The next morning when Jaune woke, he decided not to do his morning routine, instead, he went to his workshop to start it up since he plans to upgrade the weapons of RWBY and NPR, so that it would be stronger than usual.

For Ren, he plans to upgrade Stormflower with the same upgrade with their V7 counterpart, giving it the ability to shoot out the blade like a grappling hook and either latching on a structure or a person, the blade of Stormflower will be adamantium, while the gun's body will be made from vibranium.

For Nora, he plans to give it the ability to emit electricity, so that she will be able to attack with the electricity or absorb it with her semblance to gain an extra boost in her strength, while changing the materials with adamantium and vibranium, with the hammerhead being adamantium for maximum hitting and vibranium for absorbing the impact of the hammer and storing it and can be used to increase the hammer impact.

For Pyrrha, he doesn't plan to change it much, the only thing he plans to do is change the materials, Akouo will be made from vibranium to enhance Pyrrha's ability to throw and catch the shield, while Milo's blades will be made from adamantium on either sword or javelin form, while its body will be vibranium to absorb impact for prolong usage.

For Blake and Weiss, there is nothing to change but the material to make it better, other than that, there is nothing to change.

While Jaune was thinking on what upgrades he plans to give RWBY and NPR, the other resident of the building is waking up, so he decided to head to the kitchen to make breakfast, but when he got there he saw Summer who seem to be waiting for some, he approached her to ask.

"Good morning Summer, are you waiting for someone." Jaune asked.

"Yes, actually, I was waiting for you here since I figured if you do all the cooking then you would be here to make breakfast for everyone." Summer said.

"So, what did you need with me then." Jaune asked.

"Please teach me the way you cook, when I saw everyone eating your food they were happy and satisfied in the end, I know I'm not bad at cooking but I have never had anyone make the expression they made when they ate your food." Summer said pleading to learn to cook like Jaune.

"Sure, why not. But I won't be able to teach you until after we come back from the teams first mission." Jaune said.

"I am okay with that, as long as you promise me that you will teach me when you have time." Summer said.

"That I can, so, Summer I promise that I will teach you how to cook the way I cook whenever I can." Jaune said.

"Thank you Jaune, so, what are you cooking for breakfast." Summer asked.

"I will be making some blueberry waffles and blueberry pancakes, and some quiche." Jaune said.

While Jaune was cooking, the rest of the residents woke up and was heading to the kitchen and when they got there they saw Jaune cooking while Summer was taking note of everything Jaune was doing while he was cooking. They were confused about why Summer was taking notes so one of them decided to ask.

"Uhm, mom why are you taking notes on what Jaune is doing." Ruby asked.

"Well, I wanted Jaune to teach me the way he cooks and he agree, but he said that he can only do so after you guys return from your missions, so right now I am just making some notes on the way he cooks." Summer said.

"Okay." Ruby said.

"So, what's for breakfast." Yang said.

"I am making some waffles and pancakes." Jaune said while he continued to cook.

"So, do you have any plans today." Summer asked the girls of the group.

"Actually yes, we plan to head to Vale and buy some dresses for the dance tomorrow." Yang said.

"So, Jaune, I heard from my daughters' that you are now dating nine people, which of them are you going to bring to the dance." Summer said and Tai was a bit angry that his daughter, his cookie monster was dating a boy that is dating multiple women, but Summer elbowed him in his rib to calm him down and it worked.

"I plan to take all of them beside two who is currently not here and is not able to come due to circumstances." Jaune said while the girls who heard him was happy that he plans to take them all to the dance, rather than just one or to be exact just Glynda.

"Oooh, I will go to Vale with the girls to go shopping, it has been a long time since I went shopping and I will be able to have some quality time with my daughters." Summer said excitedly.

"Well before they head to Vale, I need them to meet me in the training room after they eat breakfast since I need to show them the next course of their training." Jaune said.

"Oooh, will you finally teach us some powerful techniques, Jaune-Jaune." Nora asked.

"Nora, a technique does not have to be strong to be amazing, just like the gentle fist that I plan to teach Ren, it is very technique and control based, rather than strength base, and trust me the technique I plan to teach you Nora will require you to perfect the technique to be strong." Jaune said.

Everyone was excited to finally learn some techniques from Jaune, that they went and finished breakfast as fast as they can while still savouring the taste of their food. It took them thirty minutes to finish and they wanted to head into the training room but Summer stopped them and told them to rest and let their stomach to digest the food first before they start training which Jaune agreed too, meaning they had to wait at least an hour before heading to the training room and Tai, Qrow and Summer followed them.

