When they arrived in the Grimmland, Jaune told Qrow and Tai to activate their nanite suit while activation his own. When they landed Jaune saw just how big the place was and he was thinking that searching the place might take some time, luckily they have some information on what they are looking for, but when Jaune looked around he realised that this mission may take a while, the information that he has is that it has a visible castle, the problem was they are near the edge of the Grimmland and the castle was very visible meaning that it was not a piece of very useful information, and the only thing they can go on is that the place they are looking for is avoided by the Grimm.

"Qrow, Tai, we might have a problem." Jaune said.

"What's the problem kid." Qrow asked

"Well, the problem is that, the information we have to go on is not going to be that helpful, Summer said that the place she was attacked was in a location that has a castle that is visible, but right now we are in the edge of the Grimmland and the castle is visible from here." Jaune said.

"God damn it, meaning that is one information that will not be useful, at least we still have another clue on the location, according to you it was near a base of a mountain, meaning we have to go further in and then we have to look for a place that the Grimms are avoiding." Qrow said, but right now Tai is realising something.

"If the mission that Summer went to is not in the Grimmlands but in a nearby area then how would she be further in the Grimmlands." Tai asked Jaune and Qrow.

"She would not be anywhere near here unless she had no choice but to flee in this direction." Qrow said.

"But according to the both of you Summer is strong enough to fight and kill a sphinx easily in a few seconds, and according to my scans of the nearby area, there are no strong Grimms outside the Grimmlands meaning that there is a chance that Summer was lured here by a person." Jaune said.

"Jaune, are you trying to imply that she was hunted down." Tai asked Jaune.

"It is not that farfetched, I heard that a long time ago people with silver eyes was hunted down and if you Tai don't have silver eyes and you are the father of Ruby, I am ȧssuming that Summer has silver eyes." Jaune said.

"You are right, Summer does in fact have silver eyes, but you are telling me that some was sent to kill Summer or at least lure her here, but who would be able to do that and no one should have known the location of a certain huntsman or huntress, since that information are classified for their safety." Tai said.

"If that was the case, that could only mean one thing, that we have a mole feeding location of our huntsman and huntress to the enemy." Qrow said.

"Qrow, you can't be seriously thinking that, who would do something that disgusting as to get people who work to protect humanity killed." Tai asked.

"I don't know, but as soon as we head back, I will do what I can to find out." Qrow said.

"For now, we need to get further into the Grimmlands, rescue Summer then we report to Ozpin what we think is going on." Jaune said which got a nod from both Tai and Qrow.

"Hey guys, who do you think will be teaching in Jaune's class since he isn't here." Ruby asked.

"There is a chance that the class would be cancelled." Blake said.

"I hope not, I like going to Jaune's class, I mean everything that he has thought us is leagues ahead of even Atlas technology, I want to learn more and have a deeper understanding of the way Jaune thinks when he creates new things." Weiss said.

"Pfft, Weiss everyone knows that you just like looking at Jaune whenever he is teaching, the way he takes command of the class, the way he reprimands some of the students that don't behave, we all know that you like it when Jaune acts very dominating." Yang said.

"Wha-, I would never… Shut up Yang!" Weiss said while blushing redder than Ruby's cape.

"HAHAHAHA, I can't believe you didn't think anyone would notice the way you look at Jaune, and the fact that I have read it in your diary." Yang said.

"HMPH." Is all Weiss said as a response.

"What do think is Jaune-Jaune doing now, I bet he is somewhere, where they are having an all you can eat pancake buffet." Nora said.

"I don't think Jaune is in an all you can eat pancake buffet Nora since the mission that Jaune is going to seems to be serious because I saw two other guys with Jaune when he went to the bullhead port." Ren said.

"I hope he is doing okay, I would hate to see Jaune hurt." Pyrrha said.

"We all hope so too." Ren said and everyone just nods.

