While Jaune was piloting the Quinjet he was thinking about what happened earlier when the giant Grimm challenged him, Excalibur was riled up when he was challenged by the Grimm which never happened before. Excalibur was different from all the other weapons that he has created before, when he first wanted to make Excalibur he knew that it was not going to be a complete sword since the original sword was forged by the planet as the crystallization of the wishes of mankind stored and tempered within the planet, which is not something that Jaune's Arc of Embodiment is capable of as hope, dream, and dėsɨrė of humanity is not something that can be replicated by magic. When he made Excalibur, he knew that it would be incomplete but he wanted to make it anyway, after making the incomplete Excalibur he knew that it was not anywhere close to the original, he can feel that something was missing.

But the moment he was about to touch Excalibur, it started absorbing some weird energy that Jaune has never seen before, no, to be more exact the energy was rushing towards Excalibur as if the sword was where it belonged. It took ten minutes before all the energy entered Excalibur, Jaune was thanking the heavens that he created a barrier before trying to make Excalibur or else the immense amount of energy would have been felt by everyone, Jaune went closer to the sword and that was when he felt it the sword before him was different, it felt complete, the sword that he made was not only made by him but also by the will of the dying world.

The world of Remnant was a dying world due to the Grimm, its inhabitants hunted by the creature of darkness where ever they may be in the world, therefore the world did not have the power to make a weapon for humanity to fight back, but the moment that the world felt the incomplete Excalibur it used whatever power it has to use the hope, dream, dėsɨrė and wishes of Human and Faunus kind to complete the sword that is a template for a divine construct, it used this chance to give a gift to humanity and Faunus kind, a way to fight back the darkness by crystallizing humanities hopes and dėsɨrė into Excalibur and completing it.

Jaune stared at the completed Excalibur, just being near the sword he can tell just how powerful it is, the energy it was giving of was off the charts since the sword does not have any restraints at all meaning the sword is at its strongest. When Jaune went to the blade to pick it up he heard a voice it said 'Protect them, and bring forth Victory', Jaune at that moment hesitated to pick up the blade.

'Am I even worthy of wielding such a sword, the amount of responsibility of protecting all of humanity and bring a brighter future for them, to bring forth victory against the darkness of this world. I don't think I'm worthy of that.' Jaune thought to himself.

Jaune couldn't make himself pick up the sword, he was afraid that when he picks it up he will have a huge responsibility on his shoulder, he kept hesitating to pick up the sword, he kept contemplating whether he has it in him to truly protect the world, it took Jaune a few hours before he finally stopped doubting himself, he thought to himself that if he can't do it, then he can't do it, but no matter what he will give it his best to try and make Remnant a better world for the people, and it was at that moment that Jaune did not even have to go near Excalibur as it flew in to his hands, when he held it, the sword felt as if it was made for him, the weight of the sword was perfectly balanced, it did not feel heavy or light, just holding the sword made Jaune feel as if he has owned the sword for a long time, this was when Jaune made a promise to himself, a promise that he would no matter what, do his best to protect the people that can't protect themselves from the darkness that plagues the world.

After recalling a memory from a few years ago Jaune decided to concentrate on flying the Quinjet, meanwhile Tai, Qrow and Summer were talking about what they were going to tell Ozpin when they get back.

"So, Qrow, are you going to tell Ozpin about Jaune's magic." Tai asked

"No, the magic that Jaune has, has nothing to do with the maidens, so, I won't be telling him anything about it, besides, right now I think that there might be a mole and telling Ozpin that Jaune is capable of using very powerful magic will only bring unnecessary harm to the kid, and also I owe him this much for bringing Summer back." Qrow said without hesitation about not telling Ozpin about Jaune.

"I think that it's also for the best, his power far surpass the power of a maiden, and he is using that power to aid us in fighting Grimm." Summer said.

"So, what are you going to tell Ozpin." Tai asked.

