When they arrived back in Beacon, Jaune asked Nora if she could follow him to the training room since he needs to know just how much electricity she can handle so that he can complete the upgrade for her weapon, but rather than just Nora, the rest of the people in the group decided to follow to see what Jaune was planning.

"So, Jaune-Jaune, why did you need me here in the training room." Nora asked Jaune.

"As you know, I am upgrading your weapon, and one of the upgrades is to allow electricity to flow from the hammer to you, so, I need to know just how much electricity you can handle with your semblance." Jaune said.

"Cool, so how do we test my semblance limit." Nora said.

"I will use this hammer to send different amount of electricity to you and then scan you to make sure you are okay or if causes some damage to your body, I don't want to upgrade your weapon and accidentally overcharge you with electricity and put you in danger." Jaune said while showing Mjolnir to her, he did not want to use Stormbreaker since it was leagues above Mjolnir since it can block the power of the infinity stone. When Ruby saw the hammer, she was in front of Jaune in less than a second.

"That hammer look so cool, can I touch it." Ruby said.

"Sure, if you can lift it." Jaune said while putting Mjolnir on the ground.

Ruby tried to lift Mjolnir but to no avail, when the others show this they thought maybe they can lift it, Yang tried and failed, she even used her semblance, she asked them to attack her a bit so she can absorb their attack but the increase in strength did nothing to even move the hammer a millimetre, Weiss tried to use her summoned Arma Gigas to lift the hammer but was unsuccessful, even Glynda tried lifting it with her semblance which she can lift anything by negating the weight of the item, yet Mjolnir still won't move, and lastly Nora tried lifting it with everything she has, but nothing is happening and lastly down bent down, put his hand on Mjolnir and lifted it with ease.

"How, how can you lift it without any problem." Ruby asked, a bit jealous that she could not lift the hammer.

"That is a secret, but I will say this, the hammer does not care how strong you are but it judges your character." Jaune said cryptically.

"What does that even mean." Ruby said a bit annoyed.

Jaune just smiles, does not say anything and he continued to do the test on Nora, Jaune first applied a very small amount of electricity and Nora was fine, the increase in her strength was not a lot but it was still noticeable, if in the beginning, Nora can lift seven of her, now after her semblance absorbs the electricity she can now lift ten of her. And the second time down applied enough electricity to power an electric bike, and she was still fine and can now lift twenty of herself, and the last test was a massive amount, Jaune charged Mjolnir like how Captain America blasted Thanos with Mjolnir, and for the most part, Nora was fine but her body was showing signs of being damaged and he saw that as her limit, and that amount of electricity, Nora was able to move as fast as Ruby when Ruby is using her semblance.

"Okay Nora, that will be it. How are you feeling right now." Jaune asked.

"I'm feeling fine now, after I used up all the excess energy, that hammer is insane to be able to produce that much electricity, not even a pure dust crystal can do that." Nora said slightly sluggish since she had to expel all the energy.

"Well now I make the right amount of power to put on the upgrade of Magnhild, and you will be able to use your semblance in an emergency without causing any damages to your body or health." Jaune said.

After the testing, Jaune continued to make the upgrades of their weapons, while everyone for some reason was just watching him work, since they have never seen him very focus like now, they have seen him quite serious but not focused and they like how he was when they saw him this way, Ruby especially since she can relate to him when she is working on her Crescent Rose.

'Damn, look at him all focused, he looks so damn sėxy.' Yang thought.

'He looks just like that one time in my dream, when he focused on my body, and it sent shivers down my spine, I just want him to dominate me… wait what am I thinking.' Weiss thought.

'Oh my, I like the look on him when he is focused.' Glynda thought.

'I feel hot for some reason.' Penny and Ruby thought.

Pyrrha and Blake were both having a bloody nose so they excuse themselves and headed to the toilet, while the others knew exactly what they were imagining, especially for Blake since they have seen the books she reads.

"What are you guys looking at." Jaune asked.