Back with Jaune, Qrow and Tai, they have been sneaking around the Grimms as to not attract them since the Grimms they saw are far stronger than any Grimm they have faced and they are everywhere. On the left, there is some velociraptor looking Grimm, on the right, there is a Grimm walking on two feet while holding a sword looking weapon but was made from the same bone plating of the Grimm, in the air was a horde of Griffon but was larger than any they have seen. The trio is making their way further into Grimm territory.

"Kid, how much longer till we reach the first area that we need to search." Qrow asked.

"If we go slowly and not attract any Grimm then it would take us an hour to get there, but if we try to speed up a bit we might get there in half that time but there is a high chance we might attract Grimm." Jaune said.

"How many locations exactly are we searching." Tai asked.

"From the scans that I took on the Quinjet, there are about twenty-five location and they are a lot further in." Jaune said.

"Shit, that would take some time to search all that locations, it is a good thing that we packed a lot of rations." Qrow said.

"Well, at least even when you were on a rush yesterday you were able to properly pack what we need for this mission." Tai said.

"What the hell are you two talking about, we won't be eating any ration, they suck. I prepared a lot of ingredients that I could use to make us some proper food, and beside we won't be camping in this dark looking forest, I brought one of my smaller mobile base that we could stay in, and it has a cloaking tech as well, meaning as long as we don't produce too much negativity then the Grimm won't be a problem." Jaune said.

"God damn it, I brought all those rations for nothing, and the tents as well." Qrow said.

"It was not for nothing, we could use the ration as emergency food in case we have to eat something immediately due to emergency and don't have time to cook some food." Jaune said.

The trio have now been running to their destination for an hour and they have finally reached it but upon searching they did not find anything, so they decided to rest for a bit before heading to the next location which is two hours of running.

It took the Jaune, Qrow and Tai five days of searching and they have finally nearly finished half the location but the more location they search the less they are motivated to search since they are not finding anything, but the next location that they arrived too was the place they were looking for, and the Grimm was actually avoiding the place and now that Jaune was physically here, he knows why the Grimms are avoiding the place, it was saturated with holy magic which Jaune believes to be due to Summer's silver eyes since Ruby has some trace of it in hers.

Back to team RWBY and Pyrrha, they are currently sitting with Glynda since they decided it was better to talk to her now and confess their feelings for Jaune when he gets back.

"What did you girls want to talk to me about." Glynda asked.

"We wanted to talk to you about Jaune." Ruby said while having a blush on her face but was also due to her nervousness.

"Let me guess, you girls have some romantic feelings for him too." Glynda said.

"How did you know." Yang asked.

"You do know that I was once your age, personally I never had that sort of feeling before, but I have seen other people have that same look as you girls, the face of someone who is in love." Glynda said.

"Wait, you said before, does that mean that you are also in love with Jaune." Pyrrha said.

"You are correct. I started to have a crush on Jaune when the school year started, when we were planning on the lessons we were going to teach, but since we had a bit of an age gap I hesitated, and when he asked me on a date and he told me that he did not mind that we had an age gap I took that chance. And during the date, when we were talking, it was then that I realise that it was not just a crush but it was something more, that I was in love with him, then I started to think back, and I knew that I started to slowly fall in love with him but didn't realise it since I was hesitant due to age but stop caring about it as the date went on." Glynda said.

"Wow, I thought that maybe you were just giving Jaune a chance to date you, but I did not think that you are in love with him." Yang said which she got an elbow hit to her side courtesy of Ruby.

"What did you girls want to talk to me about exactly." Glynda asked.

"We have all decided that since we all have feelings for Jaune, that we would be ok with sharing him, and since he has asked you on a date we thought maybe we should tell you that we plan to tell Jaune our feelings." Weiss said.

"We don't mind sharing Jaune, but you will have to ask Jaune first if he is okay with have more than one girlfriend, if he accepts then great, but if he doesn't want to have a polyamorous relationship, then know that I won't back down." Glynda said in which the girls just nodded.

Currently Jaune, Tai and Qrow entered a cave and was looking around, the could not see much so Jaune took out a lantern to have a better view. The entrance of the cave was narrow so they had to be behind one another, but after a few minutes of walking, they reached an area with a huge open space and hole in the ceiling that is currently letting some moonlight enter and illuminate the area.