"I tell him that Summer has been stuck in the cave for the last twelve year, since she did not have a weapon to leave and that the place was surrounded by Grimm, and that the cave was weird and disable our aura and Summer's silver eyes power, that way he would understand why Summer could not live on her own." Qrow said, which got a nod from Tai and Summer.

It took a few hours to get back to Beacon since Jaune was manually piloting the Quinjet, therefore, he could not activate the supersonic flight since he has no autopilot and he does not have a lot of flying experience with the Quinjet so he had to fly it safely. Thirty minutes before they arrived at Beacon Jaune scroll texted Ozpin, Team RWBY and team NPR that they are arriving shortly, for Ozpin the message just said they will arrive soon but the message to Ruby was different, it said that Jaune has a surprise for her and Yang and to meet them in the port in thirty minutes.

Before Ruby received the message, team RWBY and NPR were just finishing their last class with Professor Port, the seven are talking while they listened to Ports story while trying to read between the line of his story.

"Hey guys, what should we do after the class, I was thinking we can have a little spar after eating some food." Yang said.

"I down for some smashing." Nora said.

"I was thinking maybe we could go to Vale for a bit to get some dresses for the dance in two days." Pyrrha said those words got the other four girls who like Jaune to contemplate if they should also get something new to use for the dance.

"I think that is a good but it might take us a while to pick some dresses so I think it would be best if we did that tomorrow, since the dance is on Sunday anyway." Weiss said.

"Weiss has a good point, shopping for clothes is a time-consuming activity and if we go now we might miss our curfew and get reprimanded by Miss Goodwitch if we get caught." Blake said.

"That is a good point, I guess we can all go tomorrow." Pyrrha said.

While they were talking a scroll went off indicating a message, the scroll belonged to Ruby, the message was from Jaune and she decided to tell her team and NPR and read it w the contents of the message.

"Hey guys, I just got a message from Jaune, it said that he will be back at Beacon in about thirty minutes and we should meet him at the bullhead port especially me and Yang since he has a surprise for us." Ruby said.

"Ooh, a surprise, what do you guys think is it, maybe it's a pancake." Nora said.

"I don't know what it is but I am just glad that he is okay and is returning soon." Yang said.

After receiving the message, they waited for the class to finish and headed straight to the port, when they got there they saw Headmaster Ozpin and Deputy Headmistress Goodwitch.

"Hello Professor, what are you doing here." Ruby asked Glynda.

"We are here waiting for Jaune's arrival, I'm guessing it is the same for you students." Glynda said.

"Yeah he messaged us thirty minutes ago." Yang said.

While they were talking the Quinjet was finally above them and team RWBY and NPR was curious on the Quinjet since they haven't seen any bullhead look like it, the Quinjet landed on one of the landing pads and it folded its wing and the engine stopped, the people waiting went behind the Quinjet and waited for the doors to open, the moment it opened the first person they saw was not Jaune, but Summer Rose, Ruby and Yang both burst into tears and run towards her, and behind Summer was Jaune, Qrow and Tai. When Ruby and Yang reached their mother they both hugged her.

"Mom is that really you, are you really here with us." Ruby said.

"I'm here sweetie, I'm real and I missed you both so much." Summer said.

Ozpin was happy to see that Ruby and Yang was able to see their mother once again and that Summer is okay. In the next few hours Ruby and Yang were bonding with their parents, both Tai and Summer, while Qrow and Jaune did a debrief with Ozpin and Glynda, Qrow told them exactly what he said he would say and that they possibly have a mole amount their people.

"So, Ruby, Yang, tell me have you girls have your eyes on a boy yet."

For the next hour they were just talking about their feelings for Jaune and in the beginning Tai was a bit mad that some boy got her girls interested in the opposite sėx, but he eventually let it go since they are big girls already. Ruby and Yang both said that they are interested in Jaune and that some other girls have interest in him and they all agreed to date Jaune all at the same time if he is okay with it and that they plan to talk to him today and tell Jaune how they feel, Summer just supported both her daughters' decision and cheered her on a successful confession.