When they got there, they were met with multiple dummies placed in different areas, some area only had one dummy while another has nine, they also saw Jaune sitting in the control system and was setting up something else.

"Jaune-Jaune, what are you doing right now to the controls of the training room, Oooh, is it broken or something." Nora asked.

"No, Nora. I am just making sure that the room will be able to withstand some of the techniques I will be showing you." Jaune said.

Jaune proceeded to show them the techniques he plans to teach each of them. The first was for Ren, he wanted to demonstrate the gentle fist, so he asked if anybody is willing to be used as a test dummy, and for some weird reason Qrow raised his hand, even he did not know why he did it.

"Okay Qrow, I want you to attack me." Jaune said.

Qrow did not have any weapon on him so he had to get closer to Jaune since it will be full-on hand-to-hand combat. Jaune took a stance where he is pointing both his palm at Qrow, with one hand more outstretched than the other, then he switched it to having his left hand and left leg still facing Qrow while the right hand was right hand and right leg was behind the other, the moment Qrow headed towards Jaune he started to shiver a bit but ignored it.

"Eight Trigram, Sixty-Four Palms." Jaune said. While he proceeded to hit Qrow in his pressure points which caused him to lose control of his body since it was forced to relax, and he dropped to the ground.

"You okay there, Qrow." Jaune asked.

"I'm fine but I can't move or feel anything." Qrow said.

"Yeah, I will carry you back to the seats since you won't be able to move for a while." Jaune said.

"That's a good idea, kid." Qrow said, and Jaune proceeded to carry him back to everyone else.

"So, Nora. What did you think." Jaune asked.


"Sorry, Nora. But that technique will be for Ren since he is the one that has the best aura control which is required to use that technique." Jaune said.

"So, what technique will you be teaching me, fearless leader." Nora asked.

"Well just wait, since the next technique will be the one that I plan to teach you." Jaune said.

"Now, Nora, this technique is very powerful but also very hard to perform since you have to do it in quick succession and I will also slow it down as best I can without having to lose the purpose of the technique." Jaune said, while he took Stormbreaker with one hand and proceeded to use the technique.

"Nine-Lives: Shooting the Hundred Heads." Jaune said and proceeded to hit the dummy with a single downward swing.

The people in the audience who saw the technique was gobsmacked at the display since all they saw was Jaune swinging his axe hammer once but nine targets were hit at the same time.

"As you heard, the technique is Nine-Lives: Shooting the Hundred Heads, the technique is originally a technique to hit a single target multiple times in quick succession that looked as if you only hit it once." Jaune said.

"That technique is insane, being able to hit a target multiple times in a single moment must take a huge toll on the body." Yang said.

"It does. It was the reason that I wanted to wait for you guys to be strong enough before I teach you this kind of techniques." Jaune said.

Jaune proceeded to show other technique that he will teach them. For Yang, it was the Rokushiki sine she prefers close combat, for Ruby he continued her training to complete Accel/Tempest turn, for Weiss he showed her Mother Rosario, for Blake he plans to teach her how to use the Getsuga Tensho in combat, and for Pyrrha it was to correct her habit of fighting as if she was in a tournament which is a big no when they are in the field.

Seeing all the techniques that they will learn from Jaune, they were excited to be able to do them and dominate during the Vytal Festival.

After training, Jaune asked Team RWBY and NPR to leave behind their weapon since he plans to upgrade them before they head to their mission after the dance, he decided to stay in his workshop while the girls head to Vale with Summer pulling Glynda with her, she wanted to have some bonding time with Ruby and Yang.

"Girls, it's been a while since I have been in Vale, or anywhere really, is there any place we can get you dresses for the dance." Summer said.

"We could go to the Vale mall, I heard they even opened a new shop there that sells multiple different things, such as huntsman weapon and gear, and appliances that last a very long time without needing to use dust on it." Ruby said.

"Ruby, first we need to buy some dresses and shoes for the dance before we can visit this store, okay." Yang said.

"Fine, but I don't even know why I have to wear heels for the dance." Ruby said.

"That is because that is the correct attire for such an event, not combat boots." Weiss said.

With that they headed to the Vale mall which happens to be the biggest mall in Vale, it took them a few minutes of Bullhead ride to get to Vale, then a five minutes ride to Vale mall. It was massive, there were three floors, the first floor consist of stores catered to the normal citizen of Vale meaning they don't have to go to the other floors, the second floor is where people go if they want to get training equipment and home appliances and furniture, while the third floor is completely catered for the huntsman, there they can buy dust ammo, weapons, huntsman training gear and protective clothing.