"Nothing!!" Everyone said, and they left to head back to their rooms and they were glad that they have their soundproof rooms. Jaune for the most part knew that they were probably fantasizing about him from the way they looked at him and how Pyrrha and Blake had a nosebleed.

Jaune just smiled and went back to finishing the weapon upgrades, for Weiss she said that she would retire her Myrtenaster since Lambent Light can do everything Myrtenaster can and more. For Blake, the upgrade will be like Pyrrha's, and lastly, he was making a new weapon for Glynda, he was thinking about giving her a weapon designed as a wand that can be transformed into a short sword in case of a Grimm getting to close, but he doesn't know what to design it as.

After completing the upgrades, Jaune also decided to create Gate of Babylon to store all of his weapon and other things that he believes to be extremely dangerous and he also made a flying fortress inside GoB alongside with an aircraft with a throne on it, finally, it was nearly time for dinner, so Jaune decided to go and make dinner, but first, he made the red, blue, and gold pills for Glynda, Summer and Penny, he plans to give it to them after dinner since he does not want them to take the pills without eating dinner first.

For dinner, Jaune made some Beef Vegetable Stew, Spaghetti Casserole, Pot Roast, and lastly Creole Jambalaya, normally this much food would be unhealthy but due to them being huntsman, their aura will ȧssist their body in breaking down food faster and replenish their energy faster. When Summer smelt a very fragrant smell she headed to the kitchen since there is only one person who cooks in the place she is staying in, and just like in the morning she decided to take notes of Jaune cooking, from how he prepared the ingredients to how he slowly placed the ingredients to the pot.

After cooking Jaune called everyone for dinner while eating they were talking about how excited they were even Ruby, who is getting a lesson from her mom how to use a heel so that she can dance with Jaune during the dance. Summer right now was just happy to be able to eat dinner with her daughters and husband, and Tai, Ruby Yang was happy too but unfortunately, Qrow was not around since he went on a mission to see who the mole could be, but luckily Jaune was able to give him the same cube lie detector that he gave to Ozpin, which should make his questioning easier.

After dinner, Jaune called Glynda, Summer and Penny to the lounge room to give them the pills, he explained to them what it does and he also told them how to use it.

"Jaune, if what you said is true then can't you just make more to help all the huntsman everywhere." Summer asked.

"Unfortunately, that is too dangerous, can you imagine what it would be like if criminals such as the Bloody Fang gets their hand on these pills, their strength would increase and their members would increase as well since they can use the pills as incentive to recruit more radical people, and it is also because the materials to make them is extremely rare, the cost of making it is also high." Jaune said, Jaune did not need any materials to make the pills but it was the only way to stir them away from the topic, but Jaune was worried about criminals getting their hand on the pills, which is why he decided to not sell them in his store.

As soon as Jaune finished talking to three, they went back to their room and they each took the three pills at the same time since it just melts on their mouths, which at first when Jaune mentioned that the pills would be best taken all three at the same time shocked them but after Jaune explained that it would melt in their mouth easily, they breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as they took the pills they were knocked out, and they are in for a surprise in the morning.

In the morning when everyone woke up, Summer and Penny saw the changes in their body and they were amazed at their beauty, Summer and Penny aren't narcissistic but they both had to admit they look beautiful, Summer looked younger with beautiful smooth hair and skin, she looked so much like her younger self when she went to Beacon, While Penny looked more mȧturė and bustier than she previously was, and they both loved the changes in their body.

Meanwhile, Glynda in her Beacon room was just gobsmacked at her changes, she did not just look younger, she looked better than when she went to Beacon as a student, her skin smoother than it has ever been, her hair soft and smooth like a cloud, her green eyes shine like jade and she no longer needs her glasses which enhances her beauty even more. When Glynda saw that she looked younger, her worries of looking older than Jaune and him no longer being interested in her disappeared and she was thankful to him for giving her a renewed youthful look.