Normally, everyday Jaune would call his sister to ask them how they were doing but in the past week, he could not do that so he decided to visit her and her wife since they have not met for a month or so since Jaune does visit them when he has the time.

He used Yamato to open a portal to Argus and he walks into it and he arrived in an alleyway nearby, he walked towards Saphron and Terra's house and knocked, it did not take long for Saphron to open the door.

"Jaune, come in, how have you been, are you okay, you did not call or message us in the past few days." Saphron asked Jaune.

"I'm fine Saph, I was just returned from a mission and wanted to see how you girls have been doing." Jaune said.

"Well, we are doing fine and Terra is expecting to have the baby soon." Saph said.

"Wait, what. But it has only been about six months." Jaune said confused at what he heard from Saphron.

"You didn't know, Jaune, children of people with aura, whether it was just the mother or just the father, have children faster, since they develop faster children without parents with aura." Saphron said.

"Wow, I did not know that." Jaune said.

"How did you think mom was able to have eight children, I bet that if she had to carry us for the whole nine months she would probably not have as much children now." Saphron said.

"Okay, the baby is coming faster than I thought, have you guys have decided on a name, and do you want me to baby proof the house." Jaune asked.

"As for the name, we thought maybe Adrian or Cole if it was a boy and maybe Adriana for a little girl and as for the baby proofing it wouldn't be necessary for a while." Saphron said.

"I know that it will be a while for the baby to start crawling and walking for the baby proof to be necessary but it is better to be prepared, and I will also start making a crib for the baby, I would also start changing the room that I stayed in to a baby room." Jaune said.

"Aww, Jaune, you don't have to do that, I can take care of it, I know have busy you can get with being a Professor for Beacon." Saphron said gratefully that Jaune real wants to be helpful with the baby.

"It's no problem to me Saph, the baby is more important, and I don't want to give you more work than necessary since I am not here most of the time and you are the only one to take care of Terra, so this is the least I can do to support you with the baby." Jaune said.

"I am really grateful for that Jaune." Saphron said while hugging her brother.

"So, what have you and Terra been up to in the pass few days." Jaune asked Saphron.

"Terra and I was planning to head back to our hometown since we wanted to have the baby born with the rest of the family, and with that we will have some help for mom and dad." Saphron said.

"Well, okay. Just tell me when you plan to head back so that I can help you pack and send you back home personally." Jaune said.

Saphron smile at Jaune and she decided to get up and help Terra to get the stairs since they wanted to talk to Jaune about something important. Saphron did say that she will talk to Jaune about him he next visits which are now and she wanted to call Terra to help her talk to Jaune about it.

Meanwhile, back in Beacon, we can see that all classes have already finished for the day and Glynda, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Pyrrha are sitting in the same room. They are discussing what to tell Jaune when he returns from wherever he went.

"Umm, so how do we go about doing this, I mean we aren't even sur if he will accept all of us, and that if he even likes us that way." Ruby said.

"That is the reason that we plan to tell him how we feel in the first place. We confess how we feel and find out if we likes us back or he just sees us as a friend." Weiss said.

"The real problem is how are we going to handle our emotion if he rejects us." Pyrrha said.

"If Jaune says that he just wants to be friends, I guess I can deal with it, but it will be quite hard to be near for a while, but I do want him to be happy." Ruby said.

"When do you think Jaune will return Miss Goodwitch." Yang asked Glynda

"He will return in a few hours, I know that he won't forget to train your teams." Glynda said.

Back with Jaune, we see him helping Saphron to support Terra who now has a massive baby bump. Jaune was happy to see that Terra was doing well and she seemed to be quite healthy and active even though she is pregnant.

"You are looking healthy Terra, how are you doing with caring the baby." Jaune asked.

"Doing well Jaune, the only time that I really had problems was when I had morning sickness and had to be in the toilet for quite a while. But thankfully that did not last long, and from there it was not that bad, I did not really have that much food craving either." Terra said.

"How about your appointments have you been going to it maternity care." Jaune asked.