"Well, this place is bigger than I thought, when was this place made." Summer asked.

"I believe it was seven years ago, this place was just an empty lot with nothing going on with it until it was bought by the Adel fashion industry." Glynda said.

"Wait Adel, as in Coco Adel." Weiss asked.

"That is right, this place is owned by her parents, most of the clothing store has an Adel approved rating, which means they are friendly with the Faunus and they support the store." Glynda said.

"Come on guys, let's go shopping for some dresses that impress." Yang said.

For the next three hours, the group of women have been going around from store to store, trying to find the perfect dresses, and after three long hours of searching they finally found dresses that they liked, Yang went for a Lilac dress rather than a white one, Weiss went for a light blue dress that looks like snow, Ruby went for a black and red dress and a black heel shoes, Blake went for a completely black dress with the top portion having a sequence, Pyrrha went with a completely red dress that is backless, Penny chose a light green dress that looks amazing with her eyes and hair, Nora went for a white and pink dress, and lastly Glynda decided to with a black dress.

After buying the dresses that they liked, they went to the food court to eat some lunch since they have been in the mall for three straight hours, while they were eating Ruby has been very excited to check out the new store that sells, from what she heard, some of the best equipment and the best appliances.

"What do you guys think we will find in the store, Oooh, I bet they have some sort of miniature railgun, maybe some sort of forcefield shield, and maybe even a sword is also a bow and gun." Ruby said very excitedly, if not for Summer, Ruby would have already gone and went to the store without them and without eating some lunch even though she was quite hungry.

"I don't know Honey, but we are all heading there after eating some lunch, so, please be patient, and wait for everyone to finish eaten their lunch." Summer said and Ruby reluctantly agree.

"I can't believe that a mall of this size is owned by the parents of somebody we know." Nora said.

"How much do you think it cost to manage all of this, I mean they was be quite wealthy to open an entire mall without any investors." Yang asked.

"I would say, around one hundred and eighty million lien to six hundred million lien, so they are quite wealthy to open such a mall, but the pay-out must be quite good since they don't have any real competition beside some small malls away from the centre of Vale." Weiss said.

"Damn, that is a lot of lien." Yang said.

"Yang, Language." Summer said.

"Sorry, Mom." Yang said.

It did not take long for them to finish eating lunch and headed for the third floor, when they got there Ruby was in heaven, left and right was full of weapons and prototype designs of weapon, there were even new combat skirts that she liked since it was in her colour scheme, But the store they came for was not in immediate view so they decided to ask someone who is working for the mall.

"Ah, excuse me, do know where the newly opened huntsman weapon and gear shop is." Ruby asked.

"It is just at the end on your left, it is the biggest store here in the third floor which occupy a lot of space which is why it was given a corner of its own." The man said.

"Thank you so much." Ruby said.

Ruby took them to the place that the man told Ruby and when they got there, they were amazed at how big it was, the store had so many different things displayed, on the top left wall was weapons that only registered huntsman can buy, on the middle left wall was weapons that huntsman-in-training can buy, while the lowest weapons are for people who are going to huntsman preparatory school like Signal, on the middle of the store were high-grade combat gear whether they be for preparatory combat suit or for professional, they are all high quality, on the right side of the store is home appliances, and behind the counter are both for civilian and huntsman prosthetics and braces.

"Wow, okay, this place is pretty cool." Yang said.

"This place is awesome, the other stores doesn't even come close to this one, look they have some high-powered sniper that can turn into a battle axe, and a sword and shield that can transform into a something called a charge axe, and this one here says that it is a shield that can be extended using a type of forcefield." Ruby said while geeking out on all the weapons on display.

While Ruby was admiring all the weapons, a Faunus girl walked towards them, she saw that they have not been served by any of her colleagues so she decided to head over to them and ask if they needed any help.

"Hi, my name is Sophie and welcome to Arc Industries, how can I help you." Sophie said, when they heard the word Arc in the store name, they were about to ask if they heard it correct but Ruby beat them on asking a question

"Do you have any railguns." Ruby asked excitedly.

"Ruby, no. No railguns." Summer said while looking at the store clerk with an apologetic look since Ruby is being Ruby about seeing new weapons.

"It's okay, Ma'am, and we do have railguns." Sophie said.

"Can I see it, and how much to get one." Ruby asked.

"I am sorry, Ma'am, but unfortunately the only ones that are allowed to see the more dangerous weapon such as a railgun and the more famous in our store the BFG9000, are professional huntsman." Sophie said.