"This is the place that I saw in my dreams." Jaune said.

"If that was the case, then where is Summer." Tai said.

"Let's search the area, we might find some clue." Qrow said.

They started searching the place, and after a few minutes of searching they were able to find something, but it was not what they were hoping for. Near a rock was a white and red cloak that Tai was able to easily recognize as Summer's, and along with the cloak was some black clothing's and bones, with this Tai started crying knowing that he got a confirmation that Summer is dead.

Team RWBY and NPR are currently in the cafeteria eating some lunch after talking to Glynda, they are currently very unsatisfied with their meals right now since they are normally eating Jaune's cooking during this time and it has now been five days since they haven't eaten his food and they miss it, the only one that can slightly cope was Nora since she still loves Ren's pancakes.

"I'm really not feeling this food right now, every bite I take just makes me want to throw it at someone." Yang said.

"Yeah, I miss the food that Jaune always prepares for us." Ruby said.

"Do you think I could get Jaune to teach me how to cook." Pyrrha asked.

"Probably, since Jaune does love teaching, maybe he will even teach me some of his fish recipe." Blake said.

"What do you think he is doing right now." Weiss asked.

"I don't know, but I hope he is doing well, I hope he comes back soon." Pyrrha said.

"Hey, now that we told Miss Goodwitch that we plan to tell our feelings to Jaune, do you think if he accepts he would take us to the dance." Ruby asked.

"I'm not sure, since he did invite Miss Goodwitch to the dance already." Weiss said.

"Let's not talk about that right now, what we should be talking about is how we are going to talk to Jaune about our feelings." Yang said.

After Yang said those words they suddenly became quiet. Meanwhile back with the mission Jaune, Tai and Qrow, they were still in the cave with Tai crying while Jaune and Qrow were calming him down since they don't know if increased negativity will make Grimm come towards their location.

After a while they were successful in calming Tai down, he was still grieving a bit so Jaune and Qrow left him alone with the remains of Summer. Jaune decided to start a fire in the cave since it would not be a problem since they do have large ventilation on the ceiling, Jaune started a fire to make Tai something to drink that can calm him down some more.

For the past hour or so, Jaune has been thinking about the feeling that he was feeling, the feeling that something was not right.

'If Summer was already dead then why did I dream of this location specifically, if she was dead then why not as a ghost but as a dream, something is definitely not right, but there is no doubt that we found is Summer's, so what is going on.' Jaune thought.

While thinking a bit, Jaune looked at the ceiling, he realised that the Grimmlands is in perpetual darkness that is only lit by the moonlight. Jaune was looking at the moonlight when he saw it grow brighter in the cave, and that is when he saw it the silver rose that was in his dream, he approached the rose to inspect it, and the moment his hand touched it he knew exactly what it was so he started laughing.

While Jaune was laughing Tai and Qrow heard him and approached him to see if he was okay since the way he was laughing was a bit weird.

"Hey kid, are you okay?" Qrow said.

"I am better than okay Qrow, we can still save Summer." Jaune said.

"She is already dead kid, there is no saving her now." Tai said.

"No, we can still save her." Jaune said.

"Jaune, that's enough. She is dead, there is no saving her, the proof is right before you, her body is in front of you. I know that you were hoping to save her but there is nothing we can do, we have already accepted her death and this is just confirmation on that." Tai said.

"No, we can still save her. You don't understand, here look." Jaune said while showing them the silver rose that he found.

"That's a rose Jaune, what does that have to do with anything." Qrow said.

"It has to do with everything, do you remember the dream that I told you about, this was the very rose in that dream, when we came to this cave and found Summer's body I have been feeling that something was not right, I was missing something, and this rose is the answer to that." Jaune said while he pulled Tai's hand towards the rose and the moment his hands touched it he also understood what the rose was.

"That rose, that's Summer's soul isn't it, when I touched it I felt my aura surged a bit and I got an image of Summer." Tai asked.