As for Jaune, he was in his workshop making something for Penny that knew she would need, but he was able to finish it in an hour, so, after that, he went in the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone, he knows that the girls will be very busy all day preparing for the dance, whether it is making sure that the dress is perfect or thinking whether Jaune will like them in the dress or not.

When everyone woke up, just as Jaune suspected all the girls including Nora was preparing for the dance and asked both Jaune and Ren to leave for a bit since they want it to be a surprise, so Jaune headed to Argus to help Saphron and Terra, while Ren decided to stay in his room and meditate.

While in Argus, Jaune was talking to Saphron and Terra about the dance, and they told Jaune just to enjoy the night with all the girls that he is dating, and show them a good night, and after that, they decided to talk about what they are going to tell their parents when Jaune goes back home for a mission, and their parents would ask questions unless he doesn't tell them that he is there.

"Jaune, you told me that you will be going on a mission back home, what are you going to tell dad and mom, are you going to tell them that you are in fact a huntsman or not." Saphron said.

"I am thinking that it is time that we told them, the only problem is that they might get angry at you since, you were the one that was supposed to watch over me when I lived with you." Jaune said.

"It doesn't matter, if they get angry then let them, I did the right thing, since I know that if I did not bring you with me then, you would have done something drastic that could endanger your life." Saphron.

"If you are okay with it, then I think it is time I told them." Jaune said.

"By the way Jaune, I wanted to ask, you send money to Terra and I for a few months now, and I know that you are working as a professor at Beacon but, how are you able to send us a lot of money in the millions." Saphron asked.

"Right, about that, I guess I haven't told you about. I actually own a company in Menagerie, it is a technological company that creates products that do not use dust, since I believe that dust should only be used against Grimm instead of an everyday product, so I made the Arc industries to do that, and I made it on Menagerie to give Faunus a better work environment." Jaune said.

"Wait, are you saying that the company that is pressuring the SDC to make changes due to losing a lot of its Faunus worker is a company that you opened." Terra asked.

"Yup, I am working with the chieftain of Menagerie to keep the company going, he manages the company and he gets a share that he could use to improve Menagerie while I make new products it can sell." Jaune said.

After talking for a while Jaune decided that he might as well, baby proof the house, even though Saphron and Terra were not going to be staying in the house for a while since they wanted to get tips on how to take care of a child from their mother before returning.

For most of the day, Jaune has been baby-proofing the house since the last time he was in Argus he wasn't able to since Terra and Saphron dropped a huge bomb on him, so he took this time to complete it, after that he returned to Beacon to prepare for the dance.

When he returned to Beacon he only had two hours before the dance since he did not use any of his gadgets to baby proof Saphron and Terra's house, instead, he did it all by hand, so right now he is heading to the bathroom to take a show and get ready for the dance, unlike the girls who needed to fix their hair, put on some make-up even though he believes that they don't need it, all Jaune needed to do was to put on his suit and fix his hair and he was done.

Jaune waited for the girls to finish their preparation and the wait was worth it. Ruby was stunning, her dress matches her hair and has a nice contrast to her silver eyes, Yang was fabulous, her hair was tamed for the dance rather than her usual wild style, and she was breathtaking in her lilac dress, Weiss in her ice blue dress alongside her new hairstyle was elegant looking, fit for someone of noble birth, Blake as well had a new haircut, it was short but it proudly presents her Faunus ears, in Jaune's opinion made her more beautiful than her ribbon, and Pyrrha in her red dress and her hair down looked amazing and just like her name she looked like a fire burning to bring people to safety in a dark environment. While Jaune was looking at everyone, he heard the front door of the base open, and the person that entered was Glynda, rather than her usual bun, her blonde hair was flowing down and had layers on it, and alongside her dress, she looked heavenly.

"Have you girls seen Penny, if I remember, she was excited to go to the dance with everyone." Jaune asked.

"You're right, I haven't seen her all day." Ruby said.

"Maybe she hasn't finished getting ready yet, and she might still be in her room." Yang said.