"I understand, but what is a BFG9000, I have never heard of it before." Ruby asked.

"The BFG9000 is a big hand cannon like gun that shoots a concentrated energy that kills any Grimm that it gets close to and will ignore anyone even if you are shot directly by it." Sophie said.

"Oooh, I want to see something that awesome." Ruby said dejected by not being able to see such a weapon.

"I may not be able to show you the product itself, but I can show you girls a video of the weapon." Sophie said, and this got Ruby to be happy again.

The video they showed was a man holding a two-handed gun-like weapon, he took aim and they saw the energy released by the gun annihilate the Grimms around it, next they were shown how the energy of the weapon doesn't affect Human or Faunus.

"That is…AMAZING." Ruby shouted.

"Ruby, inside voice please." Summer said she along with everyone is amazed at the person who made a weapon that only affects Grimm and not people itself.

"If the weapon can't harm people, why is it restricted to only be viewed by a fully licensed huntsman." Blake asked.

"It was a condition the owner made since he did not want children or civilian buying one and end up going in a Grimm infested area to kill Grimm when they aren't trained and would be very dangerous." Sophie said, and everyone just nods at that since there has been news where some untrained people buy huntsman weapons and head in an area that is known to have Grimm and show off the weapon there thinking they will be able to kill Grimm just because they have weapons.

While they were talking a Faunus mother and her daughter came in and was looking for someone to talk to about buying a certain item to help her daughter with her issue. Sophie excused herself and went towards the woman.

"Hi, is there anything I can help you with Ma'am." Sophie asked.

"I heard that this store sells prosthetics for civilians, I have been to different store and they said the prosthetics they have are mostly catered to huntsman and when the store does have one for civilians they don't seem to work for my daughter." The woman asked.

"I see, can I have your names, Ma'am." Sophie asked.

"My name is Azure and my daughter is Jade." Azure said

"I see, please follow me this way." Sophie told Azure and brought her to the counter where the prosthetic samples are.

Meanwhile, the women from Beacon were looking at some of the combat suits and are comparing them to the nanite suit that Jaune gave them and they can say that the one Jaune gave them was far more superior than the ones on the store. While they were looking around they heard the voice of a woman by the counter talking to Sophie about something.

"Do you have anything else available." Azure asked.

"I am sorry, this were the only one available in the store." Sophie said, saddened that she was not able to help her more.

"I understand, is there any other store that you know we can ask for some prosthetics." Azure asked.

"I am sorry, I do not know anywhere else other than this mall to be sell and other prosthetics available will be in Atlas." Sophie said.

Azure started crying since she could not find a prosthetics that seems to work for her daughter, Ruby and co heard her cry and Sophie consoling her, they decided to see what was wrong.

"Excuse me, is there anything wrong." Summer asked.

"Apparently, Azure here have been around for some time, for a prosthetics that would work for her daughter and the ones we have does not seem to work for her as well." Sophie told them.

"Could the sample product be defective." Ruby said.

"Unfortunately, it is not the sample since we just had a customer who came in earlier to try the prosthetic and it was fully functional then, and that was only two hours ago." Sophie said, Summer looked at the younger girl and noticed that she does not move her right arm with the stump at all, so she decided to take a closer look at the young girl.

"Do you mind if I see your daughter for a bit." Summer asked Azure, at first Azure was cautious since they were Human, that is until she saw Blake with them and she doesn't seem to be harmed in any way so she agreed to it.

Summer took hold of the girl's stump, she added some pressure, and the girl did not react at all, so she decided to see if she can get the little girl to move the stump but nothing she does not move it at all.

"I can see the problem as to way the prosthetics are not working." Summer said.

"Really, can you please tell me what the problem is." Azure said, being hopeful to finally be able to find the reason why none of the prosthetics was functional with her daughter.

"I'm afraid it is not good news, I believe from the analysis that I made, your daughter's right shoulder down her stump is paralysed." Summer said, feeling sorry for the little girl.

This caused Azure to cry harder than she already was, all she wanted was to help her daughter feel normal but at least getting her a prosthetic arm, but she just heard that even with a prosthetics it would not be able to help.

"Hey, maybe there is some that can help with something like this." Ruby said.

"Well, maybe we can ask Jaune if he knows a way to help them." Nora said, when Sophie heard the name Jaune she was thinking of only one person that she knows with that name, heck everyone that came from Menagerie knows that name.

"Did you just say, Jaune. You don't mean Jaune Arc do you." Sophie asked.

"You know Jaune." Glynda asked.