"Jaune, we are doing fine, we already did a lot of research before we decided we wanted a baby, maternity care, pregnancy plans, food to eat, what to avoid, and many other things, I are doing fine, you don't have to stress to much about." Terra said.

"Okay." Jaune replied.

"Anyway, there is something that me and Terra wanted to talk to you about." Saphron said.

"Sure, you can tell me anything." Jaune said.

"Jaune, please, whatever I say, promise me that you won't freak out ok." Saphron said.

"Okay, I promise to not freak out., Saph." Jaune said reassuring her.

"Okay here goes, Terra and I have been in love with you for a while now, I fell in love with you back when I have dated Terra for a while, but it did not change that I was also in love with Terra and I would always think that we can't be together and just continue my relationship with Terra that you have supported since the beginning, I have talked to Terra about it and she told me that she doesn't mind if I did pursue any romantic relationship with you as long as I love her just as much as I love you." Saphron said before Jaune was able to say anything Terra started telling him how she started falling in love with him.

"As for me, I started to have a romantic interest in you a few months after the three of us started to live together, even though you were busy training to be a huntsman, you would always have time for us, you would ask us how our days is, you would listen to our problem without a single complaint, you would try and find ways to help where you can, it was those action that I started to have feelings for you, you were the first and only male that I have had an interest in,." Terra said.

"Wow, I mean just wow. Uhm, I don't know what to say. Okay, okay before I say anything about your confession to, I just wanted to say that is someone that I am currently interested in, well a few girls I'm interested in, if you want to really pursue a romantic relationship with me I just want to know that you are okay with me dating multiple people." Jaune said.

"Jaune, we knew that there is a huge possibility that you would have some romantic interest in someone else, we also know that there would be other girls interested in you, I mean the way you act and the way you make a person feel especially the female member you would always treat us like a princess." Saphron said.

"Okay, okay. I am not completely comfortable with dating my sister and her wife, but I am willing to give this relationship a shot, that is if you are comfortable doing this." Jaune said.

Terra and Saphron were happy that even if they are not yet in a relationship with Jaune they are happy that he was at least willing to give it a shot and that Jaune did not have any problem with dating them both, even though they are already married and one is his sister-in-law and the other is his sister.

Jaune talked to Terra and Saphron for a while, he even mentions that he was going to go on a mission back home and that if they wanted, he can pick them up during his mission to give them a ride back, and they agreed, so Jaune helped them pack everything they need to bring on Monday.

After packing, Terra was getting tired, so he said his goodbye to the married couple and headed back to Beacon, he opened a portal. Once he got back, he was met with Qrow, Tai, and Summer, he went towards them and asked.

"Hey, where is everyone." Jaune asked the trio.

"Oh, hey Jaune, actually, they are currently in the lounge waiting for you." Summer said.

"Okay, thank you, Summer." Jaune said and headed to the Lounge.

"Oh boy, he does not know what's going to hit him does he." Qrow said while laughing.

"No, he does not, but if he hurt my girls, I don't care if he saved Summer's life, I am going to kill him." Tai said, and Summer hit him in the ribs with her Elbow.

"Stop that, Tai. Jaune seems to be good kid, and you need to trust your daughters' a bit more on the choices they make." Summer said

"I just don't want to see our girls heart broken, when I see them sad, I just want to smashing something, and most of the time the one I want to smash is the one responsible for their sadness." Tai said.

"I know, but they are already big girls, they will have relationship and they will break up and they will be sad, it is part of life, you just have to be there to support them in their time of need." Summer said and Tai reluctantly agreed with her.

Back with Jaune, he was walking to the lounge, and when he entered he was net with RWBY, Pyrrha and Glynda.

"Hey, Jaune. We have been waiting for you to come back, we wanted to talk to you about something." Ruby said while gesturing Jaune to take a seat, this caused Jaune to have a déjà vu, he knew that they have started to show interest but now, he thought it was still too early.

"We know that you are dating Miss Goodwitch, but we have already talked to her about it and she said that she doesn't mind as long as you are okay with it." Ruby said.