"I'll go and see if she is okay." Jaune said.

Jaune headed to Penny's room, he knocked and no one answered, so he knocked again, and Penny opened the door, but Jaune saw that Penny has not even gotten her dress on, so Jaune knew that something was wrong.

"Hey, Penny, what's wrong?" Jaune asked, and Penny ran to hug him since she was saddened about something.

"Jaune, I don't think I can go to the dance with all of you since General Ironwood would be in the dance." Penny said, nearly in tears since she has been waiting for this day, a day to have fun with everyone.

"Penny, you know if you have a problem, you can come to me for help and I would gladly thing of something to help you, and I knew that Ironwood would be at the dance, that is why I made this just for you in the morning." Jaune said while handing Penny a hair clip.

"Uhm, Jaune, I don't think the general would be fooled by a hair clip." Penny said.

"It's not just any hair clip Penny, I made it so that when you wear it, it would hide your real face to the people you don't want to know who you are, while everyone you don't mind seeing you would still just see as Penny." Jaune said. Penny looked at the hair clip and she hugged Jaune once more to thank him.

"Thank you, Jaune. You really are a great boyfriend." Penny said with a huge smile on her face, and Jaune just smiled back.

Penny did not take long for her to get ready, since she was once an android, Penny did not care for make-up, so, she did not use any. But when she finished preparing and came out to meet everyone, she looked gorgeous, her light green dress goes nicely with her green eyes and her hair, and even without make-up, she still looked amazing. Jaune looked at everyone and he said.

"Shall we, head to the dance, My ladies." Jaune said with a bow, and everyone just chuckled at him and they headed to the dance with Ren and Nora with them.

When they arrived at the dance all eyes were on them, Glynda, the teacher that scares almost all the student, Ruby, the youngest student of Beacon, Weiss, the Heiress, Blake the cat ninja who is for the most part elusive, Yang, the blonde bombshell who likes to fight, Jaune, the youngest huntsman and professor of Beacon, Nora, the hyperactive and pancake loving girl, Pyrrha, the champion and invincible girl of Mistral tournament, Ren, the stoic ninja who no seems to understand at all, and lastly a girl who not of them seem to have seen before.

"Wow, the place looks fantastic." Yang said.

"It's acceptable." Weiss said.

"Come on Weiss, you have to remember that this is not an event in Atlas that they have to show off the amount of money they have, instead this event concentrate on students having fun." Jaune said, Weiss agreed but she did not stop comparing the event with Atlas events.

"The atmosphere seems to be wonderful and people are enjoying themselves while dancing." Penny said.

"Let's have some fun shall we." Jaune said.

They headed in, and they saw Ozpin watching all the students making sure that they do not do anything they aren't supposed to like spike the punch, and beside Ozpin was Ironwood, who seems to be doing the same as Ozpin but is treating the students as if they were prisoners as his soldier watches them beside him armed with weapons and full-body armour.

Jaune and the rest of the group were having fun dancing, Jaune danced with everyone he came with, he wanted to show them a good time, especially Penny since it was her first time to enjoy such an occasion. Everyone was having a wonderful time, Jaune was looking around to see if Cinder, Emerald and Mercury was in the dance but from what he can see, they were not and he believes that they were not at Beacon at all, which Jaune believes to be attributed to Ozpin who sent the picture of the three to his group which includes Lionheart, which he decided to ignore for now since they are not at Beacon for the time being and just enjoy the dance like everyone else.

A few months ago.

In a castle within the Grimmlands, which is also known as the Land of Darkness, we see a tall man with a moustache, a very muscular man, a woman with raven hair and amber eyes, a man with a scorpion tail, and lastly, a Grimm looking woman with white hair, red eyes and black sclera. The people were Arthur Watts, Hazel Rainart, Cinder Fall, Tyrian Callows, and Salem, they are currently discussing an important matter that Cinder brought up, which happens to be about one Jaune Arc.