"That's right, when I touched it earlier I got the same thing. That is why I said that we can still save Summer." Jaune said.

"Okay, what the hell are you two talking about." Qrow said and Jaune and Tai did not answer they just pulled him to touch the rose and he understood.

"Okay now I understand what you two are talking about, but how exactly are we going to save her when her body is already destroyed." Qrow said.

"I don't know but maybe Ozpin does." Tai said.

"We don't need to ask Ozpin because I know how to save her." Jaune said.

"Kid, I know that you are capable of many crazy things but this situation will require a bit more of a magical approach." Qrow said.

"I know Qrow, if we had more time I would have gladly had Ozpin help with this but, the reality is we are running out of time, the soul of Summer is getting weaker and weaker by the minute, and we don't even know if Ozpin will be able to help, meanwhile there is something that I can do to help her now." Jaune said.

"What do you mean Summer is running out of time." Tai asked.

"Her soul is slowly losing power since she has been out of her body for a very long time and she is slowly disappearing." Jaune said.

"How long do we have to save Summer's life." Qrow asked.

"I estimate from the amount of aura that is disappearing maybe three days." Jaune said.

"You're right we won't have time to save her if that was the case, it would take us maybe two days of travel back to the Quinjet sine we can't risk being discovered by Grimm or else we would take even longer." Tai said.

Jaune agreed with Tai, he tried to use Yamato to open a portal but due to the saturation of light/holy magic in the cave he can't open a portal since he does not have full mastery of Yamato therefore with a weakened Yamato can't open a portal and the fact that Yamato is a devil arm, light is a weakness to it sort of.

"Ok Jaune, you said that you can save her, how are you going to do that." Qrow said.

"From what I gathered there is no way that we can just use any body to attach Summer's soul to, meaning even if I use my device to make her a new body it won't work since it might not be compatible, so the only option I have is to use magic." Jaune said.

"You can use magic." Tai said while Qrow was shocked at the revelation.

"Yes, I can." Jaune said.

"So, which of the maidens magic do you have." Qrow asked.

"None, my magic is not one of the maidens magic since I was born with it." Jaune explained.

"If you have been hiding the fact that you can use magic, why tell us this now, why not continue hiding it." Qrow asked.

"It's simple really, it is due to the fact that we don't have time to save Summer by going to Ozpin and there is no way that I would jeopardise Ruby and Yang's mom's life by hiding the fact that I could have saved her with my magic." Jaune said Tai and Qrow understood that if they went to Ozpin in a very limited time to save Summer and failed when Jaune could have saved her, the guilt would have haunted him for a long time.

"Okay, I understand, then go ahead and do your thing Jaune." Tai said.

"I guess I have no choice but to agree since we have very limited time." Qrow said.

After getting both Tai and Qrow's approval, Jaune went towards the bones of Summer, with his Arc of Embodiment, Jaune used the same power Shiro from the Nasuverse uses when he uses his magic, Structural Analysis, but unlike the one that Shiro uses the one Jaune is using was leagues ahead of his. At the peak, the Structural Analysis of Shiro can see the history of a weapon as a whole since it is an inanimate object, but the one that Jaune is using was far more intense, Jaune's Structural Analysis was making a map on the body and history of Summer Rose, cell by cell to make sure that the body he makes is compatible to the soul of Summer, after all, what is more compatible than a copy of the complete history of the original body.

Jaune, after using Structural Analysis was straining his entire mind and putting his body in a lot of pressure since he is using his magic to trace the whole body of Summer cell by cell and the human body is said to have trillion of cells, the amount of information going through Jaune's mind was immense, and add the fact that Jaune was also blocking out certain history of Summer, making sure that he does not see anything that he should not see.

After ten minutes of structurally analysing Summer's body, Jaune was getting extremely fatigued, Jaune may have an infinite reserve of magic but that does not mean that his body is capable of using an immense amount of it without repercussion, since his body is not strong enough to use all of it, and Jaune was using his magic to analysis trillions of cell which is using a lot of magical energy and that amount is going through his body which is causing stress.