"Okay with what." Jaune asked.

"If you are okay with dating multiple people at the same time." Ruby said.

"Wait, wait, raise your hand if you are interested in having a romantic relationship." Jaune said.

RWBY, Pyrrha and Glynda raised their hands, and Jaune counted seven hands raised.

"So, can you tell me why you are interested in me." Jaune asked.

The first one to speak was Ruby.

"I started to have some feelings for you back in Patch, but I did not know it until I asked Yang about what I was feeling and when I started to look back I realised that it all started back in Patch, Yang helped me realise that my feelings for you was the reason why I always liked being close to you, I think that I started having feelings when you did not find me weird being obsessed with weapons, you did not make fun of me for it, and that we both have a lot of things in common such as our dream to be a hero that will help as such people as we can." Ruby said, and Jaune just nodded at her, and the next one to speak was Weiss.

"For me it started when I realised that you are the type of person that I have been looking for, someone who saw me for who I am and not what I have, for so long I have met so many people who have shown interest in me but not because of me but because of my family name, but you were different, when we first met you brushed off the fact that I was a Schnee and told me that my name does not really have weight here in Beacon and that made me feel good knowing that I can be me, and not a Schnee. Then a few months went by and I realised that I like being treated as nothing special, but just as Weiss, it was then I saw you as someone that I wanted to be with." Weiss said. Jaune wanted to say something but he wanted to first hear what the others have to say, so the next one to speak was Blake.

"At first, to me you were a good friend that helped me meet my parents again, and helped the people of Menagerie, and I was really grateful for what you did, but that was not what got me interested in you, I started showing interest went I saw you playing with the children in the orphanage, you looked like a person that would be a great father and I thought to myself what it would be like if I had your kids and what I imagined was something that I wanted to have with the real you and see for myself if you were really the person I wanted to spend my life with and everyday seeing you just made me want you more." Blake said. The next one was Yang.

"In the beginning I just saw you as a good friend of Ruby who has the same interest as her, I thought that you would be a good thing for her, but over time that changed, unlike everyone you did not look at me the same way that all other boys did, you did not see me as a person who is easy even though I may act like it, that was when I started seeing you differently but I never did anything since I saw Ruby was interested in you, although she did not understand it back then." Yang said. Jaune just nodded in understanding that other guys are just interested in her body and he has even seen some guys befriend Ruby just to get close to Yang but those guys are easily shot down by Yang and stops being friends with Ruby. The next person to speak was Pyrrha.

"I've been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities, I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise, but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. Everyone I have met ȧssumes I'm too good for them, that I'm on a level they simply can't hope to achieve. It becomes impossible to make any sort of real relationship with people, and that's what I like about you Jaune, when we met, you didn't care that I was Pyrrha Nikos the Champion, you treated me just like everyone else. And thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime. You are the type of person I was looking for my whole life and you are the type of person that I want to spend my life with." Pyrrha said, and lastly, it was Glynda's turn.

"I started to have a crush on you Jaune when the school year started, when we were planning on the lessons we were going to teach, but since we had a bit of an age gap I hesitated, and when you asked me on a date and told me that you did not mind that we had an age gap I took that chance. And during the date, when we were talking, it was then that I realise that it was not just a crush, but it was something more, that I was in love with you, then I started to think back, and I knew that I started to slowly fall in love with you but didn't realise it since I was hesitant due our age but stopped caring about it as the date went on." Glynda said it was the same thing that Glynda told the girls back when they wanted to talk to her about Jaune.

"Okay, I understand now how you all feel about me, but if you are sure about this, there is something that I have to tell you first." Jaune said.

"We're listening." They all said.

"I have a kid on the way." Jaune said this caused them to all be shocked due to the words that came out of Jaune's mouth.

"With who." Weiss asked.

"With my sister-in-law." Jaune said.

"You-you, you did the thing to your sister's wife." Ruby said. When Ruby said that the girls were starting to be in an uproar until Glynda told Jaune to explain.

