hide the fact that she is dating someone but I can tell that she is in love, I just don't know who." Dalia said while smiling.

"I'm the one dating Pyrrha." Jaune said.

Dalia looked at Jaune up and down, from his toes to the top of his head, she circled him like a shark, there was not an inch of Jaune that she did not look at, and lastly, she looked in Jaune's eye and she said.

"I approve of you, you are strong, I can tell just the way you carry yourself, your body is not bulky but one can tell just how much power it packs, and lastly Pyrrha may not have told me your name when she came home, but I can tell she really cares for you, please take good care of her, she is all I have left." Dalia said.

"I promise, I will. And an Arc never goes back on his words." Jaune said seriously, and this caused Dalia to truly approve of Jaune, she saw her husband in Jaune when he made that promise, and she was glad that Pyrrha chose Jaune.

Since the moment Pyrrha arrived they just had a great time sharing embarrassing stories of Jaune and Pyrrha when they were a child, Dalia even showed a video of Pyrrha trying to dance when she was a child and was failing, she just kept falling on her buŧŧ, this, of course, got Pyrrha very embarrassed so Saphron decided to show a picture of Jaune in his pink bunny onesie with his hair tied in a braid since his hair was quite long as a child. It was nearly time for dinner so Jaune decided to make dinner for everyone while the rest continued to share stories, eventually, the smell of Jaune's cooking got them to stop talking to one another and their stomach grumbled since they haven't eaten anything yet, so they when to the kitchen to see what Jaune has cooked, and he cooked a lot.

They looked at all the food Jaune cooked and it just caused their stomach to grumble even further, Jaune just told then not be shy and dig in, they all took a sit and they had a wonderful dinner while continuing their earlier conversation, even though Jaune and Pyrrha were quite embarrassed they did not stop them since they saw just how much they were having such a great time.

Eventually, Dalia had to return home and head to bed since she would be having an early morning due to her job, Jaune and everyone in the house said their goodbye to both Pyrrha and Dalia since Pyrrha wanted to spend some more time with her mother, but Jaune reminded Pyrrha that they would be leaving at eight in the morning since they need to arrive at their mission location at ten O'clock, which Pyrrha just nodded at before she left with her mother. Jaune, Terra, Saphron, Ren and Nora also decided that they needed to head to bed since they will be leaving quite early, so they went to sleep.

The next morning, Jaune woke up at five in the morning and did his morning routine, then made breakfast for everyone, after he headed to the location that he landed the Quinjet so that he could fix the damaged autopilot, it was not a difficult task to do but it did take him an hour to do. He also made changes to the interior of the Quinjet, it was simple to do since the interior of the Quinjet was made from nanites, all he had to do was ask Veronica to change it, the inside of the Quinjet was now very spacious, there was no longer a ċȯċkpit door since it was now an open space, there were two seats near the controls which are for the pilot and co-pilot while there are five seats behind it, the windscreen was now a lot wider for better viewing, and the seats are now made to be very comfortable, Jaune did this since he was not enjoying the original seats that he set up, now it looked better and felt better, he also made this changes since he wanted Terra to have a comfortable experience, rather than have her be uncomfortable since she was pregnant.

After Jaune finished making changes to the Quinjet, he decided to head back to his sister's house since they still had an hour before they depart, when he arrived he saw that Pyrrha was already there eating breakfast with everyone which included her mother Dalia. Jaune was happy that Pyrrha's mother approved of her daughter dating him even if they haven't told her about the others, which he is hoping that she does not get angry when they tell her in a later date when it was that to depart, Jaune brought them to an area with enough clearing for the Quinjet to land nearby since he did not want Terra to use too much energy when the Jaune brought them to a clearing his team were confused since they know that Jaune did not land anywhere near the area, but a few seconds later they hear the engine of the Quinjet and they looked up and saw that it was flying towards them.

"Who is flying the Quinjet." Pyrrha asked.

"Veronica is the one piloting it since I was able to repair the damaged autopilot, now we can all relax while we fly smoothly to Domrémy." Jaune said.

"Jaune, where did you get something like that." Saphron said while she pointed at the Quinjet.

"I did not get it anywhere, I designed and built it myself, she is a beauty, isn't she." Jaune said.

"You built it, no wonder the colour scheme is the Arc colours of white, gold, and blue." Saphron said.

"Come on, let's head in and have you guys seated." Jaune said. Ren, Nora and Pyrrha saw that the inside was different and more spacious than before, and the seating was different and vastly improved.

"What the, did you make changes to it this morning." Nora said.

"Yup, made changes so that everyone can see the outside and enjoy the view, the seats have also been changed for more comfort, and extra space behind the seats in case we need to formulate a plan on the go." Jaune said.

"You work fast, how do you do it." Pyrrha asked.

"I didn't do much since the interior of the Quinjet is made from nanites similar to our suits, meaning that I can just ask Veronica to make the changes and she would do so in a few minutes." Jaune said.

"That is quite handy." Pyrrha said.

Everyone took a seat besides Pyrrha since she wanted to say her goodbye to her mom before they leave.

"I guess, this is a good bye for now, mom." Pyrrha said.

"Don't be like that Pyrrha, you told me you will be able to call me anytime with scroll, so go on and head out with your team, and remember if you need any advice, you can call me any time you want to ask me something or to just have a casual talk." Dalia said.

"Goodbye, mom. It was good to see you again in person after half a year, and I promise I will call whenever I have time." Pyrrha said.

After say her goodbye, Pyrrha headed to back inside the Quinjet and sat down and strapped on a seatbelt, she then told Jaune that she was ready, while the Quinjet was taking of it span about one hundred and eighty degrees and they saw Pyrrha's mom, Dalia, waving them goodbye, before they flew away from Argus.

On the way to Domrémy, they were able to see many beautiful sights such as the mountain range, cliffs that looked beautiful, they even saw a beautiful meadow filled with so much flower, and they also saw a lake that Nora was hoping they can go to later and have a pancake picnic. And finally, they were able to see Domrémy with an aerial view, they saw that it was a really small settlement and understood why it only had one huntsman, it was because it was quite far from any of the main city of the four kingdoms, there seemed to only be a small area which the people live in and the rest were forest and in that forest, they can see a building that was away from the rest of the house quite a fair bit, it was Jaune's old base that he created and it was created before he made any cloaking for his base, it was the reason that it was visible.

Jaune landed the Quinjet and he was quite nervous to meet with his parents and sibling since he has met them for two and a half years, and he also wanted to tell them that he was able to fulfil his dream of becoming a huntsman, but he did not know how they would react when he tells them or whether they would be angry at Saphron for allowing him to be a huntsman in the first place, he was hoping that everything will go smoothly and there would hopefully be no family drama regarding him being a huntsman.

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