"Know him, of course I know him, heck everyone from Menagerie knows about Jaune Arc." Sophie said while she was helping Azure up.

"Jaune Arc, you mean the person who helped the people of Menagerie by building an entire city in a few days and opening a company to battle the SDC and bring the Faunus people a better job in Menagerie, which is now expanding to the other kingdom." Azure said, with the words of Azure the girls were shocked, Jaune Arc built an entire city, they knew that he can do many great things but build an entire city that was crazy.

"It can't be our Jaune Arc, after all how can he be able to do that in a few days." Weiss said, to herself in a low voice which only the Faunus in the store heard.

"Actually, what Sophie and Azure said is true, when we first started in Beacon Jaune, brought me to Menagerie to meet with my Parents and told me everything that Jaune did for Menagerie, which includes why the white fang no longer operates outside of Menagerie, and the reason why Adam Taurus made the Bloody Fang." Blake told them.

"Well, damn, to build a city in a few days, that is badass." Yang said.

"Okay we are getting of track, why don't we call Jaune to see if he can help, and knowing Jaune he will probably help in a heartbeat." Blake said, and Ruby called Jaune.

"Hello, Ruby." Jaune said.

"Jaune, there is a woman here in the Vale mall that is inside the Arc Industries Store and for some reason she started crying and when we checked it turns out that the woman has been in a lot of stores looking for a prosthetics but not of them are working and mom said it was probably because her arm is paralysed is there anything you can do to help." Ruby asked.

"You said that you are in Vale mall, right." Jaune asked.

"Yeah, and we also found out that you made an entire city in a few days." Ruby said.

"Okay, Ruby, we can talk about that later, and I will be in Vale mall in a few minutes." Jaune said.

"Okay we will be here waiting and we are in the third floor, and the furthest sort on the left." Ruby said.

Jaune used Yamato to open a portal to Vale and he headed straight to Vale mall, he went to the third floor and went to the store furthest to the left and he saw all of them inside with three other people with them.

"Jaune, you came here so fast." Ruby said.

"You did say that someone needed help so I came as soon as I can, so what is the problem." Jaune said.

"I just checked the little girl over there and I believe she has a paralysed right arm and even if she still had her right arm it would still be disabled." Summer said, Jaune nodded and he took out his scanner and scanned the little girl.

"Your diagnosis is right Summer, her right arm is indeed paralysed due to brachial plexus injury which happened when she was born, and luckily it only affected her right arm." Jaune said.

"Is there anything you can do to help them." Ruby asked.

"Unfortunately, I can repair that kind of damage but I can make a neural prosthetic arm for her." Jaune said.

"How much, no matter how much it cost, I will pay for it, please I just want my daughter to be able to feel normal and not outcasted due to her not having a right arm." Azure said desperately, Jaune just raffled the mother's hair and looked at Sophie.

"Is a fabricator fitted in this store." Jaune asked Sophie.

"Yes, sir. It is in the back; every Arc Industries Store are required to have the fabricator to make more products to answer all the people inventory demands." Sophie said.

Jaune headed into the back to use the fabricator, he easily made the prosthetic arm since he only needed to add the neural link which is the same design as Penny's Floating Array neural link, he added it to the fabricator and started the building process, and it only took him a few minutes to do so, he also told the employees that a new model of prosthetics will now be available to the store and Jaune made a product sample that people can test out, he took the new prosthetics with him and left the trial product to the employee and headed back outside.

"Here, this should work for your daughter now." Jaune said, while he started fitting the prosthetics to the little girl, Penny recognised the device that Jaune attach to the back of the girl's neck since had the same design as her neural link but was a darker green than hers.

"Go on, try moving it." Jaune said, Jade tried and the hand did move, and she started to cry to her mom that she finally have two working arms.

"Thank you so much, if it wasn't for you my little girl would not be able to have a working right hand, how much do I have to pay." Azure said, while Jaune kneeled to the little girl and raffled her hair and she just smiled at him.

"You don't have to pay for anything since you were able to help me make a new device that I did not think of, so you don't have to worry about paying for it.

Azure said to Jaune and hugged him for all the help he did for her and her daughter before leaving.

"So, Jaune what was this about you making an entire city in Menagerie and making a company rivalling the SDC and not telling us." Glynda said.

"Uhm, I forgot." Jaune said which none of them believed since they know that Jaune has never forgotten anything.

So, on the way back to Beacon he told them all about his adventure in Menagerie, when it happened, and how it happened.. The bullhead ride back to Beacon was long since they kept bombarding him with questions.

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