"Well my sister and her wife wanted a child, and they wanted it to have an Arc blood and the only one available was me, since there is no way they would have asked our dad, and I'm pretty sure mom would have killed dad if he even thinks about it. So, two weeks before I came to Vale we had sėx every day to make sure that she was pregnant before I left." Jaune said.

"Oh, thank god. I thought you were one of those people who would just have sėx with a person even though you knew they were married." Yang said.

"Jaune, from the look of it, there is still something else you are not telling us." Glynda said.

"Well, the thing is, earlier today when I visited them, just like now, Saph and Terra told me that they have feelings for me, and I told them that I am willing to give it a shot, dating them first that is." Jaune said.

"Wait your sister is in love with you." Weiss said, not liking that situation.

"Calm down, Ice Queen. The Arc is known to be a huntsman family and those family do practice ɨnċėstuous relationship since it was proven to produce a stronger offspring." Yang said.

"I don't have a problem with that, it was just when Jaune said it, I imagined me having that kind of relationship with my brother and hell no, I would sooner die than have that kind of relationship with him since he is an ȧss." Weiss explained. The others don't seem to mind that he was going to have a romantic relationship with his sister and her wife.

"Wait, are you girls okay with that, the fact that I am going to be dating my sister and her wife." Jaune asked.

"We don't really mind, I mean, it is a very common practice in a hunter family, especially those older ones like yours." Blake said with the other girls just nodding along which included Glynda.

"If that is the case then I am willing to give this a shot, but if you girls feel like this is not something you are okay with then just tell me, and we can talk about it, and if you decided to end the relationship, I promise you will still be friends." Jaune said.

All of them just smiled at Jaune's words, they knew that even if they break up with him he would not distance himself with them since that is just not the type of person he was, so they were happy when he promised them that, after all, an Arc never breaks his word.

"Wait a second, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha and Glynda, that is only six, when I asked who is interested in me I counted seven hands." Jaune said.

"Eh." Everyone said.

Jaune started looking around the place and he saw a certain redhead behind them laying down on the couch.

"Penny, what are you doing here." Ruby asked.

"I was here first, I was laying down in the couch resting when all of you came here with Ruby's mom, then you started discussing about Jaune, and how you feel about him, and then when Jaune came and he asked who was interested in him romantically I also raised my hands." Penny said.

"Wait, Penny you are also interested in Jaune that way." Ruby asked all Penny did was nod her head.

"I know that I have not known Jaune for as long as all of you but, I know that I have romantic feelings for him, whenever Jaune is always close to you guys I would sometime get something my father called jealousy, but eventually I stopped being jealous and just did everything I can to be close to him and when I heard you girls talking about sharing him I thought maybe I can be a part of it too." Penny said.

"Ohh, Penny you fell in love with Jaune at first sight." Yang said, a bit teasingly.

"You know Penny, I know that you don't have much experience with other boys, so maybe you are just misunderstanding the way you feel." Jaune asked

"Oh no friend Jaune, I have met and interacted with other boys, and I have never felt anything like the way I feel about you, I have met a lot of boys back in Atlas, like team FNKI, and other teams with boys in them." Penny said.

"I see, and you have never felt with them the way you feel about me." Jaune asked.

"That is correct, friend Jaune." Penny said.

"So, have you told your father about how you felt." Jaune asked.

"I have, and he told me, that it was up to me to decide if I want to pursue a relationship with you or not, he said that since I am now human I need to start make some decision for myself like everyone else." Penny said.

"And are you okay that I will be dating multiple women." Jaune asked.

"I think it is wonderful, if we ever get married someday, it's like having a lot of sisters." Penny said.

"Okay then, Penny. I will give it a shot just like the others and thus like the others I promise that if you decided to end our relationship, I will still be friends with you, Okay." Jaune said and Penny nodded.

After talking, Jaune and the others left the lounge and Jaune decided to cook everyone some dinner since they are quite famished.. Jaune also invited Qrow, Tai, and Summer to dinner, this will also be the first time that Summer will be tasting Jaune's cooking.

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