After an entire hour, Jaune was finally able to complete his analysis, he now has the complete structure and history of Summer Rose, Jaune was extremely fatigue and is about to collapse but he forced himself to continue going, Qrow and Tai were about to tell Jaune to rest but Jaune could not here them since he was concentrating on now recreating Summer's body. When Jaune started to make the body immense amount of pressure was pushing down in the cave due to the amount of magic Jaune was using, Qrow and Tai could even feel the pressure, luckily Jaune asked the God that reincarnated him to make his magic undetectable or else Salem would have already felt the immense amount of magic.

The recreating of Summer's body was in a word magical, Summer's body was slowly being made, cell by cell and was visible by the nȧkėd eye, thankfully the bod of Summer was not since Jaune made sure that while he was creating the body he was also covering it with clothes, it took three hours for Jaune to complete the body and he was already in the point of collapsing earlier but not he was dead tired and could not even move a single muscle but before he passed out he saw the silver rose enter the body he just created and it started to breathe, and that to Jaune was a sign that he succeeded.

After Jaune woke up, he as greeted with Summer, Tai, and Qrow beside him waiting for him to wake up, Jaune was only sleeping for a short time since all the stress in his body and mental stress was healed by Avalon, the amount of magic that he used was too much for even Avalon to heal instantaneously which was thinking if he should just make a perfect copy of Avalon instead of his modified one.

"How long was I asleep." Jaune asked.

"About thirty minutes or so." Qrow answered.

"I see that it was successful." Jaune said.

"Thank you Jaune, for everything you did for me, you even had to reveal a secret that you did not want anyone to find out." Summer said while smiling thankfully to Jaune.

"It's no problem Mrs. Rose, I will do whatever I can in my power to help the people I care about be happy, and Ruby and Yang is someone I care about a lot and maybe Qrow and Tai as well." Jaune said making a joke about Qrow and Tai, which got Qrow to shout out 'hey'.

"Thank you, Jaune. For helping me reunite with my wife and I'm sure Ruby and Yang will be happy to see their mother again." Tai said. While smiling.

"Yeah, but right now we need to find a way to get out of here, since Summer's soul is back in her body the magic that was saturating this area will disappear, meaning that the Grimms will start flooding this place." Jaune said.

"Well shit, the Quinjet is quite a bit far from here, we will need to be care as well since the area is filled with very powerful Grimms." Qrow said.

"If that is the case then Qrow I suggest you use Harpe, an here Tai this is for you, it is called Beowulf, a weapon that is a bane of Grimm since it has the same power as a Silver eyes, I think since I made them to emit light/holy magic when used, you can make the light energy blow up inside the Grimm when you punch it or you can gather it in your palm and fire it like Yang's Ember Celica, the boots just the same thing as the gauntlets." Jaune said while handing over the devil arm, then he looked at Summer and realise that she did not have any weapons.

"Mrs. Rose, what kind of weapon do you prefer, since I have a lot of weapons I might have something for you." Jaune said.

"If you have any Scythes then I will go for that. And by the way you can call me Summer, Jaune." Summer says to Jaune. Jaune took out a weapon from his ring that he wears everywhere.

"This is Osiris, it is an Angelic weapon capable of emitting the same light/holy magic just like Beowulf, I think that if you try and use the power of the silver eyes to it, it might get stronger." Jaune said.

Osiris is an angelic form of the Rebellion sword, it was the first angelic form that Dante got for Rebellion, it is a light, speedy scythe that is both powerful and reliable. It specializes in aerial attacks and its abilities are centred around giving its wieldier weightlessness and agility to move through the air and traverse the environment with ease.

Summer tries to add the power of her silver eyes to the weapon and it was extremely easy for her to do so since the power of her eyes is like that of Osiris. She was amazed by the fact that when she held Osiris, she felt a lot lighter as if someone was holding her up but she knew that it was the scythe's doing. Summer tested out the scythe and it felt very natural to her as if she has used it her whole life, she swung the scythe left and right to test it and she did it without any effort at all, which amazed Jaune since people normally take some time to get used to a new weapon but Summer is making it look like she has used Osiris for a long time.