"Mistress, we have an issue with the plan, according to Lionheart, Ozpin and his group knows that it was I who took half the power of the fall maiden." Cinder said.

"First, you failed to take the whole fall maiden power, now you have been spotted, wonderful, Cinder, how many more times will you fail." Arthur said, Cinder was about to refute his claims but Salem asked them to be quiet before she spoke herself.

"You told me that they weren't able to identify you due to the semblance of your underling." Salem said.

"They weren't able to, according to Lionheart, it was due to one of Ozpin's new pawn named Jaune Arc." Cinder said.

"An Arc, I haven't heard of that name for a long time. The last I heard of them was during the Great war which happened over eighty years ago, I know that they were one of the best warriors there was, and when the huntsman academy was created they were hailed as heroes, but over time they were forgotten." Salem said.

"Lionheart told me that, Jaune Arc was the one able to identify who I was, or that was what he was told by Ozpin." Cinder said.

"And have you looked into who this Jaune Arc is." Salem said.

I have and I was able to see some of his information, which says that he is the youngest huntsman in Vale and the youngest Professor at Beacon, and according to what I was able to gather, he was able to best Glynda Goodwitch in a fight which is the reason that Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch and Qrow Branwen recommended him to be a fully licensed Huntsman." Cinder said.

"So, do you have any plans to make sure that you don't fail your ȧssigned task of bringing upon the fall of Vale." Salem asked.

"I do, in a few months the students would be going on their first mission, I will put up a mission that can be used as bait, and I will ambush him then, which will be killing two birds with one stone since the Mistral champion is on Jaune Arc's team." Cinder said.

"I see, by killing Jaune Arc and the champion people will start having their hopes die as they hailed her as the 'Invincible Girl' and when she falls what are they to do next when their champion wasn't able to do anything." Salem said.

A few months later, Cinder was smiling smugly since Jaune accepted the bait mission that she put out, a mission in his home town.

"Mistress, Jaune Arc took the bait." Cinder said.

"Change of plans, Cinder. I want you in Vale to prepare as best as you can to make sure that you get the remaining power of the fall maiden, and start searching for the rest of the maiden." Salem said.

"But, who would deal with Jaune Arc." Cinder asked.

"I will be dealing with him personally, I felt a massive surge of energy earlier coming from nearby, so I decided to use the Seer to see what was happening, and I saw a blonde man with blue eyes fighting an ancient Grimm, he was able to best it even if only bȧrėly, I believe this is the man known as Jaune Arc." Salem said while showing a picture of Jaune through he Seer Grimm to Cinder.

"That is him mistress." Cinder confirmed.

"That means that you would not be enough to eliminate him, therefore I will be the one to deal with him personally to make sure that Ozpin will be another pawn less, so tell me your plan regarding Jaune, Cinder." Salem said.

"I was planning to lure him to an area that I know he would be familiar with; therefore, he would let down his guard, and I will ambush him with my team and eliminate him and the Nikos girl." Cinder said.

"What was the mission that he accepted." Salem asked.

"The mission was to eliminate a dozen Grimms that was sighted in the area of the mission." Cinder said.

"Then, I have a better idea, I will bring with me a horde of Grimm to eliminate him, and it would not be traced back to us since a horde invasion is normal in a small village such as his home town." Salem said.

Back in the present with Jaune.

Jaune was currently dancing with his team in a choreographed way, and people were cheering for them, and after that, Jaune took Pyrrha and danced with her during a slow song which was very intimate, then after he took Glynda for a dance, and then he danced with Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Penny, he made sure that he did not let anyone feel left out, and that they would all have their time with him. They all had fun, but eventually, the night was ending and the next day they were heading for their first mission as a team.

In the morning team RWBY was called in for a mission briefing, normally the mission that team RWBY picked would have only been available to third and fourth year, but thanks to Glynda's recommendation that they are stronger than most fourth years, they were allowed to accept the mission, and Ozpin wanted to inform them what the mission will entail and who they would meet since he knows that Blake Belladonna might attack his spy.

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