"So, what's the plan Jaune." Qrow asked.

"I'm not sure, but the first thing we need to do is find a way to go around the Grimms, if we try to fight them straight on we will be overwhelmed very quickly, so I think that we should first get away from this cave since I know that now that this place will no longer have any protection the Grimm will try and head this way, so let's get out of here now." Jaune said and they all nodded and they all got their weapons at hand and is ready to fight when needed.

When they got out of the cave, Jaune was right the Grimms were heading their way so they go out of there as fast as they can but they were seen by some Grimm, so they had to fight it on the way out.

They had a long way to go, and they knew that they were being chased by hordes of ancient Grimms that is stronger than anything they had to deal with, but they did not see one specific Grimm that as over two metres tall holding a bone-like sword running towards them in blinding speed, when it reached them it brought its blade over its head and slashed towards Jaune, luckily at the last moment Jaune felt a tingling sensation warning him of something wrong and he immediately looked around and saw a towering figure.

The moment the giant Grimm attacked Jaune, all the Grimms in their vicinity stopped what they were doing, as if the giant Grimm is in control of the other Grimm, the next moment Jaune, Qrow, Tai, and Summer was shocked at what they had just witnessed, especially Jaune since this Grimm was stronger and smarter than the Grimm hound.

"Yooou, aaare iiiin mmy ttterritttory, huuuuman, iiiiif yyyooouuu wwwant to leave, thheen yyooou fffighhht." The Grim said.

"I got this guy, all of you head to the Quinjet, maybe I can buy you guys sometime." Qrow said.

"Noooot yoooouuu, hiiiimmm." The giant Grimm said dismissing Qrow and pointing at Jaune.

"heeeee, stroooongest." The grim said.

"Okay, I will fight, but what is it in for me." Jaune asked, he understood that this Grimm is far smarter than any Grimm he has seen, even smarter than the hound for volume eight of RWBY.

"Yooou fiiiight, and yooou wiiiiin yoooou llleeeave, weeee lleeeeeave." The Grimm said.

"Jaune, you can't be seriously going to fight this thing." Tai said.

"We have no choice, if we fight and I win, then we can all leave peacefully." Jaune said.

"We don't even know if this thing will really let us go if you win, for all we know he might just make the surrounding Grimms attack us." Qrow said.

"You're right I don't know if it will really let us go, but at least if I fight it you guys might be able to figure some way to get out of here." Jaune said.

"He is right Tai, he don't have much choice, it is either fight it one on one or get overwhelmed by all the Grimms around us." Summer said.

"Fine, but be careful Jaune, I can feel that, that thing might be stronger than we might think." Tai said.

Jaune nodded at the three and brought out a weapon, this weapon is not the usual weapon that Jaune uses since he might need some insurance against his current opponent so the weapon that he took out was a holy sword, Arondight. At first when the giant Grimm challenge Jaune the Excalibur inside of his soul started to stir but Jaune made it calm down since it was not yet the time to reveal Excalibur to the world, so he took out Arondight instead.

Jaune took a fighting stance and so did the Grimm, this made the alarm go off inside Jaune's head since the Grimm is using a proper sword stance and it was more shocking since they stance the Grimm was using was not a copy of his, but a completely different stance that is perfect for its bastard sword looking bone sword.

After a few second of observing each other the Grimm rushed at Jaune, it did a left diagonal slash, Jaune was able to easily parry it but he realised that the amount of raw strength the Grimm has was massive, after parrying, Jaune countered the hit with his own, he hit it extremely fast but was blocked by the Grimm. Jaune knew the moment that the Grimm was able to speak quite clear, he knew that this Grimm was far more dangerous than all the Grimms that was surrounding them, it was the reason that the Grimm stopped their attack when it came to view.

Jaune fought the Grimm seriously, block after block, parry after parry, Jaune would observe his opponents' movement and see if he can notice even a sliver of opening than he can exploit, the Grimm was doing the same, but while doing so, it made its hits stronger and stronger, but Jaune was able to easily dodge, block or parry the attacks but he was struggling a bit with getting a clean hit, so he decided to be more creative, he used his sword to reflect the moonlight towards the Grimm and that gave him enough time to activate the power of Arondight, he charged it and cleaved his sword towards the Grimm and but the Grimm was able to block it with its sword, but the power of Arondight destroyed the bone like sword and hit the ċhėst of the Grimm but was not able to kill.

After the fight Jaune, saw that the Grimm was laughing, he was a bit wary of it since he has never seen a Grimm laugh, he readied his sword to counter its attack but it never came, Jaune saw that the Grimm was struggling to stand, he was planning to kill the Grimm but he realises even after the Grimm was defeated the other Grimms did not attack.

"yoooou wwwwiiiiiin, Huuuuummmaaannn." The Grimm said.

"Weee, annncieent Griiimmmm are hooonooorabbble whhheeeenn weeeee fiiiight, yooou wwwwiiiin, sssssooooo yyyooooouuuu llllleaaavve, rrriiiiddeee gggrrriimmm toooo yoooourrrr looocccattttioooon sssssoooooo nooooo ooootheeeeer griiiiimmmm atttaaacckkk yooooou." The giant grim said while signalling a few Sabyr Grimm to come forward.

"Wait, doesn't the Grimms listen to the Grimm queen, why would they listen to you." Summer asked, this question also got the interest of Tai, Qrow and Jaune since they taught all Grimms follow Salem.

"Griiiimmmm Quuueeeeeen issssssss, faaakkeeee grriiiiiim, wwwweeeee ancccient grriiiimmm dooo nooooot fooooolllloooow fffaaakkee queeeeen onnnnllllyyyy neeeewwwbboooorrnn grrriiiimmm foooolllloooow fffaaaaakkkkeeee quuuuueeeen." The giant Grimm said. Now the four at least knew that ancient Grimms are not in Salem's control and they are a bit relieved that far older Grimms do not follow her.

"If you don't follow the fake Grimm queen, then why do stay here." Jaune asked curiously since they can attack the people at any time since they are smart enough and don't have to rely on sensing negativity or follow their instinct.

The Grimm explained to them that ancient Grimms only attack when their creator tells them to, meaning that since the God of Darkness is no longer in Remnant they have no reason to attack the Humans or Faunus, after that they rode the Sabyr to the location of the Quinjet, it did not take long since, one they are not searching for anything, two they are no longer having to sneak around Grimms, three the Sabyr's was fast, not as fast as their speed but it was a lot easier since Grimm wasn't attacking them, lastly, they are moving in a direct line to the Quinjet, so it only took them three hours to arrive.

The moment they arrived the Sabyr just let and returned to the ancient Grimm or the group thinks since there was no other reason for it to remain with them. Jaune, Qrow, Tai and Summer enter the Quinjet, and they were relieved that they can finally safely leave the Grimmlands. Jaune headed to the ċȯċkpit of the Quinjet and spoke to Veronica, the A.I. on the Quinjet.

"Veronica, set destination to Beacon Academy." Jaune said instructing his A.I...

"I'm sorry sir but unfortunately, while you were out for a few days, a Geist Grimm tried to possess the Quinjet but I was successfully able to repel it, but upon doing so a few functions were damage and one of them happens to be the autopilot and scanners." Veronica said. With that, he went towards the three who was having a reunion and talked to them.

"Hey Guys, I have some good and bad news, which do you guys want to hear first." Jaune told them.

"Well, it's best to get the bad news first so that we at least have something to look forward to with the good news." Qrow said.

"Well bad news is that the autopilot is busted and someone will have to fly this bird manually." Jaune said.

"Well damn, that is actually bad news." Qrow said.

"So, what is the good news." Tai asked.

"The good news is that I know how to fly this bird but I need you all to strap in since it might be a bumpy ride.." Jaune said and everyone on the Quinjet took a seat and used the straps to lock themselves in place, and Jaune headed to the ċȯċkpit and started to fly the Quinjet back to the Beacon.

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